Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1422: Jade burn

Xiao Yun shot with all his strength, and the source of God's pattern bloomed, and his heart seemed to merge with this space.

In this case, any fluctuations in this space are under his control.

Therefore, even though Zheng Jing fell into the space, he was also locked by Xiao Yun and shot straight.

Under this attack, Zheng Jing was seriously injured.

"I fell into the space with this space **** clothes, and he was actually found by him!" Zheng Jing wolfed out, his face gloomy.

He's a **** suit!

The novel "Pig", "Pig" and "Island" Generally speaking, he immersed himself in the space, and no one else could find it.

With this, he can stand invincible.

However, Xiao Yun has some connection with Siyuan Bow. With the pattern of mixed elements absorbed by Siyuan Bow, he can perceive many fluctuations in this space.

"Zheng Gongzi is injured!" When Zheng Jing came out, Jia Jianfei sank.

Then Wu Bin and Lai Wanli also frowned.

The remaining five giant spirit geniuses were all worried.

If Zheng Jing couldn't compete with Xiao Yun, they would be over.

"Today, you will pay for what you have done!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and Siyuan Bow was pulled away by him again.


The bowstrings pulled in, the **** pattern trembled, and the river's dazzling light burst out.

Suddenly, that magical power locked Zheng Jing.

"You ..." Seeing Xiao Yun being so decisive, he was about to take a shot, Zheng Jing's eyes were completely darkened, "Do you really want to do this?"

Zheng Jing's eyes obviously had a little fear.

"Is this really the case?" Xiao Yun said with cold eyes, staring at Zheng Jing, "You brought us here at first, but you weren't so relieved, were you?"

"For you, we are just a tool to open the seal. When the seal is opened, it loses its value of use. Of course, it can also help you attract mixed beasts so that you can find your own opportunities." Xiao Yun's words were full of Icy taste.

All of this is in Zheng Jing's calculations.

If not Xiao Yun's strength is relatively strong, and the bottom line is still quite strong, I'm afraid that at this time will become the meat of anyone to be slaughtered.

After hearing Xiao Yun's remarks, the lonely star and Ming Beichen were intent on killing.

They were almost killed by this Zheng Jing.

"You are ready to pay the price!" Xiao Yun pulled the bow of Siyuan.

Suddenly, the Siyuan bow **** pattern bloomed, and the horrible divine power seemed to be raging.

The power of Siyuan Bow is more powerful than before.

call out!

The arrows flickered, and the arrowheads of the arrows flickered, as if the spiral cyclone was spinning, and the void where you passed was directly broken.

This momentum is like a look to Zheng Jing directly obliterated.

"Do you really think I can do nothing for you?" Seeing Xiao Yun's attitude so determined, Zheng Jing's eyes also had a cold light flashing.

"Giant spirit shouts, burst!" Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, immediately urging the giant spirit pattern.

A forbidden pattern was urged within the shrine.

This is a self-destructive forbidden pattern. Once activated, it will pull out the sealed divine power.

This divine power cannot be triggered. Once set off, it is easy to cause changes in the heavens and the earth, leading to pressure on the road.

Even if this place is a mixed place, it is like a crippled world, but after all, it is not a world, and it will be suppressed.

Even a world, it is difficult to escape the constraints of the power of heaven and earth.

After all, it is within this world.

So when this divine pattern was set off, there was a horrific force bursting out.

Then the divine pattern flashed and shattered.


There was a muffled sound, and the deity exploded directly, and a vast divine power raged from it like a torrent.

When this torrent raged on, the divine pattern blooming from the arrow of Siyuan was also drowned.

"Not good ..." Seeing this, all the people nearby changed their color.

"Self-exploding oracle?" Even Xiao Yun's face sank.

It all happened so suddenly.

No one thought that this deity could still explode!


The loud noise came out and directly swallowed the arrow of Siyuan.

Swallow Tenjin Tower!

At the moment, Xiao Yun immediately urged the Tower of Devourer.

The pagoda flashed and turned into a huge cyclone.

This cyclone seemed to connect the heavens and the earth, and devoured a lot of divine power.

In the tower, Supreme Master Tian also assisted Xiao Yun in his shot.

Suddenly, 70% of that power was resolved.

It's just that the remaining energy is too powerful, so that the Tower of Devastation has no time to resolve.

Then, the power burst out and drowned Xiao Yun.

Cracks spread throughout the space, and the void shattered.

The crowd watched the storm swallow themselves up.


"No ..." exclaimed, screaming.

It was just that the sound came to an abrupt end.

Soon, everyone was swallowed up by this torrent of divine power.

These included Jia Jianfei, Lai Wanli ... and even Zheng Jing was swallowed up.

Moreover, he was hit hardest.

Under this shock, even if he was wearing a God suit, it was difficult to resolve.


The space collapsed, causing the void to squirm, and a space crack appeared.

The cracks in this space stirred, I wonder which world is connected.

A figure was engulfed in the crack.

Xiao Yun only felt that the sky was spinning, and his body was drawn into a space cyclone involuntarily.

The cyclone was deep, and he was so drawn into the depths.

Looking away, it was just dark and cold.

"This is a crack in space!" Xiao Yun's face suddenly changed.

It was just that he couldn't change anything.

Fortunately, he swallowed the tower of the **** of heaven to spin, and resolved a lot of fluctuations for him.

As for the others, they were far away from the battlefield before, but were also affected.

Fortunately, the crack appeared too quickly, not only engulfing everyone, but also the vast torrent of divine power.

Otherwise, under this kind of torrent, they will also crush their bodies.

"Where was this sucked in too?"

Within the dark space cyclone, Princess Kirin's eyes were horrified.

It was only at this moment that they had nothing but their fate.


After two hours.

The cracks in this space healed.

It's just that a figure has not been seen here.

Twenty days before heading to the land of the Hunyuan all disappeared.

Superstar City.

"Zheng Hua's soul card has cracked!"

"What, Zheng Hua is down?" Within a large hall, several elders of the giant spirit group gathered together.

"How did he snore?" On the high platform, the half-step deity asked.

"Cannot be deduced!" There is a giant spirit old man with a heavenly Nine Realm below shaking his head.

"Unable to deduct?" Wen Yan said, all those elders were moaning.

"It seems that they have entered the land of mixed yuan!" The half-step **** on the temple platform stroked his beard.

"Not good, Zheng Yuan's mixed card has also cracked!" Just then, someone came to report.

"My tribe's waist card is also broken!"


Those elders received the news.

"What's going on?" When the news came one after another ~ ~ The elders of the giant spirits began to feel uneasy.

Over time, none of the people who traveled to the land of Junyuan returned.

People in the superstar city started to panic.

"Jing'er's soul card hasn't cracked!" The half-step spirit of the giant spirit clan flashed, "This shows that he hasn't fallen yet, but I can't show his whereabouts."

With his flesh and a trail left by Zheng Jing, he could deduct Zheng Jing's whereabouts.

But now nothing can be deduced.

"Isn't he here anymore?" The giant spirit people looked suspicious.

[Because there was no internet in October, I came to Changsha and found a house for a few days. Although I found it, it was a bit noisy. I have a nervous breakdown and need a quiet place. Only when I sleep well can I write in a stateful state. Time adjustment, I hope everyone forgive me, now the plot of Sanctuary will start, and the human world will be closed immediately. I hope everyone will support it. If you have a monthly ticket, give it to the old demon.]

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