Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1578: Shenchi Tempering Yuan ...

Xiao Yun entered the boundary of Shenxu. See / p & gt;

Appearing in front of him was a hazy space, lingering around the lines.

At this point, Xiao Yun's ear still revolved around the sound of that road.

"If you want to enter the Shenxu, enter the Shenchi first!" The low voice sounded again.

"Into the God's Pool?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his eyes fell on the huge pool suspended in front of him.

On this pool there is perseverance.

In addition, there is a strong breath of God.

"Is this the Fair God Pool?" Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying stared at the light, staring closely at the pool in front.

From the population such as Xiao Mu, he has a certain understanding of the boundary of the Shenxu.

This boundary of God's Ruins has the power of unique heaven and earth rules.

If you want to integrate into this world, you must first temper the Yuanying like this Shenchi.

This is also a great opportunity.

In fact, many people enter the realm of Shenxu for the sake of this **** pool.

Regardless of whether there is gain in the future, this Shenchi is enough to make people change.

"Shenchi smelt Yuanying!" Xiao Yun moved without hesitation, and swept forward.


Yuan Ying swept away, appeared in the air, and immediately felt the power of a strong rule.

Under the suppression of this kind of power, he felt that his power was restrained.

"Is that a force of world oppression?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

When he came here, he could not move forward as he wanted, and his steps were hindered.

Slightly groaning, Xiao Yun passed through the dim light pattern.

When walking through this light pattern, Xiao Yun felt that his babies were going to be crushed by the force of that world.

Then he resisted this oppression and finally came to the pool of God.

"Nine **** pools!" Xiao Yun looked up and saw the nine **** pools in front of him like a ladder.

Nine divine ponds, one connected to the other, each divine pond has a surging line of divine power.

These lines are like blades, they have the power to cut the void.

"The strength of the rules of each Shenchi is different." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and whispered, "Similarly, the pond fluid of each Shenchi is not the same as the divine power, and the effect of tempering Yuanying in it is not the same. Similarly, if you can enter the final Shenchi to train Yuanying, Yuanying will become extremely powerful, and it will be easier to condense it into Yuan Shen! "

But not everyone can enter the ninth Shenchi to train Yuanying.

Within this Shenchi, it is extremely dangerous to temper the Yuanying, and it is within its means.

"Go to the first Shenchi first!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he headed towards that Shenchi.

Tian Lan swayed in his Yuan Ying's hands and kept getting smaller.


When Xiao Yun crossed the Daowen and came to the first Shenchi, a buzzing sounded suddenly.

A beam of light also rose into the sky.

When the light beam rose into the sky, there was a ripple in the outside world immediately.

On the outside market platform, the cyclone that connected to the Shen market began to evolve with pictures.

When this picture evolved, the elders of all races were glaring.

"Someone has entered the Shenxu Pond!" The demigods of all races had their eyes brightened and began to stare at the cyclone in the void ahead.

There, evolved a pond of gods surrounded by Taoist patterns.

At this point, Xiao Yun had fallen into the pool of gods, and all the patterns of gods seemed to dodge towards his Yuanying.

This is the power of the rules in the tempering of Yuan Ying.

"This is Xiao Yun, he has entered the Shenchi!" Xiao Mu's eyes narrowed and he saw the shadow of Xiao Yun entering the Shenchi.

It was only when he entered the Shenchi that the lines were so dazzling that it was impossible for him to continue to spy on him.

"This divine pattern is tempered, which makes Yuanying crack, but the liquid in the Shenchi is more than making up for Yuanying!"

When Xiao Yun got into this Shenchi, he immediately turned to swallow the heavens and absorbed the fluid of that Shenchi.

At the same time, the Tao pattern containing the divine power continued to split at him.

These lines are very tyrannical. If ordinary practitioners can't bear this kind of tempering.

After reaching the Heavenly Nine Level, Yuan Ying is extremely powerful and can fully withstand this power.

p & gt; Xiao Yun was madly absorbing the liquid of the Shenchi, which contained the avenue breath of the boundary of Shenxu.

If it is absorbed enough, his Yuan Ying will contain the breath of this world, so that he will not be rejected.

Of course, the **** pattern tempering is also extremely painful. The Yuanying seems to be torn, and most people can't bear it.

But Xiao Yun was absorbing the power of that **** pattern.

"This kind of power has great benefits for people." Xiao Yun Na Yuanying was completely immersed in this kind of tempering.

At this time, someone kept entering the boundary of Shenxu.

Outside, the light lines linger, and the picture evolves.

The second one appeared was Shi Feng.

It was only after he entered Shenchi that he did not see Xiao Yun.

It seems that this is the existence, it seems very strange.

Everyone who enters will encounter nine **** pools, but they will not meet.

This is to prevent everyone from starting a conflict at this time.

"This pool of gods' ruins is extremely mysterious. If you use this to temper the Yuanying, it will be of great benefit to gather the Yuanshen in the future.

The demigods of all races envy their eyes toward the evolving pool of gods.


At this moment, ripples appeared in the light and shadow area where Xiao Yun was, but when he saw the flash of his body, he was heading towards the second Shenchi in front.

"Going to the second Shenchi?"

The outside practitioner's eyes brightened, but there were not too many mood swings.

Many people who have always entered the realm of Shenxu can set foot on the second Shenchi.

"The pressure on this second Shenchi has become significantly stronger." Xiao Yun swept towards the second Shenchi in front and felt that the divine power was getting stronger.

The lines in the void flickered, preventing him from moving forward.

"However, this pressure does not stop me from moving forward."

Xiao Yun moved on.

Then, he entered the second **** pond.

As time passed, Xiao Yun kept moving forward.

Soon, he walked out of the fifth **** pool.

After stepping out of the fifth Shenchi, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying was obviously stronger than before.

Furthermore, he was washed in the pond of the Shenxu, and the power of the Shenxu was not so strong against him as before.

However, if you want to move on, the divine obstacle is still there.

And it is getting stronger.

I can only see that at the edge of the pool of the sixth God's Ruin, the pattern of flickers can really tear the void like a sharp blade.

If you want to step from the fifth Shenchi to the sixth and pass through the Shenchi, you must break through this **** pattern.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying rushed towards the path.

The pattern was like electricity, chopping down at him, it was really fierce, the wind howling, with the power of God.

This kind of power is so scary that some out-of-world practitioners are frightened.

You know, this is the way to Yuan Ying, it is the ontology!

"Brother Xiao Yun!" Outside, Xiao Linger clenched his jade hand, her eyes were full of worries.

Since Xiao Yun entered the first pool of god's fair, she has been watching silently.

Although she could not clearly feel the power of the **** pattern, she could feel one or two from the fluctuations caused by the **** pattern, so she couldn't help worrying about Xiao Yun.

Xiao Mu and others stared at the front with indifferent faces, seemingly full of confidence in Xiao Yun.

Sure enough, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying flashed and swept away with a cyclone.

The cyclone stirred, engulfing the **** pattern directly.

Then Xiao Yun's baby Yuan appeared at the poolside of the god.

Although it is Yuan Ying, it can still evolve magical powers.

"The liquid in the sixth Shenchi is more dense." When Yuan Ying was soaked in the Shenxu pond, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened. What happened to the next Shenxu pond? The absorption of this Shenchi liquid made him Yuan Ying is undergoing metamorphosis, the divine pattern is split, and he is constantly absorbing the spirit of Shinto contained in it.

Inside, there was a hint of divine breath.

This breath has great benefits for him to become a **** in the future.

Xiao Yun kept moving forward.

Finally, the seventh pool of gods.

The eighth divine pool.

At the eighth time, the lines there were too powerful, and he shattered all of his evolved swallowing spins.

That scene made the outsiders frightened.

Swallowing the weather spin was split, Xiao Yun's Yuanying appeared cracks.

But after all, he reached the end of the eighth god's pool.

"It's okay to spend it!" Seeing this, even Zuo Yanshuang gave a slight breath.

The scene just now is really worrying.

Xiao Linger's jade hand clenched even more with sweat.

"The power of Shinto behind this is even stronger." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

However, he felt the benefits of going through this divine pattern.

His Yuan Ying really had a torn continuation just now.

There are even cracks that are about to split.

But after he passed, he also took advantage of some divine patterns, and that kind of divine power poured into Yuan Ying and was gradually absorbed by him.

After absorbing these divine powers, his Yuan Ying became more powerful.

Although it is only a Yuanying, but it is extremely solid at this time, the silk is flying, with a shiny flash.

"Yuan Ying can only be transformed into Yuan Shen after a lot of hard work."

Xiao Yun smiled.

He has now come to this eighth God's Fairy Pond, which will take precedence over many others.

Subsequently, he entered and continued to train Yuan Ying.

Within the **** pond, there are daggers with divine power falling down.

Each one is extremely powerful.

The divine pattern is like a blade, tearing his babies, the pain that ordinary people cannot imagine.

But Xiao Yun still persisted.


At this point, many people have failed and dare not move on.

"It seems that I have to give up and continue to train Yuanying!" In a Shenchi, Jingchen shook his head.

The divine power in front was too strong, making him dread.

This is not his timidity, but that power is really too strong, and if forced away, it is likely to be ridiculed.

"It's time to condense the body!"

In the end, he was agitated and left the pool.

In the void in front of the **** pond, UU reading book has a **** ladder.

Under the ladder of God, there is a table of gods.

This sacred stage is very mysterious, and it has engraved lines on it.

Jedi Chen stepped on this sacred platform and was immediately shrouded in a **** pattern.

"Cohesion in the flesh of the gods!"

When the light streaks shrouded him, a mechanical voice sounded immediately.

When the sound sounded, the light pattern flickered, and an eight-foot-tall man appeared out of thin air.

The man, dressed in brocade and crown, looked dignified.

"Fleshy body!" Jiechenhao looked at this condensed body and smiled slightly.

This will be his body in the realm of Shenxu.

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