Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1397: Opportunity?

Ren Wuying's temperament changed greatly after Wu Zong's change.

Even though people of all races turned to her, she was still indifferent and could not see much mood swings.

Ren Kexin next to her eyes was disgusting.

Because from the eyes of those people, she felt a little bit bad.

Xiao Yun, however, had a flat face, so he went forward.

As soon as his eyes moved, he saw his position under an ancient tree on the right hand side.

The novel ww.zhu. Has a wooden sign on it with his name written on it.

Xiao Yun left with the Ren sisters.

Beside him, Princess Kirin followed them.

They also have their own positions.

"This person is Xiao Yun?"

"Is he winning seventy-one games on the soul-breaking stage?" When Xiao Yun took his seat, there was a sound of comments beside him.

Then Jia Jianfei and others stared at Xiao Yun with a miserable face, and those eyes were more jealous.

Because there are many women following Xiao Yun.

Like Liu Hanyan, Feng Yuyao, Feng Yixue, they all followed.

There are many beauties among them.

This makes Jia Jianfei and others more depressed.

How can this young man, Ho De Ho, have so many beauties to follow?

When they turned towards Xiao Yun, some inexplicable animosity appeared in their eyes.

Of course, in fact, there are beautiful women following Wushuang.

Yuan Tianzhang also had it around.

But Jia Jianfei and others are full of enmity against Xiao Yun, but this is because Ren Kexin is so charming.

She alone has overwhelmed countless people.

But Xiao Yun didn't care about everyone's eyes.

The table in front of him was long and there were eight futons on the ground.

Under his greeting, Ren Kexin and Ren Keying sat cross-legged.

Liu Hanyan and Feng Yuyao also crossed their knees.

When Xiao Yun was seated, the geniuses of the major domains came here one after another.

"Xuan Yu, Du Gu Xing Chen arrives!" When the high voice sounded, a man in a star robe came forward.

He is like a star, with dazzling starlight blooming on him.

He came step by step, but there was a general depression on his body.

This momentum has made this heaven and earth become dignified.

That feeling really seemed to have a son of God coming.

When it appears, it also carries a vast divine power.

This is the true genius.

When the Dugu star appeared, everyone on the stage was moved.

"This is a lonely star, with no time to star the gods!"

On the high platform, Zheng Jing introduced.

"This person has a strong breath!" Wu Bin whispered.

"Another godless body?" At that moment Jia Jianfei's eyes flashed.

This lonely star came, making people feel that there really is a strong star power on his body.

That might be daunting.

Tokgo Star came, and there were many followers beside him.

Of course, most people are people of the Duke clan.

His eyes flashed, and he reached a seat between Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang.

"This lonely star contains strong star power." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he could not help but glance at the lonely star.

He had heard the man's name at the beginning.

It is said that this lonely star acquired a broken star core.

Within the nucleus, there is an infinite power of stars.

Now it seems that this rumor should be true.

When the Dugu star arrived, another genius also came here.

"Heaven, He Beichen is here!"

"Underworld, Blackbird!"

"Underworld, Mo Qingling!"


"People from the Underworld are coming?" People of all races in the field showed their curiosity, and everyone gazed at the steps.


This is a big mystery.

Legend has it that the Underworld was not in this interface.

This is a continent that has fallen from the sky.

There are people of the Hades in this continent, so this continent is also called 'the underworld'.

"Is it the underworld?" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and he looked towards the step.

I do not know why, after hearing the two words "Underworld", he had some inexplicable hostility in his mind.

This animosity comes from Xiao Yunnier's dream of returning to Haotian Realm.

At that time, Hao Tianjie was attacked by the demons and the ghost world!

The people who live in the nether world are the underworld!

It is clearly connected to the underworld.

Ming Beichen ...

This is a man wearing a bleak robe.

He has a slender figure, lying with silk brows, staring like stars, and being dignified, with long hair flying at that pace, it has a certain personable feeling.

It was just a glance that he was no different from ordinary people.

Just a closer look, you will find that his eyes are extremely deep, as if a dark cyclone, can swallow everything.

Even if you look at it more, it will give people a thrilling feeling.

That feeling is like seeing a ghost world.

"Is this Bei Mingchen?"

"It is said that he won fifty-four games in a row on the soul-breaking stage!" When Ming Beichen came, there was an uproar immediately.

However, the public looked at him more, and a voice of terror was heard immediately.

"This person's eyes are terrifying!"

"His eyes can't stare!"

Many genius' eyes were horrified, and they quickly drew back their eyes and dared not stare at them.

"Ming tribe!" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and he had a familiar feeling about the atmosphere of Ming Beichen.

This familiarity comes from Haotian Realm.

For the first time, Xiao Yun forgot Hao Tianjie's experience, leaving only a vague picture.

But the second time Nirvana Xiao Yun was awake, he felt a little clearer about Hao Tianjie.

At least he knew the important figures of Haotianjie.

At least he remembered Hao Tianjie's father, Hao Tianlong was killed by the strong forces of the Nether and Ancient Demons.

"This is the Mingbeichen of Mingyu." When Mingbeichen stepped on the steps, Zheng Jing blinked, then introduced to the people next to him.

"People of the Ming clan?" At this time, Jia Jianfei and others were all staring.

Although they were arrogant, they still could not help but frown slightly.

Because the underworld is a mysterious clan.

Even in the sanctuary, they have a lot of power.

Moreover, the underworld itself represents death.

This clan was a dreadful existence in ancient times.

Ming Beichen came, and his position was next to Xiao Yun.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ming Beichen's mouth when he sat down, his eyes turned towards Xiao Yun next to him, and then he retracted the eyes and looked very gentle.

It was just on him, but it gave off a dreadful breath.

That kind of breath frowned slightly even Princess Kirin and others not far away.

Many geniuses of the Hades are seated.

People from the Demon Realm, Xuan Realm, and Spirit Realm have also come here.

There are many geniuses in the spirit realm, such as the Yan Shuangying.

Blended with Divine Wing, he can definitely despise many geniuses.

Unfortunately, he was shot dead by Xiao Yun.

Although the spirit realm still has genius, it is slightly inferior to the black realm.

The geniuses of the five domains gathered, and everyone inevitably glanced at each other.

But this induction is only instantaneous.

Soon, everyone's eyes turned, and their eyes fell on the high platform.

This gathering was organized by this giant spirit genius.

It was just that the crowd did not know why he held such a party.

Is it just a genius who wants to see the five domains?

Obviously, this is not possible.

"Hehe, Zheng Jing is the grandson of the contemporary patriarch of the giant spirit!" Zheng Jing stood up, looked around, and then said.

He didn't have a high voice, but he was so full of blood that the sound wave rang all around and fell into everyone's ear.

Although there are only a hundred people here.

But behind these hundreds of people, many geniuses stood on their side.

Like Xiao Yun, there are nearly a hundred people around him.

"It turned out to be the giant spirit tribe, the grandson of the patriarch!" Many people whispered.

Xiao Yun was indifferent.

Compared to Zheng Jing's identity, he wanted to know the purpose of the party.

"Oh, everyone brought together Superstar City as a big event. This time Zheng invited everyone to come here, not only to have a small gathering and exchange, but also to have an opportunity to send it to you." Zheng Jing laughed and turned towards her. Everyone said that he was five feet tall, but he was very uniform and handsome.

"An opportunity?" After hearing the words, everyone frowned, his eyes inquiring.

Only Jia Jianfei and others seemed to know what they had long known.

"Opportunity?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun was also surprised.

There are indeed many opportunities in this starry sky.

It is only in the ancient **** continent that many days have acquired the divine fluid and obtained some inheritance of corresponding physique.

Like Xiao Yun, he obtained Phoenix God Blood and God Liquid Quenching Body.

It can be said that there are few things that can make him tempted at this time.

Not only Xiao Yun, many people are waiting for the ancient road to calm down, so that they can step into the gate of the domain and go to the sanctuary.

After all, that is the martial arts world they aspire to.

"In this starry sky, there is a sea of ​​falling stars, where there is a secret of heaven and earth, and there is even a real Shinto divine presence, if it is enough to make people understand." Zheng Jing said, "In short, it is a rare ancient land, With the opportunity to oppose the sky, if it is obtained, it may be able to create a **** base, and when the future **** road opens, it can occupy the first opportunity. "

"What! Can cast God base?" Everyone was shocked when they heard that.

The geniuses of the major domains were not interested in what Zheng Jing said.

Because they have even gone to the ancient **** continent, what chance can this starry sky have?

You know, there are real deities in the ancient **** continent.

There are even people who have obtained Divine Fluid, Divine Extract.

Still others have been awarded the Divine Soldiers, and others have been inherited by God.

Others have gained martial arts.

Of course, some people are very low-key and do not expose it.

Because no one here can guarantee that they can be invincible ~ ~ especially those who are not too strong in the background.

However, at this time after they heard Zheng Jing's words, the blood was boiling.

Forge God Base!

What does it mean?

This is equivalent to laying a foundation for becoming a god!

If God's way opens, he will become a god!

This opportunity is too rare, even if it is full of attractiveness to Yuan Tianzhang and others.

Although they are already strong, self-confidence can become a **** when the future divine road opens.

However, even being a **** has its strengths and weaknesses. If God can be cast at this time, it would naturally be beyond ordinary people.

Who wants to miss such an opportunity?

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