Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1440: Who dares to do it

In the inheritance hall left by Emperor.

After seeing so many magical soldiers, the dragon and eagle people were planning to take down the people of the Gu Ming clan.

As long as the people of the Guming clan control them, they will have the opportunity to obtain these magic soldiers.

You know, soldiers!

Especially top-level magic soldiers are rare in the Dragon Eagle family!

If they can get the magic soldiers here, the details of their dragon and eagle tribe will undoubtedly soar.

& amp; n $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ 小说 (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). () bsp; On the basis of this, I am afraid that there are few clan in the Four Mysteries that can be compared with them.

Just when an old emperor shot, Xiao Yun thundered back.

When he slashed his wings, he cut off the claws evolved by the old emperor.

With such a blow, people of all races in the temple were stunned.


When everyone was shocked, the scream came from the emperor's mouth.

He pulled out his palm quickly.

It is only a fact that the palm was cut at this time.

Even if it is the emperor, it is difficult to derive palms without anti-celestial medicine.

Of course, if you can find that broken palm, it can be connected.

"You ... did you dare to break my palm?" The emperor of the Dragon Eagle crow roared, staring at Xiao Yun with an unbelievable face.

Stone people, gold gods, fire crows ...

When the emperor's heart waited for the clan, he could not help but slam.

You know, even they don't dare to openly attack the Dragon Eagles!

For a while, everyone fell on Xiao Yun.

There was clearly a shock in the eyes of everyone.

First of all, everyone was surprised that Xiao Yun dared to attack the Dragon Eagles.

You know, the Longying tribe is a big tribe of Siling.

Who dares to offend?

Didn't the people who moved the Dragon Eagle clan be the enemy of the entire Dragon Eagle clan?

But the young man moved.

Still moving under the eyes of a half-step god.

Second, they were surprised by Xiao Yun's strength.

People from all ethnic groups originally saw Xiao Yun's young age, even if he entered the world of heaven.

You know, there are more than one hundred heavenly strong men from all ethnic groups here!

It's really hard to notice without reaching the Heavenly Nine Realms.

But Xiao Yun's easy beheading of the Dragon Eagle clan emperor is enough to show that this person is extraordinary.

"That seems like a pair of divine wings!" Someone murmured, blinking.

However, people of all ethnic groups did not say much.

Instead, everyone kept retreating to the edge of the hall.

Because they knew that the real storm had just begun.

The emperor's eyes of the Longying clan were staring at Xiao Yun as if they were fierce beasts.

That looks like the look of anxious Xiao Yun.

"With me, don't want to touch the people of the Gu Mingshi!" The Longying clan eyes were glaring, staring fiercely at Xiao Yun, but Xiao Yun was still Gujing Wubo, in his eyes On the contrary, there was a sharp flash of light, and he looked at the other person's eyes, saying it word by word.

That tone was strong.

After hearing Xiao Yun's words, people of all ethnic groups were stunned.

"With him, no one wants to touch the people of Gu Mingshi?" Wen Yan said that people of all races were stunned first, and then the corners of his mouth were sneered.

"Is this kid crazy?"

"I've seen Zhang crazy people, but never seen such crazy people!"

"Isn't there just a pair of divine wings? When others don't have divine soldiers?" People of all races sneered.

Especially the Dragon Eagles!

They looked dumb.

If it wasn't caught by surprise just now, how could it be so?

"Boy, I don't think you want to live anymore!"

The old dragon and eagle clan with broken arms was so angry that he clenched his teeth.

"Today the Emperor is going to crush you!"

When the words fell, his cultivation of the Nine Heavens Realm came out completely.

Behind it, soaring blood, a heaven and earth evolved.

There was a dragon-eagle hovering in that day and place.

At the same time, a bone knife appeared in the palm of his other hand.

The bone knife exudes amazing fluctuations and has the breath of God.

However, there are flaws in the top pattern, which should be a broken magic soldier.

"Brush!" When the bone knife flashed, it was chopped towards Xiao Yun.

Even if it is a crippled soldier, it can be extremely strong under the urging of Tongtian Jiuzhong Realm Repairer.

The blade flickered, white light was passing, and you can see the marks left by the void being cut.

The breath emanating from the remnant made many emperors feel palpitated.

The residual knife was cut off, and the speed was extremely fast, but it quickly came to Xiao Yun's head.

"It's just a soldier!" The sword was empty, but Xiao Yun was fearless.

I saw a flash of divine wings behind him, and when the air was cut towards the sword.


The fire light bloomed, and the **** wing was chopped on the blade of light to make a terrible wave.

Although Xiao Yun's realm is not as good as the sky, but this **** wing is a real soldier.

This cut immediately resisted the residual knife.

At the same time, Xiao Yun's wings on the other side were slashed towards the emperor of the Dragon Eagle clan.

Divine wings slashed, and the space was exuded with divine patterns.

The supernatural power behind the emperor of the Dragon Eagle clan collapsed.

Under the might of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Nine Heavens Realm could not resist.

You know, although Xiao Yun is just one of the most important places in the world, but the strength of the sky he has crossed has reached an unthinkable level for ordinary people.

His body and soul are beyond the genius of ordinary Tongtianyijing.

With his combat power at this time, he can be comparable to the genius of Tongtian Qujing.

Besides, he still has Divine Wings?

The divine wings swept over, and the emperor of the Dragon and Eagle clan finally showed the color of fear.

The other emperors were moved too.

"Junior, it's not your turn to be pretentious here!" Seeing that God Wing was about to cut off the Emperor, the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle group finally spoke.

Before his words fell, there was a flash of light behind him.

It was a pair of glimmering eagle wings.


The eagle wing swept away, and a wave of breath that was close to God filled with it.

Under this breath, the void seemed to freeze.

The speed of Xiao Yun's cross-cutting Divine Wing obviously slowed down and was suppressed by an inexplicable force.

Although this is Divine Wing.

But Xiao Yun's realm is not enough, and it can only inspire a little divine power.

Moreover, the **** wing is not a **** soldier, there is no **** pattern blessing, and some are only natural divine power. If it cannot be inspired, the power will be worse.

This requires Xiao Yun's promotion.

There was also a slight slowdown, and the wings of the half-step **** had been cut across.


The crisp voice sounded, Xiao Yun's divine wings trembled, and felt a tremendous pressure.

At the same time, the half-step deities of the Dragon-Eagle tribe reached out and rolled the Emperor behind him.

Before his own pace, he hurried forward, forcing Xiao Yun away.

The blood was condensed behind him, and a huge dragon and eagle evolved.

The vast power of God fell down.


Xiao Yun's pace retreated.

"Half-step god!" He blinked, staring at the man in front of him tightly.

At this moment, the people of the Guming clan were gloomy.

It was just that everyone was not afraid, and only a sharp light flickered in those eyes.

These old guys ... are so bullying!

A half step of the **** came, and it was filled with divine power.

This demon obviously also has a magic soldier, and the void in front of the monstrous divine power seems to collapse.

It's just that this power is controlled by him very well, and there are no big pillars in the hall.

This is the power of half-step deities.

In fact, the power of Tongtianjing is extremely powerful in controlling the power of heaven and earth. Even in a war, it can directly control the aftermath generated by one area.

The higher the realm, the stronger this control will be.

"A pair of divine wings?" The half-step spirits of the Dragon and Eagle clan eyes narrowed, staring at Xiao Yun with a smile, "Is this able and dare to slash my emperor?

This half step is not old.

Instead, his black hair was very dense, like a middle-aged man.

At this moment he had a smile on his face, but there was a sense of murderousness in those eyes.

Apparently, Xiao Yun broke his family's palm in front of him just now, making this respect feel that his face was gone, and he had already moved his heart.

"This kid is also daring, and dare to shoot!" Seeing the half-step gods of the Dragon Eagle family have shot, some people can't help laughing.

"Oh, for them, if they don't do anything, they are just dying." An emperor of the Fire Crows laughed.

"Huh, it's better to die all!" The blazing gods face frowned.

They wished that all of the ancient Ming clan were ridiculed.

Suddenly, the Guming clan was like meat on a cutting board.

People of all races were staring at them.

"Cut the emperor?" Seeing the half-step deities with a contempt, and seeing himself as a ant, Xiao Yun's mouth also set off a faint radian. The eyes began to become cold, and his mouth opened, and he said forcefully. , "Mo said to cut the emperor. If anyone dares to move the ancient Ming clan, it is a half-step deity, and I will kill it!"

Xiao Yun's words were stern and his body burst out with an inexplicable momentum.

Dragon Eagles are strong!

Is the largest force in Seolyeong-gun!

Xiao Yun, who was new to Sanctuary, did not want to provoke them.

It is just that the members of the Guming clan treated Xiao Yun without any reservation and regarded him as his own.

Xiao Yun also regarded the Gu Ming clan as friends.

Now that a friend is being bullied, how can he not turn his head?

How can I be afraid?

What if the other party has a half-step deity?

He Xiao Yun fearless battle!

Big deal to break the sky in Seolyeong-gun!

Should n’t life protect my relatives and friends?

For these, why fear?

"Half-step gods are going to kill?" Xiao Yun's words were powerful and imposing.

Many of the emperors were shocked and felt inexplicable inside.

But when everyone remembered that there was a half-step **** of spirits in front of him, the corner of his mouth unconsciously evoked a mocking smile.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

"Hehe, even through the heavens, dare to say that even a half-step deity is going to be killed? This is the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Do young people know the height and height of the earth?" Many emperors sneered, eyes narrowed, as if looking A fool stared at Xiao Yun, looking at that look, as if he had never seen such a arrogant person ~ ~.

Half step **** ...

This existence is the most powerful of the world.

As long as the gods can't come out, the half-step gods can be invincible.

Which emperor dare to say that the half-step deities?

But the young man in front said it.

Such people are either arrogant or lunatic.

Faced with such ridicule, Xiao Yun's heart was extremely calm.

He just stared ahead!

Staring at the half step god!

Xiao Yun's calm appearance really let the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle group for a while.

[Please ask for a monthly ticket. The story in Sanctuary has just begun, and a transition is needed. I hope everyone will give them strong support so that the old demon has the motivation to fight on. 】

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