Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1437: Burial ground

The speed of Hida has slowed down, and a monument can be seen ahead.

It was a valley surrounded by mountains.

There is pervasive power in it.

When he came here, Xiao Yun could not help but release his mind.

This is the inheritance left by the Emperor. He naturally expected a little more.

"Miracles!" And on top of other flying owls, the youth of the Dragon and Eagle clan evoked a slight arc.

; Pig; pig; island; novel www.zhuzhu + "It is said that this ancient Ming clan was also a super clan in ancient times. Their burial grounds should have a lot of good things!" Looking down into the valley is also expected, although there are many signs in the sanctuary, but not everyone can gain something.

But for everyone, every quest for a miracle is an opportunity.

At this time, the genius of the stone people, the gold-burning gods, followed.

"The ancestors of the ancient Ming clan are buried here. There must be a **** level, and there must be a god!" The geniuses of the gold **** body flashed.

How can the burial ground of gods be free of gods?

Even if it is an artifact contaminated with the breath of the gods, it is not comparable to the royal soldiers!

"At this time, there are people from the Gu Ming clan leading the way, and they should be able to successfully enter the burial ground!" Everyone groaned secretly.


As he reached the edge of the valley, Fei Suxu fell.

There was still a powerful shock in front of him, and even the half-step **** did not dare to rush into it.

The valley was surrounded by mist, and the void in the distance was shimmering with godliness.

That immense power is shaking from within your **** pattern.

When Feiyu fell, the emperors of all races landed.

Headed by Dragon Eagles.

The stone people are on the side, and the gold-burning gods are closely following.

In front of them, there is an ancient road paved with white grain ancient stones.

There is an archway in front!

At this time, they were eight kilometers away from the archway.

Ancient beasts of various races are carved on the ancient road in front of the torii.

There is an immense ancient power on these stone carvings.

Looking at these stone inscriptions, the golden **** body and the royal capital of the stone clan are jealous.

Some time ago, they were crossing this road.

Someone flew directly over, and as a result, the **** pattern flashed in the void, and it was directly swallowed up like a cyclone.

Some people walked carefully carefully, but unknowingly triggered the forbidden pattern. The stone beast next to them was activated, and they shot strongly and killed the emperor.

Almost no one managed to break into the archway ahead.

The same is true. Talents of all races will find the way of the ancient Ming clan.

After landing, Xiao Yun flashed his eyes and closed the stone path in front of him.

At the same time, people next to the ancient Ming clan are also looking at this ancient road.

For this ruin, they are also full of expectations.

According to the information in the clan, this is a forbidden area of ​​their ancient Ming clan, which has the legacy left by the world's strongest. If it is obtained, they can fly into the sky.

"Deserves to be the ancient land of the ancient Ming clan!" At this moment, the half-step gods of the Dragon Eagle clan eyes narrowed, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

As a strong dragon and eagle clan, it has read a lot of ancient books, and naturally knows that the ancient Ming clan was extraordinary in the ancient times.

Although he has set foot in the realm of God, he is full of expectations for this inheritance.

Shinto inheritance, each additional point of understanding can increase its chance of becoming a god.

"Are you sure to enter?"

After sensing the waves that pervaded the front, this half-step deity's eyes condensed, and he looked at the people of the ancient Ming clan around him.

Of course, Xiao Yun is also included.

"There is an ancient forbidden area here. Although we are members of the ancient Ming clan, we can only break some simple restrictions in front of us. If we want to go deep, it is not what we can control." One of the kings of the ancient Ming clan said At this time, he also has a little understanding of the situation here.

The description here is the same as they know.

"You just need to break the ban step by step!"

It naturally knew that it was not so easy to get in and out.

You know, even if they are some forbidden places of the Dragon and Eagle clan, they can't just enter!

It is personal creation that wants to truly enter into it and get the heritage!

"Then, follow our steps!" Shen, the king of the Gu Ming clan, said.

Subsequently, under the leadership of the king, all the people of the Guming clan headed for the ancient road.

Xiao Yun and Ming Ziyu also went forward.

"Is this the ancient land of my tribe?" When walking on the ancient road ahead, a vast and ancient divine power permeated. Under this divine power, Ming Ziyu's face showed a proud look, Such a mighty power, too vast, makes people feel as if they have come to the kingdom of God, and this is the ancient land left by their ancestors.

"If I have to inherit my ancestors, can I revitalize my Guming clan?"

"This divine power is indeed powerful!" Xiao Yun could feel the divine power when walking on the ancient road.

Even this mighty power was more terrifying than what he felt when he was in Jiuxiao Mountain.

It's just that the divine power is restrained, and it is not so obvious.

Because this is the inheritance of the Emperor Emperor to the ancient Ming clan.

If that mighty power is so inaccessible, what's the point?

The people of the Guming clan went forward step by step, and there was some law between the steps.

Under their leadership, the crowd walking on the ancient road did not trigger any restraint.

"This ancient Mingshi really knows how to enter this ancient land!" Seeing this, people of all ethnic groups behind him were dazzling.

"Wouldn't it be better if we had control of the prevailing methods here?" The blazing gods were stunned.

Only the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle group are here, and they dare not act rashly.

"An ancient inscription is engraved on the ancient beast next to it!" At this moment, the half-step gods of the Dragon Eagle clan blinked, and their faces were fiery when they looked at the stone inscriptions next to them.

In those inscriptions, there is a sense of Shinto.

The breath made him tremble, but full of expectations, wanting to be close.

"If you have some chances in this seat, you will become a **** in the future!"

"This place is in the hands of my Dragonhawks!"

Before entering the archway, the half-step **** already wanted to control the ancient land.

Because the breath of Shinto above him was so addictive.

There are also relics left by the gods in the Dragon Eagle group.

But there is no emperor there.

This ruin was left by the emperor.

The ancient mystery of the ancient symbols carved by him is naturally not comparable to ordinary gods.

The same is true. As soon as you enter here, the half-step gods of the Dragon and Eagle clan have already felt the blood boiling and their face is full of expectations.

The people of the Guming clan went forward smoothly.

Soon, everyone came under that archway.

The torii is very tall with two characters engraved on it.

Those are two ancient characters.

This word is very old and is not recognizable by contemporary people.

Even in ancient times, few people knew it.

Xiao Yun looked up and looked at the ancient text.

Just a glance, he felt a sudden vortex ahead.

The vortex would draw his mind out.

A big fear immediately came to mind.

He felt that his soul seemed to be drawn into an abyss, and it seemed like he was going to reincarnate.

That feeling made him sweat cold on his back.

At the moment, he quickly withdrew his mind and was afraid to stare at the ancient words.

"This word is so evil!" The mind retreated, but Xiao Yun still couldn't help feeling a palpitation.

That reincarnation, he went through many times.

At the time of the fantasy Haotian Realm, he reincarnate ninety-nine times.

Under the spirit tree, he experienced samsara again.

Although this is an illusion, it is not true reincarnation.

But at the time of the spirit tree, he felt quite deeply, the feeling of reincarnation was imprinted in his heart.

Now, he actually feels the rebirth from this word.

"Jiang Heng !?" When Xiao Yun was shocked, he swallowed inside the tower of the **** of heaven and muttered to himself, his eyes revealing the color of memory.

"Jiang Heng?" Xiao Yun looked surprised, "What?"

"Jiang Heng!" Supreme Devourer still muttered to himself.

But at this time, a sudden color appeared in his eyes.

Looking at it, it seems that he remembered something about the deity.

"What! Do you know Jiang Heng?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Jiang Heng, Jiang Heng ... Emperor Emperor, it was him!" Swallowing the Supreme Eyes and revealing the sternness, the tense nerve was relaxed.

"Jiang Heng is the Emperor?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Yeah!" Supreme Tun Nodded and said, "Yes, it should be. Hengdi, when he was young, he really came from the ancient Ming clan. It is true. I did not expect that there are ruins left by Hengdi here. Ah! "At this moment, Supreme Master Tun Geng sighed, when he mentioned Emperor Emperor, he had a little respect in his tone.

This is the true Supreme, the character of the generation!

How many people in ancient times dare to claim the title of God?

But this one became emperor.

"Hengdi, isn't it the ancient Ming clan?" Xiao Yun gave a wrong look.

The Guming clan has always said that this is a relic left by the Emperor.

But they did not mention the name of Hengdi.

So Xiao Yun didn't know that the Emperor's name was Jiang Heng.

"Hengdi, has the blood of the Guming clan, but he is not from the Guming clan, he is a child of the Jiang family!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

"Jing's?" Xiao Yun Mulu asked.

"Jiang's possession of six reincarnation Wuhun!" Said Tun Tian Supreme.

"The first six reincarnation martial art souls of the top ten martial arts souls in ancient times?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun was completely shocked.

Originally, he thought that the Emperor was a member of the ancient Ming clan, and the legacy of the ancient Ming clan must be left behind.

But at this point, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"No wonder I saw those two words just now, and I felt like I was going to fall into reincarnation!"

At the same time, he was shocked.

It's just two words, but it has such terrifying power. It's amazing.

If it were not for his strong heart ~ ~ After ninety-nine reincarnations, his soul would have become extremely strong.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the soul to fall into that cycle.


When Xiao Yun's eyes were shocked, the screams sounded.

Behind him, the emperor with a blazing **** body screamed.

The person's eyes were protruding and his face was horrified.

But the screams came to an abrupt end.

Soon, his breath was gone.

If anyone notices, there can be a flash of Yuan Ying, flickering from his eyebrows, and lost in the archaic word.

There was a ripple there, like the abyss engulfing the yuan infant.

An emperor, ridicule!

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