Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1419: Zheng Jing's background

In front of the eye of Hunyuan, the two sides are facing each other.

Everyone burst out of their strongest momentum, even the magic soldiers urged.

At this moment, here the mighty and mighty, the powerful breath fluctuation shakes this void trembling.

"Battle!" Du Guxing walked, holding a spear directly towards Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing also killed with a tomahawk.

The two immediately fought a war.

The starry light of Du Guxing (pig-pig-island) novel .zud.chen seems to have evolved into a star world.

The star core was running, rumbling, and showing a mighty avenue, the momentum was so strong that it won the audience.

Even though Zheng Jing fully inspired the power of the ancient giant spirit blood, his momentum was suppressed by the star power.

With a twinkling starlight above his head, Zheng Jing, like a giant walking in the galaxy, could not escape the divine power.

But Zheng Jing was very strong, and the tomahawk was empty and invincible.

The magical hole of Dugu Xingchen penetrated the void, and the momentum was as rainbow.

But Zheng Jing was also very strong, and that tomahawk was left by the deities in the clan.

This is not only a divine soldier, but it is also contaminated by the powerful fighting intention of the gods, making this tomahawk extremely powerful.

Moreover, Zheng Jing was also wearing a battle armor, and his defense was also very strong.

The two men fought in an endless bloom, and it was difficult to immediately distinguish themselves.

On the other side, everyone began to find opponents one after another.

A big war broke out immediately.

A variety of magical powers are displayed, and the magical soldiers show off, showing a brilliant light.

In this kind of battle, the few people who did not have the soldiers directly retreated to the edge and fought.

Although Zheng Jing has a lot of people, two of them have no magic soldiers, making them unable to occupy an advantage at all.

And that Bei Beichen shot strongly and directly suppressed Wu Bin.

In addition, Princess Kirin is also very strong and beat Lai Wanli to vomit blood.

The next-door Kong Qigong is very personable and very elegant, but the colorful light behind him is to swallow the supreme sword energy of Jia Jianfei.

In this way, the war lasted for a long time, and the giant spirit began to fall behind.

The lone star and Zheng Jing have always had the upper hand in the battle with Zheng Jing.

With the core of the stars, he is too powerful to sweep the practitioners at the same level.

"It is worthy of the core of the stars!" Zheng Jing was struck by the fly, with a slight radiance in his eyes.

During this confrontation, he apparently fell below.

But he wasn't worried at all.

Instead, after stabilizing his body, the corner of his mouth sneered.

"Today, I will report the revenge of that arrow!" Du Guxing stared coldly and killed with a gun.

Endless starlight blooms all over him, as if there is a star river falling down.

In this galaxy, guns flickered and came through, just like stars across the void and hit.

The momentum was really too strong, the guns flickered and turned into a galaxy storm, which could drown everything.

"This shot is so strong!" The galaxy's rays raged like a storm, and even those in the distance were frightened by it.

The genius of the giant spirits frowned.

"This boy, actually came as if the stars collided, and also carried the power of the star core!"

"He's really desperate, revenge Xue hate!" Wu Bin and others were all face down.

They are already in a disadvantage. If Zheng Jing is defeated, how can they compete with these people?

"Revenge for an arrow?" Seeing Dugu Xing trying his best to kill it powerfully, Zheng Jing's mouth evoked a radian, only to see him frown, and a radiant light filled his eyes Afterwards, the atmosphere of the whole void changed, but Zheng Jing's tricks were seen.

"Giant spirit god!" A deep voice spit out of Zheng Jing's mouth.

Then he saw a flash of divination in front of him, and then a mighty divine power shook away.

When this divine shock came, a metal puppet suddenly appeared in front of Zheng Jing.

This is a ten-foot-tall puppet whose body is cast from dark golden metal.

His arm and body showed a strong sense of power, and there were some inscriptions carved on it.

I only saw Zheng Jing's hand quotation, and the divine pattern on the palate flickered like stars, and became brighter.

Then a mighty divine power burst out from this divine pattern.

These divine patterns are intertwined and transformed into a divine garment.

He also held a tomahawk in his hands.

Divine shroud shrouded in cold light.

It's like a real **** coming to the dust.

"This ... this is a god-level maggot?" When this maggot came out, the pupil of Dugu Xing suddenly shrank.

Above this maggot he felt the momentum of the gods.

Just when Du Guxing's eyes were surprised, Zheng Jing's mouth sneered.

"Giant spirit, kill!" A deep voice spit out of Zheng Jing's mouth.

Later, the giant spirit flashed like crystal-like eyes, and also released a powerful killing intention.

When the killing spree burst out, the giant spirit stepped on the soles of his feet, and the big holding a tomahawk was going towards the lonely star in front.

The tomahawk split and cut the void.

From a distance, you can clearly see the marks left by the tomahawk cutting through the void.

Dugu Xingchen frowned, and fully worked the power of the stars.

That star power is moving, with wavy lines.

At this moment, he seemed like a galaxy.

But looking from a distance, it seems that the Xinghe is confined, and keeps gathering, turning it into a magic gun.

The gun pierced the void and violently hit the giant axe.


The crisp voice sounded, the magical weapon contained the star power, and it burst out in an instant.

The giant axe was shocking, and the star was a terrible storm, which drowned that star power.

The collision of the two divine powers has broken the void.

There are even space cracks spreading nearby.

The kind of fluctuations scared those in the war next to him.

Suddenly, many people stepped back.

Even if he is pregnant, he does not dare to approach.

Because this lonely star is too powerful.

His star core contains the power of the road!

Zheng Jing's puppet was even stronger.

He really looks like a god, the **** pattern flashes, and the rules of God permeate.

The power of that rule can wipe out everything.

Under this power, the light pattern of the sharp gun gradually faded.

That Xinghe seemed to be eroded a little by the horrible divine power.


In the end, the terrifying divine power broke out and drowned the starlight directly.

The next moment, the galaxy collapsed, and the spear was absent, only to see Dugu Xingchen's body burst.


A bite of blood spit out from the mouth of Dugu Xingchen.

His body was also extremely grounded.


The Dugu star fell to the ground, and the sharp gun in that hand also rolled aside.

His eyes were dim and his breath was weak.


Before waiting for the Dugu star to respond, the light pattern flickered in front of her, and the giant corpse's body immediately appeared in front of her.

The flash of the tomahawk was about to be chopped down towards the lonely star.

The Dugu star frowned, and his body exploded. The palm of his hand grabbed the spear, and immediately rushed toward the battle axe.

At the center of the eyebrows, the star core flickered with divine patterns, turning into that vast divine power.

However, after this blow, he was again Zhenfei.

"Dugu brother!" When Dugu star landed ~ ~ Yuan Tianzhang and others in the distance were also dignified.

Here, it is the most lonely star.

If he was beheaded, who else could fight Zheng Jing?

Ming Beichen rolled a large hand, a gas dragon roared, and immediately rolled the Dugu star to his side.

At the same time, he collapsed.

Kong Qigongzi and other people also gathered together.

Because they know that if a person loses, they are very likely to be defeated by each.

So at this time there is only mutual protection.

"Oh, do you think you can fight with me by joining forces?" Zheng Jing smiled coldly when she saw princess Kirin and others standing back to back.

He strode forward, and the ancient divine power filled him.

Today, he has pushed the momentum to the limit.

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