Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1588: Death and life

The tree of life blooms with great power.

Under this divine power, Xiao Yun's soul collapsed.

His consciousness was gradually dissipating.

"Death, death ... how should I regenerate after death?" There was still a vague voice within the meaning that was gradually dissipating.

This is Xiao Yun's perception, life and death.

Even if the soul breaks down, his persistence will remain, and his heart for seeking the way will remain.


Here, too, Xiao Yun was gone.

He really seemed to be annihilated.

However, if you look closely, Xiao Yun is not extinguished.

There is still a pattern there.

Here Xiao Yun's breath remains.

This is the pattern of Nirvana.

In addition to this, the Nirvana pattern has an incomplete ancient pattern attachment.

That is the mutilated life pattern that Xiao Yun condensed after constantly being nirvana.

time flies.

"The soul is the root of man. Only the soul can exist, and talent can live forever!" I don't know how long after that, suddenly within the pattern of Nirvana, Xiao Yun's voice rang out.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun's soul breath in the nirvana pattern continued to strengthen.

In it, the lines of life began to emerge.

"Condensate my soul!" The voice of the ethereal voice sounded like the sound of a avenue, and then Xiao Yun's broken soul appeared beside the nirvana pattern out of thin air.

Near this nirvana pattern, the soul condenses, and a Yuan infant soon emerges.

The light pattern squirms on this elementary baby, with various marks reuniting.

Such as the lines of life, the lines of ice and fire, are derived from one by one.

It seems that these lines have never been lost.

When the soul condenses and the Yuan infant takes shape, a wave of prestige also shakes.

Nearby, the majesty of the Tree of Life came in shock.

However, on Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying, the spirit of mixed Yuan pervaded.

At the same time, there are flashes of Yin and Yang.

Under this yin and yang pattern, the divine power of the tree of life shaking is isolated.

Xiao Yun's location seemed to turn into a vacuum.

His Yuanying was in deep contemplation, still feeling the avenue, and didn't seem to pay attention to external forces.

"Now I'm born to die and my soul is reunited!" Xiao Yun's Yuanying groaned.

Then he worked the mystery of life.

At the same time, the feeling of condensing the flesh in Shentai was poured into my mind.

His mind cooperates with the power of the life martial spirit to condense the body.


When Xiao Yun's mind moved, the motif of the soul of life flickered, and the mystery of life permeated.

Suddenly, beside his Yuanying, there was a kind of regular upheaval that began to condense the physical body.

I saw that beside Xiao Yunyuan infant, a sea of ​​knowledge evolved.

Then there was a condensed skull, followed by the skeleton, the internal organs, the meridians, the flesh ...

It didn't take long for a body to be reshaped by Xiao Yun.

A feeling of flesh and blood flew into my heart.

"The flesh and blood are not enough!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Flesh is condensed, and this is the beginning.

Afterwards, the divine channel patterns and blood vein marks in Yuan Ying were integrated into flesh and blood.

This is the real reshaping of the body.

Everything went smoothly, just like rebuilding the body on the altar.

When the flesh condenses and takes shape, Xiao Yun's entire person seems to have undergone transformation.

On him, the road was wavy, exuding an inexplicable sense of mystery.

The nearby tree of life resonated with it, with a strong breath of life sweeping through.

It is accompanied by the lines of life.

"If there is death, there is life ... Is this the meaning of life?" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes were slightly condensed and murmured.

Then he took a step forward and went forward.

At this moment, the yin and yang patterns on his body have been restrained, and the ambivalence of the mixed elements has disappeared.

Xiao Yun could not feel the mighty vitality of life while strolling.

Some are just an incomparable kind of avenue power.

"Tree of life!" Xiao Yun stepped forward, his eyes lightened, and he looked towards the tree of life ahead.

At this moment, there are not only dazzling patterns on this tree of life.

There seems to be a world evolving within each leaf.

There, life is dying, but it is born again.

"Life ... what a miraculous existence!" Looking at that scene, Xiao Yun was touched inside, his mind was quiet, and he unknowingly walked under the tree of life.

Then he crossed his knees, closed his eyes, and began to realize the word of life.

Although he closed his eyes, but the flow of the lines on the tree of life, the evolution of life in the world in that leaf was all more clearly perceived by him.

When Xiao Yun realized the way of life, the tree of life was constantly covered with the gods of life, and was incorporated into the elementary infant.

The markings of the Mark of Life and Wuhun within his Yuanying become brighter, with some of the power of Shinto rules permeating.

That's the pattern of life!

As for the valley of life, two people are also feeling.

However, they did not come under the trunk of life, all hovering 10,000 meters away.


When Xiao Yun realized the way of life, sacred geniuses appeared all over the Shenxu Mountains.

This is a place where ancient trees cover the sky.

There is an old tree swaying in front.

On this ancient tree, the branches and leaves are golden, and when the lines flow on it, the golden gods flicker, making the world eclipse.

On it, there was also a mighty domineering.

The ancient trees bloomed in a mighty way, shining brightly, enveloping the land of thousands of miles.

Within this thousand miles, few people can enter.

"This god's fair is really amazing. There are such ancient trees!"

"This is Suo Tianshu, which contains the mysterious Suo Tian Avenue, and most people cannot enter it at all."

At this time, a group of practitioners stood thousands of miles away from this ancient tree.

This is a group of men wearing golden robes.

These people are the people of Yuwen's.

"The emperor Cheng Tian entered, but I don't know if he will gain anything?" Yu Wenshi's youths were all hot.

"The emperor Chengtian has a distinguished status, has the blood of the King of God, and he has the natural talent. Since he entered the area where the Tianyang tree is located, he will gain something." Several young men of Yuwen's face were firm. Said that for Yuwen Chengtian, they have absolute confidence, this is the person of the **** king.

Not only that, this Yuwen Chengtian himself is also a very different talent, he can almost be called the first person of Yuwen's contemporary.

Is such a person comparable to ordinary people?

"The son of Hao also entered it, hoping to gain something." And the young eyes showed expectations.

In fact, there were more than two people entering this area.

But a few of them failed and had to smash their cards and left the place.

Only these two geniuses are still there today ~ ~ hum!

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the heaven and earth blocked by the golden light.

Headed by a beautiful man with a gold crown and long hair like gold.

The man's nose is tall, his eyebrows are like silkworms, and his delicate features make it impossible to find a flaw, almost perfect.

He was a slender figure, the step was taken, the golden robe moved against the wind, and an extraordinary temperament permeated.

Such a character, wherever he goes, must be a highly visible existence.

"It's Chengtian Gongzi!" When this man stepped out, those waiting for Yuwen's eyes immediately became hot.

"Did Chengtian come out?"

Countless people turned to this man with awe, even worship.

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