Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1411: Mixed Yuan ancient land

In the starry sky, Xiao Yun and others relied on the Xinghe battleship to shuttle within the Xinghe.

The nearby Xinghe agitated, emitting the power of horror.

If not, Xiao Yun and others dare not break into it.

Only in this kind of place can the gods dare enter.

It's just that this Starship battleship is really extraordinary. The Starstorm storm rages, and it can't affect its flight at all.

It is like a streamer of starry sky, moving forward unstoppably.

With the Celestial Mirror in front of the battleship, Xiao Yun can clearly see the situation of falling Xinghai.

This vast galaxy, entering into it, Xiao Yun felt that he had entered a universe.

It was wrapped in a galaxy storm.

Seen from a distance, it seems as if the sky is shrouded.

Shutting through the storm, you can see horrible cyclones from time to time.

This cyclone can be swallowed by even the emperor.

Under Zheng Jing's leadership, everyone avoided these cyclones.

It seems that Zheng Jing is somewhat familiar with this falling star field.

"The giant spirit family should have already explored this falling star sea!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured, "In this, it should not be as simple as Hunyuan Cao."

Although mixed grass is rare, it can cast a **** body for people.

But is it worth the price of the giant spirits?

Twenty warships were dispatched. If these warships were destroyed, what would be the loss?

"Since there are mixed grasses, this place is not easy," said the Supreme Master.

Xiao Yun nodded, without thinking much, followed Zheng Jing toward the front.

At the same time, he was watching the nearby galaxy storm.

Go anywhere, even if someone is carrying it, it is best to observe the terrain yourself to know the dangerous laws.

Only in this way can we effectively avoid risks.

After all, people still have to rely on themselves!

The battleship flew fast.

This is a god-class battleship, and naturally it is not comparable to ordinary flying instruments.

The battleship shuttled, avoiding many dangerous places.

Five days later, a huge cyclone was seen ahead.

This cyclone was tumbling like the sea of ​​stars.

At this time, a streamer passed over the sky.

It was the stars that fell into the horror cyclone.

"The stars fell into it?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun and others were shocked.

It was the stars, but they fell into this cyclone.

It is conceivable how massive and terrifying this cyclone is.

Once involved, who can survive?

"The predecessors of the clan are right." Zheng Jing urged the Starship battleship forward, and he was shocked after seeing the huge Xinghe cyclone.

In the void, one big star after another fell.

In the end, the big star disappeared, as if the stone had fallen into the sea.

"If the galaxy storm is horrible, there are more big stars falling here. At that time, even if there is a galaxy battleship unable to pass here, at this time, it's okay!" Zheng Jing's eyes flashed and murmured, "From the edge of this galaxy Pass around and you can reach that place. "Then he urged the battleship across the galaxy.

Of course, this is the edge, not the cyclone.

Hey, hey!

Xiao Yun and others followed the shuttle.

This flight took ten days.

Finally, the power of the galaxy began to weaken, and a hazy world appeared before everyone's sight.

It's like a world.

But again, he could not see the blue sky and the white clouds.

The crowd only felt that they had come to a place where the chaos had not yet opened.

Only through this dim light curtain, there was a ripple in the void ahead.

Then, the battleship sank slightly, and seemed to be oppressed by some force.

At this time, the speed of the Zheng Jing battleship slowed down.

Xiao Yun and others also followed the slowdown.

In the end, Zheng Jing's battleship slowly drifted down and leaned forward.

There, there is actually a field.

The battleship landed, Zheng Jing's door opened, and his body swept out of it.

Six of the giant spirits appeared one after another.

Jia Jianfei and others also came out of the ship.

Xiao Yun and others appeared one after another.

When the crowd appeared, they discovered the anomaly of this place.

First of all, the force of an inexplicable rule of heaven and earth is oppressing.

This kind of power makes everyone as if bound by chains.

Moreover, Xiao Yun knew the phantoms in the sea, and the long-lived turtle felt tremendous oppression.

"Here is the power of imperfect rules!" Changsheng Turtle frowned.

The power of rules is not perfect. If too many fluctuations occur, it will easily lead to disorder of the rules.

Everyone's eyes moved, and they began to glance forward.

The dimness ahead makes it difficult to see things within a thousand meters.

"This is the periphery of the mixed Yuan!" Zheng Jing said to the crowd. "In front, there is a seal that cuts off everything."

Xiao Yun and others have released their minds at this time.

Careful induction, there is indeed an inexplicable restraining force ahead.

This restraining force is natural, and does not seem to be artificial.

"I will keep the battleship first!" Zheng Jing blinked, and said to the crowd.

Wen Yan, Xiao Yun and others were all eyelids.

"You keep it ?!" The crowd frowned.

This god-class battleship must have a god-level storage ring.

Otherwise, it cannot be accepted at all.

"Oh, just in case, this warship, I will keep it for myself!" Xiao Yun blinked and smiled.

"You keep it?" Zheng Jing blinked.

At this time, Xiao Yun waved his hand, and the cyclone in front of him stirred the warship directly into his body.

This battleship is necessary to get in and out of the Xinghai, how could he let Zheng Jing keep it.

"Oh, my battleship, Brother Lao Xiao has kept it!" Beside him, the God Phoenix son laughed loudly.

"mine too!"

"I wonder how much Brother Xiao can keep?"

At this point, everyone is talking.

Among the unicorn princesses, princess Tianlian barely thought about it.

"There is no problem in accepting these warships." Xiao Yun laughed and greeted everyone.

"That's good!" The peacock son and everyone were happy.

They and Xiao Yun are at the close of life and death, naturally they believe in Xiao Yun.

But the battleship was kept by Zheng Jing, it was different.

Who knows if he's going to beat himself like this?

"Oh, Brother Xiao, is it okay for me to be a battleship?" At this time, Yuan Tianzhang and Wushuang also spoke.

Although they have magical soldiers in their palms, they do not have divine storage rings.

Of course, it is also possible to know this income.

However, if Zheng Jing and others have any secret technique that can detonate this warship, then everything is over.

For Xiao Yun, they are still trustworthy.

At least, Xiao Yun is a flamboyant person, upright and fearless.

Such a person would not do that despicable thing.

But Zheng Jing is different.

He works with Jia Jianfei and others.

At the beginning Jia Jianfei's shot was his encouragement.

After Jia Jianfei's attack on Xiao Yun, everyone had a jealous attitude towards Zheng Jing.

Therefore, they would rather give the battleship to Xiao Yun for custody than Zheng Jing.

"Okay! Since everyone trusts me, Xiao is welcome." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the big hand swept away several battleships.

"Oh, I happen to have a god-level storage ring. This battleship will not be kept by Brother Zheng." At this time, Ming Beichen laughed and accepted the battleship himself.

He also had the black battleship.

In addition, Dugu Xingchen himself accepted the battleship.

Obviously, he also has a divine storage ring.

Seeing this, Zheng Jing's eyelids jumped.

Originally, if these warships were kept by him, he could indeed control the situation.

But now, everything is beyond his control.

"These guys!" Zheng Jing flashed coldly in his eyes. "But, you have warships before, can you jump out of my control?"

There was an imperceptible arc in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, since you can keep the battleship, it is also very good. After all, the mixed land is dangerous, and it is not appropriate for all of the battleship to be alone." With a smile, "So, let's open the seal of the mixed land."

"Well." So, everyone nodded.

Then, under the leadership of Zheng Jing, the crowd went forward together.

The front was hazy, and nothing could be seen.

However, when walking into the front, Xiao Yun's heart jumped suddenly.

"This breath ..." Xiao Yun was glad.

At this moment, the hazy air around him was lingering.

This breath is refreshing when inhaled.

However, this breath gave him a familiar feeling.

"It seems to be the source of Siyuan?" Xiao Yunmu beamed, "But it is not the pure source of Siyuan!"

At this time Xiao Yun was in this hazy place, and those breaths were inhaled, and he felt the breath of Siyuan's breath.

Siyuan Qi!

For Xiao Yun, how familiar is this world!

In the land of condemnation, he practiced Siyuan Jue.

Based on this, he also received Siyuan Bow and Siyuan Order.

Siyuan ordered more than once to help Xiao Yun escape.

Siyuan Bow even let him kill several Emperor Yaos in a row in the Jedi.

It's just a pity that all the originating energy he has gathered is exhausted.

If at this time there really is a source of origin, for Xiao Yun, there is undoubtedly a little more information.

He began to urge the swallow of heaven and earth, secretly absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth here.

After the energy was absorbed, Xiao Yun really felt the existence of a trace of Qiyuan Qi.

It's just rare.

"Front convenience is the place for mixed yuan!" After walking 10,000 meters, Zheng Jing's footsteps stopped.

At this time, the power of the heavens and earth felt by everyone became stronger.

There was even a breath of avenue.

That feels as if the convenience is the land of the road.

When everyone's eyes flashed, they saw a dim light curtain ahead.

This light curtain seems to be a boundary film, which cuts off the world.

An immense force of power permeated, making people awe-inspiring.

"Land of mixed yuan?" Looking at the boundary film in front of them, everyone was curious.

They sensed away ~ ~ and found that there was another world ahead.

"This is the prototype of the avenue boundary film. It cuts off everything, and even half-step gods can't tear it. Only with power close to the origin can it be torn." Zheng Jing said, "And this origin power, Only those who have flawless physiques, ordinary practitioners, even if they have different talents, but that power still has impurities, which cannot be called the original power. "

Source Power!

This is a very deep thing.

First, the power of the avenue is also the power of the avenue.

It ’s just that few people have it.

With no time for constitution, the power possessed is closest to the original power.

So, having them together will have a great chance to open this seal.

Of course, the power of the flawless constitution is not yet the true source of power.

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