Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1436: The Emperor

Oppression of all races in Chilling County.

A half-step deity of the Dragon Eagle appears.

Behind it, there are a number of emperors who circled into dragon and eagle bodies.

In the end, they all fell behind the half-step god.

Under the count, there are forty-eight emperors.

Such a battle, even after Xiao Yun looked at it, he was shocked.

With so many emperors, if they are in Tiandu Realm, it will be enough to sweep all races. `Pig`Pig`island`fiction`www`huzud`?

Only thinking that Murong Jingyun had set foot on Huangdao in his early twenties, Xiao Yun was relieved.

The sanctuary is full of aura, which makes people practice very fast.

Furthermore, many ancient people here have strong bloodlines, and their ancestors are gods. With rich resources, how can their achievements be worse?

It is also that the blood of the Gu Ming clan was suppressed by the power of the heavens and the earth, making the inheritance gradually cut off, otherwise it would not be so downcast.

"Dragon Eagles!" When the Dragon Eagles appeared, Gu Mingshi finally felt powerless.

"This matter still needs to be discussed with the clan people!" Said Gu Ming, the clan chief of Gu Ming.

"Hope not to let this seat wait too long!" Said the half-step deities of the Dragon and Eagle clan lightly.

"Um." Gu Ming's clan's eyes flashed, he was not in the formation.

"Patriarch!" The king of the Gu Ming clan stepped forward quickly.

Those three emperors also came.

At this moment everyone's faces were ugly.

The old patriarch waved his hand and came to the Hall of Discussion with everyone.

Within the ancient hall, the four emperors sat.

There are sixteen puppet emperors next to it.

"Now all the races come and want to enter our ancestral land, what's your opinion?" The old patriarch asked, "is it a dead war or a compromise?"

"How can you compromise?" Said a young hypocrite.

"If we don't compromise, our tribe will be destroyed!" Said one emperor.

"We are not afraid of dying!" A pseudo-emperor nodded and said, "but our children cannot die, our heritage cannot be cut off!"

"But if you take someone to the burial ground, why are you worthy of the ancestors?" Said a puppet emperor.

This is absolutely shame.

"The place where the miracles are displayed is not yet the area of ​​the burial place!"

"Not the area of ​​the burial place?" Wen Yan said, everyone stunned.

"That's the periphery of the burial ground. It's the forbidden area left by the Emperor!" The old patriarch laughed. "There, it's just a forbidden area."

"Just a forbidden place?" Wen Yan said, and everyone was relieved.

If it is a burial place, they must not take everyone.

That is blasphemy!

"What is the patriarch planning to do?" Wen Yan asked a few hypocrites.

"Emperor Heng once left the inheritance to my tribe, but no one got it!" The old patriarch sighed. "Now the miracles are an opportunity, but unfortunately it has attracted the puppets of all ethnic groups. You can still control the situation, but now there is nothing you can do! "At the end, the old patriarch showed helplessness.

It was a miracle in their family.

Unfortunately, at this time, it can only be reduced to onlookers.

Because if they enter, the children of the clan will not only fail to inherit, they may also be strangled by the clan.

In this way, it is definitely a big loss for the Gu Ming clan.

The same is true, and they have not continued sending people there lately.

"What is the patriarch planning to do?" Everyone asked.

"Only send some people to the miracle." The old clan said.

"Choose some geniuses and let them go to the ruins of the Emperor."

In the end, the Guming clan made a unanimous decision.

First of all, they brought in some genius to let people go to the ancient land.

Finally, these people were told some key points of the Emperor's remains.

The geniuses of the eighteen ancient Ming clan have begun to stand by.

"It's just that their level is too low. What if they are ambushed by other clans within the miracle?"

There are also elderly people worried.

Even if they give pseudo-god-level immobilizers!

You know, those who are the emperor and the magic soldier!

"Why let Xiao Xiaoyou take everyone?" Suddenly, an elder said.

"I think it works!" The old nodded.

At first, he had seen Xiao Yun's combat power with his own eyes.

Now that this young man has stepped into the sky, his strength will surely be stronger.

"It's just that there are too many people of all ethnic groups. If they are all targeted at him, even if he has a magical soldier, it will be difficult to fight!" Some sighed.

Although the clan encountered a crisis, they were still worried about Xiao Yun's safety.

"Let's talk to him first and ask him what he means." The old patriarch finally glanced at him and said.

"That's fine!" Wen Yan nodded.

In the end, Xiao Yun was invited.

"Let's go to the miracle together?" After hearing this, Xiao Yun said, "Is this convenient?"

That's the forbidden area of ​​the Gu Ming clan!

"What's more convenient or inconvenient at this time." The Huang of the Gu Ming clan sighed.

They are no longer in control.

They were originally these old men should go.

However, under this circumstance, if there weren't a few emperors sitting in town, the Gu Ming clan would really be destroyed.

So they can't go.

For them, clan talent is the most important!

"This forbidden area is actually the inheritance left by the Emperor in my clan. If you have the chance to get his inheritance, it will also be a great fortune. Of course, the danger is also great. You can see that There is a lot of animosity towards my ancient Ming clan, and you are afraid that you will be targeted when you enter. "Said an emperor.

"Since all of you are willing to let the juniors go to the forbidden area, how can I shirk it? Furthermore, there is only a little risk, which is nothing, and how can I stand on top of the world without going through sharpening?" Xiao Yun smiled at the so-called risk I didn't care. He has seen too many strong winds and waves since practice, and has been fearless for a long time.

"It's so good!" Wen Yan said that the elders of the Gu Ming clan nodded slightly.

"Here are some of the bans in that inheritance." Finally, the old patriarch took out a domino.

That domino urged, the **** pattern flashed, and a map was imprinted on Xiao Yun's mind.

"The outside is a forbidden pattern that prevents people from advancing, even a half-step deity can't break in." The old patriarch said, "As for the inside, you have to rely on opportunities. There are no shortcuts to go. If you want to break through, Even the gods drink hate, so the end result depends on your own creation. "

"Even the gods have to drink hate?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun completely choked.

"That's it!" The old patriarch proudly said, "Hengdi! He's the Guyai of my ancient Ming clan!"

Xiao Yun listened.

The old patriarch simply talked about the situation of the Emperor.

This is a Gai Dai figure, a legend of the Gu Ming clan.

When he was young, he was also sharpened. Finally, with his own efforts, he stepped on the step for nine days and became the emperor!


Listening to Hengdi's story, Xiao Yun also felt bloody.

Because Hengdi has the same experience as him.

However, in the end, Hengdi became not only a god, but also a god!

Being emperor in God, you can imagine how powerful he is.

Only then did Xiao Yun understand why the elders of the Gu Ming clan would be proud when they mentioned this.

"Can the Emperor be alive?" Xiao Yun asked.

"The sky and earth changed suddenly in ancient times, and there was a great war in the divine realm. Nine days fell apart, and the Emperor was no longer visible.

The old patriarch sighed.

This is what he knew from the monument.

"But I believe the Emperor must be alive!" Said the emperor of the Ming clan firmly.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Without waiting for them to say in detail, the outside races are already urging.

"If you can gain something, it depends on your fortune!" Said the old patriarch.

They then left the secret room.

Xiao Yun was full of expectations.

Although he knew there were signs.

But I didn't know it was the inheritance left by the Emperor.

"Hengdi?" Swallowing the Supreme Eyes groaned.

But he didn't recall anything for a long time.

Because his memory is incomplete.

At this time outside the clan of the Gu Ming clan, people of all ethnic groups have been waiting for a long time.

"How's the discussion?" Outside, the half-step spirits of the Dragon Eagle tribe flashed and sank.

"Since the Dragon and Eagle clan has come forward, my ancient Ming clan should also give you some face." Said the old patriarch.

"So, very good!" The half-step deities of the Dragonhawk nodded faintly, as if they had long expected it.

"It's just the people in my clan who send out to lead the way. Your dragon and eagle clan must ensure the safety. If the safety of the children in my clan cannot be guaranteed, it is also very difficult to get old." The meaning of the gold-burning **** body is obvious, that is, to prevent the family from secretly shooting.

"There is no problem with this!" Said the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle clan. "As long as the people in my clan are present, they will keep your clan safe!"

His eyes flickered, and he swept towards the next tribe.

Suddenly, the eyes of the emperor of all races were jealous.

"The ancient Ming clan can take us into the ancient monuments, and I will treat them kindly!" Said the old emperor of the stone clan.

"So good!" The old chief of the Guming clan nodded.

He didn't care what other races did.

Kuang's people looked gloomy.

"Just be careful!" Finally, the old patriarch asked several people to come out.

Including Xiao Yun, a total of nineteen people.

Among them are four kings and four infant market men.

The rest are low-level practitioners.

Because entering the historic site, it is not better to be higher.

Talent and age are more important.

That Ming Ziyu also came out.

He followed Xiao Yun.

"Come on!" The half-step deities of the Dragon Eagles smiled.

Then he flicked his hands, a shadow shrouded, and rolled the nineteen people behind him.

There is a flying puppet there.

The people of the Guming clan all fell into the Hida.

This half-step deity sat in the midst of the flying magpie.

"Go!" When a light drink came out, the flicker of light flickered, as if a condor flew towards the Tianmang Mountains.

Hey, hey!

Now, people of other races follow.

The burial place of the clan of Guming is within 6,000 kilometers of the Tianmang Mountains.

This distance is nothing more than a moment to the Emperor.

It is only in the mountains that there are imperial beasts ~ ~ so few people dare to enter this mountain blatantly.

But now it's different.

The emperors of all races gathered together, and the vastness of the emperor had long scared those strange beasts into the mountains.

After all, this is not a demon domain.

How can beasts compete with human races?

So the beast chose to retreat.

call out!

Light and shadow flashed, and the flying magpie appeared in the Tianmang Mountains.

When a divine power spread, the speed of the flying maggots began to slow down.

"Is this the place where the ancestors of the Gu Ming clan were buried?" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes, releasing his mind.

[Hengdi, this is a very important character, but everyone definitely does not know the old demon's intentions, haha, you can vote for more monthly tickets, and then add the old demon Wei, letter, and I will inform you later. 】

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