Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1558: Zheng Jing

The demigods of all races in the hall gathered to discuss the matter.

"This culprit is naturally a bluff, is it just your three clan ambush?" Xiao Kuanglong cried.

"I'll wait for compensation." Yuwen frowned sharply, then said.

"Well." The demigods of Optimus also nodded, and said, "I have waited for this and am willing to make compensation."

"I have a **** iron, willing to take it out!" Said Qin Longshan Shen.

At this point, he had to bow his head.

Because at this time the news of the Optimus clan has let them calm down the matter.

Obviously, the Optimus are unwilling to fight against Xiao and the Ice and Snow Palace.

In the end, Yuwen's, Optimus, and Giant Spirits were willing to make compensation.

Because the demigods of the giant spirits also received news, the Gai Dai characters in their clan did not plan to start a war at this time.

If Xiao Kuanglong did not come forward, they might still do it for the face of the clan, but now it is obviously worthless.

For these characters of Gai Dai, when they set foot on Shinto, proving longevity is king.

As for other things, you can do nothing.

"Xiao Yun, are you satisfied with this?" Finally, Xiao Kuanglong said to Xiao Yun.

There was a touch of kindness in his eyes.

Such an outstanding junior, he has not seen in a long time!

"Okay!" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed coldly, "Zheng Jing must be stingy, if all races are committing me, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Well." The demigods of all races nodded.



Tianwu City is a void.

"I did not expect that Xiao Yun had anything to do with the Ice and Snow Palace!" Zheng Hao looked at the void in the distance, his frown frowned.

"Now that Xiao Kuanglong is here, it seems that it is difficult for the three major races to suppress this Xiao Yun." Zheng's ordinary demigod Shen said.

When the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace appeared, he also hoped that they could use it to oppress the Ice and Snow Holy Palace.

But now the appearance of this Xiao Kuanglong has made him feel tremendous pressure.

In the face of such a Gai Dai figure, even the three protoss have to be cautious.

"This time it seems that you really can't win this Xiao Yun." Beside them, Zheng Jing's eyes flickered, revealing the solemn face.

Originally, he thought that Xiao Yun was alone in the sanctuary, and there was no root in the sanctuary.

In this way, with the strength of the major protoss, it can be completely taken down.

But now it seems that everything is not that simple.

With the support of Xiao Kuanglong and the Ice and Snow Palace, the major protoss will also have some scruples.

After all, no one will rush into a clan war!

"Since he can't kill him, then he should retreat!" Zheng Jing flashed his eyes, intending to retreat.

He will be in danger if he does not retreat.

After all, he doesn't have that kind of powerful god-level card.

"Why, you want to leave?" Just when Zheng Jing wanted to leave, Zheng Hao was already staring at him.

Since the beginning, he has been paying attention to Zheng Jing.

This guy, but has been used to walking away from that incomplete space!

For this person, he has long reserved.

"You leave this place honestly!" The demigod eyes of June Pure Land were cold, and a powerful demigod oppressed.

Under this momentum, the nearby void was blocked.

This makes Zheng Jing impossible to leave.

He will be hit by the Thunder whenever he acts rashly.

After feeling the power of the demigod, Zheng Jing frowned.

He knew that it was not so easy to drive now.


Just then, the demigod received the message.

"Give Zheng Jing over?" The half-god's eyes flashed, and he set his sight on Zheng Jing next to him.

Suddenly, Zheng Jing couldn't help shuddering.

"Two of you, come with me!" The demigod's eyes were cold, and he turned to Zheng Jing.

In addition, there are young people who have been following Zheng Jing.

He is also from the ancient road.

"It's over!" After looking at the icy eyes of the demigod, Zheng Jing's heart sank.

If he still has a god-level puppet, maybe he can fight with this god.

But he who lost the god-level aunt was simply unable to fight this kind of demigod.

"Let's go!" The demigod said coldly.

In the end, Zheng Jing had to follow.

"That's Zheng's people, did they go to that hall?" Someone exclaimed when they saw him go.

Just a moment later, Zheng Jing and the two were taken outside the hall.

When they arrived, some people who had gathered around immediately cast their curious eyes.

"It's Zheng Jing!" Yuan Tianchi's eyes flashed with chills emerging.

At first, he was almost killed by Zheng Jing!

"Everything is done by Zheng Jing." Wu Shuang said absolutely.

"This guy ..." Kirin and the Seven Killer also stunned when they approached Zheng Jing.

"What are these people doing here?" However, some people don't know why Zheng Jing is here.

So there was an immediate rumor here.


The demigod of the giant spirit tribe landed.

Zheng Jing followed the other tribe like prisoners.

Although he didn't want to do that, he had no choice at all under the power of demigods.

"This guy also has today!" Kirin's son looked cold.

The original thing made him unforgettable.

It can be said that it will be taken down by Gu's people and it has something to do with Zheng Jing.

Because if it wasn't for Zheng Jing's mischief in the mixed land, Princess Qilin could have directly entered the Heaven Demon Realm.

"This Zheng Jing has an enemy with Xiao Yun, and the giant spirits will take action. Mostly it is Zheng Jing who ignites the wind next to it!" Peerless Wind nodded.

At first, few people knew Xiao Yun's details.

The people of Jieshi didn't disclose it, but the giant spirits knew that it was enough that Zheng Jing had informed.

The giant spirit clan will attack Xiao Yun in the incomplete space, which also has a certain relationship.

"It turned out that this person was the source of this person?" Many people looked at him with stunned eyes.

"Zheng Jing, but let the generation of those people of Gai Dai, but also personal!" Someone nodded and laughed.

Before that, no one had expected that there was a character like Zheng Jing behind this shocking battle.

Among the various voices, Zheng Jing was brought into the hall ahead.

"Zheng Jing was brought!" The demigod of the giant spirits stepped into the hall.

"Bring it up!" Xiao Kuanglong said coldly.

Orient Qingyuan was forward with a little curiosity.

Zheng Jing was brought in. He had a height of five and a magnificent personality.

In the vein of the Zheng family on the ancient road, his identity is not low.

But in this sanctuary, he apparently became the abandoned son of the giant spirit tribe.

When Zheng Jing came, the demigods of the three races all appeared cold.

These people are obviously blaming Zheng Jing for not fully telling Xiao Yun's information.

Especially the demigod of the giant spirit family, he was even colder.

If Zheng Jing had been told from the beginning that Xiao Yun had such a profound background, they would not rush.

Besides, this Xiao Yun is also related to the Ice and Snow Palace?

"Zheng Jing!" When Zheng Jing came, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and his eyes fell on the young man.

A fierce killing intention permeated.

"Xiao Yun!" And when Xiao Yun's eyes came, Zheng Jing's eyes were still condensed, staring closely at Xiao Yun.

It was just unwillingness in his eyes.

If it weren't for Xiao Yun's appearance in the place of mixed yuan, he would at least have a chance to get the stone of mixed yuan.

If he had obtained the Stone of the Mixed Yuan, he would be able to cast the foundation of the god, even the foundation of the avenue.

Based on this, he is in the sanctuary, and he can stand out in the Tianwu Society this time, and then enter the June Pure Land, rise in that Pure Land and become famous all over the world.

Even when God's Road opens, he will become the overlord of God.

At that time, there were few people in the sanctuary who could compete with it.

What about the gods who are confined in secret?

But Xiao Yun's appearance broke Zheng Jing's plan.

For this reason, he hated Xiao Yun thoroughly, and could not wait to give it to the broken body Wandan.

After meeting in the sanctuary narrowly, Zheng Jing originally thought that he could kill this young man by virtue of the details of the giant spirit tribe.

Who would have thought that even the demigods of the three major races could not help this young man.

Now everything seems to be over.

But his purpose has still not been achieved.

This time, he was really defeated!

"Is the giant spirits firing on me because of you?" Xiao Yun glared, Shen said.

For Zheng Jing, he also has strong hatred.

This young man's unscrupulous approach to his purpose is disgusting.

"Yes." Zheng Jing glanced up, then glanced at Xiao Yundao, "I wanted to use the power of the major gods in the sanctuary to wipe you out in order to revenge the land of the mixed Yuan. The confrontation was my defeat. To kill, I must listen to the respect. If there is an afterlife, I must defeat you with my own hands! "

"I want you to step on your feet!" Zheng Jing revealed his eyes, gritted his teeth.

"Life is alive, with a righteousness, you are insidious and cunning, how can you set foot on the top of the road? Even if you have the afterlife? I Xiao Yun is still not afraid." Seeing Zheng Jing's expression, Xiao Yun looked extremely indifferent, With a spirit of arrogance, I can accommodate the world and see the heavens and the earth.

But if you have evil intentions, a narrow-minded mind, and limited vision, how can you set foot on the top of the road?

So Xiao Yun was not afraid.

In his eyes, Zheng Jing was just a clown.

"Well, I will defeat you with my own hands in the next life!" Zheng Jing looked at him with a look on his face.

"This person, you solve it yourself!" Xiao Kuanglong said coldly above the hall.

It seemed to him that he didn't bother to shoot at all.

"Yes!" The demigod of the giant spirit nodded.

Then he shot it himself.

The demigod upright capsized and bound Zheng Jing.

Then he split his hands like an axe.

A light pattern flickered, and Zheng Jing was immediately annihilated.

"Ah!" A scream came out, and Zheng Jing was chopped.

Another giant spirit child was also beheaded.

In this regard, the people of the giant spirit clan did not have a trace of heart?

Because if it were not for Zheng Jing, they would not have lost so many demigods.

Especially the Zheng Jing and Zheng Sihai.

These two people are the backbone of the giant spirit family. If they become gods in the future, they can charge for the giant spirit family and kill the Quartet.

But such characters are scorned.

"The giant spirits actually chopped this Zheng Jing with their own hands?"

"Are they soft?" At this time ~ ~ The people outside the hall are watching all this.

The hall was originally shrouded in light and could not be viewed by outsiders.

But Zheng Jing arrived and was opened, and did not continue to seal.

In order to let the world know about it.

"It's good!" Seeing Zheng Jing slump, Yuan Tianzhang was excited.

"Did you finally snore?" Wushuang also took a deep breath.

At the beginning, they were not persecuted by this man!

Especially Kirin and Seven Killers.

It can be said that if they were not Zheng Jing, they would not be captured and become prisoners.

Now that Zheng Jing is downcast, they are also very happy.

"The second one is here, and there will be a chapter in the future, asking for a monthly ticket to assist."

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