Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1572: Crushing

Zhou Qiwen tried his best, he turned into a swallowing spin.

At this time, the cyclone agitated on the battle platform, swallowing the sky.

At the same time, the immortal power it contained was just as appalling.

When the cyclone agitated, heaven and earth seemed to tear.

Who can resist if they are swallowed?

The distant practitioners were terrified and tightened their nerves.

This swaggering power is shocking.

Under this prestige, Xiao Yun's war-fighting world began to disintegrate.

Qi Wen's strength this week is obviously not so easy to compete with.

"The power of swallowing the sky is indeed powerful." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he also felt the power of this swallowing power.

Especially this week Qiwen.

Because he possessed a martial arts soul, or a descendant of the god, the supernatural mystery contained in that martial arts spirit surpassed many people.

Based on this, he has the unique conditions to appreciate the true upheaval.

Even Xiao Yun couldn't match it.

Although Xiao Yun went to swallow the sky abyss, but after all, it was not a Wuhun inheritance.

"Just, isn't it so easy to swallow the sky?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

At this moment, there was a majestic runway on him.

His pace moved, the lines of light dangled in front of him, and a swarm of the weather swept away.

He was agitated by the cyclone, and he was extremely bully, with a bit of avenue in it.

Xiao Yun's body was hidden inside the swallowing weather.

It seems that he is this cyclone, this swallowing weather cyclone is him.

It's just within the swallow of the weather, but it's a hazy world.

There are supernatural powers in the heavens and the earth.

"With the power of my heaven and earth, breaking up all kinds of methods!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and the swallowing weather spin was impacting towards the swallowing weather spin evolved by Zhou Qiwen ahead.

Two swallow weather spin shock.

One has the potential to swallow the world.

One is with great power.

Both supernatural powers have their own advantages.

When they struck together, the void was crumbling.

A horrible engulfing force was stirring and attacking each other.

However, among this kind of power, there is another kind of power.

That is Xiao Yun's power that devoured the avenue in the cyclone.

The power of this avenue struck, making Zhou Qiwen's devouring power blocked.

But it still has to swallow away, and does not spare.

"I was so frightened that, even if it turned into heaven and earth, I would also break up the void!" Xiao Yun's voice came from the swallowing weather.

When the voice came out, you could see that the devouring cyclone turned into a fist, but it was clearly a collision of heaven and earth, but from a distance, everyone could only see the impact of a cyclone, but in this cyclone The kind of monstrous warfare contained in it makes people feel shocked.

This is a war of heaven and earth.

Contains the war will of the might of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

As soon as the war broke out, the void in front of it really shattered. The swallowing weather evolved by Zhou Qiwen trembled and was rolled back by a powerful force.

"This mystery ..." When this force came, Zhou Qiwen's voice of surprise came out.

He also felt the power of that mystery.

With the power of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, he could not devour.

Although it is very powerful to swallow the heavens, it can swallow the mountains and rivers.

However, there are strengths and weaknesses in the magical powers, as well as the realm.

Apparently, the devouring magical powers he understood did not have the power of a avenue.

Therefore, under this power, his cyclone began to collapse.


A muffled noise came out, and the distant practitioners could arrive, and the swallowing weather on the battle platform crumbled like a devastating vortex.

When the cyclone collapsed, a terrible hurricane stirred up and raged.

A young man emerged from the hurricane.

This young man is naturally Zhou Qiwen.

At this point, there was blood spillage in Zhou Qiwen's mouth.

Not only that, his body was backwards, his breath seemed a little disordered.

"Zhou Qiwen's devouring magical power was defeated?" Seeing this, those practitioners who watched the war in the distance were stunned.

"So amazing, can't you still win that Xiao Yun?" Qin Feng took a deep breath.

"This boy, are you really invincible?" Qin Hai revealed his face solemnly.

Qiwen is really strong this week. Such figures are among the few in their contemporary days.

But such characters tried their best, but still couldn't win this Xiao Yun.

Is it really necessary to send out the two outstanding Gaiders, to defeat this Xiao Yun?

This made him feel so dignified.

The minds of the practitioners of Yuwen Family, Qingtian Family, and Giant Spirit Family are all buzzing, seeming to be shocked by the scene in front of them.

Before they wake up, on the battlefield, a huge cyclone rose into the sky during the storm.

This cyclone is naturally a cyclone that evolved from Xiao Yun.

The cyclone soared into the sky, obviously a cyclone, but everyone felt that a young man was rising from the storm of terror.

Then, the young man strode forward and walked forward in a supreme manner.

The storm ahead is raging, and the kind of fluctuations is enough to wipe out practitioners in Tongtian Nine Realms.

But Xiao Yun walked away so much, he was a swallowing wind, swallowing up that kind of horrible wave.

After engulfing those horrible aftermaths, Xiao Yun soon appeared beside Zhou Qiwen.

At this time, the engulfing pattern on Zhou Qiwen's body collapsed, and he had not yet had time to take another shot.

"Phantom eyes!"

Waiting for Zhou Qiwen's shot, Xiao Yun calmly opened his eyes.

Xiao Yun spoke, but in front of him was a Zhou Qiwen scroll that swallowed the weather.

This volume of cyclone is like a Zhou Qiwen who swallowed up the abyss and wrapped it upside down.

Then a magical power capsized from within the swallowing abyss.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qiwen was trembling, and the whole man was stunned.


At this time, Xiao Yun punched out.

This punch blasted out, and Zhou Qiwen flew out.


The figure flickered, and Zhou Qiwen fell down.

The battle platform was shaking, as if to be broken.


Zhou Qiwen spit out in his mouth, his hair was messy, and he had long ago lost the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

When he landed, Xiao Yun had already appeared in front of him.


Xiao Yun's palm evolved into an ice gun, which arrived at Zhou Qiwen's neck.

An upsurge of ice began to pour into Zhou Qiwen's body, gradually freezing his blood.

"The mystery of ice!" Feeling his veins that were gradually frozen, Zhou Qiwen's eyes were shocked.

Not only that, he could feel that the sea of ​​knowledge was pouring into the ice.

Although he can devour with the magic of heaven.

But how could he dare move the ice gun against his neck now?

"I'm defeated!" Zhou Qiwen smiled bitterly and had to admit defeat.

Otherwise, while waiting a little, your soul will be frozen.

Zhou Qiwen conceded, and Xiao Yun gradually withdrew the evolved Bing Zhiyi.

"Accepted!" At the same time, Xiao Yun said, the ice gun also turned into a light pattern, and collapsed.

On the battlefield, the terror aftershocks gradually calmed down, and Zhou Qiwen's voice of concede was not high, but it spread to all directions and was heard by practitioners of all races.


When they heard the sound, the crowd took a deep breath first, but then there were waves in their hearts.

At this moment, the practitioners of all races are staring closely at the battle platform ahead.

On the battle platform, Zhou Qiwen, who was slightly embarrassed, stood up, and he arched toward Xiao Yun, and thus he swept out of the battle platform.

His eyes moved slightly, and he headed for the demigod viewing platforms of Zhou Family.

That figure was a little bit wobbly.

Looking at Zhou Qiwen who retreated from the wolf, the practitioners of all races did not know how to speak for a moment.

In this way, the field was surprisingly silent for a moment.

Until a little later, the people were sober from this shock.

"This Xiao Yun wins!" Everyone's eyes moved and their eyes returned to the battlefield again.

There, Xiao Yun stood, like a king looking down at Bafang.

"Can't even Zhou Qiwen win him?" Ye Fei's eyes flashed, his expression was a little clear.

"It seems that only a few people can compete with this Xiao Yun." Ji Ziyuan was secretly secretive.

The next genius, such as Gu Langyu, nodded slightly.

They are obviously unable to compete with this Xiao Yun.

However, above them, there are even more anti-natural beings within each tribe.

Those characters are truly worldly heroes.

It's just that such characters rarely appear, because they are dedicated to the peak of martial arts.

In fact, few people are worth their shot.

"This child has good potential." Zuo Shaoqin smiled slightly in the Accord at the Observatory.

"He is really strong, but it is comparable to those geniuses in my Ice and Snow Temple." Zuo Yanshuang said.

At the time, she was in Tiandu Yu, and was not optimistic about Xiao Yun.

But at this moment, it seems that he really has gone away.

"If this junior grows up, it will also be of great benefit to our vein in the future," said Fu Lao next to him.

Their veins have been weakening in the Ice and Snow Temple recently.

Had it not been for the return of Zuo Shaoqin and Xiao Linger, I would have been completely suppressed by other factions in the future.

The appearance of Xiao Linger pleased the old man.

Now seeing that Xiao Yun is also very talented, he can still overpower the heroes without relying on the soldiers, and he is inexplicably excited.

Because he knows that this relationship between Xiao Yun and Xiao Linger is very profound. It can be said that they are their own people and can be trusted.

"Oh, yes, yes, I didn't expect that an extra-territorial branch, but also such a genius, is indeed my shawl!"

In the adjacent Accord, Xiao's demigod was even more inspiring.

Before, they also knew that Xiao Yun was strong.

But in this battle, they did not hold much hope.

Because swallowing the sky, Zhou is too strong.

Qiwen is also a proud man this week. Few of his peers can compete with him.

In their view, Xiao Yun's invincibility is too difficult to achieve.

After all ~ ~ Qiwen is living within the clan, with endless resources, and the insights left by various gods, which can make him grow up quickly.

But Xiao Yun is different. He lives in that **** continent. Even if there are any adventures, how can he be compared with the superpower of the sanctuary?

These forces in the sanctuary do not know how many gods' relics are in their own family.

So Xiao Yun's victory was beyond their imagination.

"When returning to the clan at that time, let him participate in the enlightenment of the war left by the **** king!" Xiao Kuanglong's eyes flashed, and he smiled at the long beard.

"He shot just now. This Xiao Yun blends his war will perfectly with the potential of the avenue. He does have some talents. If he is going to realize the mystery left by our **** king, he will surely go further, and he will be stronger then! Xiao Mu also nodded slightly, full of expectations and confidence for Xiao Yun's future.

So powerful now.

If you go further, can you compete with those real Gaiden characters?

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