Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1412: Open the ancient land

Mixed Yuan ancient land.

A hazy light curtain shrouded the atmosphere of the avenue.

This membrane is just a prototype, if it is truly complete, it can not be opened by a few people with no constitution.

At that time, the gods will also be difficult to open.

Because once the boundary film is truly complete, it has the power of the rules of the heavens and the earth.

Maybe it can stand on its own.

I just want to give birth to a complete world of "pigs novels www.zuhua is not so easy.

Close to the boundary membrane, you can clearly feel the breath of the avenue.

"Do you really want to be your own realm?" Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, also carefully sensing the breath emanating from this realm.

"In this, there should be an eye for mixed yuan!" Said Tian Tianzun's eyes flashing.

"Hyun Yuan's Eye?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This is the derived eye of the ambivalence. Few people can understand its mystery, but it is related to the mystery of opening up the world. If you can understand the mystery, you can go further on the avenue and become a character of Gai, It's just too difficult to understand this mystery. I never thought that there really is such a mixed place here. "

The existence of this place is also very surprised.

Because even though he was in the Divine Realm that year, his deity did not enter the land of the Hunyuan.

Because such a mixed place is too hard to find.

"Let's urge the power of the source together!" At this moment, Zheng Jing's eyes flashed and he said to everyone.

"Okay!" At the moment, everyone nodded, all of them are starting to run their own power.

The power of the source is the purest power.

This is comparable to one's essence.

Everyone works this power.

What Xiao Yun urged was the power of the life Wuhun.

His life Wuhun has been washed out by the divine liquid, and he has long been exhausted.

Furthermore, the spirit of yin and yang still exists in the soul of life martial arts, which has transformed the soul of martial arts. Today, the power of Xiao Yun, the soul of martial arts, is by no means comparable to that of ordinary life.

If Xiao Yun goes further, he can evolve into a unique life martial spirit.


Various original forces were released.

Under the traction of everyone, this power was injected into the frontal membrane together.


When this kind of power comes together, there is a ripple in the boundary film, with the breath of the road sweeping out, this breath seems to wipe out all beings.

Under this kind of power, Mo said the emperor, I am afraid that even half-step deities will tremble.

"What a terrifying power!" Every genius was dignified.

"Is this the power of the road?" Even Xiao Yun felt the horror of this power.

Under this power, he felt like a gravel in the vast universe.

"Hold on, as long as the power of the source is continuously injected into it, and this membrane is absorbed, it will not exclude us!" Zheng Jing said.

Everyone gritted their teeth, constantly urging the power of the origin.

At this time, the boundary film began to absorb this original force.

Under this force, the force of exclusion is really diminishing.

"Really effective?" Everyone felt a sense of the repulsion that weakened.

"Hunyuan ... is the ancestor of Wanyuan. When various sources of power are injected into it, the Hunyuan boundary film can feel its own breath, so the force of repulsion will weaken." Tuntian Supreme said, "also In this way, they will require at least seven people of different physiques to come here, because the strength of one person alone makes it difficult for this membrane to feel its own breath, so the more people, the easier it is to reduce this exclusion, To enter through the boundary membrane. "

"It turned out to be this way." Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned.

That repulsion weakened.

Not only that, a flash of light within the boundary film shrouded Xiao Yun and others.

A feeling of homology poured into my heart.

"You can go inside." Zheng Jing said at this time.

When Xiao Yun and others moved, they moved forward.

Sure enough, at this time there was no trace of hindrance in the boundary film, and they easily penetrated it.

Twenty figures entered the world within the boundary film together.

The next moment, when everyone flashed, they appeared in a new world.

Looking around, there are mountains and rivers nearby, and it looks like an ordinary world.

Even the aura of heaven and earth in the middle exudes the breath of the avenue.

"This is the spirit of Siyuan!" Xiao Yun's eyes brightened when the breath spread out.

Beside him, you can clearly feel the kind of hazy heaven and earth aura.

This aura has the flavor of an avenue.

"It's really extraordinary here!" The eyes of those next to him were intoxicated.

The aura here is too ordinary, and it feels close to the avenue when you are in it.

"If you practice here, you will leap forward!" Yuan Tianzhang blinked.

"Well, this aura doesn't seem to be absorbed?" It was just a slight induction from the crowd that they discovered the problem.

After this aura was absorbed, they could not refine at all.

Without refining, they will not be able to practice on this basis, let alone control this aura.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked surprised.

"This is Qiyuan's qi. Ordinary people must have Qiyuan's tactics to absorb it!" Xiao Yun secretly confided in his mind that he had already realized this.

At the time, he could not absorb the source of Siyuan in the place of condemnation.

He would not have felt the mystery of this source of Qi if he hadn't practiced the source of Qi.

"Siyuan Jue!" Xiao Yun secretly operated Siyuan Jue.

This divine trick works, and the source of Qi is immediately absorbed by him.

Siyuan's qi was absorbed, and Xiao Yun began to store it in the martial arts spirit of sea battle.

Not only that, Siyuan Ling is also absorbing the Qi of Qiyuan.


In Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, the rune of Siyuan bow flickered, and it was also absorbing Qi of Qiyuan.

"Store the source of Siyuan's gas first!" Xiao Yun blinked.

If there is enough primordial energy, he will have a little more knowledge.

"Sure enough, as recorded by the ancestors!" At this time Zheng Jing was secretly looking at the world.

There are mountains, rivers and mountains, and ancient trees.

"The Xuanyuan spar should be in the strongest place of the Xunyuan qi, where it is the source of the Xunyuan." Zheng Jing secretly murmured.

At this moment everyone was scanning the Quartet.

"This is the place of the mixed Yuan. As for whether you can get the chance, it depends on your own good fortune." Zheng Jingyi said to everyone.

"Um." Yuan Tianchi nodded.

"Then let's take a step!" Zheng Jing waved the palm of his hand and took the giant spirits together.

Jia Jianfei and others followed.

Xiao Yun didn't leave in a hurry.

"There don't seem to be any living creatures here!" Yuan Tianzhang said with a flash of light.

"Although no gods and beasts have been seen here for a while, it does not mean that there is no danger. I think that your warships should find a place to seal up first, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be extremely troublesome." Xiao Yunzai After glancing at the Quartet, he said to everyone.

He clearly knows more about this area than everyone else.

"That's fine." After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

After all, even when entering a relic, everyone has a different encounter.

For example, perhaps Xiao Yun got an opportunity, and he had to retreat there for half a year before coming out.

Some people plan to leave within three months.

Others may leave after a year.

But the battleships were all in Xiao Yun's hands, which would be extremely troublesome.

"I arrange a formation here, and you will be imprinted in the formation with Jingyuan. Now to open the formation to obtain a battleship, you must do it yourself. If others come here, you will know in time, all the time, You can come together to stop this person. "Xiao Yun groaned a little and said immediately.

"This will do." The crowd nodded.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun and others moved forward together.

Looked for an ancient mountain in the center in front.

The mountain is some distance from the edge.

In this way, even if they enter the core, they can come quickly.

Here, Xiao Yun began to set up.

This is Guzhen, told by the Supreme Devourer.

The complicated formation method is simply not easily broken by the world.

Of course, it took Xiao Yun a lot of energy to arrange this array.

The battleships of all were placed within the formation.

Every battleship was imprinted in the pattern with the essence.

As long as someone attacks, the picture will evolve and be known to them.

"We leave each other's waistline **** marks, and if there is a change, we will advance and retreat together." Then, Yuan Tianyi and others said.

They are watching for Zheng Jing.

After the previous battle between Xiao Yun and Jia Jianfei, they already had opinions on this person.

Moreover, they did not imagine that Zheng Jing would be so kind and let them gain any chance.

So be prepared.

At this point, holding a group is obviously the best way.

"Okay!" Then, everyone left a spiritual imprint on each other's waistband.

After this, they left here.

By this time, the people like Ming Beichen and Dugu Xingchen had already left.

Because they have God-level storage ring.

"Go!" After doing all this, Xiao Yun and others started to move forward.

They went to search for the so-called hybrid grass.

The deeper, the deeper the Qi of Qiyuan.

Almost all Xiao Yun's souls have been washed by Qiyuan Qi.

In addition, Siyuan makes God's pattern flicker and absorbs Siyuan's gas.

Even more, Xiao Yun stored the source of Qi directly in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Knowing the vastness of the sea, this is just like a world, and it can save a lot of origins.

"There is no real divine spirit available here!" Looking for something, Princess Qilin and others began to show disappointment.

There is indeed a boulevard atmosphere here, but also mountains and rivers.

But those **** extracts have not yet been bred.

Apparently ~ ~ This is a fragmented world and not perfect enough.

"The source of Siyuan in front of him is getting stronger and stronger." However, Xiao Yun was beaming with joy.

Relying on the induction of Qi of the Source, he can clearly discover the change of this breath.

As for Princess Kirin and others, although they have also sensed this change.

However, they were unable to absorb the source of Siyuan's energy, so they only wanted to look for Hunyuan Cao.

Xiao Yun released his mind and looked for the source.

Ordinary people are inducted by the mind, it is difficult to extend, and they will be blinded by the origin of the source here.

But Xiao Yunxiu has a source of origin, and spiritual knowledge can be extended without hindrance.

"Sure enough, there is a source!" After an hour, Xiao Yun's eyes appeared with joy.

However, as soon as he was at a loss, he saw several figures.

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