Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1565: Tenbukai

Xiao Yun successfully stepped into Tongtian Nine Realms.

At the same time, his perception of the avenue was a little more.

Now Xiao Yun is only one step away from the state of demigod.

It seems that the road of the strong is not far away.

"This Xiao Yun has become stronger than before!" Gu Langyu's eyes flickered in the distance, staring at Xiao Yun in the void, and there was a certain dignity in his eyes.

He is also a practitioner of Tongtian Jiuzhong Realm, but he clearly felt the difference between Xiao Yun and this Xiao Yun.

"He has touched the avenue uprightness and walked in front of me." Gu Langyu's eyes flashed, and his heart sighed slightly.

In the first war, he felt the gap between the two sides.

It was only after a long time of retreat that he did not change.

How easy is Dao Yiyi to reach?

Even if he was only one step behind, it was difficult to take that step.

This requires opportunity.

"The vastness of the world, talented people, just stick to your own way, there is no need to be sad or happy because of the achievements of others!" Ji Ziyuan's eyes were dull and there were not many emotional fluctuations. He knew that he might not be as good as this young man However, this does not mean that in the future, even if it is impossible to surpass this young man, it is no harm.

Everyone has their own path. If it is because of the momentary success or failure that affects the Taoist heart, it will only cause them to fall into the magic barrier.

Persevering in your own way and taking your own way to the extreme is the king.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Xiao Yun strolled down from the void.

Among them are Yuwen's, Optimus, and Giant Spirit.

It's just that these people didn't do anything. They all stared coldly.

Xiao Yun strolled and came down.

At this point, the wind and other people came forward to congratulate.

"Gong Xiao!" At this time, Murong Jingyun also stepped forward.

"Mr. Murong!" After seeing Murong's shock, Xiao Yun's eyes were astonished.

"Hehe, I haven't seen each other for many years, and when I don't want to see each other again, Xiao Gongzi has become famous in the sanctuary. It is really gratifying!" Murong Jingyun laughed.

"Oh, I can meet again, but it is destined!" Xiao Yun laughed.

But he knew how much danger this farewell experienced.

"Let's get together?" Murong Jingyun laughed.

"Good!" Xiao Yun was also polite, nodding at the moment.

Then they all went to a Accord among them.

"How did Brother Murong know Xiao Yun?" Xiao Tianxiang laughed in the Accord.

"I was in the heavenly realm of the **** continent. I saw Xiao Gongzi." Murong Jingyun laughed. "At that time, I invited Xiao Gongzi to enter my holy palace on behalf of Qingyun Holy Palace. He didn't want to but he refused. Lost the opportunity to enter the sanctuary, who knows, not only did he enter the sanctuary, but he has reached where he is today. "

Murong startled and raised his glass, his face sighed.

Although he also felt that Xiao Yun was extraordinary, he did not expect the latter to grow to this point.

The same is true, he will try his best to invite Xiao Linger and Ling Xi instead of Xiao Yun.

This made him sigh extremely.

"There is still such a thing in the past!" Wen Yan said that the wind and the eyes of everyone are all desolate.

At the same time, they were surprised by Xiao Yun's courage.

There was already an opportunity to enter the sanctuary, but the young man gave up.

How many people have this courage?

You know, Qingyun Holy Palace is not those small forces!

Everyone expressed surprise.

"At the time, I had something in heaven, so I couldn't enter the sanctuary." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Oh, Xiao Gongzi has come to the sanctuary now, but I don't know if I am interested in entering my Qingyun Holy Palace?" Seeing Xiao Yun's opening, Murong Jingyun smiled narrowly.

"Into the Qingyun Holy Palace?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun was stunned.

"Hehe, son Murong, son Xiao Yun is now my son Xiao. It's not good for you to dig people like this!" Xiao Tianxiang rolled his eyes and said.

"Brother Tianxiang joked, Xiao Yun is your child of Xiao family, but it doesn't prevent me from entering Qingyun Holy Palace, just like I am Murong's child, but in Qingyun Holy Palace?" Murong Jingyun laughed, "So you Xiao's friendship with my Qingyun Holy Palace, isn't it a beautiful thing? "He squinted at Xiao Tianxiang.

"I think Xiao Yun's talent is pretty good. When it comes to income, what if the three protoss are offended? Am I afraid that they will not succeed?" Murong Jingyun said.

"This matter allows the husband to discuss with the elders."

The elder groaned slightly, saying so.

After hearing the words, Murong sighed slightly.

Looking at this, the elder was obviously a little bit sceptic.

After all, the three great protoss have rich heritage, and if they offend, there will be a lot of trouble.

Even in this Qingyun Holy Palace, there are some people who are close to the three major protoss.

"I think we can win this guy. After all, he has a **** king soldier, and the potential is unlimited in the future!" Some gods are very optimistic about Xiao Yun.

"My husband doesn't feel right. All three races have a king of gods. If the way of God is opened and the gods are born, they will find this Xiao Yun trouble, which is not good for my Qingyun Temple."

There are also demigods.

In the end the matter was left to rest.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

On this day, bells rang in Tianwu City, and the repairers of all races were moved.

The Heavenly Martial Arts Association is about to open.

"This time will be the time for me to jump at the Dragon Gate!" A young man pushed out the door, and was full of fieryness when he walked towards the distant void.

"If I stand out at the Tian Wu Hui, I will be eligible to go to Shenxu!" Yuan Tianzhang's eyes were exposed.

There is great opportunity in the Shenxu. If there is any gain, there will be a chance to gain a foothold in the sanctuary in the future.

"This will be my chance to stand out!" Wushuang is also the firmness of Mu Lu.

For so long, what he waited for was this outbreak.

"But I don't know what other geniuses appear this time?" Xiao Yun also pushed out the door.

He also has a few expectations for this meeting.

"Tianwu will open today, and it's up to you." Juehong appeared, and he was full of expectations to his children.

"We will not disappoint you!"

Although the Tian Wu Hui brings together geniuses from all ethnic groups, few super-powerful people participate in it. Peerless Wind still has some confidence in itself.

Tianwu City.

On a suspended platform in that central area, countless practitioners walked away.

People of all tribes in the sanctuary walked towards the area.

The most eye-catching is the Wuwutai suspended above the sky.

One after another, Wuyantai, like a pyramid suspended in the air.

Next to them are observation platforms.

There are elegant residences in the observation platforms where the super powers are located, so that people can look ahead without being disturbed by outsiders.

As for some ordinary people, there are only some observation poles in the distance.

Powers such as Juehong are superpowers accompanying them.

It's just that the noble sons sit in the elegant residence, but they can only sit beside.

Not long after the bell rang, people of all ethnic groups have come here one after another.

call out!

When Yun Guang passed, Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger also came here.

Along with it is Sister Ren, Ming Ziyu.

These days, Ren ’s sisters have been retreating, but Xiao Yun also wants them to have more exposure to the outside world, so let them come here to see the genius battle in these holy places.

"Look, that's Xiao Yun!" When Xiao Yun came, he immediately caused an uproar in this area.

"Is this the Xiao Yun who defeated Gu Langyu and defeated Ji Ziyuan?" Many people looked at Xiao Yun with reverence.

Today Xiao Yun has become a sacred figure in the realm ~ ~ Will he also participate in this martial art? "Someone's eyes show expectations.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing this peerless appearance of Xiao Yun fighting with people!" Many geniuses murmured looking at Xiao Yun in the distance.

Because they haven't seen Xiao Yun fight with anyone.

Observing the imprinted picture is obviously not as shocking as the scene.

"Brother, look, you are now celebrities in the sanctuary!" Xiao Linger looked at Xiao Yun's arm and said with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Linger smiled like a flower, just like that little girl next door, and she was so cold and noble when she appeared in Tianwu City.

For Xiao Linger, being with his brother is the happiest thing.

"Some vanity." Feeling those voices, Xiao Yun smiled indifferently.

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