Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1573: Swallow the heavens and the pulse ...

Xiao Yun's defeat of Zhou Qiwen gave all the clans a new understanding of him.

Even Xiao's demigod was impressed and looked at him.

If such a character is cultivated well, it can really become a dazzling existence in this era.

But the people of Yuwen's family, giant spirit family and Qingtian family all gloomed up.

"It seems that only people from the clan can fight with them!" The demigods of all clan are full of dignity.

At this moment, they dare not hold a few geniuses to send Xiao Yun to the idea of ​​`hog`pig`island`fiction`www`huzud`.

Even if the magic soldier is not used, this young man is still not an ordinary person who can strike.

"Oh, this battle, Xiao Yunsheng!" At this time, on the high platform, the demigod of Tianwu City spoke and announced the result.

"A person from outside the country who has the ability to overpower these super forces is really rare!"

When the result was announced, his eyes blinked, and he couldn't help showing a little applause when he turned towards the young man on the stage below.

These super-powerful talents have the best resources since childhood, how many people can be compared with them?

That's it, they still lose!

Still lost to someone from outside the domain!

"Xiao Yun! Xiao Yun!"

When this announcement came, there was an immediate cheering near the observation platform.

At this time, countless young people are excited about it.

Those who know Xiao Yun.

Especially in Simon City, people who have a good opinion of Xiao Yun.

Like Na Luo Yu Ling, then Chen Huoer!

They were all inexplicably excited at this time.

Xiao Yun at this moment is really dazzling and cool.

His long hair fluttered, his eyes were dazzling, as if the Son of God was in the dust.

Such youths have attracted countless women.

Even the sinking fish is also obsessed with eyes.

Those in Montessori and Lin's are in a mixed mood.

It is difficult for them to imagine that the young man who was a little budding in Simon City could come this far.

"So, this time the Tian Wu Hui, it's over!" At this time, Wucheng's demigod said, "Everyone who advances can get the qualification to enter the Shenxu."

"Similarly, the corresponding rewards will be issued one after another!"

When the voice fell, the audience cheered.

Especially those young people who stand out from the Tian Wu Hui, they are extremely happy.

The Tian Wu Hui ended, and the youth of all ethnic groups returned to their own ethnic group.

At this time, those observation platforms seemed very lively.

"Such talents can be cultivated in our ancestral land of the stone people tribe, and you will have a place in the sanctuary in the future!" Said a demigod of the ancestral land of the stone people towards Shi Feng.

The demigods next to Shi Feng showed satisfaction.

A lot of geniuses, such as Shi Feng, were regarded by their ancestors.

"You can enter the ancestral land!" There is also a demigod in the ancestral land of the absolute clan toward the wind of absolute dust.

Although they did not achieve dazzling results, they also stood out.

"Ancestral land!" After being recognized by the people in the ancestral land, there will be no firm light in his eyes. "But now, Shenxu is the key place now."

He was full of expectations.

If he gains something in Shenxu, he will have a little more knowledge after entering the ancestral land.

In this way, there will be an opportunity to rise in the ancestral land.

Xiao Yun strolled down the battle platform and came to the Accord where Zuo Shaoqin and others were.

"Oh, congratulations on your nephew's strength over the heroes!" Zuo Shaoqin laughed loudly.

"Uncle Zuo is polite." Xiao Yun waved his hand and smiled. "The sacred realm is full of geniuses, and there are many talents. How easy is it to want to overpower the men?"

He did win this game.

But he felt like he was a little worse.

"Anyway, you are still young. As long as you work hard, you will have to surpass nine days!" Zuo Shaoqin laughed.

He is also optimistic about Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun nodded, he was also full of confidence in himself.

As long as you have a self-reliance and continue to find your own shortcomings, you can finally reach the peak.

At this time, Xiao Mu and others also came out to express congratulations.

This time, Tian Yunhui, Xiao Yun completely became home.

Even the demigods of other clans came to congratulate.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiao for overwhelming the heroes!" Ye Fei rushed to express his kindness towards Xiao Yun.

In addition, there is Ji Ziyuan of Ji Family.

Although he lost to Xiao Yun, he did not have any grievances.

After watching the war today, he paid more respect to this young man.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao wins the championship at Tianwu Club this time, and I look forward to your rise in the Holy Martial Arts list!" Gu Langyu also strolled, arching.

"Sacred martial arts list!" Mentioned this list, the eyes of Ji Ziyuan and others were shining.

This is the real list of talents in Sanctuary!

It would be a great honor to be in the top 100 on this martial arts list.

"Sacred martial arts list!" Xiao Yun was also hot.

"The sacred martial arts list will be held at Shenxu!" Ye Fei said, "At that time, the geniuses of all ethnic groups will gather, and even the geniuses of the Tian Yao domain will appear."

"Tian Yao Yu!" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

"Yes, the people in the Tian Yao domain will also enter the Shenxu!" Ye Fei said.

In fact, the opening of the Shenxu will attract countless days to enter.

Only a few geniuses who have been hidden by those super forces will not appear.

These geniuses are all shocked and brilliant, and are destined to be born in all directions as soon as they are born.

"But I don't know if Brother Xiao can enter the Shenxu?" Ji Ziyuan laughed.

Although Xiao Yun obtained the qualification to enter the Shenxu, whether he entered it or not depends on his own meaning.

"The Shenxu is so mysterious. Since there is a chance, let's go into it." Xiao Yun laughed.

"It's so good, then we can explore the Shenxu together!" Ji Ziyuan laughed.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun nodded.

The people left after talking.

Xiao Yun also left with Zuo Shaoqin and Xiao Mu.

When Xiao Yun departed, Zhou's face looked a bit ugly within the Accord, swallowing the soul of the heavenly martial arts.

"Qi Wen, how do you feel about this Xiao Yun?" A demigod's eyes sinking deep into the sea condensed and turned back to Zhou Qiwen, who was kneeling down to adjust his breath.

"His magical power is not as good as mine, but he realizes a trace of mystery and fusion with magical power, which makes me unable to occupy any advantage." Zhou Qiwen condensed and said, "Further, he not only possessed the magical power In addition, there are also the uprisings of the Zhanwu soul, and even the uprisings of the ice and the mystery of the magical road. With the cooperation of many uprisings, it is difficult for ordinary people to fight against one another. "

When the words fell, Zhou Qiwen's face was a bit bitter.

He is confident that if he swallows uprightness, he will certainly not lose.

But the other side is so amazing that he is also hard to beat.

"Why is this guy so complicated?" Wen Yan said that everyone who swallowed the sky was ashamed.

In fact, when Zhou Qiwen and Xiao Yun fought earlier, they also felt the mystery of the war that this young man suddenly showed.

In this regard, they were also surprised.

It is not easy for a person to exert several kinds of uprights at the same time!

"Anyway, my magical power that swallows the sky cannot be passed on!" Said the demi-god headed with a bit of gloom, and said, "Further, from the battle pictures, the one he urged at first The **** tower also seems to contain the myth of swallowing the sky, which is very similar to the Supreme Tower recorded in our ancient books. "

These demigod eyes are gloomy.

"Extreme Tower!" After hearing the words, the demigods who swallowed the sky were moved.

Even Zhou Qiwen's eyes lit up.

The ancient records of the foundation show that their veins have not only emerged from the King of God, but also the Supreme God of Shinto.

And that Supreme, was named as the Supreme Devourer by the world.

In his hands, it is said that there is a supreme-level **** tower.

Unfortunately, the missing tower was not in their vein.

Otherwise, if there is such a supreme soldier in hand and they swallow the sky, how powerful is it?

"This Xiao Yun now has the Ice and Snow Palace and Xiao's behind, the matter of the magic soldiers, when long-term discussion, we only need to find out at this time to see if his tower is the supreme soldier of my tribe." A Bai Xuban God said, "As for other things, you do n’t need to be in a hurry. For example, if the power of today ’s **** gradually weakens, if the way of God is opened, the gods of our tribe can also be born. By then, things that belong to us will naturally return to us No one wants to occupy it. "

When the last words came down, there was an overwhelming tendency in this old man's eyes.

"Well." Hearing, the demigods next to him nodded.

How strong are they when they swallow the sky?

If so, how many forces in the sanctuary can stop their pace?

Xiao Yun, Zhou Qiwen's purpose of visiting Sanctuary, did not know.

But he felt that this Zhou family did not seem to be here for no reason.

"It's really powerful to swallow the sky. My swallowing magical power is not perfect and needs to be further." As he strolled away from the Wutai station, Xiao Yun was also remembering the previous battle, and he wanted to fight that one. What I learned was a fusion, "It's just that I have my way. Although the supernatural powers are great, how can they defeat the might of the avenue?"

He merged the magical power with the heaven and earth road, and finally defeated Zhou Qiwen.

This is Xiao Yun's advantage.

"Of course, if the supernatural power reaches the extreme, and is in line with the trend of heaven and earth, then it is truly invincible!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

He also understands the usefulness of magical powers.

The power of the avenue ~ ~ is like the true element of human beings, which can be used for your power.

But that magical power, like martial arts, can better exert this power.

Both have reached the extreme, and naturally can sweep all directions!

Soon, everyone came into a hall.

At this time, Xiao Mu, Xiao Kuanglong and Zuo's Demigod were together.

First of all, the two sides politely expressed their gladness to Xiao Yun's victory.

Slightly, Xiao Mu is on the subject.

The atmosphere in the hall also became calm.

"Brother Zuo, now we can be regarded as our own, and we can speak straight when we have something. Every tribe knows that within the god's market, there is a secret of being a **** in that market's eyes. Nowadays, each ethnic group sends geniuses into it. It is to let the geniuses of all races look for opportunities. In fact, it is more to get the gods in the eyes of that market. "Xiao Mu's eyes were condensed and said," My people will send people into it. Yun worked together, but did not know what genius could be dispatched to your ice and snow palace? "

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