Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1387: Oracle Sword

On the ancient battle platform, the gods pattern flashed, Xiao Yun and Yuan Tianzhang opposed.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun shot directly, and didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with the other party.


When his fist blasted out, there was a flash of fire immediately, and a unicorn whistled out.

This unicorn appeared, aggressive, and the hot flames swept the square.

"Is this a pure-blooded unicorn?" Seeing this, Yuan Tianzhang's eyes were surprised, and then he sneered, "What about unicorns, my godly spirit can cut the world!"

Then, he stepped forward, and was not afraid of the unicorn that was coming.

I could only see Yuan Tianzhang's green robe agitating, and his body screaming out of breath.

This suffocation, like a sharp blade, was cut directly towards Xiao Yun.

Hey, hey!

Every sigh of anger was cut off towards Xiao Yun.

This suffocation is really strong, every trace can cut the mountains and rivers.

Xiao Yun felt that his scalp was full of hair.

If ordinary people face this kind of suffocation, it is really irresistible.

But Xiao Yun's fist went straight.


Kirin roared, with flames of rage, drowning that suffocation.

It was just that the suffocation was cut off, tearing the flames, and it was no worse than the unicorn fire of Xiao Yun.

Then, Yuan Tianzhang also blasted out.

His fist flickered with dim light and directly confronted Kirin.


Kirin was crushed and Yuan Tianzhang was as imposing.

"Since he defeated Brother Yun's evolved unicorn." Seeing this, Xiao Feng's eyes were surprised.

"This Yuan Tianzhang really seems to have no time for constitution." Xiao Lingyun next to him was also nervous.

Flawless constitution ...

This kind of character can set foot in the sanctuary!

"Brother Xiao will surely win." Zhao Zheng was confident.

"But I don't know who is stronger or weaker?" At this time, the people in Xuan Yu were also full of fiery.

Even the unparalleled are watching the war here.

On the stage.

I saw Yuan Tianzheng's momentum as rainbow, that fist broke the unicorn, and then he got close to himself.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's fist also followed.

The fists of the two were as if the meteorite in the sky collided with each other.

When the fist hit, there was a burst of fire, and the void was shining brightly.

Although the battle platform was covered with divine patterns, people in the distance could still see that the void was broken.

Fist hit.

That's the power of confrontation, and the magical powers are at war.

The fire pattern flashed on Xiao Yun's fist, as if to burn everything.

Breathing on Yuan Zheng's fist, as if cut out with a sharp blade, each strand is very powerful.

Under this kind of anger, the flames of Xiao Yun's fist were actually cut off.

That radon is like a vortex, it can smash everything.


In this confrontation, the bodies of the two flickered, both of them retreating.

"I have such a bit of strength."

He hurled towards Xiao Yun, showing his fiery face.

As a genius, he is also looking forward to someone to fight him.

"Natural spirit, not bad!" Xiao Yun also retreated and whispered after holding her shape.

That suffocation was really strong just now.

Although it is just a kind of qi, but that power is stronger than the ordinary soldier blade, it has reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people.

"Haha, I just restrained the spirit of the **** just now. If the spirit of the **** comes out, then the power will be stronger. You should try your best. Let me see the 71-game winning streak in Soulbreaker What's so unique about your genius? Does it have a reputation? "Yuan Tianyi laughed loudly, and the words were full of self-confidence.

He who has obtained the spirit of the gods is almost like a **** body, and is no longer an ordinary man.

"Spirit of Qi?" Xiao Yun evoked a faint smile. "If you don't have Qi of Qi, this battle is really boring, so try your best."

His words were also full of self-confidence, and the whole man was wary.

There was a strong blood power bursting out of him while he was talking.

This is Kirin blood power.

At the same time, the light lines on his brows flickered, and the lines on the Zhanwu spirit also flickered out.

He was blessed with a horrendous fight.

Only in an instant, Xiao Yun's momentum rose more than a few times.

He was fighting like a river, and he was going to turn into a monstrous force and rush forward.

"This momentum?" When that monstrous warfare merged with Kirin's blood, even Yuan Tianzhang was shocked by Xiao Yun's momentum.

At this time, Xiao Yun and the previous were just two people.

After feeling this momentum of Xiao Yun, Yuan Tiandi did not dare to carelessly.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the sigh of breath on his body whistled with a faint whisper of breath.

This kind of suffocation is exactly the spirit of deity.

This is the radon left by the gods, which was obtained by Yuan Tianzhang.

At this moment, sighing and screaming, there was a mighty shock.

He is like a **** son bathed in a storm of gas.

That momentum makes people dare not get close.

Because once approached, they may be killed by radon.


Xiao Yun shot, using the blood of Kirin to urge the martial arts of God.

He took a step, but shot it with his big hand, but it was a unicorn palm.

The giant palm fell, the flames roared, and there were dazzling road patterns, which evolved into a giant palm.

The flash of this huge palm completely covered the front of the battlefield.

Under this huge palm, the force of terror swept through, and also contained amazing warfare.

Although the war intentions are invisible, they can capture the soul and shock the soul.

Even sky-high warfare is overwhelming, and it can wipe out that suffocation.

With such a blow, Mo said Zhuntong Heaven, even the emperor was shocked.

At this moment, Yuan Tianzhang understood why this young man was so arrogant.

"Okay, that's why I want to be so cool!"

In Xuan Yu, he is almost invincible, except for peerless peers.

Of course, that was before.

Now that he has gained the spirit of the god, the God body of God has no time, and he is confident that he can compete with the peerless and alone star.

He had few rivals before, and was naturally extremely excited when he met such a genius as Xiao Yun.

Right now, his momentum burst out.

The shouting spirit of his body whistled, and the void of the battle platform was torn.

The horror wave shook the empty space that shrouded the platform.

Not only that, the monstrous warfare overwhelmed by the fallen unicorn giant palms began to be torn by this kind of gas.

Divine Sword!

When the sigh of breath screamed out, Yuan Tianzhang's eyes were condensed, and the palm of his hand moved, the endless sigh of breath was condensed in front of him.


Just momentarily, a sword of breath was formed by him.

The sword is very fierce, and the faint lines on it flicker, exuding the breath of god.

The breath is dreadful and gives a feeling that the soul is to be penetrated.

Before the long sword was fired, the fierce suffocation tore the void and shook the sea of ​​fire, almost to collapse.

"The spirit of the gods was really fused by him." Not far away, there was no light in his eyes, and there was a rare dignity on his face.

This Yuan Tianzhang was a genius.

At that time, there was no staggering vibe in 36 consecutive games in the soul-breaking platform.

Now that he is fused with the spirit of the gods, how powerful is it?

So at this moment this unparalleled can not help but glance at this Yuan Tianzhang.

"Yuan Tianmao is really a hero!"

Seeing Tian Tianyuan's breathless sword with a dazzling pattern, Tian Qingshan's face was astonished.

At this point, many geniuses in Xuan Yu's eyes were in awe.

"At this moment, the son of Tian Xuan is going all out to defeat Xiao Yun that day!" The geniuses who followed Yuan Tianzhen all evoked a smile.

Exalted Sword!

Yuan Tianchi held the sword of the god, and then moved his palm.

The sword air is swirling!

All he could see was his long sword picking, the sigh of breath screaming, the divine pattern wriggling into a sword cyclone stabbing towards the unicorn giant palm ahead.

This cyclone started small.

However, as the cyclone continued to stir, it grew larger and bigger, and finally, like a galaxy cyclone, to swallow the heavens and earth, the radon stirs and smashed the fire of Kirin. Under this cyclone, the monstrous war will be swallowed up. The point of the sword is through the void, towards the repressed Kirin's palm.

This sword, very mysterious, contains the general trend of the sword.

Cooperating with that godly spirit, it is extremely powerful and beyond the resistance of ordinary people.

"This sword is so strong!" In the distance, everyone just saw a sacred sword stabbed on the battle platform, and then the qi was turned into a swirl, which engulfed the original sea of ​​fierce fire. People were frightened, and even the kings of Tianduyu couldn't help glancing at Yuan Tianzhang.

Because they clearly know how powerful Xiao Yun's combat power is.

But now that such a powerful offensive has been disintegrated?

This is enough to illustrate the power of Yuan Tianmao.

Of course, although everyone took a high look at Yuan Tianzhang, it did not mean that he had lost confidence in Xiao Yun.


At this moment, the god's sword hole pierced through the void, breaking through the flames and towering war stab on the giant palm of Kirin.

When the long sword came into contact with the palm of the unicorn, the heart of the practitioner who watched the war couldn't help tightening.

"Will the palm of Kirin be directly penetrated?" Someone secretly murmured.

Although this giant palm is transformed by magical powers.

But it is really Xiao Yun's palm. If it is penetrated, it is equivalent to being seriously injured.


However, the battle between the long sword and Kirin's palm was a sound of steely clashes.

The voice was so crisp that it spread to the outside through the **** pattern on the battle platform.

When the sound sounded, everyone was stunned.

How did the sword and palm make this sound?

When this voice came out ~ ~ Those who were still dreaming about Xiao Yun's Kirin Palm will be changed by the mysterious Genius Genius who was smashed by the **** sword.

Their eyes were staring closely at the front of the battle platform, and there was a sense of tension and loss in their eyes.

It seems that they also know that Yuan Tianxuan's sword cannot defeat Xiao Yun.

Sure enough, after the crisp voice sounded, the unicorn clashed with light rays, and a monstrous force burst out.

It was endless blood and warfare, such as the overwhelming flood.

Under this power, the sword of the **** trembled, was actually shaken by the fly, and then a horrific warfare swept down.


After the hegemonic warfare swept down, Yuan Tianzhang's body shuddered, and he backed up again and again. The god's sword in his hand whistled and turned into a huge cyclone that shattered the remaining wave in front. One hundred meters later, he was holding his body, but Yuan Tianzhen's face turned red at this time, it seemed that the blow was not pleasing. ()

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