Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1435: Dragon Eagle

Outside the Gu Ming clan formation.

The old emperor of the Clan family attacked, but was resisted by the old chief of the ancient Ming clan.

Finally, the old patriarch was furious and shot strongly.

Under that magical wheel, the old emperor of Kuang's actually couldn't compete, and retreated steadily.

"Ancestral formation has opened again ?!" At this time, within the ancient Ming family, Xiao Yun walked as soon as he moved.

He was also alarmed by this fluctuation.

& nb {Pig + Pig + Island} novel www.hzuasp; When he walked, he immediately discovered the situation outside.

"Siege?" Xiao Yun's eyes were cold after seeing the chariot in the void outside.

Look at the situation, Gu Mingshi seems really bad!

It was only when Xiao Yun was worried that the old patriarch was the emperor who killed the Clan clan and had no power to fight back.

"This magic wheel is extraordinary!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he saw the extraordinaryness of that magic wheel at a glance.

This chakra has the breath of avenue.

This kind of magic soldier is nothing like ordinary magic soldiers.

Under the pattern of the avenue, the divine power released by other **** soldiers will be continuously resolved.

"This is the **** wheel left by the gods of Gu Mingshi. They are tempered and warmed by their own pattern, naturally strong!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

"This old man is so strong?" At this time, the emperor of Kuangshi was surprised.

"Shoot together!" Frightened, Kuang's other kings shot.

This is a man over thirty years old. He is holding a golden halberd and is killing the old patriarch of Gu Mingshi.

This is a magical soldier!

As soon as the war halberd came out, a void was cut into the void.

The fierce halberd tears the torn pattern that blooms from the **** wheel, and is to be cut to the old patriarch.

"Bad me Gu Mingshi nobody?" Within the formation, the eyes of the three old emperors of Gu Mingshi were cold.

At the moment, they began to control the ancestral array.


The light pattern of the ancestral array flickered, and the inscription squirmed, like an air dragon pounced on the King Clan in front.

This air dragon is composed entirely of inscriptions, and contains the mighty power.

This ancestral array was left by Gu Ming's ancestors, and it was a god-level formation.

Although the endless years have passed, the power of this formation is still amazing.

The same is true for the ancient Ming clan to survive in this world.

The air dragon rushed away, and the lines flowed, drowning the people of that state.

The emperor of Kuangshi was frightened and immediately retreated.

"The ancestral array of this ancient Ming clan has such a mighty power!" Everyone was shocked.

You know, among them, there are four of them with magical soldiers, all of which are the geniuses of the Clan, but at this time they cannot deal with this so-called large array.

Especially the old patriarch.

His magic wheel flashed, and when the air was cut down, he actually broke the arm of the old emperor.

"You ..." Kuangshi's old emperor wolf stepped back, his eyes sullen, "Do you Gu Mingshi really want to be destroyed?"

The other eight young emperors were also angry.

A dismal ancient clan, dare to fight with them.

"Is the ancient Ming clan more than 100,000 years old?" The ancient clan of the ancient Ming clan had a cold tone, his eyes narrowed, glanced at the Quartet, and he said in a deep voice, "Even though my clan is still in the world, it has it Reason, you want to destroy my clan, but I'm afraid it's not enough. "The old patriarch's attitude was very cold, and he wasn't shocked by the clan.

"This old ghost is so hard-bodied!" This made Kuang's face so dull.

"My children of the Guming clan, don't fear the war!"

"Why fear a battle?"

"Bad me Gu Ming, never die!" Within the Gu Ming clan, many young men began to speak.

Although these people are not strong, they have a cavity of blood.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun moved slightly.

This is the spirit that a clan should have!

Facing strong enemies without fear, let's advance together.

Only in this way can this clan last forever.

"Ming Lao, Gu Ming's heritage is really strong, but it's really downright. It's no longer the prestige of the past. Now the road of God will open and the world will change. You don't take advantage of this opportunity to grow yourself. Drowning in the long river of history, this time, I didn't mean to offend, but just wanted to see the miracles and feel the avenue. "At this moment, the old emperor of the stone tribe flashed lightly, and said in a deep voice," Give people a chance, that is, give you a chance, why bother to lose? "

"Why, the stone clan will also shoot?" The old clan's eyes lightened coldly, and he cried.

"My stone clan has always made good relations with the ancient Ming clan, but this is the general trend. Please also ask Ming Lao to see the situation." The old emperor's tone of the stone clan began to harden.

The head of the Guming clan was gloomy.

"What more to say, cut them all here!" A king hummed coldly in the Gu Ming clan.

"Yes, why are you afraid of a battle?" Many Guming clan chanted.

"Gu Mingshi, indeed, has a strong bottom line, but Shen Zhen is not unbreakable!" Just then, a deep voice suddenly sounded in this world.

There was a ripple in space.

Then, everyone saw the flicker of light and shadow in the distant void.

If you look at it from a distance, it is a flock of birds.

These birds are very large, can be 100 meters long, have wings like eagles, and cover the sky when they stretch out.

An ancient volatility followed.

When they fly in, you can see that the eagle has horns on it.

"What is this ancient race?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun froze.

Horned Eagle?

It's amazing.

"This is the Dragon Eagle!" Swallowed the Supreme Shen.

"Dragon Eagle!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he couldn't help but glance at the flying giant bird.

Headed by a middle-aged man wearing a hawk.

He walked, only two or three steps, and appeared nearby.

His eyes flashed, and his eyes fell on the old chief of the Guming clan.

A strong breath permeated.

That momentum makes the void seem to freeze.

The patriarch of Gu Ming could not help but retreat.

At this moment, he frowned, and his face was ugly.

"This is a half-step **** spirit realm?" Xiao Yun blinked.

Only half a step in the spirit realm can give this old clan so much pressure.

"Dragon Eagle!" When this person arrived, the emperor in Gu Mingshi frowned.

Dragon Eagle!

This is the most powerful clan in Chilling County today!

They are the well-deserved hegemons of Seolyeong-gun!

"There are tens of millions of people in the clan, countless emperors, and half-step deities sitting in the town!" Xiao Yun learned the details of the Dragon-Eagle clan from the king's discussions of the ancient Ming clan.

This is a big family.

It can be said that even in the Western Xuanyu of the sacred realm, the Dragon Eagle can also be ranked among the top ten clan.

The area of ​​Xixuanyu is wide, but how many times larger than Tianduyu!

There are countless Middle Ages, but they can be ranked in the top ten, which is hard to come by.

"Take me to the burial ground!" The half-step deities of the Dragon and Eagle clan walked, and its eyes were cold and cold.

There is an unquestionable taste in its tone.

Gu Ming's old clan's eyelids fluttered for a long time.

Gu Mingshi still has a bit of background.

After all, they didn't have half-step deities.

But this dragon-eagle group has half-step deities.

Under the half-step god, the **** array is really not unbreakable.

"Half-step god!" When this half-step **** appeared, within the clan of Gu Ming ~ ~ a weak voice came out.

Although they have ancestral formations.

However, it is necessary to have the corresponding strength to promote the formation.

Like a magic soldier.

The urging people are the monks who are one of the most powerful.

The other is a half-step deity.

How can that power be the same?

"The situation of the Guming clan today is indeed not good." Xiao Yun also felt the pressure on the Guming clan at this time.

At this time, almost all the forces of Seolyeong-gun were gathered here.

If there is a **** battle, the Guming clan is likely to be destroyed.

Unless they have half-step deities sitting.

Even if there are half-step gods, they can't resist so many clans!

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