Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1587: Realize the way of life

Under the watchful eye of Yao's genius, Xiao Yun passed through the **** of life.

Finally, he entered the core area and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"He successfully entered the valley of life?"

"How is this possible?" Seeing this, Yao's people all stared at the boss one by one, showing an unbelievable look on his face.

According to the information they have learned, deep in this valley of life, only those who understand the way of life can enter!

But also have a lot of accomplishments in the way of life.

Even if people pass the barrier of life, they will be rejected by the deep life.

But now Xiao Yun has entered it.

"Is he in control of the mystery of the way of life?" Seeing this, Yao Yuan's eyes lightened.

"It's possible!" A few geniuses beside him nodded.

Because apart from that, they really can't think of other reasons.

"It's just, how can Xiao Yun be so bad? It is said that he also controlled the magical power of swallowing the heavens, or the people of the Xiao clan ..." Yao's genius said.

"How can a person have so many supernatural mysteries? Even few people in the Holy Martial Arts Hall can control so many supernatural mysteries at the same time!"

Don't say that there are several supernatural mysteries, even if you control two supernatural mysteries at the same time, they are very powerful.

But from the news now available, it seems that this Xiao Yun has control of the uprising of the Xiao family, swallowing up the uprising, the ice and fire uprising ...

This seems to exceed many geniuses.

Now that he is still in control of the mysteries of life, how bad is it?

"If this is the case, this is Xiao Yun's incredible!" Yao Yuansheng breathed in a breath and murmured.

Killing twelve demigod mysterious puppets with one's own strength and controlling so many supernatural mysteries, we can see how brilliant his future path will be.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, Xiao Yun entered the valley of life.

When entering the valley, what he first felt was a mighty life.

That mighty shock made people unable to move forward, and the terrible coercion made Xiao Yun's soul collapse.

It was just that he felt instinctively and allowed the mighty crushing, but his pace kept going, and he was still moving forward.

Step by step, he walked in the sea of ​​clouds, and he could clearly see the swaying tree of life ahead.

A mystery of life pervaded.

It was just that the mighty shock, a breeze created when the trees were swaying could tear the void, Xiao Yun felt that his body was going to be torn from a distance.

Most people cannot approach the tree of life, let alone understand the mystery of life below.

"This divine power is so powerful that most people are inaccessible." Xiao Yun also felt tremendous pressure as he moved forward.

The blue light blooms in front, and the clouds move, just like the heaven and earth of God.

But that power was really not something he could resist.

Even ordinary gods are afraid that they cannot approach this tree of life.

Xiao Yun began to hesitate.

Because the divine power in front is too powerful, the only way forward is death.

"Life, life!"

Under that strong oppression, Xiao Yun calmed down and began to realize with his heart.

"Let's comprehend with the meaning of life's uprightness, and merge into this avenue of heaven and earth!" Only the color of bright realization was revealed in his eyes, and life's uprightness began to diffuse.

The lines of life linger, and a hint of rhyme blooms.

Xiao Yun's understanding of the meaning of life is also good, especially after the reinvention of the physical body by Shentai, he has a kind of enlightenment.

It is also this kind of enlightenment that he will come to this valley of life firmly and seek to go further.

The mystery of life pervaded, and a ripple rippled in the void, and the mighty power of the tree of life weakened.

But this weakening is not enough for Xiao Yun to move on.

Because the power released by the tree of life is too strong, even the gods can't be approached. Besides, he is a monk who knows the heaven and the earth.

This kind of prestige is almost irresistible, and even if it weakens a little, it can't change anything.

Xiao Yun stepped forward, the divine power shaking in front, still tearing the void, cutting his robe, leaving a wound on his skin.

Blood shed.

This is just the mighty power that oscillated from a distance.

It's not hard to imagine how powerful the might of God is under the tree of life?

At this moment, Xiao Yun looked up and looked at the giant tree that connected the heaven and earth in front of her. There was also an inexplicable shock and weakness in her heart.

The giant tree covered the sky, but he had not yet reached the enveloped area.

Xiao Yun tried to evolve the way of life and let his breath blend into this world.

However, he did feel integrated into this world, but the power was still the same.

This power is Daowei, not that he said that fusion can resist.

Xiao Yun moved forward, and there was a shock of divine power in front of him. The vast waves rolled up his robes, and a row of divine brilliance left, leaving a wound of visible bones on him. Under this divine power, he had to Quickly back, otherwise it will inevitably be under the prestige of the annihilation, not to mention the realization of the Tao.

"Can't you move forward?" After waiting a hundred meters to retreat, Xiao Yun looked up, the corner of his mouth evoking a bitter arc.

Today he is powerless to move forward.

If you can't move forward, you can only realize this way of life far away, and you cannot enter the tree of life.

However, if he cannot enter the tree of life, he cannot find the way of life he wants after all.

"Since it's here, naturally you can't enlighten from this distance. If you want to go, then you should go under this tree of life!" The hesitation in Xiao Yun's eyes gradually dissipated. How could it be because of this difficulty that it would retreat from cowardice. Once it retreats, the Tao heart will be destroyed.

"Yes!" Xiao Yun's face was firm, with an inexplicable momentum permeating him.

At the same time, his mind was clearer and he had no other scruples, just thinking about moving forward, thinking about the way of life.

"Advancing, there is the risk of ridicule, but life can only exist if there is death. If there is no death, how can there be life?" Xiao Yun's eyes showed the light of wisdom.

Without death, where does life come from?

The so-called flesh and bones, life and death!

If a person sees the bone without injury, how can he be as boneless?

How can people live and die without ‘death’?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun had an inexplicable throb in his heart.

Similarly, he remembered how he felt when he was at the stage.

At that time, he was just a Yuan baby and had no body.

It was the same that he spawned a new body.

If he already has a body, why should it be derived?

Why should life be upright?

"Yes, there is no death, how can there be life?" Thinking of this, the light in Xiao Yun's eyes brightened.

There is a scent of Tao in him.

A transcendent temperament breeds from him.

This is Go!

Enlightenment, in an instant.

Once realized, the whole person is transformed.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun stepped forward and moved on.

This time he went forward, letting the mighty wind evolved from the mighty ravages.

He allowed the divine wind to tear his body like a sharp blade, and let the wound spread.

But his pace did not stop.

Even if all his clothes were destroyed, and even if there were countless wounds on his body, with blood dripping on, his pace continued.

Xiao Yun was so forward.

What he wants to realize is the meaning of life.

However, he was still afraid of ridicule just now.

How can this comprehend the meaning of life?

At this time, Xiao Yunming realized that he was already fearless.


In this void, the mighty power of the sword really tore Xiao Yun's body, and his flesh was torn.


A gust of wind rolled up, and the mighty shock shook Xiao Yun.

After this storm, Xiao Yun was already beyond recognition.

His flesh was annihilated, leaving only the skeleton.

Within his skull, there was a azure bloom, where his Yuan Ying was.

At this point, Xiao Yun suddenly became a skeleton.

Although it is a skeleton, Xiao Yun's will has not dissipated, he continues to move forward.

One step, one hundred steps ...

Finally, Xiao Yun's bones were cracked.

Looking at this, it seems that he can be completely annihilated at any time.

Ahead, the tree of life swayed, still blooming out of the avenue.

That blue light blooms like a sacred mang, which can split the world.

"Undead, where did you live?" Xiao Yun moved on.

Even if he understands the meaning of life, he can repair the injury and condense the flesh.

But he didn't use it at all.

He is verifying to realize this.


The light ripples in front tremble.

Before Xiao Yun's eyes, it was already the area covered by the crown of that tree of life.

Stepping here is like entering the tree of life.

There is the strongest vitality here.

Similarly, the divine power exuded here is extremely powerful.

Xiao Yun just stepped forward, a divine pattern shocked, the light bloomed, swept across.


Immediately afterwards, his skeleton collapsed.

The cracked bones of Benhua can no longer support it.

When the whole body collapses, so does the head.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying appeared out of thin air.

When Yuan Ying appeared, an extremely dangerous force shrouded it.

That kind of prestige seemed to wipe out his mind.

The breath of death immediately shrouded Xiao Yun's mind.

This is a real big danger. Once Yuan Ying is annihilated, he will be completely ridiculed.

At this time, he had a choice, which was to smash the pattern of the Shenxu Mingpao branded on Yuanying.

In this way, the **** pattern will take him away from the realm of Shenxu.

But then, he didn't want to enter the realm of Shenxu again.

Not only will the test be reset, it will delay time.

The most important thing is, if you retreat this time, if you next time?

How can we move forward in this cycle?

"I want to understand life and death, how can I retreat?" Xiao Yun's Yuanying, those eyes showed fearlessness.

He let the divine power sweep over.

In his heart, hold fast to his heart and keep his mind.

When the divine power passes ~ ~ a breath of death pours into the mind.

First of all, Xiao Yun's Yuanying felt that the world was discolored, the blue light in front of him disappeared, and a darkness came.

Subsequently, the divine power passed and began to impact, crushing the vitality contained in his Yuanying.

Under this divine power, the power of his life and the power of supernatural power were gradually disintegrated.

Then his soul was split.

"Is this the process of death?" Xiao Yun was still sensing when the soul was defeated.

From this death, he will realize a trace of mystery.

The soul collapses and consciousness fades away.

Even the pain can no longer be felt.

"Is this death?" A faint voice came out.

The divine power is still trembling, to destroy Xiao Yun's scattered soul.

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