Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1418: 狰狞 Bilu [...

Seeing that Xiao Yun and the mixed Yuanshou did not show up for a while, Zheng Jing's eyes flickered, and he swept towards the cyclone that had calmed down.

"Go!" When Zheng Jing left, the geniuses of the six giant spirits next to him also immediately followed,

Jia Jianfei, Lai Wanli, Wu Bin followed.

"Let's go too!" Wushuang said.

Dugu Xingchen and others nodded.

At the moment, they walked together.

, Pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda Because of Zheng Jing's despicable behavior, these people naturally come together.

They knew that only by working together could they compete with Zheng Jing.

In the eyes of the hybrid.

At this point, that horrible wave has been restrained.

It seems very peaceful here.

Zheng Jing first appeared here, and the six giant spirits followed.

Zheng Jing's face was indifferent to these people's following. He didn't say much, and swept straight ahead.

Zheng Jing moved forward, and there was still a powerful force mingling there.

But Zheng Jing's spirits bloomed, resisting this power.

Then he moved step by step towards the eye of Hunyuan.

It didn't take long for him to come to the eye of Hunyuan.

"That seems to be the stone of Yuanyuan?" Zheng Jing flashed his eyes, and he saw the stone of Yuanyuan flashing with dim light near the eye of Yuanyuan.

This is the imperfect stone of Yuanyuan, which is still being bred, and Xiao Yun has leaked the stone of Yuanyuan that has not been collected.

"Mixed Yuan Stone!" Behind Zheng Jing, the genius of the giant spirit clan exposed the light.

This is the goal of their trip!

"There is a avenue on this mixed-yuan stone!" Jia Jianfei looked fiery.

"If you have this stone, maybe you can really make a **** base!" Wu Bin is also full of expectations.

At this time, Yuan Tianyi and others also came here.

"This spar actually contains the atmosphere, is it the stone of the avenue?" Yuan Tianyi's eyes were so hot that he was attracted by the mixed stone.

There are a lot of mixed stones in front, and there are eight.

These are scattered in the side, or the stone of the mixed Yuan, which was reunited with the strong mixed Yuanqi that had just been fought.

There are not many stones in the Yuanyuan, so the atmosphere here becomes weird immediately.

"Our tribe needs a lot of mixed yuan stones!" A few young eyes of the giant spirit tribe murmured.

At this moment they all burst out with a powerful momentum.

"Why don't you see Xiao Xiaozi?" Princess Kirin's eyes were worried.

"Be assured, Xiao Xiaozi's soul breath is still there, there should be no ridicule!" Princess Tianlian whispered.

Son of the Phoenix also nodded.

He and Xiao Yun have a soul mark, and they can perceive each other's life and death with their waist cards.

At this time, Zheng Jing was already looking back, and turned towards Yuan Tianzhang and others.

"These mixed yuan stones must be me!" Zheng Jing said word by word.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

A sense of extreme cold permeated from his eyes.

With this kind of chill, there was a certain sense of murder.

Even Jia Jianfei and others felt a trembling chill.

Obviously, Zheng Jing's meaning is very obvious. This mixed-yuan stone even Jia Jianfei and others are not thinking about it.

"Is it you?" After hearing Zheng Jing's words like this, he was so cold.

He was almost killed by Zheng Jing before!

"I'm afraid this thing is not something you can enjoy alone!" Ming Beichen took a step forward and said coldly.

Beside him, Princess Kirin, the Son of the Phoenix, the Son of the Peacock, and others all exuded powerful momentum.

They are obviously going to stand together!

"Oh, do you think that with such a few people, you can really compete with me?" Zheng Jing sneered with a word of sneer.

If we talk about the number of people, they are less than Yuan Tianzhang and others, and even one more.

Furthermore, Zheng Jing has a strong self-confidence.

The profoundness of his heritage, can these people be compared?

Therefore, when the words fell, the powerful momentum immediately burst out from him.

Zheng Jingyi was seen fluttering, her hair was flying, and her body was blooming with a light pattern.

This light pattern flickered like a divine pattern, blooming an amazing wave, which made him really like a **** son, and the powerful momentum swept the four directions.

"Huh, let's compete!" Seeing Zheng Jing's look so powerful, Du Guxing's eyes flashed, and there was also a strong momentum on his body. Although he was injured before, he took it before. With elixir, the injury was almost recovered. After taking steps, a star nucleus suspended above his head.

Above this star core, there are avenue lines flowing.

An astonishing wave swept across.

This fluctuation, even Ming Beichen frowned.

The lonely star who already has the star **** body is relying on the power of the star core, who can compete with it?

Although dreaded in the heart, Ming Beichen also triggered the momentum.

The lingering air seemed to float like a long river, and finally there was the evolution of the mingling sea behind him.

The powerful qi is raging, the breath is breathtaking, with the taste of death, and it is necessary to corrode and isolate all vitality.

This momentum, even Yuan Tianzhang was shocked.

Obviously, this Ming Beichen is definitely one of the top powerhouses here.

When Ming Beichen urged the momentum, the phoenix behind the son of God Phoenix rolled, and behind it there was the evolution of the Phoenix.

Princess Tianlian also pushed her momentum to the limit.

Behind her, there is a wind feather exuding divine power.

This is a divine feather obtained by Princess Tianlian and has now been fused by it.

In addition, Princess Kirin also fused the unicorn **** bone almost.

That **** bone blended into her brows, shining a unicorn **** pattern, as if there was a god-like unicorn hidden in her brows.

Her momentum has reached an astonishing point.

In addition, the colorful light behind Kong Qigongzi bloomed, and a colorful world evolved.

In it, there is a pervasive divine power.

Obviously, it has also obtained divine-level feathers on the ancient **** continent.


These nine people, except Wuzhen is just a pseudo-demon, everyone else has a divine.

"Huh!" Seeing that the other party even stunned the soldiers, the geniuses of the giant spirit clan were all stern.

Then, the geniuses of the other six giant spirits flashed, and the momentum was fully triggered.

Suddenly, everyone turned into a giant ten meters high.

In their hands, some are in control of the magic gun, and some are the spear.

Of course, there are two people who are just fake soldiers ~ ~ In addition, Wu Bin also burst out of momentum.

All he saw was a round of five god-patterned discs flashing above him.

This is the Five Elements God Plate, the light pattern flickers, as if the Five Elements were to be suppressed.

In addition, Jia Jianfei urged the Excalibur.

Lai Wanli also spurred a bone spear.

This is made from the bones of the gods.

Zheng Jing was holding a pair of tomahawks.

"Battle!" Only Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, and his body immediately rose.

In the end, when he moved, he was heading forward.

The powerful air machine locked the Dugu star.

Obviously, Zheng Jing also wanted to fight against the strongest among them.

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