Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1438: Treasury

In front of the ancient archway.

A scream screamed suddenly, and an emperor Yuan Ying, who was a member of the hot gods, came out of the body.

In the end his breath was absent, and the screams stopped abruptly.


Only his screams sounded, and a scream came again immediately.

But this voice came to an abrupt end.

Then each genius Yuan Ying was engulfed by the cyclone evolved from that ancient word.

[猪 ^ 猪 ^ 岛 ^ 小说] [www]. [Zhu] []. []

"Is it ridiculed?" Seeing this, the people behind were horrified.

"What's going on?" Everyone looked at each other and looked nervous, "Did the ban be triggered?"

"Everyone should not look at the ancient characters on that archway!" Said the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle family at this time.

Just now he also read the ancient characters on this arch.

At that moment, he was also lost.

If he hadn't reached the half-step divine spirit state himself, or if the supernatural power in that word was restrained, he wouldn't have been safe under the ancient power.

"Don't look at that ancient character?" At this moment, many people quickly retracted their eyes.

"The Gu Ming clan really was shocked and brilliant!" The half-step **** was jealous.

The gold emperor and the old emperor of the stone clan are also dignified.

Just now their minds were almost swallowed up by that inexplicable mystery.

"Did you mean it?" However, some people glared at the Guming clan.

Because at this time no one of the Guming clan was injured.

"This is my clan's forbidden area. Outsiders have come here and have offended our ancestors. I will only be responsible for leading the way. As for whether you can enter it safely, we can't guarantee it." A king of the Guming clan said lightly, I was already very depressed to bring them to this forbidden area, and I was too lazy to talk to these people at this time.

"People who take good care of themselves!" The half-step gods of the Dragon Eagle tribe turned cold and swept towards the people of all races.

No one dared to say a word.

At this time, Xiao Yun also recovered his mind.

"But I don't know what legacy the Emperor left?" Xiao Yun blinked.

As the pace progressed, everyone passed through the archway.

After entering it, you can see a mountain wall ahead.

There is a gate on the mountain wall.

This is a large hall inlaid in the mountains.

The gate was closed tightly, with many totems engraved on it.

Phoenix circling, white tiger roaring, and Xuanwu stepping on the sea ...

Various ancient beasts filled the gate of the temple.

There is a terrifying breath in every ancient beast.

From a distance, as if these ancient beasts were alive.

It seems that they can come out and sweep the Quartet at any time, but they can kill God!

The Gu Ming clan stopped here.

"This is the entrance!" Looking at the gate of the hall, all the people of the Gu Ming clan sighed.

According to their information, as long as this door is opened, they can enter the forbidden area.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance left by Hengdi!

"Entrance!" After hearing the words, all kinds of elders were full of eyes.

Especially those old emperors.

At this moment they stared at the door carefully.

"Why do these depictions contain immense power, and there seems to be supreme mystery!"

"It is said that the ancient Ming clan is good at engraving ancient patterns and totems. They can even fuse totems with inscriptions. They look like totems, but they contain inscriptions, engraved with the mystery of the avenue, and can erupt terror!" Flash, "The pattern above is definitely not simple. If it is triggered rashly, perhaps the gods will hate it!"

So they still did not act rashly.

"May you open the door?" Said an emperor with a fiery expression.

Even the door of the temple exudes such a mighty divine power, what kind of fetish should there be in the temple?

"Perhaps there are top-level magic soldiers in it!" Some emperor thought secretly.

At this moment, everyone looked fierce when they looked forward.

"It depends on the chance!" Said one of Gu Mingshi's kings.

This is an inherited forbidden area, and the elders in the clan originally needed to come to open it.

Opening this place requires a certain talent, to be recognized.

"Look at the chance?" Wen Yan said, the emperor of various races looked gloomy.

"These guys pretend to be deliberate!"

"Let them be sour, wait until the door is opened, and then let them look good!" There are emperors of all races sneer.

Here even some small clan sent the emperor here.

But the ancient clan, Xiao Yun is an emperor.

These people naturally didn't look at them.

There is only a half-step deity of the Dragon-Eagle tribe here, and no one dares to speak rashly.

At this time, the people of the Guming clan began to sense the front.

"If you want to open this door, you must be a member of the Gu Ming clan!" Xiao Yun blinked, staring at the door in front of the temple.

He obtained the information here and naturally knew some key points.

But he was also observing those totems.

He watched carefully.

Under the watch of Xiao Yun, he felt that the totem was twisting and started to come alive.

"Is this an illusion?" Xiao Yun looked suspiciously.

Then he continued to observe.

The totem squirmed and turned into a phoenix hovering and spreading its wings.

The white tiger was roaring, and the moon was roared down.


"Really?" Looking at those patterns, Xiao Yun was shocked.

That pattern is too powerful.

Then the phoenix was restrained, turned into a pattern, and turned into a simple inscription.

Eventually dissipated.

There was only one ordinary door in front, nothing.

"Nothing?" Xiao Yun froze.

Just as he was strangling, the inscriptions began to appear.

Vaguely, a man was holding an inscription pen and inscribed the ancient text.

When the ancient text was engraved, it seemed that the shadow of the phoenix was also integrated into the ancient text.

Then the phoenix and the inscription kept taking shape.

"The fusion of the inscription and the phoenix finally turned into a totem inscription?" Looking at the totems one after another, Xiao Yun's eyes were exposed.

Engraving a totem is easy.

But trying to make the totems magnificent is difficult to save for thousands of years.

The integration of inscriptions and totems obviously solves this problem.

"Fusion!" Xiao Yun's eyes groaned.

He was not trying to learn Ming Shen.

But this Ming Shenshu has given him a lot of inspiration.

"Can my magic power be completely integrated?" Xiao Yun thought of his magic power.

But he couldn't get started.

After all, Ming Shenshu is Ming Shenshu.

The complete integration of magical powers is another matter.


Just as Xiao Yun groaned and murmured, the door shivered.

The totem above squirmed and evolved into a light gate.

The door of the hall, which has been closed for years, finally opened slowly.

The dull voice sounded all around.

"Opened!" When the door of the temple opened, the emperors of all races were all glowing.

"Finally opened!" Looking at the door that Xuxu opened, the people of the Guming clan were full of expectations.

Opening this ancient door means that they have a chance to inherit it.

The door opened, and the vastness of divine power opened up.

"Go!" The eyes of the king of the Guming clan flashed to the people behind him.

Eventually, as they moved, they swept inward.

"My clan is forbidden!" At this time, Ming Ziyu was also full of expectations.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun smiled, and entered the gate with Ming Ziyu.

The half-step spirits of the Dragon Eagle tribe moved heartily, and only followed after confirming that there was nothing in the hall.

Followed by the stone people and the gold gods.

The main hall is very wide, with nine huge columns in the middle.

These giant pillars are engraved with totems of strange beasts.

In front of the main hall are six ancient beasts.

Each ancient beast looks different and is engraved with ancient patterns.

There was an immense divine power spreading in it.

If you look closely, your mind seems to sink.

After coming to the hall, the eyes of the Guming clan flashed, and their eyes fell on both sides.

There are a row of stone pillars on each side.

A disc is placed on the stone pillar on the left.

Sealed on the disc is the complete blood of the alien beast.

These blood veins are rich in blood, condensing the prototype of the strange beast.

"This is the origin of the blood of the alien beast!" Seeing this, the eyes of the clan of Gu Ming were fiery.

From an early age, the people of the Guming clan were eager to imprint into the powerful bloodline, so that the supernatural powers of the alien beast could be merged.

And the bloodlines left here must be extremely powerful.

"Is that true blood of the dragon?" Someone saw the dragon really.

"That looks like real blood!"

"Is this real blood?"


Looking at the rudiments of the real blood, the people of the Guming clan felt that their blood was boiling.

"Those true blood are worse than the true blood of my winged snake and beast!" Ming Ziyu also swallowed.

"It is worthy of the real blood left by the emperor!" After seeing the real blood here, even Xiao Yun was secretly surprised.

These true blood are absolutely complete blood, and also contain the lines of origin.

It's not as simple as he just got some blood!

Although he obtained the blood of the gods, he did not obtain the complete veins of the original blood.

Without a complete source of blood, even if he evolved various supernatural powers to the extreme, he could not be compared with those real phoenixes.

Of course, Xiao Yun's fusion is the blood of the gods, but it is not comparable to the general imperial blood.

On the other side, there are also stone pillars with some blades on them.

These blades are dazzling.

Look at this, these seem to be magic soldiers.

It is just that these magical soldiers are shrouded in a light curtain of seal, making it impossible for people to easily contact.

"This is a treasure house of God!" Xiao Yun nodded secretly.

"The inheritance left by the Emperor is naturally not too bad." Tuntian Supreme said faintly. "But in my opinion, these are just inheritances left by Emperor Emperor. The anti-heritage inheritance is not here. "It seems that he still looks down on these inheritances.

"Is this a burial ground?" At this time, people of all ethnic groups entered this hall one after another.

As soon as they entered the hall, everyone felt a mighty divine power ~ ~ This was not the same as they imagined.

Originally they thought that this was the burial place of the clan of Gu Ming, and it was supposed to be sullen.

But it clearly doesn't look like a burial ground.

"I think it looks like a treasure house here!" Said a young emperor of the Dragon Eagle clan.

"Well, isn't that the real blood of my Dragon Eagle clan?" Suddenly, an emperor's eyes flickered, and he saw the real blood of the Dragon Eagle clan on the stone pillar disc.

That flesh condensed a dragon and eagle.

"The true blood of my tribe?" After hearing the words, the eyes of the dragon and eagle tribe flashed and almost vomited blood.

"This ancient Mingshi is so bold!" The emperor groaned.

Even the half-step god's eyelids jumped.

How many people in this Shire County dared to touch their dragon and eagle tribe?

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