Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1552: Frozen!


The three demi-gods shot with all their strength, hitting a terrible wave over the sky.

Under such fluctuations, even the son of Longshan, Yuwen Haoran, and Zheng Sihai also quickly retreated.

"This offensive, even if he has the God King Soldier, it is difficult to support it for a long time!" But when they stepped back, they stared at the void tightly, the fiery light appeared in those eyes, and the hearts were dark in their hearts. In this way, the three demigods look like they are ready to shoot at any time.

At this moment, they will naturally not have a slackness, otherwise the fruits of victory may be picked up by others.


In this case, only a **** tower in the void ahead was hit by a huge wave, and it flew out.

The light veins squirm on this **** tower, but the momentum is much weaker than before.

Although the Devouring Heaven Tower is the supreme artifact, it cannot exert its due power.

Otherwise, exceeding that limit will lead to disaster.

Generally speaking, instrumental spirits will never be like this, they are more willing to depart from it than to risk a fight.

Because the masters of the magic soldiers fall, they can also find new masters.

But if you ridicule yourself, everything is really over!

In the world, almost all of these spirits were free and not restricted.

Only those powerful gods can force the spirit of the soldiers to recognize the Lord.

Although devouring the Supreme is optimistic about Xiao Yun, he will not explode all the divine power.

If the divine power really explodes, it is really looking for death.

The devouring tower was shaken by flying, and under the impact of that force, Xiao Yun was also affected.


Even though he was inside the pagoda, he still spit blood.

"Three demi-gods shot together, and the power really can't be underestimated!" Xiao Yun muttered.

"Even if this seat helps you, it is difficult to take down these people, only to protect yourself!" Swallowing the Supreme Voice, "unless the power of heaven and earth to restrain the Shinto is completely dissipated."

It felt helpless at the moment.

All three have a false king of soldiers, they shot together, the combat power is not worse than a demigod with a king of soldiers.

"Is this my limit?" Xiao Yun frowned.

At this point, he tried to urge Siyuan Bow.

It's just communication between the mind and heart, and the spirits in Siyuan's bow have no trace of reaction.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was still unable to communicate with this instrument.

At last he had to sigh.


When Xiao Yun appeared, the three demigods immediately shot.

The battle axe was cut, and a galaxy fell down, immediately blocking Xiao Yun's retreat.

Longshan's son stabbed a spear with a very fast speed, and soon appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

That Yuwen's eyes opened and opened, and a golden light tore up the void.

When the three demigods shot, the monks who watched the crowd were tense.

They are so strong that they obviously do not want to give Xiao Yun a chance to fight back.

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the cyclone agitated in front of him.

Swallow the sky to take a strong shot, the cyclone flashed into a storm of terror and engulf those attacks.

At the same time, Xiao Yun pulled the bow of Siyuan.

This time he pulled the bow of Siyuan to completion.

call out!

Siyuan Jiandong penetrated the void and headed for Longshan's spear.

Soon, the two struck.

Siyuan's qi trembled, extinguishing the spear's awn.

The arrow flickered, and the spear buzzed, and was repelled.

This arrow can withstand the attack of the Longshan boy.

But after this arrow, the giant axe of Qin Sihai of that giant spirit clan also fell off.

His giant axe fell, and thousands of axes evolved.

Looks like a blow, but he launched a thousand attacks in an instant.

But Siyuan Arrow has only one real arrow, and every time it is pulled, it takes time.

So Xiao Yun could only resist by swallowing the **** tower.


The giant axe was chopped on the Tower of Devourer.

But this time, the source tower has the Siyuan Godline Shock.

This time Xiao Yun urged Siyuan Ling to resist this divine power.

Within his knowledge of the sea, longevity tortoises and phantom worms connect with his soul.

Siyuan bloomed the **** pattern and resolved most of the attacks.

In this way, Xiao Yun was not hurt in this attack.

But it is so consuming to procure Siyuanling.

Even with the help of long-lived turtles and phantom insects, they are too stretched to last.

Outside, the three demigods are constantly shooting.

That emptiness, bright light, starlight bloom, and horrible waves have turned into storms.

In Tianwu City, practitioners of all races stared at the void.

"It's been half an hour, and Xiao Yun still has the power to fight it!" Qin Fengmu showed surprise.

"Can't these three demi-gods take him down?" Qin Hai looked with a look of relief.

In the distance, there are Zheng's children.

"Three demi-god shots, he can resist for so long, does it really take the Son of God to take it so easily?"

In the distance, Zheng Hao couldn't help but strain his heart.

It was originally learned that there were strong shots from various ethnic groups, and they were all very excited, expecting that Xiao Yun would be easily won.

Who would have expected this young man to fight for so long.

"Zheng Jing, is this Xiao Yun really from the **** continent?" A young man from June ’s Pure Land in Zheng asked at this moment. The attack of the powerful demigod for so long can't be done by a powerful soldier!

"He ... is indeed from the **** continent!" Zheng Jing frowned at this time.

This Xiao Yun was stronger than he expected.

"I don't see how long he can support it!" A demi-god Shen said beside him.

"Huh!" Everyone nodded.


It was another fierce confrontation. In that void, the Tower of Devourer was blown away.

"Now my soul power is steadily weakening, and the power of Siyuan Bow has plummeted, and Siyuan Ling is hard to control!"

Xiao Yun frowned when Xiao Tian Tower was swept out by Zhen Zhen.

But the demigods in front of them are still imposing.

"If I reach the demigod state, it will definitely not be like this!" Xiao Yun sighed.

This is all because of his lack of realm.

If he reaches the demigod, he will have a deeper understanding of the avenue and a stronger soul, and he will be able to better exert the power of Siyuan Bow.

But now the energy of his source has been almost consumed.

"He's almost out of power!" At this moment, Zheng Jingmu, who had been waiting around, blinked.


At the moment, his battle was broken and he went to Xiao Yun.

But at this moment, the swallowing **** tower was only Zhenfei, Xiao Yun had not recovered his strength.

Even the supreme swallowing of the sky was a bit of fatigue.

"Yu Wen Zhaoran, Zheng Jing, Zheng Sihai, Qin Longshan, and the four highly-respected demigods bullied one of my descendants of Xiao's. Are they really bullies of Xiao's children?" At this moment, a low voice Moving forward, the emptiness in the distance, the cold mang cracked into the sky, but saw a halberd when it was cut.

This war halberd violently confronted Zheng Jing's war.


The loud noise shook the sky, only Zheng Jing's battle was met, and the vast waves shook him.

"Xiao Mu!" Zheng Jing was shocked by his body, and his eyes were raised, and his eyebrows were wrinkled tightly after seeing someone.

"It's my son Xiao Mu's son!"

"Are you finally here to help?" Jiechen Feng waited for joy.

"Xiao Mu, this is Xiao Tian's arrogance. He once defeated the genius of various ethnic groups and has been in retreat for many years. He doesn't want to go out at this time."

The demigods who watched were also shining brightly.

"Xiao Mu!" Yu Wenhao, who was preparing to shoot, frowned.

Obviously, he is also very afraid of this Xiao Mu.

"This Xiao Yun beheaded my demigod, even if you come from Xiao Mu? This is not your Xiao clan!" Then Zheng Sihai stared coldly and said, "This Xiao Mu I will deal with, you Taking down Xiao Yun, he was talking about how to deal with him. "At the same time, he spoke to the other two demigods to reach an agreement.

"Okay!" Wen Yan said, and the two demigods nodded. "Take him down first, and divide the soldiers!"

Neither Yuwen Zhaoran nor Qin Longshan had any opinions.

They also know that this matter must be resolved early.

Otherwise, it will change late.

After all, such a magic soldier, I'm afraid that other clans will also be stingy!

It will be a **** storm.

If they had taken control earlier, other clans would not dare.

"A Xiao Mu, I'm afraid I can't change the situation." Juehong frowned.

Youyi Demi nodded.

After all, there are slightly more demigods of the three major races.

"Damn ..." At this point, Ming Ziyu stepped forward, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Looking at this, it seems that he is ready to shoot.

Just then, there was a ripple in the distance.

A cold voice sounded.

"I see who dare to hurt my brother Xiao Yun today!" The voice was cold, and I didn't feel much compliment.

Under this icy killing intention, the air of the whole sky became inexplicably cold.

A mighty might of oppression descended from the void in the distance.

Under this might, the whole Tianwu City seems to be frozen.

The demigods of all races felt their souls shiver inexplicably, as if to be frozen.

"This is the mystery of the ice road!" Juehong looked up, and darted to the distant void.

"This mystery is so pure, it is by no means ordinary people!"

"This should be the talent of the Ice and Snow Temple!"

The chill penetrates the heart and captures the soul, and the practitioners in the entire Tianwu City are moved by it.

Then, all eyes followed the meaning of the ice.

At this moment, even Yuwen Zhaoran and others changed their colors.

Zheng Sihai, who was about to go to battle with Qin Mu, also had a meal.

Because that kind of ice is too pure.

That kind of uprightness should not be mortal!

"What kind of character is this?" Everyone was surprised.

With a little surprise, they glanced into the distant void.

They know that there should be a shocked generation.

"This is ..." At this point, even Xiao Yun was moved.

He also followed the sound.

Watching God, he saw a ripple in the distant void.

There was a woman in a long purple dress walking from the distance in the void.

This woman in a purple skirt wore a cold jade treasure head, her hair was flying, and she was surrounded by the mist. Her jade foot moved, and every step took off, and an ice lotus bloomed under her feet.

On the woman's shoulder was a purple fox ~ ~, but at this moment, the woman was holding an ice crystal scepter and distant towards the distant void.

Ice crisscrossed above this scepter, and a horror of frozen land swept away immediately.

This power turned into an ice dragon and flew directly towards Zheng Sihai.

Wherever the Ice Dragon passed, all the previous terror waves were frozen.

When the mighty ice power swept over, Zheng Sihai finally changed his color, and his body exploded toward the rear.

That Zheng Jing and Yu Wen made it clear that Qin Longshan also quickly retreated.

When they retreated, the place was frozen.

“Do you know who ’s here? Haha, I ’m going to ask for a monthly ticket at a wonderful moment. Today I ’m going to have a change, and I ’ll have a change later. Everyone remember to add old demon power, signal, demon moon night. When the new book opens, it will be posted in it, and everyone's opinions will decide how to write it. "

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