Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1564: Ming Wu

c_t; Chapter 1564

Xiao Yun was crossing the robbery, but he suddenly pulled the source of various martial spirits out. Read the latest chapters in full

Even the blood of the Phoenix, the blood of the Unicorn has condensed into lines, suspended above the head.

These have veins and martial arts.

All become Xiao Yun's.

"These supernatural powers are like all kinds of vitality in the heavens and the earth, and they are like mountains and rivers. Now although they are under my control, they have not merged into one."

Xiao Yun's mind worked.

It seems that these magical powers are under his control, but his body is not the real world.

This needs to be taken slowly and constantly transformed.

Xiao Yun is now taking the first step.

"The human soul is at the center, and an idea evolved from an idea. That is the core of the man. My Yuan Ying has merged the Zhanwu soul and the phantom eye. Can I integrate other blood magic?" It is dark in his heart that the fusion of these will be the first step, and then he will evolve a real world.

But this also needs to accumulate reads ;.

Xiao Yun obviously does not have such a state yet.

But the first step is very important.

"It should be so." Xiao Yun was moved.

Then a light pattern bloomed, like a sky curtain, wrapping these veins of blood with the source of Wuhun.

On the tree of life Wuhun, there is a flash of light and shadow.

This is the source of Wuhun, and it is like a blue road pattern.

This is the core of Wuhun.

Gradually, Xiao Yun's soul evolved with a yin and yang atmosphere, and these were completely integrated.

This process seems simple, but it is full of danger.

The origins of various martial arts souls do not belong to a force, and they have their own exclusion.

However, Xiao Yun's realm has been elevated, and his perception of the avenue is not as it used to be.

With the help of Yin and Yang Qi, this integration also went a little smoother.

At the same time, Tianjie is also falling.

That calamity contained the pattern of the road and was absorbed by Xiao Yun.

The mystery contained in it seems to deepen Xiao Yun's perception.

Feelings, it seems like a lifetime, very long, long, but when you really realize, you also feel like it is just a matter of a moment.

His Yuanying, however, is constantly merging a variety of original patterns.

"What is he doing?" At this moment, a demigod looked surprised.

"He seems to be merging various supernatural powers." Tian's demigod said.

With God's eyes, they see better than others.

"Merge various sources of magical powers?" Wen Yan said, many eyes were wrong.

"This Xiao Yun actually fuses various supernatural sources into Yuan Ying. Isn't he afraid of the rejection of various sources?" Murong Jingyun was also surprised. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, less advertising, like this site the most, be sure to praise]

Xiao Yun's actions made him feel scared.

Yuan Ying ...

This is the root of the soul. If there is any difference, then the soul will be broken and become a fool.

If it is heavy, it will fall off!

When Murong Jingyun was worried, Xiao Yun had integrated the original patterns drawn from the soul of blood and blood into the elementary infant.

Within Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying, there were a few more supernatural patterns.

These **** patterns are complex and mysterious, some are like the same green tree, and some are like an ice fire, but there is more of a boulevard atmosphere in it.

"Now, even if my Yuanying is taken out alone, I can still exert the power of these martial spirits. Even if I go to the Shenxu, I have no fear of others!"

Xiao Yun's Yuanying whispered.

He would think about merging these supernatural powers, also because of the trip to the gods.

"It's just not enough!" After integrating these sources, Xiao Yun still felt that it was not yet complete.

He began to think about sentiment.

"Since Yuanying lives in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the soul of life is also taking root, can this vast knowledge of the sea be derived into a real world?"

Xiao Yun pondered.

Soon, his Yuan Ying was immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment the life Wuhun is still swaying.

Just what he pulled out just now is the source of martial arts.

After entering the sea of ​​knowledge, Xiao Yun's mind was released, reflecting this vast world of knowledge of the sea.

The sea of ​​knowledge is very wide and boundless, and there is no end to it.

The soul of life exudes the breath of life.

Within Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying, there is also a vast burst of blood bursting out.

But all this is not enough.

This knowledge of the sea is like a deserted void.

There are no stars, no creatures, only Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun's mind moved and evolved here.


With the evolution of Xiao Yun, light and shadow flickered in the sea of ​​consciousness, glaciers emerged, and the sea of ​​fire rolled.

"But all this is not enough!" Xiao Yun groaned, Yuan Ying murmured, "the real world is far more than that."

But he couldn't catch what was missing.


At this time, in the void, the robbery cloud squirmed and made a loud noise, and the robbery fell that day.

A mighty Tianwei oppressed.

"Tianwei!" This shocked the contemplative Xiao Yun.

Similarly, his eyes lit up.

"Like this prestige! Like this calamity!" Xiao Yun's eyes revealed the light of wisdom.

He is the only one who knows the sea. Even if there is a magical power to evolve the river, it is not enough.

It's not enough even if various vigor has evolved.

Because Tianwei is still lacking.

This prestige, this predicament, comes from the rules of heaven and earth!

"Rule of heaven and earth! Yes, it is the rule of heaven and earth. If the seasons change, everything is in harmony ... If the practitioner reaches a certain level, he will have to cross the road. This is the rule. Only the rules contain the real world and the whole. After all, the magical powers evolved by the practitioners are illusory. My evolved magical powers lack rules, and they are illusory and cannot become real worlds. "At this moment, Xiao Yun finally realized something.

At the same time, his blood was boiling, and he seemed to see a direction and a avenue that made him look forward to.

"Rules, although I still can't comprehend them, but I believe that only by going forward can I control them."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun suddenly.

Now he is not enough to touch the rules of the avenue.

But with this goal, he can move forward.

He will never be ignorant again.

After all these enlightenments, Xiao Yunxin calmed down, his Tao heart began to be fulfilled, and his sense of the heaven and earth's righteousness became clearer.

A powerful momentum burst out from him.

Today, he has reached the perfection of Tongtian Jiuzong.

He has even touched the demigod.

The robbery in the void has dissipated.

On Xiao Yun's body, the light was dazzling, and a powerful breath permeated.

This breath made many practitioners in the distance feel the heart beat.

"This breath seems to have reached the semi-god state!" Tian Qingshan murmured.

"Did Xiao Yun have reached the demigod state?" Yuan Tianyi said with eyes widened.

The rhyme on Xiao Yun's body really looks like a demigod.

That kind of prestige is by no means the only thing in the world.

But he was clearly robbing Tiantong.

As we all know, demigods don't cross reads ;.

Even some demigods are so miserable.

"If he stepped into the demigod state, his breath should be even stronger." A demigod frowned, "but his breath was a bit erratic and unstable."

"This Xiao Yun has not yet reached the state of demigod, but has touched the mystery of that state." Xiao Mu muttered.

"Hehe, it really is a genius, and he has already touched the demigod's realm after he has passed through the Nine-Strength of Heaven. With his talent, he is expected to become a god. Step into the demigod realm. "Xiao Kuanglong laughed loudly and was very satisfied with Xiao Yun's performance.

"Shenxu is also in danger. Would it be too risky to let such an extraordinary genius penetrate into it?" Said a demigod from the ancestor who frowned slightly.

If it had been before, Xiao Yun wouldn't worry about going to Shenxu.

But now it's different.

At this time, he can clearly feel that this young man has touched the avenue uprightness and is very talented. He also has a king of soldiers. If he is trained well, he can become the king of Xiao's future. Such a character should not let him take risks. He should Let him grow up and say, otherwise, if there is any difference, you will not regret it!

As a matter of fact, some real geniuses of evil spirit level will not enter the Shenxu.

Each clan will stay that few.

Like Xiao Linger.

She had the Holy Spirit, and they were reluctant to let her take the risk in this vein.

Because the land of God's Ruins is too dangerous, if it is difficult to guarantee that you can exit safely, even if you have a life sign to save your life, it is not a panacea.

Therefore, in general, these super forces will not reserve all of their seed disciples.

"Anyway!" Xiao Kuanglong waved his hand, saying, "As a practitioner, if you want to reach the peak, you are destined to take risks and go through all kinds of trials. Only those with great courage and great wisdom can At the end, with great courage, we can get luck, and with great wisdom, we can avoid evil. In this way, luck is condensed continuously, and invisible, we must naturally surpass ordinary people. "

"This Xiao Yun can come to this step from the **** continent, it is destined to be a forceful and lucky person, this Shenxu, when you break!"

Xiao Kuanglong's face was stunned, "If he doesn't break, it will become his regret. If he reaches this point, if he can't keep improving, he will be surpassed by others and reduced to mediocrity."

"Um." He heard that, and the demigod nodded.

If you can't set foot on top, you are just mediocre.

The same is true. From the earliest days, the world's practitioners have been trembling in their cultivation from a young age.

But the road is endless. Where is the pinnacle?

No one knows this.

But the world knows that although hard work can never let you truly reach the peak, you can at least surpass others.

If there is neglect, most of them will really become passers-by.

Tianjie dissipated, the situation gathered, and the vast atmosphere of heaven and earth was led by Xiao Yun.

When Xiao Yun's palm moved ~ ~, his vitality was drawn by him.

Under the pull of his mind, the vitality instantly turned into various shapes.

Today, he has become more comfortable with the control of this heaven and earth.

"I am now one step away from the demigod state." He smiled slightly.

He can even feel that if he is willing, if he retreats at this time, he can immediately set foot in the state of demigod.

"Set foot in the demigod, or wait to go to the divine market." Xiao Yun smiled, and he was not anxious about the state of the demigod.

Now that we want to make a breakthrough, we need to lay down the foundation and accumulate enough to make another breakthrough.

Shenxu is obviously the best choice.

"Tongtian Jiuzhong is complete, is it still far invincible in the demigod? Ask for a monthly ticket." Xiao Yundao.

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