Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1433: Ancient miracles

Within the ancient Ming clan, Xiao Yun successfully entered the sky.

Now he can be regarded as emperor.

At this time Xiao Yunnian was about thirty.

It's not too early or too late to claim emperor.

But in terms of the bottom line, I was afraid that few people could compare with Xiao Yun.

The sky robbery he passed was shocked even by the old emperor of the ancient Ming clan.

After the disaster, Xiao Yun was full of interest in the avenue.

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Within Heaven Calamity, he saw the world go up and down, and saw the stars flow.

This made him think a lot.

Perhaps the ambivalence of Hunyuan is related to the source of the avenue.

"Oh, congratulations to your friends for setting foot in the heavens!" When Xiao Yun strolled and returned to the Gu Ming clan, several old men immediately came up to congratulate him.

Especially the old emperor who had previously entered and exited the Tianmang Mountains with Xiao Yun.

At this moment he was inexplicably excited.

Seeing this young man, he saw a genius standing at the peak of heaven and earth.

This young man was able to defeat the Emperor without stepping into the emperor's way. Now that he has entered the emperor's way, how powerful should he be?

Not only these elders, but even some women and children came to congratulate.

They are very kind to Xiao Yun and don't distinguish each other at all.

Nor was he born because Xiao Yun stepped into the royal road.

Some are just joy.

"Today, we have to celebrate!" A big man laughed.


"I said Xiaoyunzi, you should also marry a mother-in-law. How do you look at the Cuihua in our family?" A big sister laughed.

"How can you Cuihua have a beautiful lotus in my house!" Said another woman.

"Nonsense, our Cuihua is plump, so healthy!"


The ancient Ming clan enjoys a happy life.

Xiao Yun really feels very different here.

He was here as if he had come to the road.

"Perhaps this should be the case between people!" Xiao Yun stunned.

This is the life that people desire.

That's why I feel comfortable.

The same is true, Xiao Yun will have a calm heart, and realize it here.

In the evening, the people of the Gu Ming clan really congratulated Xiao Yun together.

There are many beautiful girls singing and dancing.

The old men were drinking fruit wine beside them.

After congratulations, Xiao Yun began to build firmly.

After stepping into the heavenly realm, his soul and martial spirit both had a qualitative improvement.

At the same time, he had some insight into the avenue, and it would be much smoother to merge the blood of the Qilin and the Phoenix.

In this way, Xiao Yun began to retreat.

This retreat took half a month.

During this period, strange beasts came to attack the Guming clan.

There are strange beasts in the sky.

This is the helper that Wing Snake has invited.

Although the Guming clan is down, there are ancestral formations in the clan.

Relying on the large array, they successfully defeated the attack of the alien beast, and also killed many king-level alien beasts.

They have long been used to this.

In ancient times, their ancient Ming clan has been fighting with beasts.

At that time, living was difficult.

On this day, the four old emperors of the Gu Ming clan came together.

"The burial place in the Tianmang Mountains suddenly has the bloom of the gods, and there seems to be something ancient to be born!" One of the emperors frowned tightly.

"Lao Shi detected it with the ancient mirror of Gu Ming, which is a relic left by Emperor Heng!" Said the old patriarch.

"What! Are the remains of Emperor Emperor?" Wen Yan said that the other three emperors were moved.


This is a legend of the Gu Ming clan!

Emperor Heng emerged from the ancient Ming clan that year.

In the end, he became the great emperor of the divine realm and ruled the world.

After the rise, he had visited the Guming clan and left the lineage.

The area where the Tianmang Mountains are located moves into the sanctuary for the gods.

In order to leave this monument for future generations.

However, since the world changed suddenly, the ancient Ming clan could no longer control the inheritance place.

"Will there be any treasures in the ancient monument left by Emperor Hengdi?"

"My people have also explored this inheritance, but they haven't found any treasures, and some of them only have insights into Ming Shenshu and magical powers."

Said the old patriarch.

"Would you like to let the descendants of my tribe go there?" Said an old emperor.

"In the place where the ancestors were buried, there was a strange beast entangled. At this time, they rushed forward, and it was easy to be ambushed by the strange beast!" Said the old patriarch.

Only then did they fight the strange beast.

This time, it was the ancestral array that could defeat the alien beast.

If you leave the clan, it is dangerous.

"What to do then?" An emperor frowned.

"In this way, please invite two ancestors and bring a few Erlangs together to see the situation." The old patriarch groaned slightly and said immediately.

"Okay!" The two emperors next nodded.

Then they took some people to the burial ground.

This belongs to the depths of the Tianmang Mountains.

The ancestral burial place is where the ancestors of the ancient Ming clan were buried.

At this moment, the **** pattern blooms in a core place.

In the void, there is an ancient pattern rising.

This ancient pattern enveloped an area.

The power of the avenue pervaded, making the emperor tremble.

"The power of God is too strong, and we cannot move forward!" Finally, the two old emperors left the place.

The Gu Ming clan retreated.

It was just that this mighty power was too powerful, and soon attracted the attention of some nearby forces.

"So godly, there should be a **** born!" A group of practitioners who came to Tianmang Mountain to look for ancient medicine flashed, showing the fiery color.

But when they moved forward, they couldn't get close to the **** pattern.

"Go to the obituary!" The man immediately returned.


"This seems to be the burial site of the ancient Ming clan. Is there a **** soldier born?"

"If you sue the family, it will be a great achievement!"

This monument is constantly being discovered.

These people then returned to the tribe and informed the matter.

When the **** pattern appeared, the Tianmang Mountains immediately became lively.

Two and a half months later, the power of Divine Pattern was restrained.

"You can enter it now!" Amazing news came out.

Suddenly, the major tribes of Xiling County began sending people here.

"Now all the ethnic groups come together, the ancestral land of my tribe, so intruded by outsiders!"

The old man of the Guming clan sighed.

But there are too many people from various ethnic groups, and they cannot help.

Furthermore, there are too few emperors to send out too many people.

Otherwise, once attacked, their entire clan will be destroyed.

"Don't worry, is the burial place of my tribe so easy to enter?" The old patriarch looked indifferent.

That's where the ancestors were buried.

There, there was the restraint left by their ancestors.

Sure enough ~ ~ In the Tianmang Mountain soon there were many news that geniuses had fallen in the burial ground of the ancient Ming clan.

"This is the burial site of the ancient Ming clan. It is not a half-step deity. Don't jump in!" Said the emperor who withdrew.

"The clan of Gu Ming is so fierce?"

"This is an ancient tribe. I don't know how many years it has existed. There was an invincible god. How easy would that burial place be?" Said an old emperor.

"The Guming clan used to be so glorious?" Wen Yan said, many young people were surprised.

"That's the past!" A middle-aged emperor chuckled. "The ancient Ming clan is already down, and the emperor is only a few slaps."

"Go!" Said an old emperor. "Go to the Gu Ming clan and let them send someone out and take us into the burial ground!"

"This ancient Ming clan must have a safe route to and from the burial place!" The emperor of each tribe said.

Then, the emperors of several major clans set off, and brought their clan towards the Gu Ming clan.

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