Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1579: Come out together

Jiechen Hao condensed meat on the platform of the Shenxu (that is, the light of the eye condensed and looked forward.

In front of him was a **** ladder that seemed to connect heaven and earth.

Stepping through this **** ladder, you can enter the real world of Shenxu.

Of course, you don't have to go to the end of the ladder to enter the realm of Shenxu.

As long as your mind is moving, you can enter it.

The moment you enter, you will gather your life cards.

In the realm of Shenxu, if there is a danger to life, as long as the life card is broken at the critical moment, it will be teleported out of the realm of Shenxu.

But above the ladder of God, there is the temper of God's forbidden pattern.

The longer you persist, the more benefits you gain, which is a guarantee for entering the Shenxu boundary.

It can be said that the pool of gods and the ladder of gods are completely a welfare for these practitioners who entered the boundary of gods.

Jiechen Hao stepped on the first **** ladder, and immediately Jiu had a godlike pattern like lightning flashing down at him.

This divine pattern is really like lightning. It not only cuts into the flesh, but also penetrates into the sea of ​​knowledge and attacks Yuan Ying.

The first step of the attack was acceptable, and Jiechenhao did not retreat.

But the further behind, the more terrifying.

At this time, people kept climbing up the ladder.

"After Shenchi's tempering, my Yuan Ying is really much stronger."

"This Shenxu contains the mystery of Shinto. If you stay in it for a long time, you will have a chance to set foot in the semi-god." Wushuang has a bright light flashing out of the eyes from Shenchi.

For them, this is really a rare opportunity.

Especially if the restraint of the earth gradually weakens, they will have the opportunity to set foot in the semi-godder.

One by one, the monks stepped out of the pond.

Few people insisted on the ninth god's pond.

"Few people have ever been able to set foot on that ninth Shenchi!"

Outside, the demigods looked at each young man out of the pond of the gods' fairway, and seemed quite indifferent.

"It depends on Xiao Yun!"

"That Shi Feng also set foot on the pool of the eighth god's market!"

The demigods of all races are full of expectations.

There are still a few geniuses in this group that deserve their attention.

"Now, my Yuanying feels close to completion."

At this point, the essence of the pond in the eighth Shenchi was finally absorbed by Xiao Yun.

After this tempering, Xiao Yun had a feeling of near perfection.

Before, he never thought about how to temper Yuan Ying.

At this time he suddenly helped him solve the problem.

"It's time to go to the ninth Shenchi!" Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying stepped out and headed for the ninth pond.

"This Xiao Yun has come out!" When Xiao Yun stepped out, Juhong's demigod eyes were fiery.

"Are you coming out?" Youyi Demigod also looked as if he was looking.

When Xiao Yun stepped out, there was also a ripple in the other evolved picture next to it.

It was Shi Feng who stepped out of the pool of the eighth god's fair.

Although in the pond of the gods.

But Xiao Yun and Shi Feng are like in two worlds.

"This Shi Feng is also very strong!" When Shi Feng stepped out, many demigods condensed, staring closely at the younger generation.

It's hard to get here.

"The ninth!" Shi Feng's eyes brightened, and he headed for the ninth Shenchi.

God's pattern in front of him is like a thunderstorm, extremely terrifying.

In another market, Xiao Yun also headed for the ninth Shenchi.

The thunderstorm was just as scary in his eyes.

That power seems to wipe out everything.

It's hard to imagine how a single infant can resist that power?

Many people dare not get involved.

But Shi Feng and Xiao Yun both headed forward.

Shi Feng Yuan Ying's path is dazzling, like a stone of an avenue, carrying a mighty mighty force to move forward.

He went straight into the thunderous sea and let the storm rag.

The thunder flashes, but it can split the void, the storm is raging, and it will shatter everything.

But Shi Feng's Yuan Ying is as hard as a stone, and the texture of the road is shocked to withstand the horrible storm.

He is constantly moving.

However, this progress is also very dangerous, the road pattern is split, and it may fall at any time.

But Shi Feng was not afraid. He kept inspiring his own avenue.

He vowed to weather the storm and enter the Ninth God Pond.

Because Shi Feng knew that only by tempering Yuan Ying in the Ninth God Pond could he be truly successful.

Before we can transform!

"This Shi Feng is the blood of a stone man. Yuan Ying is like the stone of a boulevard. That defense is extremely strong!"

When Shi Feng entered the storm, someone whispered.

"He has a 70% chance to set foot on the Ninth God Pond!" Said a demigod of the Shi Family.

This is the demigod of the ancestral land, staying here also to pay attention to Shi Feng.

They Shi also valued this younger generation.

"I wonder if Xiao Yun can withstand this storm?"

At the same time, the eyes of everyone gathered in the picture where Xiao Yun was.

"He's not as good as Shi Feng!" Someone worried.

"Although Xiao Yun's defense is not as good as that of Shi Feng, but he has great magical powers, he should have a chance."

Juehong is full of confidence in Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying also plunged into the storm.

The thunder fell with great momentum.

At the same time, the storm raged to annihilate his Yuan Ying.

This mighty power is too horrible. The ordinary Tongtian Jiujing repairer never said that Yuan Ying, even the deity could hardly resist this kind of terror.

Swallow up!

When entering the inside, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying's heart moved and immediately cast the upheaval.

The swallowing weather swirled, immediately engulfing the split thunder, making it impossible to approach.

It was just that the Thunder and Storm were too powerful, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Xiao Yun stepped out, and Yuan Ying's hand blasted forward with a sharp punch when the weather swiveled.

This punch came out, with the power of heaven and earth.


Suddenly, Lei Hai collapsed in front, Xiao Yun moved forward.

But Ting kept on, and continued to rag.

Xiao Yun shot continuously, but the Thunder ahead was getting stronger.


As he approached the ninth Shenchi, his devastating magical powers were shattered.

That terrifying force would annihilate him.

I can't help it!

Xiao Yun took the shot, the war was soaring, but his pace continued to move forward.

His Yuan Ying shuttled in the thunder sea and finally set foot on the edge of the ninth Shenchi.

At this time, the power of the thunder also gradually weakened.

But at this time, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying had cracks.

That kind of injury is too horrible, and the pain of the soul is many times stronger than the deity.

"Life Wuhun!" But Xiao Yun's mind moved and his life's uprightness moved, and his Wuhun had a twinkle of blue light.

His Yuan Ying started to repair.

After merging the source of the Blood Martial Spirit and Yuan Ying, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying also possessed various magical powers.

Such as the power of life martial spirit.

"The Ninth God's Pool!" When Yuan Ying was gradually repaired, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and his eyes fell into the God's Pool in front.

A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Finally here."

Subsequently, his Yuan Ying stepped forward and walked forward.

"This Xiao Yun crossed the thunder sea!" Outside, the eyes of the demigods of all races brightened.

"Actually, after crossing the Leihai, if he was allowed to enter the Ninth God Pond to train Yuan Ying, and later set foot in the semi-god realm, that Yuan God would be several times stronger than ordinary people.

Dongfang Qingyuan's eyes flashed.

The benefits of the Shenchi are naturally clear to him.

Cultivation, Yuan Shen is very important.

Yuan Shen is powerful and has many benefits after stepping on the Shinto.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying set foot in the Shenchi.

On the other side, Shi Feng also stepped forward.

At this time, his Yuan Ying was also miserable, the road pattern was cracked, and his injuries were very serious.

If placed outside, such injuries will certainly affect Daoji.

But there is Shenchi in front, which can make up for this injury.

"This Shi Feng has also come out!"

"Go out, go out!" Shi's demigods were relieved.

At this time, Xiao Yun and Shi Feng were tempering Yuan Ying, but others had already set foot on the **** stage, condensed their bodies, and started to set foot on the **** ladder.

Someone has even entered the boundary of Shenxu.

At this moment, not only here, but within those superpowers in the sanctuary, there are people who are cultivating Yuanying in Shenchi.

Of course, not many people can enter the ninth **** pool.

Within the Yuwen family, there is a market platform.

At this moment, many demigods looked up at the sky.

Pictures have evolved there.

"Hehe, Cheng Tiangong stepped into the ninth Shenchi!"

"It's no surprise that Cheng Tiangongzi stepped into the ninth divine pool!" Yu Wenshi's demigods looked indifferent.

On the other side, Zheng's market platform.

"Hehe, Tianci has entered the ninth **** pool!" Zheng's young children were all fiery.

"Is the news accurate?" At this moment, there was a demigod with a somber look next to him.

"Accurately, Xiao Yun also went to the market platform and should enter the realm of Shenxu smoothly!" Said a demigod next to him with a faint smile.

"If you have a gift from God, you should be able to win the Xiao Yun!" After hearing that, the old man turned his head back to the marketplace that had evolved in the void.

"The Goddess of Heaven gave me Zheng Zheng's contemporary arrogance, and with the blood of the King of God, naturally not the Xiao Yun comparable!"

"Oh, no **** soldiers can be carried inside the gods' fair. Even if Xiao Yun is strong, how can he be comparable to the arrogance of my tribe?" Zheng's demigod smiled.

"Tiancheng's son also entered the ninth Shenchi!"

The old man headed was a beard with a hand in his hand, showing a faint smile.

Their Zheng family has a long tradition, and countless days.

How many people can compete with these geniuses this time to the Shenxu Realm?

"No God King Soldier, how do you look at you?" Zheng's demigods sneered.

In the realm of Shenxu, there are many opportunities.

But there, opportunities are equal.

Moreover, they are so many, can they be compared to Xiao Yun?

There is also a genius in the Optimus clan who entered the ninth **** pool.

These are the true arrogance within their clan.

Some of them are sacred, with strong bloodlines and amazing talents.

Some are deities, and talent is even more daunting.

Such characters have entered the boundary of Shenxu.

This is not only for Xiao Yun ~ ~, but also to strengthen oneself and the way to become a god.

The Four Great Palaces, the Ten Ancient Wuhun Clan, and the Protoss Children of the Pure Land in June all sent Tianjiao to enter.

"Brother entered the ninth Shenchi!" At the Jiuyang Holy Palace, Chu Yang stared at the image evolving on the platform with a look on his face.

At this moment, he was full of expectations.

"This time Yunfei's son entered Shenxu, it will definitely make Xiao Yun look good, and I have to report the revenge of Tiangong!" Chen Shaohua next to him looked grim.

"If Yuanying is complete, I will be stronger, and I will be able to make a dollar god!" Chu Yunfei If there is a golden light flashing in that Yuanying, he is holding the falling thunder lightly.


In front of him, a Tianyang evolved.

This day's sun is like a whirlpool, absorbing all the divine power contained in the thunder, and it is tempering Yuan Ying.

Today Chu Yunfei is obviously more powerful than before.

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