Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1409: set off

In the martial arts room, Xiao Yun urged Phoenix's blood and began to nurture the pair of **** wings.

At first, the Divine Wing was somewhat repelled.

Because it is the condor's wing, there is no Phoenix blood.

The two flavors don't fit together and it's hard to combine them.

It's the same. Xiao Yun didn't spend much time to integrate this wing.

However, although this divine wing is overbearing, it contains a touch of divinity, but the Phoenix blood is also overbearing.

& n ` 猪 ` 猪 ` 岛 ` 小说 ` www.huhuombsp; Xiao Yun directly injected into it with majestic blood.

Under the warmth of this blood, the breath of Shinto within the **** wing began to contaminate the breath of Phoenix.

On the third day, some of the natural road patterns remaining in the God wing began to absorb Phoenix blood.

In this way, the Divine Wing is also undergoing transformation.

Although Divine Wing is also strong, but after all, it is only the Wing of the Condor, which is not comparable to the Phoenix.

Now that it has contaminated the blood of the Phoenix, the momentum immediately increased.

It is like a dry tree, nourished by the liquid of life, and instantly rejuvenated.

On the fifth day, Divine Wings began to transform, with the Phoenix pattern imprinted on it.

"The initial warming up has already begun!" Xiao Yun was pleased to see this.

The next step is to integrate Divine Wing into the body.

This is the most difficult step.

Divine wing integration into the body is by no means so simple.

Once rejected, the divine power will bite back and it will most likely crush the repairer.

Of course, Xiao Yun had hidden the Tower of Devourer in his body.

Moreover, now that God Wings are fused with Phoenix blood, he is also equipped with Phoenix Magic Power. It is not impossible to merge God Wings.

"I am a phoenix, fusion!" Only Xiao Yun was moved, his body flickered, and he turned into a phoenix.

Then, the wings of the Phoenix unfolded to merge with the Divine Wing.

When the two touched, Divine Wing began to ripple, and was repelled.

Only Xiao Yun Dao Yun Tiancheng, he really is like a phoenix.

Under that kind of rhyme, even this divine wing is blinded.

After a slight rejection, it began to embrace this fusion.

First of all, Divine Wing has been fused, it is no longer as divine as the original.

Secondly, in the subconscious, this **** wing also feels the nobleness of the blood of the Phoenix, and also wants to have this blood, so it will absorb the blood of the Phoenix and let it nourish. When Xiao Yun became a phoenix, the rejection of this divine wing naturally dissipated.

The fusion was surprisingly smooth. It was only four hours before it was completed by Xiao Yun.

However, he did not rush into himself.

He is still in the form of a Phoenix, constantly nourishing, and blending with Godwings.

Time passed another day, and Xiao Yun had fully integrated with that **** wing.

He vibrated as a phoenix, and the Divine Wing followed.

Now he can take initial control of Divine Wing,

When the divine wings moved, there was pervasive divine power.

Even more, this mighty power is stronger and more aggressive than when Yan Shuangying urged Shenyi.

Because after the divine wing melted into the blood of the phoenix, this blood began to inspire some of the bloodline divine power hidden within its divine wing.

This power was not discovered at the beginning.

After all, how can it be so easily controlled by the wings left by the gods?

Even if the sacred soldiers are controlled by mortals, they can't really exert the power of them.

Only the gods can make the most of the power of the soldiers.

"Now, I have a **** wing, the magic power of the Phoenix will be better played!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, full of confidence.

Phoenix Supernatural Powers are extremely powerful.

With the help of God's wings now, you can imagine how powerful Xiao Yun will be.

After that, he continued to integrate the God Wings, to take complete control of him, to the point where he could do whatever he wanted.

After completing the integration, Xiao Yun continued to support this team of **** wings with the blood of the Phoenix gods.

At this moment, the blood of God's wing was actually derived from Xiao Yun's flesh and blood.

In this way, the blood temperature will be much smoother.


At this time, the geniuses of almost all ethnic groups were retreating.

Many people are feeling and integrating.

At the previous exchange, even those who did not go to war were touched.

Princess Kirin and others are also retreating.

At this moment, everyone is focused on cultivation.

However, after ten days, people of almost all ethnic groups began to go out.

Liu Hanyan and Feng Yuyao went out of customs one after another.

Because today Xiao Yun and Zheng Jing and others will go to Xinghai.

Son of God Phoenix and others are out of customs.

Suddenly, everyone walked and went towards the school ground together.

Liu Hanyan and others followed, feeling inexplicable and somewhat sentimental.

"You can rest assured, I will come and go!" Seeing their resentment, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly and he took a deep breath.

"Then you pay attention to your safety!" Feng Yuyao blinked and said.

Liu Hanyan was silent and stopped talking.

"You rest assured!" Xiao Yun said, "I must support each other during this time."

"We will be like this." Xiao Lingyun nodded beside.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Yifei were also astonished.

Tianduyu and the geniuses of the various demon domains are together, and they are not a small group.

Moreover, there are many geniuses in their trip. Even if there are still geniuses left, few people dare to mess with them.

So Xiao Yun feels relieved.

But at this time she did not see Sister Ren.

They are now inside Xiao Yun's Devouring Heaven Tower.

For this pair of sisters, Xiao Yun was not assured to stay.

Because now he no longer wants to see the sisters hurt.

Because they have suffered too much.

From the time when the little sister was seriously injured and asleep, to the suzerain being captive into the sanctuary.

Too much happened during it.

As for the others, Xiao Yun did not carry it.

Because going to Xinghai Xinghai, life and death is unknown, he can not guarantee that he can really come back safely.

Hey, hey!

Geniuses of all races rushed towards the school ground together.

On the high platform of the school yard, Zheng Jing had been waiting for a long time.

There are six giant spirit geniuses around him.

In addition, Wu Bin, Lai Wanli, and Jia Jianfei stood sideways.

Jia Jianfei broke his right arm and was seriously injured.

However, within the past ten days, the elders in their clan spent a lot of resources to collect divine fluid for him, recast the bones and bones, and the injuries were recovered.

Although Jia Jianfei's injuries recovered, his right arm had been destroyed and he could not be regenerated.

It is not a god, and without understanding the uprising of heaven and earth, it is impossible to regenerate the broken arm limbs.

At this time Jia Jianfei looked so cold and looked expressionless, but he could still see the introverted coldness when he turned towards Xiao Yun.

The previous battle dealt a heavy blow to him.

As a swordsman, he was severed.

Fortunately, after reaching this state, fighting does not necessarily require arms.

With his magical powers, he can be combined with the sword, showing a peerless sword.

However, it is a shame to be cut off.

Jia Jianfei's eyes were naturally seen by Xiao Yun.

He almost ignored it.

According to the original situation, if it were not for his profound connotation, Xiao Yun would have lost his life.

Just breaking this person's arm is already merciless.

Of course, this is also the ancient road.

If not on the ancient road, Xiao Yun would never have been this cheap.

"Oh, everyone is here." Zheng Jing's eyes moved and he looked at everyone.

At this time, Xiao Yun, Princess Kirin, Princess Tianlian, Son of the Phoenix, Son of the Seven Killers, Son of the Kong ... all fell on this platform.

Together with Zheng Jing, there are twenty together.

"Twenty people!" Everyone swept away, and after seeing that Zheng Jing was surrounded by practitioners who were in the heavens, he secretly gave a breath.

Although many of them can already enter the sky.

But they did not hit blindly.

Because they want to enter the sanctuary, they naturally have to impact the heaven and feel the avenue of heaven and earth.

In this way, you can practice better in that world.

"Okay, let's go now!" Zheng Jing glanced at the crowd and said.

Xiao Yun and others nodded without objection.

The people said goodbye to the people around them, and then swept towards a transport platform.

This teleporter will send them to a satellite.

The light streaks of the teleportation table flickered, and twenty young people were submerged.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun and others disappeared into the superstar city.

"But I don't know if they can get that so-called chance?" Lei Ao muttered to himself as he looked at the dissipating cyclone.

The sons of Kirin and others are not very embarrassed.

It was an opportunity, but it must also contain danger.

"Our peace of mind at this time is that when we stay in the sanctuary, we can still get the chance."

The remaining geniuses blinked and said.

Although they missed this opportunity, they are still full of confidence.

"I hope this time, you can get a mixed stone!" When Xiao Yun and others left, deep in the superstar city, above a building, several elder eyes muttered.

It is headed by the half-step **** that appeared earlier.

The elder of Jia is next to him.

"However, with so many people going this time, even if there are any opportunities in it, I am afraid that our people may not be able to stabilize the overall situation!" An old man next to him said with a little worry, this time, the giant spirit There are seven people in the clan, plus Wu Bin, Lai Wanli, and Jia Jianfei. There are ten people on their side.

However, there are also ten people in the other five domains.

And look at that look, all of them have a strong background.

"Unfortunately, we only have four physiques here, otherwise we don't need these people to open the seal together!" The elder Wu's sighed.

Although the giant spirit clan has seven people.

However, this is just a flawless power ~ ~ There are at least seven kinds of seals to open.

"Anyway, Jinger can control the overall situation." The half-step gods of the giant spirit family are not worried.

"Just that Xiao Yun!" The elders of the Jia clan blinked.

"This son does have a strong background. The magic soldier he controls is very strong, haha, if he slumped in the sea of ​​falling stars ..." The half-step **** of the giant spirit family smiled, but the rest did not say more, just that meaning Obviously, if Xiao Yunzheng fell on the falling star sea, the soldiers would be in the palm of their giant spirit genius.

It was said that these elders nodded slightly.

Especially Jia's elders, the corner of his mouth evoked a smile.

From the meaning of the half-step deities of the giant spirit family, he naturally heard a little taste.

If there is a chance, then Zheng Jing may take the shot.

But can Zheng Jing fight with Xiao Yun?

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