Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1388: Noriyoshi Jintsu [...

Above the battlefield, the fire flickered and the battle was trembling.

Xiao Yun shot with all his strength and repelled Yuan Tianxuan's fierce blow.

However, when Yuan Tianzhang's body retreated, Xiao Yun also retreated a hundred meters.

"This sword of the gods is really strong. If it weren't for the pattern of my Heavenly Fire God's Armor smelted again with Phoenix Phoenix Fire, I'm afraid this palm is really going to be pierced." After stabilizing his shape, Xiao Yunmu As soon as the light condensed, his face was a little bit astonished when he looked forward to Yuan Tianzhang. This was indeed a genius.

Yuan Tianyi is really powerful.

& nb: Pig: Pig: Island: Fiction 3w.osp; But Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

"Is this the ultimate power of your godlike spirit?" Xiao Yun frowned, glancing towards Yuan Tianzhang ahead, evoking a confident arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Want to see my true strength, then you can show your real combat power!" Yuan Tianyu's eyes flashed, his long hair flew, and the momentum of the whole person soared. It seems that he also knows that if he doesn't try his best He really could n’t win the young man in front of him. Of course, he also knew that the young man did n’t do his best and could n’t resist his strongest killing trick. There can be a peak matchup.

The crushing smell will only make him more lonely.

"Just as long as you shoot!" Xiao Yun Shen said.

When the words fell, his momentum was secretly accumulated.

In his body, the pattern of the flames of the flames of the gods flashed that day, and the pattern of the phoenix emerged.

"Okay!" Yuan Tianzhang was also welcome.

When the low voice sounded, Yuan Tianxu was shocked, and a horrible momentum burst out.

Gasping and screaming beside him, constantly spinning, it seemed like a gasping world.

And his body suddenly disappeared in this suffocating world.

At this moment, he seems to be integrated into the radon world, and it seems that the radon world was originally his.

A taoyun filled the air, carrying the general situation of heaven and earth.

This trend locked the front and made people breathe solidified.

This is the general trend that only half-step Tongtianjing practitioners have.

Moreover, this trend is already approaching the quasi-tong heavenly powerhouse.

Obviously, Yuan Tianzhang can also enter the quasi-pass heaven at any time.

When this momentum spread, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Is this the real power?" Xiao Yun smiled, but he still didn't have it.

All he could see was the light of his eyes condensing, the flames of his body blooming.

Zhan Wu soul appeared from the heart of his brows.

At the same time, the flame of fire evolved on him, just like the sea of ​​fire appeared on this platform.

Vaguely, he seemed to turn into a unicorn.

Xiao Yun has many means, but at this moment he just wants to see how his battle martial spirit and Qilin bloodline merge, to what extent can he achieve?

Can we compete with this Yuan Tianzhang.

When Zhan Wu Hun appeared, Xiao Yun's horrific warfare burst out.

The war is raging and endless.

This kind of warfare is integrated into the sea of ​​unicorn fire, making this flame become abnormally hegemonic.

Gods heaven and earth!

Just at this moment, a sudden drinking sound came from the radon space in front of him, and the radon atmosphere suddenly moved towards Xiao Yun's place.

Hey, hey!

At the same time, every bit of anger was cut off like a sharp blade.

This radon is too dense, with hundreds of thousands, it is impossible to calculate.

Moreover, each radon was so powerful that it tore the void in front.

Such an attack is too terrible, it is invincible.

The most shocking thing is that the radon seems to be flowing endlessly. It really seems to be a ravenous world.

Who can resist this offensive?

At this time, people outside the field could not help but breathe in cold air.

"Such an offensive can already sweep through countless half-strength powerful men, right?" Tian Qingshan took a deep breath and looked up at the battle platform in front of him with a grim look.

This Yuan Tianqiang's strength has reached an astonishing point.

Even if there are dozens of half-strength powerful men, they may not be able to compete with them at this time.

"This attack should be able to defeat Xiao Yun!" Murmured Xuan Yu's genius.

At this moment, their awe of Yuan Tianzhang is deeper.

When Yuan Tianzhang showed such a powerful strength, even the youth of Tianduyu looked ashamed.

Especially the practitioners in the demon domain, their nerves are tightened.

Can Xiao Yun win without using the soldiers?

However, at this time Xiao Yun was very dull.

He took a step forward and looked light and light. He seemed to be a pure-blooded unicorn stepping on the sea of ​​fire, as if he was a martial art master.

The immense meaning of martial arts pervaded the atmosphere of the battlefield.

In the true meaning of martial arts, there was also a strong sense of war.

That kind of warfare carries invincibility.

Although it is only imposing, it has the power to crush everything.

The two haven't really shot yet, but that momentum is already at stake.


The flame tumbled against the fierce gasp.

The sea of ​​fire is constantly torn by radon, but it is constantly swept away.

There is also an immortal implication in this sea of ​​fire.

Today Xiao Yun seems to have merged the immortal warfare with the excellent blood power of Kirin.

Under this supernatural power, even though the suffocating world is very powerful, the bully is extremely incomparable, but it is still resisted.

Exalted Sword!

Seeing that his momentum was resisted, a deep voice sounded from within the ravenous world.

Then, the radon world changed, and it turned into a magic sword.

However, this sacred sword is full of potential.

It seems to have a heaven and earth implication.


This sword is cut off, and its power is endless. Compared with the previous sword, it has more avenue breath.

One sword cut is enough to make the emperor evade.

However, Xiao Yun stepped forward.

Palm Splitting Stars!

He took a strong shot and fell directly in the palm of his hand.

This palm fell, and there was a flare of fire on the platform.

The fire seemed to turn into a heaven and earth, suppressing down towards that sword.

At the same time, the giant palm fell, and the **** pattern flickered on it, and a breath of Shinto filled it.

Today, Xiao Yun has exhibited this style of star-split star, and it seems that there have been several kinds of upheaval, beyond the past.

The big palm fell, and the momentum was very strong.

The sword is broken, and this huge palm is to be cut.

Only the two sides are entangled, and they are evenly matched.

Even if Yuan Tianzheng shots with all his strength, he cannot defeat Xiao Yun's palm.

"Isn't it comparable?" Outside the battlefield, everyone looked up, and after seeing the intertwined giant palm and long sword, the eyes showed the desired color.

Both of them have supernatural powers.

Both Xiao Yun and Yuan Tianzhang are invincible.

At this time, Wushuang was completely ashamed.

The two in front of him can already be compared with him.


The long sword cracked, but Xiao Yun could not be defeated.

Yuan Tianzhang began to feel pressure.

The suffocation on the battle platform became more and more fierce, and it seemed to be slashed forward.

Each one is strong.

Xiao Yun felt pressured by this sigh.

Even though he realized the uprightness of martial arts, it was difficult for him to suppress him.

"This godly spirit is truly extraordinary. Although I have the flawless unicorn **** blood, the fusion of **** blood is not enough, so I can't crush this Yuan Tianzhang." After this confrontation, Xiao Yun also understood his shortcomings If it were not for the battle martial spirit and the powerful martial arts attainment, it would be difficult for him to resist Yuan Tianxuan's severe attack.

"That being the case, then use another method!"

When the two sides were deadlocked, Xiao Yun's unicorn's body changed suddenly.

On him, an endless burst of fire burst out suddenly.

When this pattern emerges, it is as if a phoenix evolved.


A crisp crying sounded, and then the Phoenix spread its wings, and the wings were like blades, sweeping forward.

As the wings swept past, an extremely hot flame permeated.

This flame was too horrible. It contained divine power, and then swept out, and the fierce radon in front of it was burned.

"This ..." Suddenly, the face of the people suddenly changed.

This change is too sudden.

At this point on the battlefield, radon had almost no resistance.

Just then, the wings of the Phoenix swept away and struck the sword of the god.

The crisp voice sounded, and the god's sword trembled, and then was blown away.

A hot flame swept through.

"This is Divine Flame?" Shen Fei's sword was shocked, and Yuan Tianzhang's voice was full of surprise.

He was shocked.

This flame was too hot, and it also contained the breath of Shinto, which made him unable to resist.

At the moment, the long sword exploded, at the same time, a radon cyclone evolved and began to stir, trying to resist the fierce attack with the supreme radon.

Suppress the world!

At this time, Xiao Yun shot.

All he saw was that he looked like a unicorn and jumped into the sky, like a phoenix spread his wings, and looked like a young man in the void.

Immediately, with a big hand move, when the air was repressed towards Yuan Tianzhang.

This form is the last of the three types of Zhentian.

Today, this style contains the momentum of the unicorn and the power of the Phoenix. The giant palm falls, and the fire of the Phoenix bursts out. The towering warfare is daunting. On the enemy, it was enough to make people scared. At this time, Yuan Tianzhang felt a palpitation.

He tried his best to stir up his breath and turned it into a huge sword.

It was just that the giant palm was too powerful to resist.


A loud noise fell, and the bloom of flames drowned the battle platform.

Then the radon completely dissipated.

"This ..." Seeing this ~ ~ Xuan Yu's genius is completely choked.

This offensive is really too powerful and seems unbeatable.

"Yuan Tianzhang was defeated?" At this time, Wushuang's eyes were also suddenly shrinking.

Xiao Yun's palm was really too strong, so that Wushuang could not help but take a deep breath.

Later, on the battlefield, the giant palm flashed, the flames were restrained, Kirin dispersed, the Phoenix was absent, and Xiao Yun's body appeared out of thin air.

And when he shot, there was a man spitting blood on that platform.

This man is naturally Yuan Tianyi.

At this point, Yuan Tianhuan vomited blood, his breath was a little weak, and there was an imperial soldier beside him, which was closed by flipping his palm at this time.

The blow just now was really powerful.

If he hadn't urged an imperial soldier to resist that kind of force at the critical moment, I'm afraid he's already snubbed.

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