Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1574: The secret news of the gods [...

Inside the main hall, Xiao opened his mouth and wanted to know the situation of Zuo's children entering the god's market.

"There are two geniuses in our vein, but we haven't thought too much about this fetish in that eye."

Zuo Shaoqin said.

It's not that they have no idea.

It is because there is too little genius in this vein, and few people can compete with those of the great clan.

Others did not deal with him, even hostility.

Otherwise, no one would go to Jiu Xiaoshan to find him.

Those people just want to get rid of Zuo Shaoqin.

Of course, Xiao Linger, who has the Holy Spirit, can definitely surpass countless geniuses.

Just out of various scruples, Zuo Shaoqin did not plan to let Xiao Linger enter the god's market.

Because if Xiao Linger was conspired within the Shenxu, they would not be able to do it even if they wanted to help!

It was the same, he didn't hold much hope for this trip.

As for the other geniuses in the Ice and Snow Palace, he was not in control.

Those people are not trustworthy.

After hearing Zuo Shaoqin's speech, Xiao Mu understood the reason.

Among the factions, there are too many factions and it is difficult to unify the outside world.

For the benefit, even geniuses may be strangled.

It's not like this hasn't happened.

Of course, this kind of thing sometimes happens in the clan.

"So, it's okay, I have a few Tianjiao Xiao Xiao, and then join hands with Xiao Yun, there is no fear of others!" Xiao Mu groaned slightly, said.

In this regard, Xiao Yun was fearless.

For him, it is good to have opponents sharpen.

"What does Uncle Shi mean by the secret of becoming a god?" Xiao Yun, with a little curiosity, turned to Zuo Shaoqin.

At this moment only Xiao Linger, Xiao Tianxiang, etc. were in the hall.

As for Kirin and others, they are out.

"This is the deduction of the deities of various ethnic groups in ancient times ..." Zuo Shaoqin said to Xiao Yun.

He told Xiao Yun some secrets of Shenxu.

But what he said was also vague.

Because this is the result of some predecessors' deduction, not sure.

"There is a fetish in the eye of Shenxu. If you have that fetish, you can set foot on the Shinto?" Xiao Yun's eyes showed surprise.

"Well," Zuo Shaoqin said, "in fact, the superpowers have already obtained this fetish, and they are also enlightening and want to understand the mystery."

Although those people haven't researched anything yet.

However, the major forces in the sanctuary are convinced of this, and believe that if they have a god, they can really set foot on the path of God.

Even that fetish has a huge effect on a power.

"Of course, now that the road is not open, what is going on is unclear." Zuo Shaoqin said.

"Is it related to the Divine Way?" Xiao Yun also moved at this time.

"I think this matter should be credible." Xiao Mu said, "the deities of all ethnic groups have been deduced, leaving a word for the search for the gods and preparing for the footpath."

"What the **** is that?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Shenmen, ladder ..." Xiao Kuanglong said with a long beard.

"Shenmen, ladder?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun moved inside.

"It is said that in the early days of ancient times, if the practitioners of all races were to become gods, they had to climb the ladder and enter the gate of God to enter the nine-day **** world ... But in the middle of ancient times, the **** world was chaotic, the path of God was broken, the ladder was scattered in all directions, God The door has no trace, even the upper realm does not know how much it has broken and how much it has fallen into the mortal world. For this reason, many mortal realms have also collapsed. In the end, the deities' continent became the place where countless gods settled. At that time, the piece The continent is not yet called the **** continent, but the rules of heaven and earth have changed, so that the gods cannot exist in the mortal realm. Later, Shinto Supreme joined hands and brought the children of the protoss into the heaven and earth of the sanctuary. "

Xiao Kuanglong said.

"It is said that the sanctuary is a broken world. It was created by the power. The restraint of the power of heaven and earth is relatively small, but it still exists. The strong men who stand at the peak of the Shinto shot together to cover up the world with a large array. Finally, This makes the heaven and earth less oppressive to God. However, the gods can only be self-confidence. Otherwise, they will still be sensibly induced by the rules of heaven and earth, and will lead to calamities. For this reason, many gods self-proclaimed during that period, some Those who are too late to succumb have fallen under the sky, before the self-styled, those gods have been deduced, in future generations, the divine path will open, as long as the sky ladder is gathered, you can reunite the divine path! "

"Gathering the ladders, you can reunite the way of God?" Xiao Yan heard a shock in his heart.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

That was the door his father pulled out when the ancient road opened.

"Is that the gate of God?" Xiao Yun murmured in his heart, but he couldn't calm down.

At this moment, I thought that it should be the gate of God.

Because the vast and mighty divine power emanating from that door is too majestic, it really seems to connect the nine heavens.

"Did the father seek the gate of God?" Xiao Yun thought in his mind.

Perhaps his father knew this and would seek out God.

Thinking of this, he felt more and more that his father had become unfathomable.

Of course, Xiao Yun naturally would not tell others about his father.

"About the path of the gods, these superpowers in the sanctuary have been recorded, especially in the contemporary era. The power of the rules of the earth today is indeed weakened like those deduced by the gods, which also indicates that the path of the gods will open. During the trip, I am afraid that the purpose of people of all ethnic groups is to get a ladder in it. "

Xiao Mu said.

"As long as there is a ladder of heaven, there will be a hint when the road of God will open in the future."

"It seems that this trip to Shenxu is not so simple on the surface!" Xiao Yun murmured as his eyes condensed.

"Of course, it ’s not so easy to get this ladder. The place where the market is located is the most critical place. Most people ca n’t enter it at all. Even if they do, they may not be able to obtain the fetish from the inside. This requires opportunity. When you enter, it is more important to strengthen yourself. "

Xiao Mu said, "If you are strong, you can look down on the heroes in the future."

"I understand." Xiao Yun nodded.

For him, the road is too far away.

At this moment, seizing the opportunity and striving to improve yourself is the king ~ ~ Xiao Mu and others saw Xiao Yun's own opinions and nodded slightly.

"The land of Shenxu will be opened after two, but unfortunately there is a little time, otherwise it will allow you to enter the Xiao family and observe some of the mysteries left by that deity." Xiao Kuanglong sighed slightly, although he was also extraordinary, But the martial arts uprights, the more advanced they became, the more they could not be taught in spoken English.

This requires you to observe and comprehend.

This is what the ancients once said, the word cannot be preached, the word cannot be said, only the enlightenment!

"Anyway." Xiao Yun looked indifferent.

At this time, after several discussions, he also had some feelings about his martial arts path.

As long as he perfects his shortcomings at this time, he can go one step further.

After talking with Xiao Yun, Xiao Mu, Xiao Kuanglong and others also resigned.

"Try to update early every day, but it's really cold."

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