Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1410: Xinghai

In the superstar city, Xiao Yun teleported with Zheng Jing and others.

At this time, the elders of the giant spirit clan are all looking forward to expecting Zheng Jing to get the mixed yuan stone.

In addition, the elders of the Jia family hope that Xiao Yun can be beheaded in that falling sea.

"Yeah." Looking at the dissipated cyclone, Liu Hanyan was saddened. For some reason, she felt different this time, and she didn't know when she could see Xiao Yun. Feng Yuyao next to her didn't even boast. The beautiful face is full of sadness caused by parting, and she actually wants to follow.

But he is not strong enough.

"Pig> Pig" Island "novel ww.m Although she is quenched with divine fluid, after all, her bloodline has not yet reached the level of flawlessness, which is worse than those geniuses.


Among the stars.

This is a fragmented giant platform, so suspended in the starry sky.

There is an ancient teleportation array on the stone platform.

At this moment, light and shadow flashed on the stage, and young people stepped out of it.

The person headed was Zheng Jing who was five feet tall.

Beside, six giant spirits stood side by side.

These people have flawless blood, just not as powerful as Zheng Jing's talent.

Even if there is no time for blood, there are strengths.

Furthermore, there is a talent gap.

Xiao Yun and others also appeared one after another.

"Starry sky!" When the crowd appeared, they saw the endless starry sky ahead.

But the sight in front of them shocked them.

The galaxy lingers ahead, with big stars spinning.

There is a galaxy storm whistling between the big stars.

The horrible storm makes people feel horrified after watching it.

There are too many stars there, all the stars are flickering.

The vastness of the starry sky makes people really feel small.

Looking around, you can even see a streamer passing over the sky.

At last these streamers fell into the star sea ahead.

These streamers are the stars!

"Is it true that the stars are falling?" Seeing this, the heart of Yuan Tianzhang and others couldn't help jumping.

The stars fall!

What a shocking scene!

"Front convenience is Xinghai!" Zheng Jing said with a flash of light.

At this time he was not very sighing when he stared at the falling sea.

He used to come here with his elders.

However, seeing this scene again, I still feel inexplicable.

A person's life is to pursue the avenue.

Now when I come to this vast starry sky, it is as if I am really close to the world.

That big star is flowing, and the galaxy is lingering, it seems to contain the mystery of the world.

Standing here makes people feel close to the avenue.

At the same time, I felt a small human force.

Everyone's state of mind is also changing.

Previously, they had few rivals in their class, but they stood at a pinnacle.

Everyone will inevitably have an inexplicable loneliness.

A feeling of high altitude.

But when I got here, the feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold disappeared immediately.

What turned in was a small one.

"The avenue is like sky. It's hard to touch!" Everyone said with emotion.

Looking up, you can see the sky.

It seems easy to approach.

But when you really want to touch in time, you find that the sky is out of reach.

"There is not only a horrible storm in the sea of ​​falling stars, but also a big star falling. The average person enters it must be a life of nine deaths." Zheng Jing blinked his eyes and said, "Now when the storm is the weakest, there is no such kind of power It was horrible before, so now is the best time to enter the sea of ​​stars. "

"Now is the weakest time of the storm?" Wen Yan said that the pupils of Shenhuang could not help shrinking.

Even Yuan Tianzhang looked completely ashamed.

"Falling Xinghai?" Xiao Yun looked forward, and his heart was abnormally solemn.

This kind of place is really not for ordinary people to get involved.

Even if the emperor rushes into it, it is difficult to survive.

"This storm, even now, can engulf the emperor. Only the Starship battleship can shuttle in this storm." Zheng Jing said.

"Xinghe Battleship!" After hearing the words, everyone gazed at Zheng Jing.

The person mentioned this at the beginning.

Zheng Jing smiled slightly.

Then he took out an ancient storage bone ring.

This bone ring is engraved with divine patterns, exuding immense power.

Just a glance, you can feel that this is a god-level storage ring.

"This giant spirit tribe has a strong heritage!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun moved slightly.

Even the storage ring has reached the level of God, you can imagine how terrifying the inside of the giant spirit tribe.

"Well worthy of the protoss!" The peerless peer next to him nodded.

Jia Jianfei and others are envious of Mu Lu.

As a genius of the giant spirit clan, Zheng Jing is by no means comparable to them.


When the bone ring was taken out, Zheng Jing was moved, and a silver battleship was suspended in the air.

These warships are not big, and the boss is just a long one.

However, they have soft lines, beautiful arcs, and a sense of power.

Not only that, the silver metal case shone with an ingested light.

That kind of light is dazzling, almost like a god, it makes people dare not meet.

"Is this a god-class battleship?" Everyone was surprised when they saw this.

The breath emitted by this battleship is really comparable to the magic soldier.

"This is indeed a God-class battleship!" Zheng Jing blinked, and said, "This is also one of the few warships of my giant spirit family."

"What a big deal!" Yuan Tianyi sighed.

There are twenty God-class battleships.

What's the bottom line?

In the outside world, a large clan with one or two magic soldiers is already remarkable.

"Is this the essence of the Protoss?" Seeing this, even Xiao Yun flashed his eyes.

At this point, his breathing was heavy.

The profoundness of the Protoss is far beyond his imagination.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"The protoss heritage is really strong, but the soldiers are expensive, not too many, and the genius is also expensive, not too much!" Within the tower of the **** of swallows, he said faintly.

"How expensive is it?" When Xiao Wen heard that, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

Indeed, one top-level magic soldier is enough to crush several low-level magic soldiers.

An invincible king is enough to crush countless kings.

If the quality is extreme, the amount can be ignored.

Of course, unless your number of soldiers reaches tens of millions, it can also drag people.

But which clan is so powerful?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun didn't think too much.

Everything else is not important.

The important thing is to be strong.

"This Starship battleship has the imprint left by my giant spirit tribe. Ordinary people ca n’t occupy it at all. Of course, many functions of the battleship have already been triggered at this time. Only with the enlightenment in which the mind is incorporated, the battleship can be easily controlled. , So through the Xinghe storm and into the mixed Proterozoic. "Zheng Jing said to the crowd.

"The battleship is lent to you for the time being. If you leave this place, you must remember to give it to my clan. Do n’t even think about taking this soldier to leave and enter the sanctuary. The strong of my clan has a brand on it. On the way to the sanctuary, but my elders are guarding, so I hope you can stay awake. "

"Hehe, Zheng Gongzi is willing to take out these soldiers. How dare I think of it?" Yuan Tianzhang laughed.

"It's so good!" Zheng Jing nodded, and they dared to take out this thing. Naturally, they were not afraid that these people would leave with the soldiers.

"Next, I'll tell you about some of the important areas of the Xinghai Falls are extremely taboo ..." Zheng Jing then explained to everyone the matter of Xinghai Falls.

Under Zheng Jing's explanation, Xiao Yun and others had a certain understanding of the falling Xinghai.

This is a mysterious place.

Outside is an endless galaxy, completely shrouded in storm.

A little deeper, there are big stars falling from time to time, and it is also very dangerous there.

The mixed Yuan ancient land they were going to was in the center.

"As long as you go through the storm and open the seal, you can enter the ancient Yuan Dynasty?" After hearing Zheng Jing's explanation, everyone was unbelievable.

Although this galaxy storm is very dangerous, it should be able to pass with the galaxy battleship in it.

In this way, entering there is something to be expected.

"Well," Zheng Jing nodded, and said, "It's not too late, we'll be like warships, heading to Xinghai, you just follow me."

When the words fell, he flicked the palm of his hand and opened the mouth of a Starship battleship.

Then he flickered and sank.

The other six genius geniuses immediately set off.

Jia Jianfei and Lai Wanli also opened their respective warships.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun and others did not hesitate.

The battleships have been activated, and at this point they can easily control them indirectly.

When the big hand moved, the door of the ship was opened with a click.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun released his mind and sensed the battleship.

Swallowing the Supreme also releases his mind, and to find out what special restraints are available.

"No problem!" After the induction, Swallow Sky Supreme said.

Xiao Yun himself felt it and did not find any special banning fluctuations.

In this way, he flickered into the battleship.

The battleship captain Xu, but after entering it, it was ten meters long.

But this space is also slightly smaller.

In addition to a seat, there is also a couch, which is very simple.

In front of the seat, there is a divine pattern.

That's Kai Kai.

The practitioner can incorporate the mind and mind, and simply control the warship's flight.

In addition, there is a transparent glass mirror in front.

This is the Celestial God Mirror, made from cherished materials. It is also engraved with **** lines, which can resist powerful attacks without breaking.

Of course, if you want to bring out the power of the **** pattern, you can't do it for the quasi-passage heavenly practitioners.

However, with these battleships in place, Xiao Yun can also shuttle among the galaxies.

He first tried to sink a ray of mind into the pattern of Kai Shen.

At the moment ~ ~ the **** pattern flashed, it seemed to be activated.

A feeling connected with the flesh and blood of the battleship poured into my heart.

At this point Xiao Yun could simply control the ship.

"Get off!" At this point, Zheng Jing had started.

His battleship flickered, and Changhong flew across the starry sky and flew forward.

Behind him, six giant spirits followed closely.

Xiao Yun's mind moved and inspired the flying gods on the battleship.

At the moment, the battleship flickered and flew forward.

Hey, hey!

Suddenly, twenty warships crossed the starry sky and moved forward.

Light and shadow flashed through the galaxy storm in front, and then fell into the sea of ​​stars with stars flowing.

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