Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1389: Twin Martial Spirits

On the platform, Yuan Tianzhang got up quite wolf.

At this moment he was ragged and **** at the corners of his mouth, and his long hair was untidy and his eyes were dumb.

The confrontation just now shocked him.

After getting up, he could only see his eyes flashing, and he was looking forward, and there was a complex color in those eyes.

He was originally a genius in Xuan Yu.

Although he has no time for constitution, Yuan Tianzhang always thinks that he is no worse than people.

The same is true, he resolutely set foot on the ancient road, just to change his situation.

He was confident that if he made himself physically immaculate, he would swept enemies.

After entering the ancient **** continent, he obtained the marrow of the deities, tempered his body, and made his constitution immaculate.

Not only that, he also obtained the breath of gods and merged them, making his breath change.

Since then, he believes that he can compete with Peerless.

Even in the same realm, you can crush each other.

I didn't know this battle, he tried his best to get shot but was crushed by the opponent.

If he hadn't urged the imperial soldier just now, I'm afraid he was already seriously injured and dying!

"You are strong, a personal thing!" Yuan Tianzhang's mind was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down. He gazed at Xiao Yun in front of him and spit out such a sentence for a long time.

This time, he really gave up.

And still convinced orally.

"Admit it!" Xiao Yun held his fist, his face indifferent.

He also enjoyed the battle just now.

If it were not for him to combine various magical powers, I am afraid it would be difficult to defeat this Yuan Tianzhang.

This battle made him a little more aware of the fusion of magical powers.

Yuan Tianzhang hugged his fist and then retreated from that platform.

"Yuan Tianmao ... Lose!" When Yuan Tianmao retreated, the people in Xuanyu were completely trapped.

How powerful was Yuan Tianmao just now?

As soon as that deity sword came out, heaven and earth seemed to be cut.

But he was defeated, still convinced.

"Is Xiao Yun really so powerful these days?" Many people's eyes flickered, showing an incredible look.

At this point, everyone's expressions changed when they headed for the battle platform.

Especially the people of Xuan Yu.

It is difficult for them to imagine that there are still people who can defeat Yuan Tianzheng so strongly on this ancient road.

"Is this person really Tiandu Yu?"

"This Xiao Yun has all kinds of magical powers. He is a strong enemy!" Many geniuses looked dignified.

Xiao Yun shot just now, and the use of various means was shocking.

Obviously a human race, but showed the means of Kirin and Phoenix.

"Xiao Gongzi's magical powers are stronger than before." Princess Tianlian was secretly secretive.

"Oh, Brother Xiao Yun will be invincible on this ancient road!" Zhao Zheng Mulu was excited.

"This is the genius of my Xiao clan." Xiao Feng, Xiao Lingyun and others are even more proud.

In this atmosphere, everyone's eyes turned, and their sights fell not far away.

There, there is no such thing as pride.

At this moment, Mr. Wushuang had a look of utter solitude, and there was less of the previous arrogance in his eyes.

In this battle just now, Xiao Yun and Yuan Tianzhang showed their strength to surprise him.

However, he was not afraid, but rather looking forward.

Because in Xuan Yu, he is really too difficult to meet an opponent.

Now that there was a genius, he was more excited.

"So, I'm here to fight you!" After a moment, Wushuang strolled and headed for the platform.

He paused just now, it seemed that he was giving Xiao Yun a break.

Even in the war, he was unwilling to take advantage.


There is no pair of white clothes fluttering, and the sun is dazzling on him, making it look like a son of God.

He is very handsome, and his elegant figure is enough to attract countless women.

There are also many women among the kings of this mysterious realm.

At this time there is no match to play, making them inexplicably excited.

"Will this unparalleled son win?" A woman muttered nervously with her fists clenched.

Xiao Yun's fighting power also made her feel the pressure.

"Wushuang Gongzi has the sixth-ranked twin martial spirit in ancient times. He is also very profound in martial arts, and naturally he will win!"

The eyes of a woman in purple rose up, and she was full of confidence when she looked at the platform.

This is blind trust in Peerless.

Just like Zhao Zheng and others trust Xiao Yun.

"Xuan Yu, absolutely unparalleled, has the flawless twin Wuhun!" Wushuang fell on the battle platform, and then arched towards Xiao Yun.

"Heaven is Xiao Yun, he has all kinds of magical powers!" Xiao Yun said without saying more.

"You are strong and a genius. I hope we can have a great battle!" Wushuang's face was calm, his eyes were clear, as bright as stars.

He laughed at the corner of his mouth, but stared at Xiao Yun lightly.

There was no tension in him.

He is like a transcendent god.

"Battle!" Xiao Yun said, without much words, just a word of war.

Then, a powerful momentum burst out from him.

At this moment, he didn't have much reservation, and directly inspired the phoenix **** fire accumulated in the armor of Tianyan God.

On him, the divine pattern rose.

Each **** pattern rises as if there was a phoenix evolved.

The glittering light on him seemed to have a phoenix appearing.

When the phoenix appeared and the sea of ​​fire rolled over, Xiao Yun looked like a king standing in the sea of ​​fire.

When the flames permeated, the opposite frowned.

"This flame has the breath of God!" Wushuang frowned.

Until now, he really felt the extraordinaryness of this young man.

Until this moment, he did not know why Yuan Tianmao was so miserable.

It is not that Yuan Tianzhang is not strong, but that this young man is too scary.

Just a flame, has let Wushuang know Xiao Xiao's strength.

Martial Arts Twins!

There was no light in his eyes, and within his knowledge of the sea, there was a twinkling of light and shadow.

Then the crowd saw two white men walking out of his head.

The two men looked exactly like each other, and their bodies were the same.

All are white clouds fluttering, with a transcendent temperament.

This is the twin martial spirit.

Martial arts conceives twins, just like the deity.

He has the same thoughts and deity as his deity.

Twins Wu Hsin joined forces, adding his deity, the strength of the battle is imaginable.

"Is this the twin martial arts soul?" When that martial arts spirit came out, all the practitioners in Tianduyu were shocked.

This is the first time that these people have seen this sixth-ranked Wuhun.

"The two martial arts souls are mysterious." Silently nodded slightly.

"Although there are two martial arts bodies, I don't know if there is any magical power in this unparalleled, if not, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight with Xiao Gongzi."

Feng Yuyao laughed.

"Xiao Gongzi will win." Feng Yixue said affirmatively.

What good is no matter how many clones there are without enemies?

On the battlefield, Xiao Yun and Wushuang's momentum continued to rise.

There is no double deity standing in front, two martial spirits are on the left and right respectively.

No shot yet, but you can feel the tacit understanding between this deity and Wuhun.

Even, he stood there just like that, but it gave people a feeling of representing one side of the world.

The void around them is condensing the invisible world.

The air of the entire battle platform condensed for it.

Even Xiao Yun's sea of ​​fire moved slightly, causing a ripple.

"It is indeed a genius who is quasi-connected to the heavens, and the use of the general situation of the heavens and the earth has reached the point where he wants to do it." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

This is unparalleled.

He is not aggressive and restrained, but it gives people a sense of offense.

He and that aggressive Yuan Tian are two different types of geniuses.

Phoenix spread its wings!

Just then, Xiao Yun shot.

He turned into a phoenix with wings spread out.

The hot flames then swept across the wings.

Then, with his wings swept away, he crossed to the peerless forward.

The wings swept fast, cutting through the void.

Under this attack, it is almost impossible to resist.

But Peerless is very indifferent.

A flash of his twin martial spirits avoided such a fierce blow.

As for his deity, he took a step forward and took a step forward.

Then a silver light bloomed when the palms moved.

His hands flickered, turning into a long blade, chopping off the pair of wings of the Phoenix.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that this unparalleled shot is very slow, and the hands that evolved with long blades can make him catch his trajectory.

This made many people mistaken.

So slow, can you resist the wings of the Phoenix?

But when everyone was suspicious, those hands had been cut off.

And cut off from a very mysterious angle.

Under this blow, the void trembled, and the horrible ripples oscillated, breaking the void.

Then everyone saw that the pair of sharp wings were shaken back.

This is unparalleled but still standing in place.

"This unique pair actually resisted Brother Xiao's wing of Phoenix with both hands?" Seeing this, Zhao Zheng's eyes were surprised.

"This person is also a human being!"

Xiao Feng was filled with emotion.

Beside, Xiao Wu, Xiao Yifei and others are paying close attention to the front.

This genius-level battle made them fascinated.

"This is the Heavenly Knife of the Peculiar!" However, the person in Xuan Yu's face looked indifferent, explaining, "This day, the Knivesman looks very ordinary, but it is an ancient skill created by the gods and very powerful In particular, this kind of Tian Gong will harden the hands like fine iron, and it is extremely hard, and the stronger it is, the further behind it is. "

"This unique match is coming to the ancient **** continent, I just want to find the magic liquid, and harden my hands to be more powerful, so that I can perfect this knife hand!"

These people seem to know very well.

"Tian Dao Shou? Created by the gods?" After hearing this, the talents in Tian Du Yu understand why this unparalleled can resist Xiao Yun's attack so easily.


It was also when everyone was surprised that Wushuang had shot back the wings of the Phoenix, but the two souls who avoided the wings of the Phoenix were outrageous.

This Wuhun left and right.

One hand traction, one hand condensed the mountain seal, one hand condensed the long river seal.

That mountain went to suppress Xiao Yun.

The long river rolls in anger, but also falls down.

At the same time, another Wuhun body also shot.

This Wuhun pulled with both hands, and a blue sky gathered in front of him.

This is the God Seal of Qingtian ~ ~ When the God Seal comes out, it really looks like there is a sky in it.

Only to see him lead by both hands, this blue **** seal is also suppressing towards Xiao Yun.

"That mountain seal!"

"That's a long river seal!"

"This ... this is the seal of the **** of the sky!" When Wu Shou, the Wushun soul shot, the sound of surprise sounded immediately.

It's too aggressive.

Each of these supernatural powers is extremely powerful and can deter a party.

But at this time, this unparalleled has stimulated several, how shocking this should be?

Many kings in Tianduyu were stunned by the scene on the battlefield.

"Second martial arts souls are ranked sixth for the ancient martial arts souls, and then all kinds of ancient martial arts souls will appear one after another. Everyone will give you support for monthly passes." Xiao Yun said. ()

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