Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1559: Tianyang Wu

Zheng Jing was exiled, and the son of the unicorn outside the hall felt ecstatic, like revenge.

"Oh, now that people are ridiculed, let's end this matter?"

Inside the hall, Yu Wenyang laughed loudly.

At this time, the three ethnic groups have given Xiao Yun compensation.

But Rao is so, the demigod posture of the three races is still low.

"Is something with me, someone?" Xiao Kuanglong said coldly.

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In the end, Yuwen clearly understood.

He rose to face Xiao Yun and bowed.

"This matter is reckless, and I didn't know Xiao Gongzi's name at the beginning, so Xiao Gongzi forgive me!"

Yuwen bowed his head clearly.

His eyelids jumped as he spoke.

How precious was he when he was in Yuwen, but at this time he apologized to a younger generation?

But Xiao Kuanglong's unwillingness to give up, he could only do so.

"Yuwen apparently bowed down and apologized to Xiao Yun?" This upset the people outside the hall.

Many people find it difficult to calm their hearts.

Especially those demigods who are familiar with Yuwen.

They knew that Yuwen's strength was obvious.

But such a character, but bowed to a younger generation, apologizing?

For a strong man who is accustomed to being admired, it is even worse than letting people die!

Seeing this, Xiao Yun was very indifferent.

But he did not refuse.

Because he also knows the details of the three major protoss.

All three races have had **** kings, and no one knows how many gods have concealed themselves, waiting to be born.

Now he can handle one or two demigods, but it is obviously not enough to face the three major deities.

Even with the help of Xiao and the Ice and Snow Palace, this is not his strength after all.

I'm afraid that Xiao and the Ice and Snow Palace may not be willing to start a full-scale war with these three clans.

At this time they also put pressure on these three groups.

Otherwise, Xiao Kuanglong will not sit down and talk, as long as he appeared in Tianwu City, it should be a strong shot to crush Yuwen Zhaoran and other talents.

Although these were not broken, Xiao Yun knew it.

But these people ambush him, even if they apologize?

So Xiao Yun was cold-hearted, and didn't say forgive each other or refuse.

Seeing this, the dragon son of the Optimus family next to him frowned.

The same is true of the giant deities demigods.

But seeing Xiao Yun's appearance, they had to bow and salute.

"I've waited for this, and I hope Xiaogong forgive me!" Long Shan's eyes narrowed and he bowed.

The same is true of the demigods of the nearby giant spirits.

Xiao Yun snorted without saying more.

"Oh, let's just stop doing this!" Dongfang Qingyuan laughed above the hall.

When the words fell, he turned to Xiao Kuanglong, and seemed to want to express his attitude.

"This Xiao Yun is my Xiao's son. If any of you feel resentment in the future and want to take revenge on him, you can blame the old man for a strong shot and destroy him!" Xiao Kuanglong's eyes flickered, and the long beard was flying, extremely aggressive. Said that when the words fell, a mighty war would completely cover the hall.

"Oh, this Xiao Yun is Xiao's child, how dare I offend!" The three ethnic demigods laughed.

Xiao Kuanglong flicked his hands and said nothing.

These people are soft on the surface, and there will be resentment in his heart, and he naturally knows.

But he was not worried about it.

If anyone dares to touch this young man, he will shoot himself.

Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary people to win Xiao Yun.

"So, I have to retire!" After apologizing, the three protoss bowed down.

This matter can also be considered to be over.

"Three divine prodigies have dispatched so many demigods to deal with a junior, but in exchange for this result!"

Looking at the three demigods that left the wolf howling, the outside practitioners were not very scornful.

In particular, the giant spirit tribe also ridiculed two strong men.

Yu Wenshi also ridiculed a Yu Wen Chengfeng.

But before they left, they had to apologize.

"Cow, Xiao Gongzi is a cow!" Dust Chen couldn't help but praise.

"I'm afraid that few people in the world can make these three protoss eat so much?" Chi Yi opened his mouth and said.

These people feel a little dreamy.

Who could have thought that this youth would cause such a big fluctuation in the sanctuary when he was in Simon City?

The demigods of Montessori in Simon City were completely dumbfounded.

"Fortunately, we chose Intolerance!" Whispered the demigod of Montessori.

"Fortunately, this young man didn't bother us!" Tianhuo Lin's demigod also showed a grateful expression on his face.

With the departure of the three major clan, Tianwu City did not calm down.

Instead, the results of this incident spread throughout the city and were known to millions of people.

"The giant spirit tribe was beheaded by two strong men, but apologized to a junior? Is this true?" Someone revealed an incredible look after hearing the incident.

This giant spirit clan is an ancient clan!

How many people of this clan dare to mess with?

Even disciples in the Four Palaces dare not offend them!

After all, each faction has its own faction, and it's not just one person who decides.

You can offend a certain force, but you offend everyone.

Therefore, there are few major conflicts among ethnic groups, because these people dare not conflict.

But now that the giant spirits have been cut off by two demigods, do they still have to pay?

"That Yuwen Chengfeng is also a genius!" Someone said.

That Yuwen Chengfeng can also be regarded as a rising star, but he was cut off before his light bloomed.

For this reason, Yu Wenshi did nothing, and even Yu Wen clearly apologized.

How can this not be shocking?

"Where is this Xiao Yun sacred?" Someone curiously asked.

Today, Xiao Yun has become a very mysterious figure.

Because Sanctuary hasn't seen anything like this for thousands of years.

"This Xiao Yun is a child of Xiao, from the mainland of the gods!"

Someone started to talk about Xiao Yun's identity.

"This time, Xiao's Gai Dai came forward to protect him!" The man said with great excitement. "Of course, he is also very strong, capable of cutting demigods. It is said that he has a god-level soldier. He also has a close relationship with the genius of the Holy Palace of Ice and Snow ... He is also extremely powerful, defeating Gu Lang's proud son, Gu Langyu, and defeating Ji's Ji Zi Yuan. He has unlimited potential. Once in the semi-god realm , I'm afraid it will be stronger, anyway, Xiao Yun can't mess with it! "

This is destined to be a sleepless night!

Tianwu City will boil over this battle.

The practitioners throughout Tianwu City are discussing this battle.

Whether it is the genius of the ordinary clan, or the arrogance of heaven from the pure land of June or the clans of various clans, all know that a rising star has emerged in the sanctuary.

This person is called Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Yun was meeting with Xiao Linger and others.

"Oh, Xiao Xiaoyou is so young that it caused such a wave in the sanctuary. He will soar for nine days and dance with the true dragon!" Dongfang Qingyuan laughed inside the main hall, and when he was moved, he could cover the four directions. Those subtle fluctuations in the city, naturally the voice of the genius of each ethnic group was known to him.

Based on this, he also has a certain understanding of Xiao Yun.

"The owner of the Oriental City laughed. The juniors went into the sanctuary alone, but didn't want to be deceived by others. They had to fight back when they had to. This would cause such a big wave, and it was not beyond the control of the juniors. It was just because the juniors interrupted the meditations of the seniors. It's a bit sad. "Xiao Yun smiled at the Oriental City Master.

"Little friends are humble." The Oriental City owner smiled: "With your power, if you have some good fortune, you can achieve something, but the sanctuary is vast. There are many ancient gods in each tribe who concede themselves and wait for their birth. We, the latecomers, have only Constantly enlighten the avenue, strive to step on the Shinto road, and seek the way of longevity. After the Tianwu meeting, the gods' fair will open. It is an opportunity for you, but you can cherish it. As for some personal grievances, when you reach the peak, look back. Nothing more than that. "

His words were vague, but Xiao Yun also knew that the Oriental City Lord wanted him to be patient for a while.

"Thank you for your predecessors' teachings, younger people will cherish everything now." Xiao Yun said.

"It's so good." Dongfang Qingyuan smiled, and said, "You meet old people, there must be a lot of things to say, so the old man will retire first."

"Lord of the Oriental City, walk slowly!" Zuo Shaoqin smiled.

Then Dongfang Qingyuan left.

Xiao Yun and others also left here.

As for Xiao Mu, he went to the place where Xiao's children settled with Xiao Kuanglong.

"Brother Xiao Yun, it's nice to see you!" After leaving, Xiao Linger took Xiao Yun's arm and walked in the air with joy in his face.

At this time Xiao Linger seemed extremely happy.

She was sad for a long time after getting news that Xiao Yun had disappeared on the ancient road.

However, she also firmly believed that Xiao Yun would be fine.

"Yeah!" Seeing Xiao Linger's happy appearance, Xiao Yun also smiled. "All these years, my brother misses you too!"

At this point, it has been more than four years since the girl left Xuetianmen.

When entering the sanctuary, Xiao Yun had thought of looking for Xiao Linger.

It's just that the sanctuary is too vast, and it is not so easy to go to the ice and snow palace.

It's a pleasure to meet Xiao Yun now.

"Brother Xiao Yun, why did you disappear on the ancient road, and how did you come to the sanctuary?" Xiao Linger asked with a curious expression.

She wanted to know everything about her brother.

"Oh, this is a long story ..." Xiao Yun smiled, and told Xiao Linger about leaving Tianduyu.

"Daddy Xiao and his mother also entered the ancient road?" After hearing this, Xiao Linger froze.

"This Zhantian brother is really unfathomable!" Zuo Shaoqin followed and listened. After hearing Xiao Zhantian entering the ancient road, he felt a shock in his heart and set off a wave, even though he did not enter the ancient Road, but many great forces in the sanctuary know that the gate of the ancient road is not one that the emperor can enter.

Xiao Zhantian not only entered it himself, but also brought his wife in, showing his great strengths.

"When I don't know goodbye ~ ~ How strong will you be?" Zuo Shaoqin was full of expectations in this regard, looking forward to the day when he meets this acquaintance.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger came to that place.

The crowd began to chill.

The boys of Kirin also came forward and greeted Xiao Linger.

"Those people are really bad. Unfortunately, I don't know where you are, or I won't stand idly by."

Xiao Linger was also angry after learning about Princess Qilin's encounter.

"The past is over. Bento is a grind." Princess Kirin smiled.

They are now very happy to be free.

"Three more, the plot of Sanctuary can be considered to be really unfolding. The next is the magnificent, and it is time to start the end of the human world. When you ask for a monthly ticket, you can also add the authority of the old demon. Letter, No. On the demon moon night, you can give advice to the old demon, look at the article of the **** world, how long everyone is satisfied.

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