Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1405: Who is fighting

"Swordman, cut Jiuxiao up and down Huangquan!"

Jia Jianfei's eyes were frozen and his voice was empty.

"My sword is invincible!"

All he saw was his voice fall, his body flashed, and it turned into a sword light, piercing the sky directly.

Then, under the battle platform, a long sword was cut off.

This is Jia Jianfei's invincible sword!

The sword is cut and the sword is dazzling. Although the sword is introverted, the meaning of @ 猪 @ 猪 @ 岛 @ 小说 is scary.

This sword fell, tearing the sea of ​​fire evolved from Xiao Yun's giant hand.

It was just within the sea of ​​fire that there was a unicorn roaring and hitting at the long sword.

Kirin rushed, and Phoenix followed.

The endless stream of such supernatural powers constantly resolves the might of that sword.

Xiao Yun's giant palm also bloomed with a mighty martial spirit, crushing the sword.

Under this attack, the momentum of the original slashing sword is obviously weakening.

"Kirin Shenmang!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed as the power of that sword gradually weakened.

Suddenly, his body squirmed and turned into a unicorn.

Then the red road pattern on the horn of the unicorn lingered and turned into a red rainbow.

call out!

The flash of red rainbow shattered the void and struck the long sword that was intertwined with the Phoenix Unicorn.

This offensive was too fast to make it impossible to resist.

All I saw was a flash of Chihong, and it struck the sword.


The long sword trembled and trembled.


A loud noise followed.

All I saw was that the red rainbow exploded, causing the void to shatter.

The horrible waves oscillated, as if a space storm was raging, carrying a heart-wrenching wave.

The next moment, the sword broke up, a figure burst out, and appeared on the edge of the battle platform.

This figure is naturally Jia Jianfei.

Originally his ultimate sword was really strong,

It's just that Xiao Yun has too many magical powers. With the help of Phoenix magical powers, martial arts magical powers, and unicorn blood ...

These supernatural powers weakened Jia Jianfei's attack first.

Then, when his unicorn Shenmang came out, he directly defeated Jia Jianfei.


Also when Jia Jianfei's body reappeared on the battle platform, Xiao Yun's big hand had fallen.

The fall of this big hand is unavoidable.

"Jia Jianfei is going to lose!" Seeing this, Yuan Tianxuan blinked his eyes and whispered.

"His Kendo accomplishment is good, but unfortunately, this Xiao Yun is too bad, his Qilin bloodline has also reached the level of flawlessness, and the bloodline of the Phoenix is ​​also flawless. Furthermore, his blessing of the martial arts soul, and by virtue of his accomplishments in martial arts, All kinds of supernatural powers work together ingeniously, how many people can fight against it? "

There is no bitter smile.

This Xiao Yun can be king among his peers with any kind of supernatural power.

But he controlled several at this time.

Not only that, these bloodline supernatural powers were also spurred by him as if by arm.

In this way, it is really difficult to imagine how many people can fight against one another.

"This Xiao Yun is a monster!" At this moment, Ming Beichen's eyes flashed, and Xiao Yun glanced up.

The confrontation just now looks simple.

But how easy is it for a person to urge several supernatural powers so quickly?

This shows that Xiao Yun's talent is beyond ordinary people.

"Supernatural power?" When that giant palm fell, Jia Jianfei's eyes flashed, and there was a cold light in those eyes.

He felt a little bit aggrieved in this battle just now.

He asked himself that once swordsmanship came out this day, he could really kill the world.

Few people in his class can crush him.

At least he won't lose!

But at this time he made a lore, but he still lost.

And all of this is because the other party has too many magical powers.

And each kind of supernatural power is extremely powerful, making his sword potential blocked.

If Xiao Yun had only one kind of magical power, he was confident that this would not be the case.

So he was a little reconciled to this defeat.

"Why is there such a demon in this world?" Jia Jianfei's eyes lighted up, and his expression began to squint when he looked at the falling giant palm.

The giant palm fell and the flames bloomed, as if a world would drown Jia Jianfei.

Even outsiders have seen Jia Jianfei submerged in the fire.

"No, how can I lose?" When the giant palm fell down, Jia Jianfei's eyes narrowed, his hair fluttered, and a sharp sword swelled into the sky. No secret magic trick, this does not mean that he is better than me, it is just caused by external forces. "

"That being the case, why can't we use external forces?"

Jia Jianfei's eyes flashed.

Then an astonishing sword burst out from him.

As soon as the sword came out, the fire that would drown him immediately tumbling and then collapsed.

Jia Jianfei's body also appeared in the sight of everyone again.

Along with it is the sword of God.

When this kind of sword came out, even the geniuses in the distance frowned, and quickly operated the magical power to resist the terrible momentum.

"This ... is the sword of God?"

"Did he get the sword of God?" Someone exclaimed.

"This ..." Liu Hanyan's eyebrows were locked tightly, and the jade hand was clenched, staring nervously at the front. "Is that guy using the sword energy of God, or a soldier?"

She was sensing carefully.

"It's a magic sword!" The light next to Feng Yuyao flashed.

Because at this time Jia Jianfei's hand tricks were cited, and behind it was a divine sword flashing out.

The Excalibur is nine feet long, with ancient patterns engraved on it.

An immense power spread with it.

The light flashed on the blade, as the sword gas bloomed, piercing the void.

Under this sword energy, the blood on the battlefield collapsed.

"The breath of God?" When Xiao Jian's breath was released, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he felt the amazing fluctuation.

Right now, with the movement of his palm, he withdrew immediately.


Also when Xiao Yun's palm was withdrawn, a magic sword appeared.

The magic sword was suspended above Jia Jianfei's head, and the powerful sword force directly repelled Xiao Yun's evolved world of blood.

"Try my might of the sky sword!" Jia Jianfei's eyes were frozen, and the exclaimed sword behind him was suspended in the air.

Then, the Excalibur moved to Xiao Yun.

There is a squirm on the Divine Sword, and sword spirits containing the true meaning of God burst out from it.

There is not much sword energy, but each one is extremely powerful.

Brush, brush!

The sword gas was cut off, tearing the void.

After this sword spirit, the Divine Sword followed.

A flash of magic sword light is transformed into a hundred feet long, and a power of God covers this battle platform.

This kind of power makes the battlefield seem to be sealed.

There was a real meaning in that sword lock Xiao Yun, making Xiao Yun almost inevitable.

"Oh, Jia Jianfei really used the Excalibur!" When this Excalibur came out, Zheng Jing's mouth evoked a smile.

At this moment he narrowed his eyes and stared tightly forward.

"But I don't know if this Xiao Yun can resist this sword?" Zheng Jing muttered in his heart. "This sword is the devil sword that Jia Jianfei obtained on the ancient **** continent!"

Although it is just a defective sword, the true meaning of Kendo in it is still very strong.

As soon as this magic sword comes out, the emperor will tremble. Who can resist?

"Excalibur!" At this moment even the eyes of Ming Beichen were suddenly shrinking.

The sword came out, and the Kendo contained in it really shuddered his soul.

This kind of attack is by no means an ordinary person can resist.

"If I try my best, can I resist this sword?"

Du Guxing whispered.

He was carefully sensing and weighing the power of the sword.

"Jia Jianfei actually shot with a magic sword ?!"

"It's shameless to move the Excalibur so unexpectedly!"

"Is this a sneak attack?" After Jia Jianfei shot with the Excalibur, the geniuses of the five domains were all moved.

First of all, everyone was deterred by the power of the Excalibur.

After the deterrence, everyone's heart is not bad.

In the supernatural power match just now, this Jia Jianfei was clearly defeated, but he suddenly urged the magic sword and shamelessly cut it out.

This is no longer a fair challenge!

Since it is a formal challenge, do you have to say hello even if you want to urge the soldiers?

Otherwise, who can resist when caught off guard?

Even the strongest in Tongtian Jiuzhong Realm have a chance to be killed?

What's so interesting about studying like this?

"Abominable!" Xiao Feng and others spoke directly.

"Can Xiao Yun resist this kind of unexpected attack?" Geniuses in other domains began to worry about Xiao Yun.

Even those spiritual masters who also questioned Xiao Yun just now showed their faces.

"Jia Jianfei is so shameless." They were all filled with indignation.

But right now it's obviously useless to fill in indignation.

All this has become a foregone conclusion, it is Xiao Yun's bottom line that he looks at.

If he doesn't have enough information, I'm afraid he will drink and hate here.

After all, this was a sneak attack by the magic soldier.

"Suddenly attacked Xiao Yun with a magical soldier? Isn't this to death?" Of course, some people also laughed and looked like a play.

This is Xuan Yu.

At first they saw Xiao Yun crushing Yan Shuangying.

How powerful was the original Double Eagle?

He used Divine Wing, but was still crushed.

That kind of momentum, who can fight?

In their opinion, even if Jia Jianfei sneaked in with the Excalibur, he might not win.

Of course, in addition to that, the people in Tiandu Yu are also slightly calm.

Although they were not stubborn, their eyes were more cold and ironic.

In their opinion, Ning Ken and Xiao Yun were confronted with magical powers, and they should not play magical soldiers with him.

But they know how powerful Xiao Yun's heritage is!

"Look at this blow." Of course, those who didn't know the details of Xiao Yun were staring forward with a smile.

"Excalibur?" At this time, above the battle platform, feeling the momentum of the Excalibur, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold and cold.

Just now they were fighting with supernatural powers, but this man suddenly urged the magic soldiers.

How can an ordinary person resist such an attack?

This magic sword is enough to kill the Emperor.

Not to mention a quasi-passage practitioner.

So Xiao Yun's eyes became cold immediately.

You know ~ ~ This magic sword was cut, it was too sudden.

Even if most people have magic soldiers, it is difficult to bring out the power of the magic soldiers in haste.

Even if there are magic soldiers, they will be injured in this confrontation.

Once injured, the next battle will certainly be lost.

This is the passiveness brought about by the sneak attack.

The same is true. Talents in the five domains will despise Jia Jianfei so much.


Divine sword was cut, but Xiao Yun was still indifferent, only to see his eyes flash, the thought moved, the hollow **** pattern within the sea appeared in the eyebrow.

When this divine pattern emerged, a divine power filled with it.

Then there was a ripple in the space in front of him.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's body disappeared in place.

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