Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1553: Today, I want to ...

In the distance, the woman with a scepter pointed at the void, and a force of frozen world swept out.

Under this power, the aftermath of the horror that had previously dreaded the demigod was immediately frozen.

With such momentum, even the demigods such as Zheng Sihai were frightened.

But they retreated very quickly and escaped the blow.

"This is the ice and snow scepter of the ice and snow palace!" After stabilizing his body, Zheng Sihai looked up, and after he saw the scepter held by the woman in the distance, his eyes suddenly shrank. There is an ice palace engraved on the staff, which is a unique symbol of the ice and snow palace, one of the four palaces in the sanctuary.

"This scepter is the king of soldiers and the treasure of the Ice and Snow Palace!" Yu Wen stared blankly as he looked forward to the void.

"Who is this woman, how can you control these magic soldiers?" Long Shan's eyes flashed, revealing fearfulness.

At this moment, the woman was indifferent, and was walking.

The purple fox on her shoulder blinked her eyes and hissed a few words towards the heaven and earth in front of her, and she seemed to find something familiar.


Behind this woman in purple, the figure flickered, and several figures appeared.

When these figures appeared, the faces of Qin Sihai and others were all changed.

Because these people are wearing the costumes of the Ice Temple.

"Really the people in the Ice and Snow Palace!" Zheng Jingmu condensed and murmured, "How come people in this Ice and Snow Palace?"

"What's the relationship between this woman and that Xiao Yun?" Everyone was surprised.

However, there was a dignified color in their eyes.

"That's the person in the Holy Palace of Ice and Snow!" When the cold air filled the air, the practitioners of all races changed their colors.

"How come the people in the Ice and Snow Palace?" Qin Hai looked suspiciously.

"What did the woman say just now? Who dares to touch her brother Xiao Yun? Is she Xiao Yun's sister?" Qin Feng was surprised.

"This woman ..." Yuan Tian frowned, and he heard the woman's voice, but he tried hard to remember, but didn't have much impression on the woman.

"She doesn't seem to be on the ancient road!" Tian Qingshan looked suspiciously.

"It's her ..." However, the eyes of Princess Kirin and Prince Kirin were bright.

"I don't want her to reach this point at this time!" The Seven Killer looked at the woman who walked in the distance, and didn't sigh.

It still remembers that when she was in Xuetianmen, she saw the amazing power of this woman.

At that time, the gap between the two sides was not too great.

But in these short years, it seems that it has a huge gap with this woman now!

"Sister Linger!" Of course, Xiao Yun is the most excited at this moment. He has tilted his head to the purple skirt woman who is walking.

When he looked at the woman, his eyes showed the color of remembrance.

And this woman is Xiao Linger who has been in the sanctuary for four years.

Xiao Linger strolled, she was wearing a long purple dress, her hair was flying, and there was a cold wind around her. Wherever she passed, the air was really frozen.

Today Xiao Linger seems to have reached the state of demigod.

This speed of practice is simply dazzling.

The same is true, then the Seven Killer will sigh.

"Brother!" Xiao Linger strolled, and as soon as the lotus walked, there seemed to be ice lotus blooming in the void. She appeared in the void where Xiao Yun was just a few breaths away.

"Linger!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath when she saw the woman walking towards herself, and there was a mist in her eyes.

Xiao Linger today is not the weak girl.

She is tall and has long black hair, like a world of ice in her eyes.

The chill that permeated even Xiao Yun on the other side frowned.

"Brother!" Xiao Linger blinked, and there was mist in his eyes.

The mist evaporated into tears.

All these years of thoughts seem to erupt at this moment.

Then she stepped out of lotus, and stretched out her arms to embrace Xiao Yun.

"Brother, I heard that you disappeared on the ancient road, I thought I couldn't see you anymore." Xiao Linger cried in tears, hugging his brother tightly, crying in his words.

Even though she is now a virgin in the snow and ice palace.

Even though she has set foot in the state of demigod, she has become the most dazzling heavenly maiden in the snow and ice palace for thousands of years, an existence admired by billions of geniuses.

But at this time she was just a weak woman.

She is just Xiao Yun's sister.

The indifference of heavenly power she had just disappeared.

Of course, she still held the scepter. Although the divine power emitted above was introverted, it was also letting people know. If a sneak attack was taken at this time, how terrible the blow would be, not to mention there is a respect behind this woman. Demigods from the Ice and Snow Palace, among these demigods, there are several deities that are not worse than those of the Longshan son!

Such as the man in white.

After glancing at Xiao Yun in front of him, his eyes were glanced towards the Longshan son and others.

An overwhelming prestige also oppressed forward.

Looking at this, it seems that once those people have any changes, he will thunder.

And this man is Xiao Linger's father, Zuo Shaoqin.

In addition to Zuo Shaoqin, there are eleven demigods following the Ice and Snow Temple.

Among these demigods, Zuo Youshuang is listed in awe.

Now that four years have passed, she has also set foot in a state of demigod.

However, her momentum is clearly not comparable to Xiao Linger.

Xuetianmen's demigod followed, but remained silent, just looking around the Quartet, ready to deal with the change.

Such a gesture made Zheng Sihai and Zheng Jing in the distance dare not act rashly.

Originally, they could not easily win that Xiao Yun, but it was already a little trouble after Xiao Mu was added.

Now there are more people in the Ice and Snow Palace, and they have almost lost their advantage.

Moreover, it is not a wise move to break with the Snow and Ice Palace.

In this way, the atmosphere of Wucheng changed immediately on this day, and the practitioners of all races stared forward.

Of course, there was a whispering voice.

"That woman's temperament is transcendent, like a maiden out of the snow and ice, who is she?" The youth of all races looked surprised.

"So beautiful!" In addition to this surprise, some people were fascinated by the woman's face and temperament.

"Looking at that look, she seems to have a really good relationship with Xiao Yun!" After seeing how close Xiao Linger and Xiao Yun were, the sinking fish muttered in a low voice.

"At this age, I entered the demigod realm, and still had the king of soldiers. This woman's position in the Ice and Snow Palace must not be low!" Xiao said in a demigod.

"Isn't that Zuo Shaoqin?" Some people also recognized Zuo Shaoqin.

"I heard that he disappeared for twenty years, and now he is back. It seems that this is true!"

"This ancestor of Zuo Shaoqin's vein is of the rank of **** king!"

"It is said that their veins still contain the gods, and they have not ridiculed them!"


All kinds of discussions spread throughout the Quartet.

"This Xiao Yun has a younger sister in the sanctuary?" Zheng Hao frowned and turned to Zheng Jing next to him.

"Her sister seems to be in a good position in the Ice and Snow Temple!" Said the genius of the Zheng family from June Pure Land with a somber face.

Then, everyone turned to Zheng Jing.

Because the information given by Zheng Jing does not have this.

"I don't know about it!" Zheng Jing frowned, "After all, he is a **** on the mainland. I'm on the ancient road, so I can't know all about him."

Hearing that, Zheng Hao nodded slightly.

It was just that their faces were astonished when they looked forward into the void.

There was a little panic in those eyes.

Now it is Zheng Hao who feels the situation is not good at this moment.

If this Xiao Yun cannot be won this time, it will definitely cause great trouble in the future.

But they can only watch at this time.

Because even people like Zheng Sihai and Zheng Jingna didn't take any action, what can they do?

The practitioners of different races have different minds.

But Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger didn't seem to feel it.

At this moment they forgot that there was a large enemy around them.

"Brother, when did you come to the sanctuary?" Xiao Linger blinked his eyes and stared at Xiao Yun.

"That time on the ancient road, I encountered some accidents, but came to the sanctuary with a crack in space ..." Xiao Yun laughed.

When referring to the past, Xiao Yun didn't sigh too much.

However, he was more concerned about his sister's change.

So when he spoke, he was looking at Xiao Linger, and wanted to see the changes of this sister in recent years.

Today, Xiao Linger is not too young. She has a bit of cold temperament, such as the Snow Mountain Goddess, which is unattainable.

But at this time Xiao Linger's face was full of tears, but she had no such nobility.

"Look at you, crying when you are so big, aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Xiao Yun smiled and reached out to wipe the tears from the corner of the younger sister's eyes.

"Is anyone happy to meet my brother!" Xiao Linger said with a bit of coquettishness.

"You!" Xiao Yun smiled, and couldn't help shaving the girl's nose. He also had a deep feeling for this sister.

"Brother, these people are going to kill you?" Xiao Linger shaved the bridge of his nose like this, but Xiao Linger did not have a trace of resentment, but showed a sweet smile on her face, but after a moment, her eyes turned and her eyes fell. On those demigods in the distance, an extremely cold air permeated from her.

At this time, Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger stood side by side.

His eyes turned, and he turned towards these people.

"Weak meat and strong food, I'm pregnant with treasure, will inevitably be jealous!" Xiao Yun said lightly.

"It's okay, today, it's up to me!" Xiao Linger smiled with a smile, and then turned his eyes ~ ~ staring ahead, saying: "Everything ... there is I! "The words that followed appeared a little cold.

"These people are from various ancient groups, and they have a strong background. You ..." Xiao Yun worried about his sister.

He was not afraid of power, but he did not want to risk his sister.

In his opinion, men should stand in front and take everything.

"Brother, it was you who protected me when I was young, and took the lead for me. At that time, we were still young, and you were not high in cultivation, but you did not hesitate to go to the back mountain to find the elixir and suppress the cold ... At that time, you were always in Protect me and take care of me. Now that I have grown up and I have a certain strength, today I want to take the lead for my brother. No one can bully my brother. Even if he is a son of God, even if he is a god, he cannot bully me. brother!"

Seeing Xiao Yun with some worries, Xiao Linger tilted her head and looked at the young people around her, showing her firm eyes in her eyes.

"The third update arrived today. I am very satisfied with this plot. I hope everyone will have the full support of the monthly ticket and continue to fight for the third change tomorrow. Don't forget to search for the demon moon night, prestige, letter, and check the historical news to see the previous content." ()

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