Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1404: Jia Jianfei [Seeks for the moon ...

Lai Wanli's defeat caused an uproar, and everyone was a little more awed when they turned to Xiao Yun.

"But I don't know who will have a discussion with Xiao Gongzi?" Zheng Jing looked around and said.

He looks forward to someone fighting Xiao Yun.

Now, he feels more and more unfathomable about Xiao Yun.

So he wants someone to continue challenging Xiao Yun.

"Study?" After hearing this, many people's eyes were dreadful.

Yuan Tianyi smiled bitterly.

Xiao Yun had already defeated them before he had quenched the body with divine fluid.

Now this young man is obviously stronger than before. Naturally, they will not fight for themselves.

Princess Kirin and Princess Tianlian did not challenge Xiao Yun.

Although they have obtained the blood of the gods, their use of the blood vessels is obviously not as good as Xiao Yun's.

The phoenix of God Phoenix flashed, and finally gave up the thoughts in his heart.

For some reason, he felt that Xiao Yun was unfathomable, and even if he tried his best, he would be hard to beat.

Everyone was silent.

Ming Beichen's eyes flashed, his mouth smiled, and Xiao Yun showed an interesting look when he looked at Xiao Yun.

But he didn't mean to shoot.

Dugu Xingxing is about to move.

It was just that Ming Beichen didn't take any action, and he didn't mean to do anything.

Although this exchange is rare.

However, if you meet evenly matched opponents, the two sides will fight hard and show their hole cards.

You know, they're going to that starry sea!

"I'm here to fight you!" When no one was willing to take the lead, Jia Jianfei's eyes flashed, and it was a step forward now.

When the steps were taken, he could only see his long hair flying, and a sharp sword air burst out from him.

Jia Jianfei, kendo genius!

When he walked away, many eyes immediately became fiery.

Many people just saw the power of Jia Jianfei.

"Hehe, this is a genius living in the stars, but I don't know how he is better than outsiders like me?"

"These three have been arrogant before. They are now defeated by Lai Wanli. I think most of these Jianfei Fei will also lose!"

"It's best to lose!" After this Jia Jianfei went out of battle, some of the geniuses in the major domains began to whisper.

Before they came to this party, these three people looked like a high person. The contemptuous meaning of them when they turned towards the geniuses of the major domains was self-evident, which made many people unhappy, and also they This time he took the initiative to challenge Xiao Yun, and the meaning of wanting to face was no longer obvious.

Now that Jia Jianfei has shot again, many people are very disgusted.

The genius of the giant spirit tribe on the platform was squinting and staring ahead.

They are looking forward to this battle.

"Jia Jianfei's swordsmanship is heavenly, and his sword skill is extremely powerful. Moreover, he also obtained a magic sword, hoping that he can use it." Zheng Jing secretly cried.


At this point, Jia Jianfei landed on the platform.

"Jia Jianfei, Tianling sword body!" Jia Jianfei landed, his eyes flickered, his eyebrows were like swords, staring at Xiao Yun in front of him.

When his words fell, there was a sharp sword qi rising to the sky, that sword qi pierced the soul.

Jia Jianfei is like a sharp sword standing between heaven and earth, making people inaccessible.

"Genius of Kendo?" Xiao Yun frowned, and then laughed, "Xiao Yun, with all kinds of magical powers!"

When the words fell, his blood was soaring into the sky, and a phoenix hovered in the air.

There is a unicorn looming in this **** world.

After constant fighting, Xiao Yun integrated this supernatural power more and more handily.

The Phoenix spreads its wings, and the ancient prestige is pervasive. Although it is not as powerful as the sword, it has a little more noble momentum.

The unicorn stood in his flesh and was like the king of the same beast, in the four corners.

Without much savings, Xiao Yun's momentum naturally reached a daunting level.

After reaching this realm, the Daoyun is almost perfect, and the momentum will be fully displayed as soon as the mind is moved.

"Swordman, split the sky, split the ground, one sword cuts the world!" Jia Jianfei flashed, and a low voice came from the mouth.

This seems to be a whisper of the swordsman, and it seems to be talking about the avenue.

Only when this voice came out, Jia Jianfei suddenly had a sword light flashing on him.

The sword light flashed out from behind him like the same shock.

Then, the sword turned into a long sword, and it was cut directly in the air.

The sword was dazzling, as if cutting the void into two halves directly.

Jian Guang's passing cut the sea of ​​blood evolved from Xiao Yun's body.

This sword is really powerful, and there are no thousands of sword lights blooming, just like the ordinary long sword cuts the void in front.

Seeing a simple sword, it seems to be integrated into the heaven and earth avenue, but it is only a sword, but it can cut through the sky. The sword passed by Xiao Yun ’s blood has evolved, and such a sword is really crackable. The sky is worthy of the sword of heaven. Seeing such swordsmanship, even those practitioners who watched the battle couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

"This is indeed a Kendo Wizard!"

There are many kendo masters among the five domains.

But no one is comparable to this Jia Jianfei.

When Jian Guang passed, the blood and heaven seemed to be torn out of a hole.

At this time, Xiao Yun felt a sharp sword coming towards him.

This sword is not so dazzling, there are no thousands of sword lights blooming, but the sword's mystery contained in this sword has reached a very high level.

"A sword comes out, it breaks the sky, but within the sword air, it is as if there is a sword air in the world!" Xiao Yun blinked and murmured, "This is sky sword?

A simple sword is powerful, Xiao Yun carefully sensed, and immediately discovered the mystery of the sword.

Although it is a sword, it contains the mystery of Supreme Kendo.

Ordinary kendo masters shoot, and the sword is so powerful that it can cut all enemies.

However, the sword is restrained, and only one sword is required to kill the enemy.

Kill with one sword?

Xiao Yun felt the powerful sword.

An inspiration emerged from my heart.

"If a sword kills the enemy, I will defeat Wan Fa with a punch!" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes, his eyes staring at the sword light tightly.

All he saw was his stride, and when the sole came out, the fist went empty.

The fist blasted out, bursting with blood.

The flesh burst out like a sharp blade piercing the void in front.

At the same time, the vast expanse burst out from the inside.


The fist passed and the void shattered.

The peak of Wuzhi can break the void.

Now Xiao Yun's fist can really break the void. The mighty power is so great that practitioners who are connected to Tianyi's realm are afraid to rush forward.

The fist passed was to confront the sword.

This is a long sword with sword energy.

But it is like a real sword, even sharper than a real sword.

When it was cut off, the blood flew from Xiao Yun's fist was chopped off, and then chopped firmly on that fist.


The long sword was cut off, making a clear sound.

The sound was as if chopped on the golden iron.

I saw Xiao Yun's fist blooming.

If you look closely, the covered scale armor on Xiao Yun's fist actually has some cracks.

It is conceivable how powerful this sword is.

You know, Xiao Yun's body has been tempered by the divine fluid, and is already like a jade.

Furthermore, coupled with the rune and scale armor developed by the Tianyan God Armor and Kirin's blood, ordinary people cannot hurt Xiao Yun at all.

But at this time, the scale armor on his fist actually cracked and spread.

I can imagine how powerful this sword is.

"Will Xiao Yun's fist be chopped?"

At this time, those geniuses who watched the war only felt that the heart could not help mentioning his throat.

Can such a sharp sword be fist-resistant?

But after the sword was cut, how could it not continue to be cut.

Instead, a monstrous warfare burst out from the fist, constantly fading the sword.

"The two men's attack are comparable?" Seeing this, there was no twinkle in his eyes.

"This Xiao Yun is physically unparalleled. He also tempered every body with divine fluid. The defense force is estimated to be comparable to the imperial soldier." Yuan Tianzong muttered.

Many people are watching closely.

"Broken!" I saw the flash of Jia Jianfei's eyes, his heart moved, and the sword suddenly became a masterpiece. Within the sword, a shocking sword suddenly burst out. As soon as the sword emerged, the void almost collapsed. Xiao The huge force on Yun Fist immediately doubled, and the unicorn scale armor on that fist began to crack.

Under the unicorn scale armor, the Tianyan **** pattern appeared.

This divine pattern flickers, as if transformed into a phoenix **** feather attached to Xiao Yun's skin.

However, the sword qi kept coming.

Even Tianyan Shenwen seems unable to resist this sword.

"The sword gas is restrained, but when it is sprayed, it is like a torrent of heaven and earth burst forth." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he felt the power of Jia Jianfei deeply.

"The sword air is thin, then I have absorbed all of it!" After feeling that sword air, Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and then his heart moved, and the magical powers were turned out. The magical powers worked, very naturally, very mysteriously It wasn't too exposed, and the magical power began to evolve above the fist.

Just a moment, his fist evolved into a cyclone.

The cyclone spins and begins to absorb the vast sword energy.

In this way, the original sword strength was constantly absorbed.

Jia Jianfei's power plummeted.

"My sword energy seems to be resolved by an inexplicable magical power?" Jia Jianfei's eyes were surprised, and he was shocked when he looked at Xiao Yun.

But he knew how powerful his sword was.

The sky can be torn, who can resolve this overbearing sword energy?

But at this time his sword qi was actually resolved?

Suddenly, he remembered the battle just now, and it seemed that Lai Wanli's magical power was also resolved by a cyclone.

But ~ ~ waited for him to think about it, Xiao Yun's body shook, a burst of blood burst out.


The roar inherited, as if a unicorn appeared.

The powerful blood was like a wave, and it really shocked Jia Jianfei's sword that began to ripple, and it seemed to be about to collapse.

Xiao Yun's left hand was also slowly raised.

"Not good!" As soon as Jia Jianfei's eyes were frozen, his body immediately collapsed.


At this time, the sword he evolved suddenly shattered.

In addition, Xiao Yun's big hand fell, and a sea of ​​fire fell down, covering Jia Jianfei.

Suddenly, Jia Jianfei felt great pressure.

But he didn't panic too much.


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