Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1563: Tongtian 9

The geniuses of all races in Tianwu City gather.

Only this time seemed extremely calm.

However, this peace refers to the peace of relations between the various ethnic groups.

In this day, Wucheng, however, often comes with a calamity.

Many youths broke through at this time.

On this day, in a courtyard complex, suddenly a mighty emperor shocked.

When this Emperor's power shock came, some people who were repairing the pigs ~ pigs ~ islands ~ small ~ said ~ www ~ zuhu ~ were shocked.

"So powerful fluctuations!"

"Is this someone going to rob?"

At present, young people stepped out of the house.

"It's Xiao Yun!" Jingchen Feng's eyes flashed, and he turned towards the void ahead.

There, there was a young man in a light blue robe.

This young man is naturally Xiao Yun.

At this point Xiao Yun took a step and walked above a mountain.

There are various light patterns on him, exuding an immense power.

Today Xiao Yun's ill-formed body seems to be able to fit into the void at any time.

Originally, Xiao Yun's perception of the avenue was deep.

He evolved the magical power by himself, and wants to be his own.

Such perceptions and accomplishments are no longer available in the heavenly realm, and are comparable to demigods.

What Xiao Yun lacks is just precipitation.

In this battle with demigods of various races, Xiao Yun has endured tremendous oppression, and also inspired powerful potentials, making his realm to an extreme.

In addition, when fighting the demigods, the kind of Shinto uprightness also made Xiao Yun feel a bit.

Based on this, he set foot in Tongtian Nine Realms.

When he appeared at high altitude, Jieyun had condensed.

The vastness of Tianwei shrouded in all directions.

At the moment, Juehong, Youyi, Xiao Mu, Xiao Kuanglong, Zuo Shaoqin and others were all alarmed.

They appeared in the Quartet, and looked like Xiao Yun's array.

Although under the calamity, few people dare to take action.

But if someone really wants to do something, it's not impossible.

After reaching the level of demigod, you can shoot a few miles away. If you are using any secret technique, it is not impossible to conceal others.

Of course, Xiao Yun has no fear at all.

With the Tower of Swallowing God in hand, would he be afraid of being attacked by others?

So Tianjie condensed, Xiao Yun let it fall.

This time the calamity is really powerful.

It didn't change much. The clouds roared above the sky, and a thunder fell.

The next moment, a world evolved.

The fall of this world contains the power of the avenue, and various magical powers evolved from it, and they attacked Xiao Yun.

The phoenix spread its wings and flew directly.

Kirin roared, going to break through mountains and rivers.


"Is the power of the calamity comparable to the power of the demigods?"

"Exactly." Wushuang nodded.

Many people are astonished.

If it had been before, there would be someone worried about Xiao Yun, afraid that he would fall under the sky.

But now nobody dares to belittle this young man, they are all staring forward.

"The majesty that the elder brother has attracted is powerful." Xiao Linger blinked his eyes and stared at the front, but there was a pride in her eyes.

Xiao Yun looked up and walked directly toward the void. He took a step forward and his fists blasted out, carrying the mighty mighty blast toward the Phoenix ahead.


A punch blasted, and the void shook, and the Phoenix collapsed.

Xiao Yun made another move, and the wings behind her evolved, sweeping the void directly and beheading the unicorn.

Xiao Yun seemed very casual, but he had already shot dozens of times in an instant, and with that pace, he stepped into the world of evolution that day.

There, a mighty avenue began to oppress.

Xiao Yun's body began to crack, with blood overflowing, and the pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

This is no longer as simple as Tianjie, this is simply the road rolling.

If you can't bear it, you will be broken into pieces and fall under the scourge of heaven.

Xiao Yun's prestige of the calamity suddenly surpassed other practitioners in the heavens.

Tianwei is so vast that people in the distance cannot penetrate into that area, so they have to watch from afar.

Even the demigod's mind was rejected by Tianwei, and he dared not detect it rashly.

They can only see it with eyesight.

Otherwise it will cause Tianwei traction, but it will be troublesome.

"Heaven is ninefold, heaven and man are united, and the state of perfection is heaven, and I am heaven!" When the prestige fell down that day, Xiao Yun was not in a hurry, so he strolled forward and let the prestige fall down However, his mind has been released, to integrate into the heaven and earth evolved by the heavens, and to feel the power of the heavens and the earth.

Xiao Yun's understanding of heaven and earth would have been sufficient, so all this went smoothly.

The mind melted into the calamity, and the horrible oppression gradually weakened.

"That being the case, then this day is me!" On that day, Wei weakened, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and his hands were pulling forward.

Then the distant practitioner saw that the world evolved from the disaster that day was engulfed by a cyclone in front of Xiao Yun, and it really merged into his body.

"Just resisted like this?" Seeing this, Jingchen Feng and others were surprised.

How mighty is the might of this calamity. If they encounter this calamity, they will die nine lives, but this Xiao Yun has resolved it so lightly.

"Looking at the might of this calamity, this Xiao Yun has indeed realized the mystery of the avenue." But this is not so strange to those demigods. Xiao Kuanglong is also showing satisfaction, reaching their level, only slightly inductive, We can know the strength of Tianjie, so we can see the potential of this practitioner.

Because the calamity is a talented counterpart.

"He defeated Gu Langyu at the beginning and defeated Ji Ziyuan. He is indeed a talent for creation!" Xiao Mu laughed.

The same is true, he has high hopes for this young man.

At the same time, they also watched the pictures of those two wars.

Since you plan to support this young man, you naturally have to know everything about him.

At this time, there were looming patterns in the void, which evolved into tianjie.

But for Tian Yun, this kind of disaster is just a grind.

Every time he passed through the calamity, his breath will be more vigorous.

Xiao Yun is also constantly aware of the mystery of the avenue.

At this time, people are constantly attracted by this vast sky disaster.

"Is this the young man named Xiao Yun?" Lin Chen's eyes flickered in the distance from the Jiuyang Holy Palace, and a corner of his mouth evoked an arc, staring at the empty road ahead.

"This robbery ... is very strong!" Luo Yang, with a somber expression, sighed.

"This robbery is not bad!" Lin Chen frowned, and said, "Just, hehe, you and I are not bad!"

Luo Yang was silent, but just stared closely.

Looking at it, it seemed that the young man was his opponent.

"He's so strong?" A young man's eyes sank next to him, and his eyes flickered as he looked towards the distant void.

This young man is Chu Yang.

Beside them were Chen Shaohua and others from Tiangong.

"I think he is more powerful than many other brothers in Jiuyang Holy Palace!" Chen Shaohua looked dignified.

At the same time, his eyes were full of bitterness.

At first he had a battle with Xiao Yun.

It can be said that at that time their distance was not too obvious.

But now Xiao Yun has become famous in Sanctuary, but he is still a small role.

Even Jiuyang Holy Palace could not join.

Today they are only Chu Yunfei's dependents.

However, Xiao Yun has a vague tendency to compete with those core disciples in the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

"Hmm, my brother is now successful and has become a seed-level disciple in Jiuyang Holy Palace. After he enters the Shenxu and tempers the Yuan infant with the power of the Shinto rules, he will definitely be stronger. When he comes forward, he must be able to crush this Xiao Yun in order to report the revenge of my Tiangong being destroyed! "Chu Yang gritted his teeth, and said spitefully.

"Huh!" Wen Yan said, Chen Shaohua nodded, "Yes, the son of Yun Fei is about to go out, and he can crush this son soon."

"It is said that the Shenxu can not bring in the soldiers. As long as this Xiao Yun dares to enter, you can imagine the end!"

Thinking of this, his eyes were exposed.

Although they know Xiao Yun's record.

But in their opinion, Xiao Yun was able to sever demigods, just because there were **** king soldiers.

But Shenxu, however, is not allowed to carry God King soldiers.

As for Xiao Yun's defeat of Gu Langyu and Ji Ziyuan, it was only because they were not strong enough.

After Chu Yunfei obtained the inheritance of the gods of Tianyang, Gu Gong Xiaocheng stood out in the Jiuyang Holy Palace and was promoted from a core disciple to a seed disciple.

Today, in the eyes of Chu Yang and others, he is like the **** above him.

Even if Xiao Yun is strong, how can they have Yun Fei's son against the sky in their hearts?

At this time, Xiao Yun continued to merge Tianjie and realize the mystery.

His breath is constantly improving.

Although it has not yet reached the heavenly ninefold state, the momentum is infinitely close to the state of demigod.

"I didn't expect to see him in just a few years, and he has grown up here!" Feeling the power permeated by the disaster that day, Murong's eyes were stunned.

The power of the calamity this day is not as strong as the calamity he crossed.

The might of the avenue shook his soul.

"Yeah!" Zuo Xiashuang next to him looked up at the distant void, and was very emotional.

Xiao Yun hadn't set foot on the royal road when she was in the capital.

At that time, in her opinion, the people in Tianduyu were inadequate, but later changes made her look impressive.

Rao is so, she just thinks that Xiao Yun is better than the others in Tianduyu.

Xiao Yun is far from enough to fight against those true arrogants of the Holy Land.

But at this point, the young man was far from simple as she imagined.

"Tongtian realm integrates into heaven and earth, realizes the mysteries of heaven and earth, and uses the power of heaven and earth to evolve various supernatural powers. In this way, it is for the ultimate of heaven, the ultimate of heaven and earth, and it means that we can completely turn this mystery into our own. The magical world can evolve at any time, so what is the ultimate of heaven? I seem to be lacking? "

Xiao Yun continued to merge with the calamity, feeling the avenue. He was thinking and thinking about his situation at this time.

Crossover is also the best time to realize the Tao.

"Heaven and man are one ... Tao is born one ... and then everything is born ~ ~ My supernatural power has been merged, but can its essence be integrated into my soul?" Xiao Yunmu groaned, although he Fusion of various martial spirits into a magical world, but this integration is not enough, they are still in Xiao Yun to understand the sea, and become independent existence.

Like the soul of life, it is still rooted in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Although Xiao Yun can evolve various magical powers as long as Xiao Yun's mind is moving, it is still worse.

That's not perfect.

"Since it's not perfect, you should improve." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he immediately thought.

Only to see his mind move, knowing the sea, the life Wuhun flashed out.

That ice and fire martial spirit also emerged.

There is also a pattern of phoenix essence gathering like a phoenix soaring in the sky.

Kirin's blood gasified into a rune, but roared like the same Kirin.

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