Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1398: Quota

Forge God Base!

It has a huge appeal for anyone.

When Zheng Jing said this, there was an uproar in the field immediately, and countless people's eyes were fiery.

"Dare to ask Zheng Gongzi, what kind of monument is that?" Yuan Tianzhang flashed his eyes and asked archingly.

"I'm not sure what historic site it is, but after ten days, I will go to the sea of ​​falling stars to explore this historic site." Zheng Jing said.

"It's such a rare opportunity. Why did Zheng Gongzi give me a gift? Don't you want to be a god?" Another pig, pig, island, novel, w.uu asked a genius.

"Oh, who doesn't want to be a god?" Zheng Jing laughed loudly. "It's just that the ruins require several geniuses with flawless constitutions to shoot with different strengths in order to open the seal there. To go to that ancient land, you must have flawless physique. I do n’t carry it with ordinary people. "

"Must have flawless constitution?" Wen Yan said, many people's eyes sank.

There are many geniuses here, with over 10,000 people.

But there are not many people who have achieved flawless constitution.

Most of them barely reached the level of immaculateness or pure blood because of gaining opportunities.

"You can start with talented people with no physical constitution?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun could not help but hesitate.

It's the first time he has heard of such a ruin!

Not only Xiao Yun, but the geniuses of the major domains were all surprised.

Since ancient times, many monuments have been the key to unlocking.

Or have a corresponding constitution.

For example, the inheritance left by Lei Dao's spirit can generally be opened by those who understand the mystery of Lei Dao.

But Zheng Jing said that the ruins need a few talented people to open it.

"This is really a relic of the sky?" Many people secretly murmured, and also had a little more expectation for this monument.

"Will Zheng Gongzi tell me exactly what is there?" A genius asked.

"What's the magic?" Zheng Jing blinked, and then said, "There's a mixed grass in it!"

"Hyunyuan Cao?" After hearing the words, many people frowned, and they didn't seem to know about this divine spirit.

"Hybrid grass?" At this time, inside the tower of swallowing heaven, swallowing the eyes of supreme eyes revealed surprise.

"Why, have you heard this kind of divine spirit?" Xiao Yun asked in a hearty voice.

"This mixed Yuancao is a heavenly, earthly and spiritual thing, which contains the mystery of the avenue. If you get one, you can really build a **** base for people." Said Tuntian Supreme.

"Really so god?" Xiao Yun was surprised, too.

"It is not so easy to obtain such a blended divine extract!" Said Supreme King Tun, "Even if such divine extracts were very rare in the Divine Realm at that time, it is rare to see them in the sky. Existence of God? Is there any other secret in this starry sky? "He looked suspicious.

"So, can we go on this trip?"

Xiao Yun is not very interested in the secret of this starry sky.

All he cares about now is whether his foundation is solid.

Because only when the foundation is strong enough can we rise in the future.

So after hearing that this mixed grass is really so magical, Xiao Yun also began to feel excited.

However, many people still don't know what is Hunyuan Cao.

"How terribly strange is this mixed-yuan grass?" A genius looked suspiciously.

Even Yuan Tianzhang was suspicious.

"Then, I've talked about this, and whether you are willing to go, I would not reluctantly." Zheng Jing flashed his eyes, and said, "The three here are Wu Bin who owns the Five Elements Spirit. This is a blood clam with ancient blood, Lai Wanli, all three have flawless constitution or blood, and also intend to go to Xinghai. Now, we only need three people to open the seal. Of course, the more people, the more natural The better, the better we can look after each other. "

"If you are interested, you will know a sound." Zheng Jing looked indifferent, he said lightly, and then sat down.

Looking at it, it doesn't seem to be a fear that no one will follow him to the sea of ​​falling stars.

"Since Brother Zheng is inviting, Xiao is willing to go with you!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he got up and said.

"Oh, Xiao Gongzi is very talented. For the king of this ancient road, I believe that there will be gains when entering the falling Xinghai!" Zheng Jing laughed.

Xiao Yun arched his hands, and then sat down.

"Mengmou is willing to go." At this time, Wushuang also got up and opened his mouth.

"Yuan is willing to go too!" Yuan Tianzhang also said.

This opportunity is really too attractive.

Although he has obtained the breath of gods, it does not mean that he can really be invincible.

Even during the battle with Xiao Yun, he was defeated.

If the mixed Yuancao is so bad, if he goes further, it will be different.

At that time, even if he enters the sanctuary, he will be a genius.

"In this case, it is also considered a certain one." Ming Beichen also got up.

"I'll go too." Dugu Xingchen stood up and said.


At this point, one genius got up.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

Because once you miss it and get it by others, you are destined to lag behind.

How could these geniuses remain indifferent?

"Let's go too?" Princess Kirin glanced at Kirin and said,

They had no timeless blood.

But after the integration of the blood of the unicorn **** blood has no time.

"Okay." Kirin nodded.

"That being the case, let's go too!" Seven Killer got up.

Beside him, Kong Qizhao and Chu Tianzhao nodded.

They went to a historic site, not only won the chance, but also their bloodlines reached the level of immaculate.

In addition, the spirit realm also has several geniuses to stand up.

They also gained something in the ancient **** continent.

As a result, the number of people who want to go to the Xinghai together is more than twenty.

"Twenty-three bloodless bloodlines!" On the high platform, Zheng Jing's mouth evoked a smile, and murmured, "This time, the man-made opportunity to set foot on the ancient road is quite good."

Of course, this is not just a good chance.

It's also about time.

Because the ancient roads did not open until 800 years apart.

During these 800 years, the ban on many ancient ruins has gradually weakened, giving this group of people a little more chance to obtain the corresponding inheritance.

The people of Giant Spirit Land are not suitable for those who inherit.

This allowed the genius to seize this opportunity.

"Oh, everyone can believe in Zheng, Zheng is very happy, but because of limited resources, this time I only plan to take 20 people to the Xinghai Sea. Today, there are seven people in my giant spirit family, plus these three friends are Ten people, so there are only ten places left, that is to say, 13 of the 23 friends on the field will lose this qualification. "Zheng Jinggan laughed.

"Thirteen people will be disqualified?" Wen Yan said, and everyone frowned.

Some others questioned, thinking that this was Zheng Jing's deliberate difficulty.

"Don't get me wrong, that falling sea of ​​stars is not an ordinary forbidden area." Zheng Jing said, "Going there is extremely dangerous. You must take the ancient Star River battleship, but that level of warship can only carry one person, and my giant spirit The remaining battleships of the clan are scarce, so there will be a quota. "

"That's it." After hearing the words, everyone eased the look.

When they went to the ancient **** continent, they took a battleship.

If it is true as Zheng Jing said, it is quite possible.

"So what is Zheng Gongzi's plan?" Wushou asked with both hands on his back.

"The exchanges on the battle platform doubled." Zheng Jing laughed. "For the sake of fairness, brother Wu will also communicate with you."

"So, you can!" After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

"So, there are 26 people, divided into 13 games."

"After the first round, thirteen were lost."

The losers will fight against each other ...

Zheng Jing began to talk about communication rules.

"How do you feel?" Finally, Zheng Jing asked.

"I have no objection!"

"I have no objection!" Everyone nodded.

At this point, the winner is the winner, and the inferior is eliminated.

Otherwise, even after entering the ancient land, it is still inevitable to compete.

That being the case, it is better to separate the winners and losers at this time, so that no one is left out.

"Okay!" Zheng Jing said, "Since you have no objections, let's move to the stage!"

The next moment, the geniuses of the major domains moved in succession.

Xiao Yun also had no objection.

Suddenly, the geniuses of the five major domains all appeared in a performance martial arts field.

There are ancient battle platforms in this performance martial arts field.

The battlefield is ancient, but it has a vast ancient power.

This is the breath left by the ancestors and has never been dispersed.

"This is the battle card of my giant spirit clan, one for each, fight against it!" Zheng Jing took out 26 battle cards.

call out!

The battle card turned into a light, and fell into the hands of everyone.

"Battle card!" Xiao Yun took the battle card, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, he just looked at the genius on this ancient road in the end how powerful.

"This time let you know what a genius is!" At this time, Jia Jianfei's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Look how I defeated these geniuses!" Lai Wanli smiled.

The three of them have long looked at the genius of major domains.

Why do these people have many followers?

All of them are peerless.

This made these three somewhat unhappy.

And this exchange is obviously the time for them to be in the limelight.

"After that, you will focus on me!" Jia Jianfei frowned, and his eyes looked confident as he glanced around.

"Then, let's go to the battle platform!" Zheng Jing said with both hands.

He was tall, and at this moment looked like a king in control of the world.

"With this exchange battle, I can also see the depth of these people." Zheng Jing smiled.

Only then can he truly control the situation.


Figures flickered ~ ~ Twenty-six figures fell to the highest stage.

At this time, Xiao Yun, peerless peers were tied.

Princess Kirin, Prince Kirin, Phoenix Girl, God Phoenix Son, Seven Kill Son, Devourer Son, are also here.

The peacock princess has entered the sanctuary.

Ren Kexin looked indifferent and didn't get up.

Liu Hanyan and others did not intend to get up.

They got the divine fluid, and that constitution was too busy.

However, she knew that she had limited combat power and could not advance, so she did not take any action.

"Since it's Chen Long, let's do whatever we can!" Zheng Jing laughed when these people fell on the high platform.

The implication is to make everyone use the magical soldiers to fight.

[I ask for a monthly ticket, now the old demon needs everyone's full support. 】

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