Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1385: Shenye Pond

The long river rolled in and chased Xiao Yun.

It was only that Xiao Yun had already escaped and appeared a hundred miles away. When the Changhe evolved from the **** pattern came after him, the power had weakened.

Get stuck!

Xiao Yun's eyebrows flashed, and her body disappeared immediately.

The attack evolving from the restraint passed by without hurting him.

Only in the distance, Xiao Yun seemed to be overwhelmed.

When the long river passed, the void gradually calmed down.

And the forbidden breath on the Lingchi began to be restrained.

This large array is already incomplete, plus the existence of 10,000 years, the power is gone.

When that wave disappeared, there was no trace of Xiao Yun in the void.

"Is it dead?" The practitioner in Xuanyu stared at the void.

"What genius? What is the streak of seventy-one games? Isn't that ridiculous?" A few young men hummed beside Yuan Tianzhang.

The others were silent, secretly in their hearts, "This Xiao Yun is so ridiculed?"

Yuan Tianyu's eyes were as tight as staring at the front.

Peerless is also sinking in water, but the eyes are blinking.

When the long river rolled in, he clearly saw a ripple coming from Xiao Yun's side.


Just then, a ripple appeared in the void ahead.

When the ripples appeared, Xiao Yun's body appeared near Xiao Feng and others out of thin air.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" Xiao Feng rushed forward.

The horrible fluctuations just now are really shocking.

Xiao Yun glanced at everyone and smiled slightly.

"This Xiao Yun is all right?"

"He ... where did he go?" When Xiao Yun appeared, Xuan Yu's genius was surprised.

The young man disappeared just now.

How could he come out of thin air now?

"This person has a very rich heritage." No eyes flashed, his heart darkened, "In the palm of his hand, there is a treasure."

How powerful is the forbidden pattern of God just now?

But this Xiao Yun resisted the moment.

Then he retreated.

Based on this, it is enough to show that his heritage is not comparable to ordinary people.

"There is nothing !?" Even Tian Tianyuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

That kind of attack just now, but even he felt frightened!

Xiao Yun's whole body retreated, making Xuan Yu's two geniuses give him a high look.

"Let's go!" After getting the colorful lotus, Xiao Yun flashed his eyes and said to Princess Qilin and others.

Then he bypassed the pool and headed forward.

There is a cliff ahead.

Inside the cliff, there are ancient caves.

That was the forbidden ground where the Tianjing **** bamboo shoots grew.

"Let's go too!" Seeing Xiao Yun advancing, Yuan Tianchi flashed his eyes and immediately followed.

Peerless is also strolling away.

Now that the spiritual extract of the Lingchi in front has been obtained by Xiao Yun, they have no chance.

Moreover, the prohibition is so dangerous that no one dares to take risks.

Along the way, I crossed some ancient rivers.

Finally, there was a wide field ahead.

The wide land is surrounded by rivers.

It's just the end, but it's a cliff.

To set foot on the ground, you must pass a house number.

This house is engraved with ancient characters.

Changhe Forbidden Land!

Four ancient characters are vigorous and powerful.

Looking from a distance, it seems like a dragon is flying, and a giant river is roaring.

Xiao Yun and others moved in front of the house.

There are forbidden marks in front of the house number.

The forbidden pattern almost shrouded the cliff.

If you want to enter it, you must use the long card of Changhezong.

Today, this forbidden pattern is invisible, but as soon as the talents landed, the sudden spatial fluctuations caused a ripple in the house.

Then, a halo shrouded the world.

An immense amount of might and power spread out,

This kind of divine power, even Xiao Yun frowned.

"This prohibition is complete!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

With strong perception, he can find that the restraint is stronger than the previous Lingchi.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the ancient school, and the **** pattern restraint laid naturally is deeper!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly, then a palm of his hand, a waist card appeared.

This is Changhezong's waist card, which was obtained by Princess Kirin.

When the waist card appeared, Xiao Yun immediately injected his true yuan into it.

When this Zhenyuan was injected into the waistband, there was a wave of water-like fluctuations on it immediately.

The ripples swayed immediately after the prohibition shrouded in front of the house.


A rune emerged within the ban.

This rune flashed out and merged with the rune on the waist card, it seems to be verifying.

After discovering the familiar atmosphere, the rune was restrained.

Then, a light pattern was emitted from above the waist card.

This light pattern is like a blade, tearing a crack directly in front.

"Everyone enters quickly!" Xiao Yun said immediately when the crack appeared.

Because he found that when the light pattern was torn open, the forbidden pattern was continuously absorbing his true elements.

If time continues, he will have difficulty supporting.

The same is true, so every time you open it, you can't get too many people in.

It is also at this time that the array is weaker than in the ancient times.

Otherwise, only the strong of the faction can start.

Even the emperor cannot open this formation.

When Xiao Yun spoke, Princess Kirin and others immediately entered inside.

Just momentarily, nearly two hundred people entered.

After all these people entered, Xiao Yun took a palm of his hand, put away the waist card, and then his body, like a fish, passed through the gap.

The next moment, he entered the house number.

When Xiao Yun entered the house, Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang also came one after another.

They also have waist cards and have entered inside.

Within the house number, there is a wide expanse.

There are several trails in this wide area.

This is the way to several forbidden areas.

Some forbidden areas are the martial arts forbidden areas of Changhezong.

Some are Lingcui Medicine Gardens.

There is also the cave where the crystal **** bamboo shoot was located that day.

"Tianjing Shensun's cave is here." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he locked a direction.

Princess Kirin, Phoenix Girl and others followed.

At the end of the trail is a cave.

Just inside the cave, there is still a prohibition.

"Are there restrictions?" Xiao Yun frowned slightly at the entrance of the cave.

There are two stone pillars next to it, which are engraved with lines to prevent people from advancing.

"But the power of this divine pattern does not seem to be so strong." A little induction, Xiao Yun found that the divine pattern was no longer powerful.

The light streaks were dim when they flickered, an unsustainable look.

Obviously, this array of gods has consumed the vitality of that year.

The power of the formation law is not there today.

"This array can be forcibly broken!" Swallowed Heavenly Supreme began.

Xiao Yun shot strongly.

Destroy the spear!

The spear of extermination flashed out, piercing toward the forbidden light curtain.


Suddenly, this light pattern bloomed a terror.

The divine pattern trembled like a torrent.

At this point, Princess Kirin and others have already withdrawn.

When the divine pattern trembled, a wave of terror swept across.

Xiao Yun still stood in front of the cave.

"Swallow me!" He stared at the light, and directly swallowed the **** tower.

The light rays of the pagoda flashed into a cyclone, swallowing up all the horrible aftermath.


By this time, the spear of destruction had broken the restraint.

When the restraint was broken, the aftermath of that horror had dissipated.

The cyclone on Xiao Yun dissipated.

Then he moved forward and walked forward.

Only after entering the cave, a strong heaven and earth aura came out.

That kind of aura made Xiao Yun's eternal turtles and phantom insects scorching hot.

"This aura is a little divine!" Changsheng Turtle's eyes flashed.

"This is the aura that is unique to the gods!" Phantom Worm was extremely excited. "Haha, there must be any celestial shoots in it, and Lord Worm will reach a perfect state."

"It seems that there should be Tianjing Shen bamboo shoots inside." When entering this cave, even Xiao Yun's heart slammed.

If he gets the liquid quenched body of the **** bamboo shoot, he will surely get transformed.

At this moment, looking away, it is a channel paved with crystal.

In front of the passage, there is a strong heaven and earth aura sweeping out.

"Is this a cave with sky crystal **** shoots?"

When she entered the hole, even Phoenix Girl was moved.

Because the energy inside is too strong.

As for Xiao Feng, Zhao Zheng and others are all hot.

"Flying into the sky! Flying into the sky!" They were extremely excited inside.

"Is there a divine fluid here?" Even the calmness of silence was muttering.

Struggling for so many years.

He has always wanted to be a genius, to get ahead.

But after stepping into Wuzong, he realized that he was really nothing.

There are too many geniuses in this world.

Although he also got a lot of opportunities, but that opportunity was not enough to make him fly into the sky and turn the fish into a dragon.

Now, obviously, it is time to meet this opportunity!

It can be said that everyone who enters this cave is extremely excited, and no one is not excited.

Xiao Yun and others proceeded along the passage.

After walking a kilometer, a huge cave finally appeared.

The cave is wide and bright.

Just entered here, took a deep breath, and made people feel that they had come to the **** realm.

Looking away, I saw a pool of crystals in front of me.

There are many pools, from bottom to top, one with nine floors.

There are nineteen pools on the first floor.

There are twelve pools on the second floor.

There are nine pools on the third floor.


There is only one pool on the ninth floor.

At the same time, on the top of these ponds, there are spar-like bamboo shoots hanging upside down.

At the top of this cave, I don't know what the **** earth is, and it actually gave birth to so many **** bamboo shoots.

The **** bamboo shoots are hung with water droplets like crystal liquid slipping off.

These drops of water fell into a pool below.

These drops of water then pooled.

This is the top pool.

The pool is large and occupies most of the cave.

"The first pond is pure Tianjing Shen bamboo shoot liquid, and the bottom pond flows down from the top and is diluted. Going down, the divine fluid becomes scarce, and even the lower ponds have long lost the divine fluid. "

As soon as Xiao Yun's eyes moved, he saw the clue.

There are many ponds ~ ~ But the one who really has the magic liquid is the first.

In other words, if you want to quench the body thoroughly, you must go to the first pond.

And so on.

These ponds will soon have the liquid of the **** bamboo shoots, and the liquid of the spiritual spring.

As long as the eyes turn, you can see some small trickles beside the pool.

There is a spring flowing into the pond.

When the pond was full, the trickle didn't know how to fill the pond with water.

In addition, beside the pool, a ban was also seen.

"It seems that if you want to go to those pools, you have to test the results!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the step was taken toward the pool in front.

For him, the divine fluid in the first pond was already inevitable.

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