Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1396: Genius Collection

Inside the superstar city.

Geniuses of all races are in retreat.

Including Xiao Yun.

After returning from the ancient **** continent, he continued to merge the blood of the unicorn **** and the blood of the phoenix.

At this point his blood was getting thicker.

Not only that, his perception of the avenue is gradually deepening.

Even Xiao Yun can clearly feel that he can step into the sky.

But he didn't rush to break through.

Although he felt that he was about to enter the sky, Xiao Yun didn't feel that firm.

So he is still accumulating.

At this time, he was not anxious about the improvement of the realm.

Physically immature and soulless, he already has a good foundation, so why bother?

As long as it is step by step, you can reach the peak.

"The most important thing for me now is to combine the supernatural powers and mysteries to evolve the most powerful superpowers. Only in this way can we crush many geniuses and be invincible in the same level.

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

At this time he deeply knew the importance of magical powers.

Especially the battles on this ancient road made him a little more aware of the magical powers.

Such as the battle of the soul-breaking platform, at that time he began to integrate supernatural powers.

A subsequent battle with Yuan Tianzhang allowed him to further integrate the magical powers.

Xiao Yun's magical powers became more perfect during the War with Peerless War.

"Now my Zhanwu soul is transformed. If I combine it with the Devourer, the power will be even greater." Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and the whole person was full of self-confidence.


As Xiao Yun groaned secretly, his waist tag trembled.

"There's news!" Xiao Yun immediately moved into his waistband when he was so impressed.

His mind sank inside, and his brows immediately bent.

"It's Zheng Jing of this giant spirit family!" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

The news came from Zheng Jing, the genius of the giant spirits.

"Go to the party?" Xiao Yunmu Lu was surprised.

The content of the message is the genius gathering of the five major domains.

"It's okay to go out for exchanges after being closed for so long." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

At this point, Princess Kirin and others received the news.

"This meeting is just to see how the genius of each ethnic group is."

Only through communication can we know what we are doing.

Kong Qigong son they are also full of expectations.

The Seven Killing Son is even more wary.

Today, they are confident one after another.

"Okay, then I'll go together tomorrow." Xiao Yun said.

Then everyone nodded.

The party time is the next day.

The next day, in a courtyard inside the Superstar City.

There is a tall wide platform here.

Ancient trees are planted on both sides of the broad bench.

These ancient woods are filled with a strong aura, making this wide platform like a fairy land.

Under this ancient wood, there are many tables and tables.

At the moment, at the highest level of the broad platform, Zheng Jing sat with a group of genius geniuses.

And beside him, there were three young people.

These three youths are all extraordinary, and their own transcendent spirit spreads out.

These three are the genius descendants of the major cities who have set foot on ancient roads but failed to enter the sanctuary, and finally had to settle in this superstar city.

After ten thousand years of reproduction, three flawless physiques have also appeared in this generation.

These three are Wu Bin with the five elements spirit body.

Tianling sword body, Jia Jianfei, and Lai Wanli of the demon tribe.

Wu Bin: This person not only has the Five Elements Spirit Body, but also gained the opportunity in the ancient **** continent, making the Spirit Body immaculate, and also controlling the Five Elements Upright.

The Five Elements is the royal body among the spirits. If you control the five elements' uprightness, the combat power is absolutely extraordinary. It is in ancient times that the flawless Five Elements spirits were once famous. If this constitution reaches the extreme, it can be very Perfect integration with heaven and earth, the general trend is not comparable to ordinary people.

Jia Jianfei: He not only has no sword body, but also his own talent is against the sky. One-handed sword skill has reached the potential of sword cutting heaven and earth.

Lai Wanli: It is a demon clan, an ancient blood clam with ancient blood, which is very powerful in itself. After finding the opportunity in this ancient **** continent, the blood is completely excited, and its combat power is also amazing. In this superstar city, these three geniuses are also well-known and exist for a lot of attention.

At this moment, the geniuses of the five major domains are coming together.

For these geniuses from the major realms, these three people are disdainful.

Although there are many geniuses in the Five Realms, none of them can enter the eyes of the three of them.

So they sneered at those people who came up the stairs, scorning contempt.

"Xuan Yu, Yuan Tianyi is here!" The guard of the giant spirit cried.

Yuan Tianzhang stepped forward.

There was a suffocation of gas in his robe.

When Yuan Tianzhang appeared, the eyes of the three people on the high platform were so surprised.

"This person seems to have some foundation." Jia Jianfei's eyes flickered, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

"Yuan Tianzhang, winning 36 games in a row in the Soulbreaker!" On the theme, Zheng Jing smiled slightly. "Now it seems that he has obtained resources at this time, making that day's God's body flawless, haha, but A character can go to Xinghai together. "He was paying attention to these geniuses from the beginning.

Yuan Tianzhang came and was arranged to the left-hand side.

There were many people standing beside him.

The average person cannot get a seat.

Only the top one hundred people in the soul-breaking table have seats.


The next moment, Peerless also came here.

He was arranged next to Yuan Tianzhang.

"This person has extraordinary temperament, but he has a bit of foundation." On the high platform, Wu Bin's eyes flashed and murmured.

"This unparalleled has the flawless twin martial spirits!" Zheng Jing said with a smile on his eyes, and said to the people next to him.

"What are the twin martial spirits?" Wen Yan said that all three geniuses had twinkling eyes.

Wushu Souls ...

This is a martial art soul that is quite famous in ancient times!

When Peerless was seated, someone came again.

"Tiandu Yu, Xiao Yun is here!"

"Demon domain, son of Kirin, son of peacock ..."

On the steps, Xiao Yun stepped away.

Wearing a purple robe, he fluttered as he strode forward, looking very personable, and possessing an extraordinary breath of his own.

He was surrounded by the sun, like blue light, but also like the sun, with fire light blooming, the skin was flawless, just like the beautiful jade generally has a sheen flashing.

This is the corresponding light flashes on the body of the well-cultivated person who has reached the end of his body.

These radiances are like Shenxi.

Xiao Yun took a step, just like the Son of God, beside him, Ren Keying accompanied Sister Ren Kexin.

Both sisters have long blue hair.

Ren Keying's long hair was pulled up, leaving two strands of blue silk flying, she had a beautiful goose egg face, and no blue mood could be seen in those blue eyes.

She is like a glamourous iceberg beauty, which is inaccessible, and it seems that she has been ruthless and heartless, and she can't see too many emotional fluctuations on her face.

"It's so beautiful!" When looking at Ren Keying, many people couldn't help but praise him secretly.

It was just that everyone turned their eyes, and after seeing Ren Kexin on the right hand of Xiao Yun, he couldn't help holding his breath one by one.

Ren Kexin is also a long blue hair, but she has a beautiful face, and her blue eyes like jewels are just like an elf when she blinks, with a touch of innocence in her eyes. At first glance, she seemed to sink into her blue eyes.

"Really beautiful!" At this point, even Zheng Jing and others on the high platform were deeply attracted.

"Who is this person, and why is there such a beautiful woman to follow?" Beside, Jia Jianfei's eyes flashed, with a bit of cold light flashing, how beautiful are the two women in front of them? The cool and charming one on the left looks unattainable, making people full of desire to conquer.

The one on the right is as beautiful as an elf, and the innocent atmosphere makes people want to take it into their arms and cherish it.

Any one of such women can attract countless men's eyes.

But this guy actually has two accompanying.

"The temperament of these two people is also transcendent, obviously talented." Then Wu Bin was personable, but at this time, he could not help but envy.

"How can this kid have such a blessing?" Lai Wanli next to him looked stunned.

There are too few women in this superstar city.

This is the time when the giant spirits bought a lot of women here in some mortal countries.

Otherwise there will be fewer women here.

The giant spirit women are tall and big, obviously not as beautiful as the women of ordinary people.

At this time, it was difficult to see two such beautiful women, but they looked like they were being embraced left and right. How could it not be angry?

"Who is this person?" At this time, Jia Jianfei, Wu Bin, Lai Wanli, and others all turned their eyes to Zheng Jing.

"Hehe, this person is named Xiao Yun, and he has various constitutions. He won seventy-one games in the soul-breaking stage, and he is a character!" Zheng Jing smiled.

It was only that his eyes were dim, and Xiao Yunshi, who was walking down towards him, could not help showing envy.

His eyes fell involuntarily on Sister Ren.

"This human woman is more beautiful than my giant spirit woman!" Zheng Jing said with emotion.

The giant spirit people are all tall.

Even if it is a woman, most of them are five big and three thick.

Even if there are a few good looks, compared with the human race, after all, it is a bit less delicate.

Only stepped on the steps, Sister Ren's eyes felt a fiery eye.

At this time ~ ~ The giant spirit people on the high stage all set their eyes on them.

Not only that, but even peerless peers couldn't help but glance at the two sisters.

Because these two are really beautiful.

Although there are many female geniuses who follow them, many of them are talented and beautiful, but they are really not comparable to Ren ’s sisters, especially Ren Kexin, she is like an elf princess from the kingdom , That looks so pitiful, there are no women in this ancient road to compete with.

She is like the king of flowers. Once it appears, all flowers will dim.

For these people, Ren Keying turned a blind eye.

At this time, her heart seemed frozen.

In her mind, there was only the idea of ​​saving his father.

The others have long been forgotten.

In her heart, the only person who still had a good impression was Xiao Yun.

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