Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1441: Half-step deities ...

Inside the hall, Xiao Yun said, if anyone is dealing with the people of the Gu Ming clan, not to mention the emperor, even the half-step gods will kill.

This makes people of all races smile with giggles.

The half-step **** is the strongest in this world today!

No one can compete with the gods?

Even the half-step deities of the Dragon-Eagle clan have been lingering for a while.

"Oh, I'd like to see how you destroy my half-step god!" After that, a mighty power burst out from this half-step god.

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I can only see the half-step deities of this dragon-eagle group floating in the body, and the light pattern flickers on it. It seems to be a dragon-eagle hovering in the sky, but if you look closely, it just stands so in place, but in the void Divine power filled, Xiao Yun carefully sensed away, and found a fetish.

This is the beak of the dragon eagle.

The light lines dangled above, obviously with the breath of God.

Apparently, this half-step deity blended into the condor's beak.

This is just like Xiao Yun's integration of Divine Wing.

It's just that he is close to God with the half-step god, and he can better show the power of the beak of the condor.

"Today, this seat will let you see the power of the lower demigods!" This half step of God's eyes flashed.

Suddenly, a dragon and eagle spread its wings and flung towards Xiao Yun ahead.

For a while, the dragon and eagle had wings spreading and spreading the lines, blocking the space in front.

At the same time, its sharp eagle's beak flickered, and it looked down at Xiao Yun.

The hawk's beak was so sharp that the void was pierced by it.

Not only that, when shooting, the eagle's beak kept expanding, completely covering Xiao Yun, making him inevitable.

The vastness of the mighty shock caused Xiao Yun's void to collapse.

The horrible ripples oscillated, and the space was already distorted.

The Gu Ming clan is frowning.

"Half-step god!"

"Unfortunately, my family does not have half-step gods!"

The crowd frowned and looked helpless.

If there were half-step gods in their clan, how could they be oppressed in this way?

"Well, then, Xiao Yun will accompany you to the end!" Seeing this half step of God's powerful shot, Xiao Yun's eyes were cold.

Get stuck!

First, he urged the hollow **** pattern.

With a flash of divination, all the people of the Guming clan were drawn into the hollow space.

Xiao Yun's body also disappeared in place.


"Is that a wave of fetishism?" The eyes of the emperor of all races were surprised.

"Damn!" Everyone in the Gold-Blood Deity had a gloomy face.

Seeing the demigods of the Dragon Eagle can kill all of them.

As a result, the boy actually urged a magical soldier to disappear out of thin air.

"Don't worry, even if there are gods? How can they escape the palms of the demigods?" The old emperor of the gold-burning deities sneered.


At this moment, the beak of the demigod of the dragon-eagle group was only pecked down.

Under this blow, the void was shattering.

A terrible wave oscillated.

Divine power is contained in that fluctuation.

That kind of prestige made the distant practitioners tremble.

This demigod frowned, his wings rolled, and the power of demigod resolved the divine power.

In addition, he also took out a tail feather and swept it away.

The tail feathers twinkled into a storm, wrapping the aftermath.

In this way, the aftermath of terror was resolved by him.

"Fortunately!" The elders of all races in the hall relieved.

This fluctuation was too strong just now.

Even though the emperor was afraid, he was afraid of being affected.

Furthermore, they were afraid that they might trigger some forbidden patterns in the hall.

Fortunately, there is a demigod here, otherwise it is really impossible to resolve this aftermath.

"This kid, there are so many magical soldiers!"

Just a blow, it broke the void.

However, he was resisted by an Aegis.

The power emitted by the Aegis can actually resist the sacrifice of his demigod.

This shocked the demigods of the Dragonhawk tribe.

"However, if you win him, you can get a few soldiers!" In shock, the half-god's mouth brought a cold smile.

Later, he released his mind and sensed Xiao Yun's fluctuations.

People of all races are waiting quietly.


Waiting for the dragon and eagle demigods to find Xiao Yun, this void suddenly rippled.

Then Xiao Yun appeared out of thin air.

But the people of the Gu Ming clan were temporarily included in the swallowing **** tower.

When Xiao Yun appeared, people of all races were moved.

"He appeared!" The face of the blazing godhead sneered, looking very excited, as if to see Xiao Yun's doom.

Demigod shot, they are still very confident.

Besides, this demigod is still carrying artifacts?

"This boy!" The Dragonhawks were also stunned.

Xiao Yun's appearance was still grim.

There was a cold flash of light in his eyes.

If there is any difference, it is that he holds the ancient bow at this time.

Not only that, the air of origin in his palm was poured into the ancient bow like a torrent.

The bowstring pulled, and a humming sounded.

This sound is like the sound of a boulevard. It is sacred and vast.

At this point, the bowstring had been pulled almost to the full moon.

The Siyuan Godline trembled, as if the ripples of the avenue had ripples in the void.

The ripples trembled, annihilating the mighty power released by the dragon and eagle demigod.

This is really like the pattern of the avenue!

"This breath is like the avenue!"

"What kind of bow is this?" Even the half-step deities of the Dragon Eagle group jumped.

Above that ancient bow it felt a dangerous breath.

The emperors of the other races were also moved.

The momentum of this ancient bow exceeded their imagination.

"Is this a top artifact?"

"This **** bow ... is rare in ancient times!" The emperor of the stone clan also frowned.

Also when everyone was surprised, Xiao Yun had released the bowstring.

call out!

The flash of Siyuan's arrow flew towards the demigods of the Dragon and Eagle clan.

The light of the arrow flickered, and the source of God's pattern trembled.

This divine pattern overlaps, as if rippled.

It's just that there is a momentum of annihilating everything in this divine pattern.

This is the pattern of the avenue, which can wipe out everything.

The half-step deities of the Dragon-Eagle clan looked completely.

It quickly spurred its own blood.

Behind it, soaring blood, heaven and earth evolved, and a dragon and eagle emerged.

The dragon eagle evolved, with a flash of divine feathers, swept forward.

The eagle's beak was also shot, and he drew towards the arrow.

However, the origin of the source is unstoppable.

Even if the dragon and eagle shot, the momentum of the half-step deities was fully urged out.

But under the arrow of Siyuan, everything turned into nothingness.

The arrow flashed, penetrated the light pattern, and pierced the eagle's beak.

Finally, under the horrified eyes of the dragon-eagle demigod, the arrow of God penetrated into its head.

In horror, Yuan Yuan flickered and fled.

However, the Siyuan arrow was so powerful and the **** pattern was shocked that he wrapped the Yuanying.

A breath of destruction rushed towards him.

"No ..." the Demigod of the Dragonhawks cried in horror.

"Dead!" Xiao Yun's eyes were cold.

The Siyuan arrow flickered, and the **** pattern exploded.

In the end, the void exploded, and the mighty divine power annihilated the demigods of the Dragon Eagle group.

"Ah!" The screams sounded but stopped abruptly.

The breath of life of the dragon-eagle demigods began to dissipate.

"Do not!"

"How is this possible?" The people of the Longying clan groaned, unable to accept this fact.

This is a half-step god!

They are all very strong in the sanctuary.

But at this point he was so ridiculed?

However, before everyone withdrew from the sorrowful emotions, the mighty divine power had swept through.

This mighty power has swept the Quartet and drowned the entire temple.

"Not good!" The emperor of the Dragonhawk family suddenly panicked.

Without waiting for this person to react, it had been drowned by that might.

It was only the aftermath of the might of God that made this emperor scorn.

Suddenly, two more emperors were annihilated.

"Oops!" At this time, the emperors of other races also felt bad.

This mighty power is too powerful.

The crowd began to retreat and wanted to leave the hall.

It's just that Shenwei has passed, sweeping the Quartet.

The temple pillar was struck.


An inscription was immediately triggered above the temple pillar.

Nine temple pillars, the inscriptions squirmed, and there was a mighty shock.

Suddenly, a mighty divine power shrouded the entire hall.

Those who are about to escape only feel that they are shrouded in a sea of ​​divine power.


Not only that, but a strange beast evolved over the giant pillar.

These strange beasts came to life, and rushed to the emperors of all races with vast divine power.


"What a strange beast!"

"Prohibition has been triggered!"

"Run away!"

"Can't escape!"


All kinds of panic came out.

However, people of all ethnic groups scoffed one by one.

The strange beast is too powerful, just like a god, and the power of that blow is trembling.

Xiao Yun stood on the spot, and he was totally stunned.

"These ancient totems have been activated?" Xiao Yunying looked at everything in front of him.

However, the ancient beasts evolved by these totems did not shoot at Xiao Yun.

He watched as the strong men of all races were killed.

Many emperors spurred the magic soldiers to scorn.

An emperor urges the magic soldier, how can he resist these totem spirits?

This is the totem carved by the Emperor!

After a while, the strange beasts that evolved from the pattern were immersed in the inscriptions in the stone pillars.

The vastness of the might is gradually restrained.


The sound of falling weapons came out.

It is the magic soldier left by the children of all ethnic groups.

Apart from that, all the soldiers were broken.

"So many magic soldiers?" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes were frozen, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In front, there are more than a dozen magic soldiers.

Such as the gold **** body, they have five magic soldiers.

There are six people in that stone!

There are nine Dragon Eagles!

The remaining tribe children are all pseudo-spells.

"If these magical soldiers are auctioned, they can exchange a lot of resources!" Xiao Yun frowned, and all these magical soldiers were included in the **** tower.

After accepting these divine soldiers, Xiao Yun was so relieved that he released all the people of the Gu Ming clan.

"Those people?" Everyone appeared in the hall, all in a row.

The hall was empty at this time, and people of all ethnic groups had long disappeared.

"All ridiculed!" Xiao Yun said.

"All ridiculed?" The people of the Gu Ming clan were shocked ~ ~ The demigod also ridiculed? "

A king said with an unbelievable look on his face.


Xiao Yun nodded.

"Brother Xiao Yun is amazing!" Ming Ziyu said fieryly.

"It's the **** pattern here that was activated and destroyed the emperors of all races!" Xiao Yun laughed.

"Shen Wen!" The eyes of the Guming clan flashed, and now their sight fell aside.

At this time, the stone pillar remained.

The real blood on the seal is still there.

In addition general soldiers are also there.

"Okay!" Seeing this, the people of the Gu Ming clan were relieved.

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