Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1434: oppression

The miracles of the ancient burial ancestors in the Tianmang Mountains appeared, attracting the strong puppets of all ethnic groups in Xiling County.

But how easy is it to enter the burial grounds of the Gu Ming clan?

Soon the emperor fell into it.

Later, people of all ethnic groups thought of the people of the Gu Ming clan, and they were prepared to lead them to explore the burial ground.

Hey, hey!

In the void in the distance of the ancient Ming clan, a glimmer of light passed.

Among them, the old emperor who had the heavens and the ninth realm flew in a flying puppet.

There are masters of the emperor riding on birds.

The mighty Huangwei swept across this area like a storm.

"No, there is an emperor coming!" When the emperor swept through, the elders in the Gu Ming clan were immediately alarmed.

"Push the ancestral array!" The old clan's eyes lightened, and he quickly urged the ancient array.

Suddenly, among the ancient Ming clan, ancient inscriptions rose one by one.

In the end, the ancient inscriptions are intertwined in the void, covering the ancient Ming clan for thousands of miles in this **** pattern.

When the ancestral formation opened, the people of the Gu Ming clan stepped out.

Men, women, and children, all gathered on top of a mountain and looked into the distance.

Hey, hey!

In the distance, the light passed by.

The first thing that appeared was a chariot cast out of gold.

On the chariot, sat an elder in a gold robe.

This man was full of golden light, with wavy lines. Behind him, the golden light was rolling like a sea of ​​fire, emitting hot waves.

On top of the chariot, that canopy was dazzling with light, like dragons and phoenixes circling.

Above the canopy, there is an ancient word!

This is a status word!

"This golden body, Kung's chariot!" When this chariot appeared, the eyes of the elders of the Gu Ming clan were stunned.

Towing the chariot are two fire beasts.

Fire beasts are like tigers and leopards.

Behind the chariot, there are eight flying slugs!

On these flying magpies sit the emperor.

"People of Kuangshi!" Seeing this, the elders of the Guming clan looked completely blank.

This condition is a big family in Xiling County!

There are no shortage of emperors in their clan.

There is even a half-step deity sitting in it.

This clan is by no means comparable to the ancient Ming clan today.

call out!

However, the talents of this state came, and Changhong immediately crossed the void.

But on the other side, an ancient chariot flew in.

This chariot is very simple, carved like ancient stone, with ancient runes on it.

A breath of vicissitudes permeated, and there was also a mighty power!

On the chariot, there was an old man with a ruddy face and a stone crown.

The old man must have white hair, but the breath is very thick, like a deep sea, and like a world, unfathomable.

"It's the people of the stone clan!" When the chariot appeared, the old emperor of the ancient Ming clan sank again.

Stone people!

This is a large clan that has been passed down for many years.

Legend has it that the ancestor of the Shiren tribe was a piece of skystone that gave birth to spiritual wisdom and turned it into a person.

Later, his children and grandchildren inherited some of the heritage of Shiren.

Now after this chariot, there are also nine flying puppets following.

In addition, there are geniuses of the younger generation coming from strange animals.

call out!

In addition to this, there have been bright lights in the distance.

"That's the Firecrow!"

"And the silver-horned deer!"


After these two clans, many clans appeared.

Although they are clans, they also have emperors here.

Suddenly, outside of the ancient Ming clan, the emperor gathered, and the storm came.

The horrible imperial power shook the sky.

"How can these people come together in my clan?" Many kings of the Gu Ming clan have misgivings.

"It should be for the burial place of our ancestors!" Said Guang Ming, the old head of the Gu Ming clan.

"A land of ancestral burial?" After hearing the words, the king of the Gu Ming clan also looked very bad.

Originally, the ancestral burial ground had a **** pattern rising, and they also wanted to explore.

Just at the beginning, the power of the **** pattern is too strong for people to approach.

Subsequently, the various ethnic groups gathered, and based on the ancient Ming tribe's heritage, it was easy to get out there.

Therefore, the Gu Ming clan did not send people to the ancestral land.

However, at this time, these clan came to their ancient Ming clan instead.

"These people must have come for the ancestral land!" Some old kings said in a deep voice.

The old patriarch was astonished.

At this time, chariots of various races flew in and stayed outside the large array.

"Where is the patriarch of the Guming clan?" On the chariot, the old emperor of Kuang's eyes flashed, and the low voice sounded like a thunder.

The sound oscillated, accompanied by golden lines.

That sound wave directly shook the ancestral formations of the Guming clan.

The golden light behind the old emperor flickered.

This is an old emperor who has achieved perfection.

He was about to touch the half-step divine realm.

The old man was sitting on a chariot, his eyes were dazzling, and he had a supreme power.

Behind him, the corners of the children of that state all evoked a slight arc.

Kung's is a big family in Xiling County, few people can compare.

On the other side, the old emperor of the Stone clan stopped, but he was very calm.

"Gu Ming's Taoist friends, come out for a meeting!" A low voice came out.

Although not so tyrannical, it has a supreme power.

"What are these guys going to do?" The two emperors spoke, their voices were soaring, and all the members of the Gu Ming clan showed solemnity.

An inexplicable dark cloud shrouded my heart.

"These people ..." The emperors sank.

"You preside over the big team inside!" The elder clan's eyes flashed, Shen cried.

"Hmm!" The other three emperors sank.

Then, the old elders strolled out.

"You friends are so excited to come here, dare to ask what's the matter?"

The old patriarch walked out, arching toward the emperor outside.

"You must know how to enter and enter the Tianmang Mountains, the land where the nobles buried their ancestors?"

Seeing this old emperor talking, the old emperor of the Shiren clan stopped talking.

"What do you want to do?" The old emperor of the Guming clan sank.

"Let you show the way, let us enter the burial ground!" The old emperor, who was in the vein of the golden **** body, said in a deep voice.

"What!" The old emperor of the Ming family cried coldly, "impossible!"

Although he already knew where these people came from, there was still a little anger in his heart.

Where are their ancestors buried?

For the Gu Ming clan, it is a sacred place and cannot be blasphemed.

But these people asked them to lead the way to the burial ground.

Let others 'descendants lead the way to dig their ancestors' graves. Some people dare to speak in such words.

How can this not make the people of the Guming clan angry?

This is completely disregarding the ancient Ming clan!

"Impossible?" After hearing that, the face of the old emperor who was a member of the gold-plated body immediately became gloomy. "The ancient Ming clan was really strong in ancient times, and even goes back to ancient times, but today you are already down, In the sanctuary, there are many ancient people like you who are down, and they are disappearing every day. If you do not want the ancient Ming clan to disappear, it is best to cooperate with me. Otherwise, although my condition is not strong, you may destroy your ancient Ming clan. It's not impossible. "

"Moreover, there are other Taoists here waiting."

The man was threatening.

"Taoyou, your ancient Ming clan is down, now that the miracles are showing up, it is also an opportunity for you, why not take a look at the ruins?" The Emperor of the Stone Tribe spoke, although his tone was kind, but the meaning was obvious They also wanted to enter the burial ground and explore the miracles of the ancient Ming clan together.

"My ancestral land, how can you let your fingers touch?" The old clan's eyes sank, and then he said, "If you are here for this, then I can't follow."

"Farewell!" Then he turned and left.

"Do you think it's up to you to do all this?" Seeing the old patriarch turned, the mad old man rose.

All he could see was that his hair would be stretched out, and the king might be shocked.

A dazzling gleam of gold shrouded forward like a canopy.

The horror of gas has locked the old emperor of the ancient Ming clan.


Then a flash of a golden spear flew through the old emperor.

The golden gun's light pattern flickered, and the **** pattern trembled.

This is actually a magic weapon.

The pistol passed and the void shattered.

The dazzling golden light split the sky.

That horrible power made the people of the Guming clan feel a chill after seeing it.

"Abominable, sneak attack!" Within the battle, the kings of the Gu Ming clan were all angry.

It's just that the people of the gold-plated gods outside laughed, waiting leisurely for the results.

"Divine soldier?" The old clan's eyes lightened.

At the moment, he turned slowly, and his eyes flashed, and there was a round of discs floating out of the sea.

The disc came out of the suspension and immediately stood up, as if the shield generally stood in front.


When the disc appeared, the spear just stabbed.

The crisp voice sounded and the majesty shook.

Above the disc, the hazy light patterns flickered, and the avenues dangled, wrapping the spear.

Nowadays, he can't help this disc.

"This is the **** wheel?" Seeing this, the old emperor of the gold-burning **** body frowned.

"Taoyou, are you bullying me Gu Ming's nobody?" The old patriarch turned around at this time, and he looked back at the old emperor of the gold-burning **** body, his eyes gleaming.

At this moment, he woke up like a sleeping lion.

"You ..." said the old emperor for a moment.

The ancient Ming clan has been down for a long time.

Everyone knows that few of them have died.

Originally, he thought that the remaining emperors did not control the magic soldiers.

Do not want this old emperor to control the magic soldier.

"Brush!" Said the old emperors who did not wait for the gold-burning gods, and the old emperors of the Guming clan had already shot.

He strode forward and walked forward.

"Although my Guming clan is down, the bones of my clan have not decayed!" The old patriarch had a strong voice, he strode out, his eyes flickered, and the magic wheel moved in the air, which was the old man of the gold-burning **** body clan ahead. The emperor cut off his head, this **** wheel was very strong, with the avenue pattern dangled, the kind of prestige pervaded, imprisoned the void.

The blazing gods felt a shock.

"What kind of soldier is this!" Many geniuses have their eyes on the display ~ ~ Among these geniuses, many people have magic soldiers.

But no one has ever seen such a terrifying might.

This kind of divine power does not appear to be available to ordinary divine soldiers.

The old emperor of Fang's frowned, and quickly rushed to meet.

The golden light flashed on him, and the sky could be torn between his hands.

However, at this time, it was not possible to tear the road pattern hanging from this **** wheel.

Under the might of God's Wheel, he couldn't even beat him.


His body was falling back.

"The patriarch is mighty!"

The Guming clan is extremely inspiring.

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