Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1421: Break the void

"The giant spirit tribe really is despicable and shameless!" When Wushuang's face was unwilling to show despair, a low voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is it?" When the sound sounded, the genius of the giant spirit tribe blinked, and immediately turned back.

The people next to each other turned around.

"It's Xiao Yun!" When the crowd turned back, they saw a young man strolling out of the mixed cyclone.

"He wasn't dead?" Seeing this, Jia Jianfei looked dark.

"His breath ... seems to be deeper than before!" Lai Wanli * pig * pig * island * small * said ww.huzu dignified.

Today Xiao Yun has a lingering ambiance. He is like a **** son from the land of yunyuan. His long hair flutters and looks dusty.

"Xiao Yun!" Even Zheng Jing frowned.

It seems that Xiao Yun's appearance made him feel a lot of pressure.

"Gong Xiao!" Princess Tianlian's eyes were glowing, and after seeing the young man who suddenly appeared, her tense nerve finally relaxed.

"As long as Xiao Xiao's shot is taken, the situation will be reversed!" A smile appeared on Princess Kirin's face, and a confident light flashed in those beautiful eyes.

Since meeting Xiao Yun, she has seen this young man create too many miracles.

When Xiao Yun appeared, his eyes flashed, and he took the situation in his eyes.

"My friend, do you dare to move?" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth evoked a cold arc, and the cold light flashed out of those eyes.

Waiting for his words to fall, the ancient bow in his hand was pulled away, and now he shot an arrow at the genius of the giant spirit family who was about to shoot.

call out!

The bow of Siyuan was pulled apart, the light pattern flickered, and the sound of the avenue trembled.

A Siyuan Shenwen also swept away.

When this Siyuan God pattern swept away, the Siyuan Arrow has penetrated the void and appeared beside the genius of the giant spirit tribe.

This arrow is too fast.

The result of Xiao Yun's shot was also beyond everyone's expectations, making many people have not yet responded.

Because they were still in the shock of Xiao Yun's sudden appearance.

When this arrow hit, the genius of the giant spirit family came to react.

However, before he took a shot, a divine power was drowned.

Under this power, the true elements in his body are all bound.

call out!

Then, the flash of Si Yuan's arrow penetrated his heart.

The next moment, a loud noise came out, and the void exploded directly.

The giant spirit youth only saw his body burst, and then the whole person was blown up by the force of terror.

All his babies were wiped out by a shock of divine power.

"Zheng Hua!" Now, the youth of the giant spirit cried out.

There was sadness in one's eyes.

"It's so fast, a strong arrow!" Jia Jianfei and others panicked.

Although Xiao Yun shot a little unexpectedly just now, the speed of this arrow was really unexpected.

That power made them even more frightened.


With an arrow, Siyuan Arrow swiveled and turned into a rainbow that fell on Xiao Yun's arrow string.

After the arrows returned, Jia Jianfei and others were all with a look of anger, their nerves tightened, and they all stared at Xiao Yun ahead.

"Xiao Yun, you actually killed my giant spirits!" At this time Zheng Jing's eyes were also extremely cold, and he stared at Xiao Yun with a word.

"Offend my giant spirit tribe, you will have nowhere to run on the ancient road!"

"Oh, giant spirits?" Xiao Yun smiled from the sky, and then his eyes flashed, staring at Zheng Jing, she said in a deep voice, "In my Xiao Yun's eyes, there is no distinction between the protoss and the tribe, only the enemy and friends, Since you are so despicable, then you are the enemy, and in the face of the enemy, you have to die for life and death, so if you are threatening this kind of thing, you should talk to others! "

After the words fell, Xiao Yun's Siyuan bow began to open again.

Siyuan's bow opened, and the road pattern bloomed immediately.

This kind of prestige makes the geniuses in the field jealous.

Jia Jianfei and others narrowed their necks and set their sights on Zheng Jing.

Obviously, they also know that only Zheng Jing can compete with this young man here.

"In this case, let me teach you your combat power!" Seeing Xiao Yun opening the bow string directly, Zheng Jing looked cold with a look of war.

To this day, he has only tried his best to fight.

"Giant spirit demon, giant spirit battlefield!" Zheng Jing shot to urge the giant spirit deity.

I can only see that there is a strong blood power in front of Zheng Jing, injected into the giant deity.

At present the shrine divine pattern flashes, blooming with terror.

The divine pattern intertwined and immediately turned into an inexplicable realm.

Although this field is not complete, but under that power, heaven and earth seem to be sealed and frozen.

Previously, Yuan Tianzhang and others were suppressed by this kind of force, leading to a fiasco.

So when this Zheng Jing shot with all his strength again, the crowd could not help but tighten their nerves and stared tightly forward.

Jia Jianfei and others were also nervous.

Although Zheng Jing is strong, Xiao Yun is more unpredictable.

At that time, they had seen Xiao Yun's beast!

The same is true. They will be so shocked when they see Xiao Yun appear.

"Gong Xiao should be able to withstand this attack!" Princess Tianlian did not have any worries.

call out!

I saw that Xiao Yun's bowstring was pulled into a full moon, and then the bowstring was loosened, and the arrow was shooting forward.

The arrows shot, with a divine pattern shock, which directly distorted the shock of the battlefield field released by Zheng Jing's giant spirit deity.

That power does not seem to be able to withstand the power of Siyuan Arrow.


Just at this moment, the giant spirit shrine also shot.

It was cut down with a tomahawk.

The axe fell, cut the void, and a divine pattern flickered.

This is the axe of God. Under one blow, it really has the power to open up the world.

"Divine axe?" Feeling the power brought by that axe, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a slight arc.

This axe is indeed very powerful.

But now he not only absorbed the spirit of Siyuan.

Earlier, he battled with the Yuanyuan Beast, and the spirits within Siyuan Bow completely crushed the Yuanyuan Beast.

In the end, the beast of Yuanyuan was transformed into a godhead of Yunyuan and absorbed by the spirit of Siyuan Bow.

After that, Qi Ling began to fall asleep.

But Xiao Yun can clearly feel that the momentum of Siyuan Gong is stronger than before.

This is because Qi Ling has gained huge benefits in this war, and is now refining the mixed pattern.

During this period, Xiao Yun himself also absorbed a lot of mixed gas.

There is also the connotation of the mixed element in the mixed yuan, tempering his body for him.

Today Xiao Yun's skin is like a **** jade, really like a **** son.

Not only is he physically immaculate, but all the bones and veins have reached an astonishing point.

Even in his flesh, there was a breath of avenue.

This is like casting a **** base.

It's just that those mixed Yuan qi are restrained, and the avenue breath contained in it is not Xiao Yun's control.

"Although Siyuan Qiling has fallen asleep, but now I have absorbed a large amount of mixed elemental energy, I can also exert the power of this Siyuan bow.

Xiao Yun was confident.


Siyuan's arrow flickered, colliding with the giant axe under the eyes of everyone.

A terrifying divine power burst out.

The void exploded under this divine power.

Every space crack appeared.

The hurricane howled, like a mad dragon dancing.

This confrontation is really too powerful.

Whether it's Siyuan Arrow or the Tomahawk, they are all top soldiers.

In particular, Siyuan Arrow, the power of its arrow suddenly reached a level of shock and horror.

Siyuan Shenwen bloomed, and the divine power released by the Tomahawk was worn away a little.


When the **** pattern released by that tomahawk was worn away, the arrow of Siyuan now burst into a terror.

This power shook the tomahawk, and the giant deity shook directly.

An amazing divine power then turned into a storm and raged forward.

That kind of fluctuation seems to wipe out everything.

"So strong!" A giant genius frowned.

"Not good, Zheng Gongzi seems to be falling into the wind!" Jia Jianfei felt uncomfortable.

Their bodies also retreated.

Zheng Jing was even more frightened at this time.

He was a god-level puppet, and now he tried his best to get rid of it.

When that vast wave swept away, Zheng Jing waved his hand, and the oracle was immediately drawn into his side.

Then the god's clothing bloomed with a divine pattern, and he disappeared immediately.

The storm of terror swept through, but Zheng Jing's body was not seen.

The void crack gradually healed.

"Avoided!" Seeing this, Princess Kirin frowned.

This blow was enough to crush any strongman just now.

Even Zheng Jing couldn't resist.

But he avoided it.

"Is this the God of Space?" Seeing this, Yuan Tianyi and others sank.

"Damn!" Du Guxing couldn't help but curse.

It is a shame that Zheng Jing has not been wiped out in this way.

"Did you fall into space?" After seeing that Zheng Jing suddenly disappeared, Xiao Yun's corner of his mouth appeared a cold arc.

I can only see the Qi of the source in his body swept out and poured into the bow of the source.


The **** pattern on the bow of Siyuan bloomed, and it immediately gave off the mighty power of the tyrant.

An inexplicable force of the word locked the void.

The power of the mixed element, the energy of the source.

This is the similar atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Today, this prestige of the avenue is pervasive, making Xiao Yun seem to be in control of this world.

His mind also sank into this avenue.

Suddenly, with that perception, he clearly felt the fluctuations of this space.

"There!" Xiao Yun was so impressed that he locked a direction ahead.

Then, his Siyuan bow was pulled into a full moon.

Finally, under the gaze of all eyes, the bowstring loosened.

call out!

Siyuan's arrows turned into a Shenmang and shot directly forward.


When this Siyuan arrow shoots out ~ ~ the void is exploding.

From a distance, the void has shattered and sunken.

The horrible cracks of space dance, as if the mad snake is dancing around, it seems that it can swallow everything up.

The horrible fluctuations frightened geniuses far away.

The loud noise shook the sky, and the mighty power raged.

Siyuan Arrow seemed to penetrate the space, and violently confronted Zheng Jing in another space.

That explosion continues.

After a little while, the fluctuations weakened.

And the space shuddered, Zheng Jing's body flickered and appeared in this space.

At this moment he had messy hair and blood on the corners of his mouth, which looked extremely embarrassed.

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