Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1386: Divine War

Xiao Yun stepped forward and advanced towards the Shenye Pool.

Behind him, Princess Kirin, Phoenix Girl and others followed.

As they moved forward, a person from the Xuan Realm followed.

There are a lot of people in Xuanyu. After seeing the pond in front of them, all eyes are fiery.

Especially the hanging celestial bamboo shoots in front.

The **** bamboo shoots are like crystals, with runes dangled on them, and mist lingering on them, making the top of the cave beautiful and beautiful, like a fantasy.

"Is this Divine Extract?" Xuan Yu's eyes were fiery.

"Tianjing Shensun?" Yuan Tianzhang blinked.

"That is the pool of divine fluid?" Peerless eyes fell into the spirit pool ahead.

At this moment, they were all enthusiastic.

If they have the divine fluid, they will be transformed, and even if they step into the sanctuary, they will become that kind of existence.

You know, this divine liquid is not available to everyone in the sanctuary!

They will set foot on the ancient road in order to find this kind of opportunity, so that they can get good resources when they enter the sanctuary.

Otherwise, if you have stepped into the sanctuary before, it will be difficult to win your own status.

However, as everyone's eyes turned, their sights changed again.

At this moment Xiao Yun was leading everyone to set foot on the Lingchi.

There are steps in the center of Lingchi for people to move forward.

Originally beside the Lingchi, there are forbidden patterns all over, and if you want to move forward, you need to correspond to a certain talent constitution.

But after ten thousand years, these forbidden patterns actually lost their effect.

Xiao Yun and others just kept going forward.

"No, they are about to set foot in that pool of magic liquid!" Seeing this, the people in Xuanyu could not help exclaiming.

Divine fluid is limited.

If they are used up by the people of Tianduyu, what else do they use to quench the body?

"There is a power of restraint on it." When Xiao Yun stepped on the top third level of the pond, he began to feel an ancient force of restraint.

This force oppressed his blood and blood.

"It's hard to move forward at the beginning." Zhao Zheng also felt an invisible force oppressing down.

"Uh, uh!"

At this point, Yuan Tianzhang turned into a figure coming quickly.

Peerless is also strolling away.

Behind him, Tian Qingshan and others followed closely.

When these people came, the faces of the people in Tianduyu changed.

In addition, other forces enter the cave.

Lingchi Terrace is very wide.

However, there is only one true divine pool.

Now that all parties are gathering, the situation here has become tense.

Xiao Yun didn't care.

But at this time, his brows were slightly frowned.

His footsteps were slight, and he turned.

Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang have already appeared nearby, and a powerful momentum permeated them.

Previously, the multicolored **** lotus was blocked by a **** pattern, so they did not compete.

Now how can you easily let go of this divine fluid?

The powerful momentum of the two erupted, making the air near the pool of ponds become extra dense.


Many kings felt that their blood vessels seemed to burst and their bodies receded.

Zhao Zheng and others frowned.

They are just magical realms, and have not stepped into the half-passage realm.

But this Yuan Tianzhang has already reached the half-step pass.

That unparalleled is already stepping into the quasi-pass heaven.

Is it possible that their emanation can be withstood by ordinary people?

After their momentum burst out, the followers of other forces did not dare to rush forward.

They knew that a battle might begin.

If the strength is not enough, it is just looking for abuse.

This Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang are the existence of the battleable emperor!

"What do you mean by these two?" Seeing that Zheng Zheng and others were backed up by the powerful momentum emanating from Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang, and even the population spit blood, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his already moving forward The body stepped down from the Lingchi steps and stood forward.

At the same time, a powerful momentum burst out on him.


There was a ripple in the space, and the momentum collided with each other, opposing each other.

Although Xiao Yun was only half a step away from heaven, the momentum was no worse than that of Wushuang and Yuan Tianzhang.

Moreover, with his own strength, he completely resisted the momentum from the two.

Such a scene made Yuan Tianzheng's face change and change.

It seems that this young man is far stronger than he imagined!

Unparalleled but still indifferent.

It is hard to say who is strong and who is weak without a real war.

Zhao Zheng and others were behind Xiao Yun.

But everyone is not afraid, they all push the momentum to the limit.

They were also staring at Xuan Yu with a look of indifference.

"There is only one real divine liquid pool, but there is more than one power. I think before that, you should divide the belonging of the divine liquid pool." There was no twinkle in his eyes, and the sound was light, as if from heaven. His voice is not high, but it is full of unquestionable taste, which makes people timid.

It's just sound waves, but it's like having supreme power.

He really came to the dust like a god.

Seeing Wushuang opening, Tian Qingshan and others were all hot.

If there is no match, they really do n’t know how to fight Xiao Yun!

"Dividing the ownership of the Shenchi?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun glanced coldly, Shen said, "How do you want to divide?"

"Naturally is a battle!" Yuan Tianxuan whispered.

The pale blue robe hunted on him, and an astonishing gasp erupted.

The suffocation burst out, as if the sharp blade generally tore the void.

Yuan Tianzhang's hair was soaring, his roots were like blades, and his momentum was so strong that he reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people.

"Is it a battle?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Are you going to fight me?"

"That's right." Yuan Tianzhang flashed his eyes and was imposing, "Would you dare to fight with me? I don't use the magical soldiers, I only use magical powers to fight you!"

"Why so?" Xiao Yun frowned, staring at the Tian Tianyuan, Shen said, "If you want to fight, let's go together!"

When the words fell, a powerful momentum burst out from Xiao Yun.

His long hair fluttered, his warfare stunned.

From the point of view of breath, this Yuan Tianyi is also a genius, but Xiao Yun wants to see how powerful this genius is.

"This man is so arrogant. How dare he let Yuan Gongzi go with Wushuang Gongzi?"

"He didn't know the power of Yuan Gongzi. If he knew that Yuan Gongzi's heavenly body was too late, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the courage."

Xuan Yu's genius grinned.

"Now Yuan Gongzi is unparalleled in physical strength. On that day, the spirit of sacrifice is a blend of the spirit of the gods. The combat power can already be proud of the same generation. Who can compete with it?"

"Yes, the Son of the Twins has the sixth-ranked twin martial spirit in ancient times. His martial spirit is immaculate, his combat power is extraordinary, and he is a well-deserved person for Xuan Yu. Such a genius is enough to sweep the Quartet. This day Duyu guys want to let them go together, is this contempt for my Xuanyu? "

Xuan Yu's genius looked down.

Such a genius, who is amazing, is so despised?

Doesn't this mean that Xuan Yu is unmanned?

"This Xiao Yun's momentum seems stronger than before." Tian Qingshan murmured in his heart.

At the same time, his eyes were full of expectations.

Looking forward to fighting these geniuses.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since no one provoked Yuan Gongzi and Wushuang Gongzi like this!"

There are many people who show the appearance of watching a theater.

Especially those who came here afterwards all waited and see from a distance.

"Let ’s go together?" Just after Xiao Yun's words came down, Yuan Tianmao's face sank suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he stared at Xiao Yun in front of him and said, "I'm enough to deal with you alone." "When the words fell, there was a stern sigh of sighing from him, these sighs were like sharp blades.

Hey, hey!

The radon screamed, and the momentum was as powerful as a storm of radon slamming Xiao Yun.

Under this momentum, Xiao Yun moved slightly.

Zhao Zheng and others behind him hurried back.

"You fight first, and the winner fights with me again, to decide who will occupy the God pool, and the loser will be analogized." The pairless hands next to him carried his hands lightly, but he spoke slightly, but in his tone he had a transcendent taste. It spread, and it was obvious that he did not intend to shoot with Yuan Tianzhang.

As a genius, he didn't bother.

"Okay, open the **** array platform!" Yuan Tianzhang blinked his eyes, and his eyes fell under the Lingchi.

There was a battle platform there, carved with godliness.

This is a battleground reserved for the geniuses who are competing for the Shenchi.

"Okay, fight!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he fell towards the battle platform.

Yuan Tianzhang followed.


When the two fell on this platform, a divine pattern immediately rose, wrapping them up.

When the two men landed, people of all influences were glaring.

"It is said that this Yuan Tianzhang has gained a touch of god's breath, which has long made the God's body immaculate, even with a hint of god's power." A mysterious genius flashed his eyes and said, "Now his fighting power It ’s strong enough to sweep many geniuses, but I do n’t know if that young man in that tiandu domain can fight against one? ”

"Don't underestimate Xiao Yun, who is in the realm of the sky. At the beginning, he won seventy-one games in a row on the Soul Soul platform. At this time, the momentum was even more extraordinary and presumably a gain. Xuan Yu genius who had seen Xiao Yun fight on the Soulbreaker stage also showed his face full of expectations.

Especially Naada Castle Peak.

He had fought with Xiao Yun.

He is looking forward to someone who can crush this youth.

However, in his heart there was an inexplicable feeling. It seemed that Yuan Tianzhang would not win so easily!

"Xuan Yu, Yuan Tianzhang, he has a heavenly **** body!" Yuan Tianzhang's hair fluttered, his breath was screaming like a sharp blade, his eyes flashed, and he confidently introduced himself to Xiao Yun.

"Tiandu Yu, Xiao Yun, has a battle martial arts spirit, and a unicorn magical power!" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and said his two kinds of hole cards.

As for the other ~ ~, he was more lazy.

"Zhan Wu soul? Qilin bloodline?" Yuan Tianchi's brow arched and his eyes were surprised.

"It's so good. I'll see if your ancient warrior spirit is strong, or if my heavenly gods are powerful!"

Yuan Tianyi said in a deep voice.

At the same time, a bit of coldness appeared in his eyes.

From the beginning, this ethnic young man was extremely proud and made him very upset. He wanted to see how strong the other party was.

"Whoever is strong and who is weak, everything has to be fought." Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his body was full of blood.

Then his fist flashed and he blasted towards Yuan Tianzhang ahead.

"Please ask for a monthly ticket to help me Xiao Yun obtain the divine fluid, train the **** body, invincible ancient road, dominate the sanctuary." Xiao Yun said.

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