Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1432: Realize

Ming Ziyu was called, and the old patriarch wanted to imprint the blood of the winged snake and beast for him.

Xiao Yun was watching beside him.

First, Ming Ziyu was placed in a device.

Ding Nei has dazzling lines to protect his blood.

"This is my special coffin!" Said the old patriarch.

Then his flash of magic flashed over Ming Ziyu's head.

When this **** wheel shrouded in the top of Ming Ziyu's head + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z +, the old clan's eyes flashed.

With the help of his skill, the imaginary shadow evolved by the blood of the winged snake beast was the place where Dan Tian was injected into Ming Ziyu.

When that phantom was poured into Yuzi Tian of Mingzi, a vast imperial power filled with it.

This is the majesty of the emperor.

This power is too vast. If it is not well controlled, Ming Ziyu will be directly destroyed.

However, the old clan's eyes flashed, and the magic wheel flickered, and a magic pen evolved.

The pen tip is like a knife with a dazzling pattern on it.

This is the inscription of the magic pen, and also the spear of the inscription!

The **** wheel blooms out of the dow pattern, stabilizing the wing snake beast blood.

Holding the pen in his palm, he began to point in the air.

I can only see that every time he clicked out, there was a pattern that was injected into Dan Tian of Ming Ziyu.

The old man's eyes flashed, as if he could penetrate everything.

The meridian skeletons in Ming Ziyu's body are all under his gaze.

Those who awaken the Spirit Poseidon will also have different eyesight.

They can pierce falsehoods and see many tiny things.

Brush, brush!

One stroke at a time, it seems to lightly, but it contains mysterious mysteries.

Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and everything about Ming Ziyu's Dantian was in his eyes.

"This is the inscription of the frame, so that Dantian can be stabilized, so as not to be broken by the emperor!"

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, it was clear.

It was just that the inscription was complicated and more subtle than he thought.

"It is worthy of the ancient Ming clan!" After Xiao Yun's observation, his heart was also shocked by the profoundness of the Ming magic.

The inscription is carved into Dantian.

This process lasted one or two hours.

This is a very powerful inscription.

Of course, if only the blood of an ordinary beast was imprinted, it would not be so laborious.

This time they imprinted the blood of the imperial beast!

"The inscription is engraved, it's done!" At last, the inscription on the palm of the old patriarch's hand was hooked, and at the place where the inscription Yudan Tian, ​​a light pattern rose immediately.

An ancient pattern emerged.

This ancient pattern is extremely mysterious, it rises up, as if it contains a world, in which the power of the avenue pervades.

"Come in!" Now, the elders of the old clan again started to introduce the blood of the strange beast into the inscription of God.

The blood of the strange beasts merged into it, and the vastness of the mighty emperor was shocked, but it was suppressed by all.

In the end, it merged into the ancient pattern of Mingshen, and hidden in the dantian of Mingzi pattern together.

"This is to imprint the blood of the alien beast into the human body!" Said the elder elder. "To fully integrate, we must continue to engrave the **** pattern, and let the **** pattern assist him to absorb the power of the vein.

After that, he continued to hold the pen.

Next, he engraved ancient patterns in the meridians and bones of Ming Ziyu.

Looking at all this, Xiao Yun realized something.

Insufficient manpower, but can slowly absorb the power of that bloodline.

Not to say that it is completely integrated.

"Everything must have a process!" Xiao Yun's eyes showed the light of wisdom.

Somehow he realized.

"I am aware of heaven and earth now, but blend with heaven and earth, but I rush too fast."

He had touched the heavens at this time.

However, Xiao Yun always felt that he was still missing something.

Not yet in full control of the power of the day and place.

However, at this time he had some insight through this inscription.

"Tongtianjing is also divided into nine points. I have to gradually improve and improve a little." Xiao Yun smiled. "I was too anxious before."

He was too eager to pursue perfection.

However, everything in the world has laws, how can it happen overnight?

When Xiao Yun realized, the old patriarch also finished the ancient pattern for Ming Ziyu.

"Now we have to rely on him to support the blood of this strange beast and continue to integrate it." The old patriarch laughed.

"Gu Ming's divine art, it really deserves its reputation!" Xiao Yun smiled.

He really feels amazing about this ancient Ming magic.

You know, how can ordinary people help others get blood?

But the Gu Ming clan can.

It also looks like it can be mass produced.

"Unfortunately, the talents of the descendants of my clan are not as good as in ancient times. Many people cannot fully integrate after being infused into the blood." The old patriarch sighed and said, "If it cannot be merged, it will easily cause the blood to backfire and eventually lead to ridicule "It is the same, they will not easily engraving the blood of the tribe.

First, you must train bones with demon blood from an early age.

Only when they are strong enough will they be imprinted with blood.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

He then retired.

The old patriarch continued to inscribe blood to the people.


"Heaven and earth are the same!" Xiao Yun crossed his knees on a cliff. He looked at the clouds in front of him, but his heart was clear.

Now, with a change of mind, he can be integrated into the world.

The situation is under control!

Although, he still can't completely control the power of this world, and turn himself into heaven!

However, this is already an improvement.

As for incarnation, we must continue to realize.

That is another realm.

At least it's not all in one place.

The mist dangled around Xiao Yun.

I don't know how long before, ripples appeared on him, and a mighty emperor's power spread out from him.

The sky is heavy!

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and Huo Ran got up.

At this time, above his head, there was Tianwei's cohesion, and the cloud robbery.

Xiao Yun was very indifferent, so he looked at the robbery cloud.

The sky robbery through the sky is very strong.

The vastness of the Emperor's power covered the world.

The entire Guming clan was alarmed.

Even the Tianmang Mountains were alarmed by many monsters.

"Is anyone going to rob?" The king of the Gu Ming clan released his mind.

"It's Xiao Xiaozi!" An old emperor squinted.

"Xiao Gongzi is really a genius, so he began to cross the emperor's calamity when he was young!" The clan of the Gu Ming clan was sighing.


At this moment, in the void, the cloud robbery squirmed, and thunder fell.

Huang Jie was very strong, and the thunder fell, carrying the power of heaven and earth.

Although it's just a thunder, it has groundbreaking power.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, facing up to the sky.

He was fearless, with a pervasive charm on his body.

If you are in the world.

With the power of heaven and earth, he resolved the power of Thunder.

Under the power of heaven and earth, the power of Thunder weakened.

This is not a weakening of strength, but an inexplicable connection between the two parties.

It seems to be part of it, that lethality is inexplicably weakened.

This is the mystery of the Tao.


Looking from a distance, Xiao Yun punched the Thunder with a punch, then straightened up and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds.

Xiao Yun sometimes turned into a phoenix, and his wings swept across the sky, and sometimes he turned into a unicorn, and his feet collapsed into thunder. Those world-class powers saw the blood of the ancient Ming clan.

Sky roam through!

Still corresponds to many mysteries.

There is the phoenix heaven and earth to suppress, and there is the unicorn fire.

Ice and Fire World, Phantom World, War Spirit!

The rotation of various calamities has evolved the mystery of the avenue.

The sky was falling, but Xiao Yun was light and light, and passed through one by one.

His breath is also rising.

Although it is only one of Tongtian's weight, his momentum is stronger than that of Tongtian triple genius.

In the end, all kinds of disasters are over!

However, Tianwei has not weakened, but the world has changed, and a hazy cloud appears out of thin air ...

The robbery cloud squirmed, hazy, like a world.

In Xiao Yun's body, there is a resonance of road pattern.

That's the pattern of mixed yuan.

These ancient patterns wriggle, and they resonate with the world.

At present, Xiao Yun's breath becomes closer to the world.

A feeling of mastery of heaven and earth came to mind.

"Hunyuan ... represents heaven and earth?" Xiao Yun was moved.

He understood that the cloud was caused by the pattern of mixed elements in his body.


The sky is falling.

This calamity is terrifying.

This is not just a kind of supernatural repression.

At this moment in the dim sky, there seemed to be a big world suppressing down.

There are stars in the world, and the sun and moon rise and fall.

Such a calamity has shocked all living beings within thousands of miles.

"So powerful robbery!"

"This man is so imposing that you must not rashly interfere with him!"

Within the mountains, a big demon stunned, but finally fell asleep.

If the general Guming clan crosses the emperor, it is inevitable that a big demon will come here to interfere.

But Xiao Yun's Tianjie is too powerful.

Not only does Phoenix Heaven and Earth appear, various supernatural powers come together.

Today, there is also a hazy world.

The power of the avenue contained in this world makes the soul tremble.

"What kind of disaster is this?" Even the emperor of the Guming clan was shocked.

They are also a big family.

Moreover, the Gu Ming clan has a long history, and it is larger than some protoss.

However, no one has recorded such a disaster.

The floating sun and moon is too real.

That prestige is awesome.

Xiao Yun was in that world. He watched the sun rise and fall, and watched the stars flow.

He is robbing and feeling.

It was just that the world was too vague and not perfect enough for him to comprehend anything.


The calamity lasted a long time.

Two hours later, Xiao Yundu was successful.

At this point, his body was wavy, and he was sucked into his body a little.

He stands in the air, with a hazy road pattern lingering on his body, really like a king's presence.

After stepping into the sky, his temperament became more aloof.

"I haven't fully comprehended the mixed Yuan method, so I haven't attracted the complete disaster!" After crossing the disaster, Xiao Yun's eyes groaned.

If it is the perfect Tianjie ~ ~, it may really help him to break some of the world ’s mysteries.

However, at this time he was too low.

"Everything should be done step by step!" Xiao Yun's heart secretly murmured.

At this time, he was full of expectations for the future.

Although the mixed land is hard to find, but in the land of condemnation, there seems to be an ancient monument with the mystery of the road.

That is the yin and yang land in the sacred mountain of Siyuan.

Before, Xiao Yun didn't understand what yin and yang were.

But at this time, he gradually realized that this was related to the source of the avenue.

"In the future, we must go to the place of origin!" Xiao Yun's eyes showed a firm light.

"Yesterday the monthly ticket did not reach 800, but the old demon still thank the brothers for their support. Today, I want to give you the monthly ticket to the old demon. , The characters who should appear will appear, and the place of condemnation will also drop. "

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