Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1589: The secret of Chu Yunfei ...

Yuwen Chengtian stepped forward, his temperament was detached, his face was flawless, and he was more beautiful than a woman.

He not only obsessed the women of Yuwen's, but even those young people had to be impressed.

Such a character is simply a creation of heaven and earth, and it is a perfect existence.

Identity, talent, looks!

These are few people can reach.

Yuwen Chengtian strolled, and he was surrounded by golden road patterns, blooming like a divine light, making him like a son of a god.

& nbs, pig, pig, island, fiction ww.zhuzhudap; beside him there is also a spirited young man named Yu Wenhao.

This Yu Wenhao is also imposing. His blood is so powerful that behind him there is a golden world.

This is not a delusional vision that has evolved intentionally.

He is also the arrogant son of Yuwen's contemporary heaven, with the blood of the **** king, but the gift is slightly inferior to that of Yuwen Chengtian.

But no one dares to underestimate his strength.

Being able to enter this area of ​​Tianyangshu, and walking out safely, this represents his extraordinaryness, even if he is following this Yuwen Chengtian, no one dares to belittle him.

"Chengtian son!"

"Master Hao!" At the moment, Yuwen's geniuses stepped forward and said hello to the two.

Yu Wen Chengtian nodded, his eyes were as bright as Jin Yang, glanced at these people.

"Chengtian, can you gain something here?" Several heads of youth asked fieryly.

These young people are all geniuses. If they are placed outside, they can definitely swarm countless peers, and even many people can compete with characters like Gu Langyu.

But at this time they looked very respectful in front of Yuwen Chengtian.

"This ancient tree is extraordinary, and the rhyme is obscure, which makes people yearn for it." Yuwen Chengtian said, "Although I have gained something, I have not yet reached the realm of the gods, and I cannot reach that step." Regrettably, if the spiritual realm is reached, the horizons will be widened, and the mystery in comprehension will go further.

"Oh, Chengtian Gongzi was born with the luck of heaven and earth. He is destined to be the mainstay of my Yuwen family." Seeing Yuwen Chengtian's humility, a genius laughed and asked, "But you can get that Locking the gods leaf? "He shouted to Yuwen Chengtian with the look of expectation.

This is what he wants to know.

This man is Yuwen Chengfeng's brother, Yuwen Chengshan!

He is very talented, even better than Yuwen Chengfeng.

But compared to Yuwen Chengtian, it is still worse.

When I heard this Yuwen Chengshan asked, other young people of Yuwen's family also looked up.

The leaf of the **** of heaven is the leaf of the tree of heaven.

This leaf contains the mystery of the avenue that locks the trees of the sky, locks the sky!

Once this leaf comes out, it can block the world.

Within the Shenxu, even if you break the life pattern, the Yuanying can't leave this Shenxu boundary.

It can be said that this is a fetish!

If you want to obliterate a person in the realm of Shenxu, Suo Tian Shen Ye is obviously the best thing.

"Do n’t worry, if I am there, Xiao Yun will die!" Seeing these clan people asking, Yu Wencheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and his lips evoked a slight arc.

There is coldness in this arc.

His eyes were arrogant, and his tone fell, just like the divine will.

Hearing that Yuwen's people are all excited.

This time they came here, in addition to trying to get the chance, they also wanted to get this lock of God.

Although this object cannot be taken away from the Shenxu territory, it can kill people here.

They Yuwen's wanted to obliterate Xiao Yun, this God of Heaven leaf is obviously a must-have.

Because in the realm of Shenxu, everyone has a Shenxu Ming card, as long as the famous brand is broken, you can leave.

Of course, it is also ruled out that someone is extremely powerful, directly deterring opponents, making it impossible for them to smash their lives.

To deal with the genius of Xiao Yun, it is obviously difficult to do this step.

Therefore, it is inevitable to obtain the God of Heaven.

Otherwise, even if he smashed his body in Shenxu, he could still jump around outside.

Now listening to Yuwen Chengtian talking like this, they don't know that most of the gods who have locked the sky have already arrived.

"As long as the **** of locks leaves, Xiao Yun will die!" Yu Wen Chengshan's mouth twitched a smile.

For Yu Wen's death, he was extremely sad.

Unfortunately, he knew that Xiao Yun, the king of palms in the palm of his hand, was not something ordinary people could deal with.

So it was almost impossible for him to avenge his brother.

After learning that Xiao Yun was about to enter Shenxu, he saw the opportunity.

First of all, would they not be able to win this Xiao Yun because of their genius?

In addition, there are giant spirits, Optimus people.

The three clan shot together, why not worry about killing Xiao Yun?

What was missing was something that prevented his soul from leaving the realm of the Shenxu.

Now that the **** of locks has been acquired, he almost saw the scene of Xiao Yun's fall.

"Xiao Yun?" Beside Yu Wen Chengtian, Yu Wenhao's mouth evoked a smile.

This time he came to Shenxu, he would like to meet this young man for a while.

Although he is aspiring to Shinto, how can he let a person who beheaded Yuwen's demigod arrogant outside?


Yu Wen Chengtian was very indifferent. It was difficult for outsiders to see his mood swings. With his eyes lightened, he drank and walked forward.

Yuwen's people followed and left the area.

In addition to the Yuwen Family, within the Shenxu, the Qingtian people also went to an ancient land.

In an ancient place like a galaxy.

The light lines are dazzling here, and there seems to be stars flashing.

Here, as if in the starry sky, it is actually within the Shenxu Mountains.

"The nine hundred and ninety-nine gods have been gathered!" At this time, the corner of a mouthpiece of an Optimus crow smiled, and an ancient stone wrapped in a pattern was put into the pocket.

This is the Tianjiao of Qintian family, Qin Xinghe.

Beside, there are some Qin children.

"If the road pattern on the stone of this god's market is evolved, the stone can be like a star, and the river's pattern is like a galaxy. It will trap people and infants, so that they cannot leave the temple quickly."

Qin Xinghe frowned.

"Go!" Then, Qin Xinghe made a big move and led a genius of Qingtian to leave.


In another part of the Shenxu Mountains, a man wearing a dark armor came out of an abyss.

"Go, go to Shenxu Daoshan!" A young man with a height of five flickered. "At the same time, he sent someone to find the whereabouts of Xiao Yun, and contacted people of other races casually, and let them cooperate to find that Xiao The cloud's whereabouts, this person even cut many geniuses of my giant spirit clan, this time the son will meet him for a while. "

This person is truly the Tianjiao of the giant spirit tribe, Zheng Tianci.

"Yes!" Beside, the genius of the giant spirit nodded.

Afterwards, everyone went together towards the mountain of Shenxu.


Within a canyon.

Here the power of the sun is blooming, and thousands of glory shine on the earth.

The majestic shock and boundlessness.

At this moment, under the sun, a young man's eyes opened sharply.

"Rongyang Tiangong deserves to be known as the ancient Tiangong for several times. Now my Tianyang body has completely transformed into a body that melts all the powers of Tianyang. Even in Jiuyang Holy Palace, few people can Fight with me! "Chu Yunfei's eyes flickered with gold light, tearing the void in front of him. When his eyes turned, he turned towards the two young men in the distance.

Above the youth, there are nine suns rising and falling.

This is the line of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

It is also the descendant of Jiuyang Shengjun.

"After all, one day, I will be above you." Chu Yunfei's eyes showed a sharp light.

However, the light was fleeting, and outsiders could hardly notice it.

Soon he got up and left here.

Chu Yunfei stepped forward, and the power behind Tianyang bloomed, such as a Tianyang world evolved.

His robe moved up against the wind, his hair flying, and he had a supreme momentum permeating.

"Brother Chu!" When he stepped out of the Tianyang Valley of the Shenxu, the youth with the Jiuyang Holy Palace immediately cast a charming smile on him.

There, there are two geniuses, Luo Yang and Lin Chen.

After seeing Chu Yunfei approaching, the two felt very unhappy.

When Chu Yun flew into Jiuyang Holy Palace, he was unknown.

At that time, they stood high and disdain to see Chu Yunfei more.

But later, after a forbidden area, Chu Yunfei began to sing and sing aggressively, showing his sharp edge in the Jiuyang Holy Palace, and even suppressed them.

At this time, Chu Yunfei entered the Tianyang Valley together with the three geniuses carrying the Jiuyang Eucharist, which made them very unpleasant.

Especially during this Chu Yunfei step, he was like a **** of heaven, and his power was inexplicable.

"Brother Chu!" At last, the two of them had to step forward and greet Chu Yunfei with a kind smile.

Chu Yunfei nodded slightly, his eyes glanced at them.

Some past events also come to mind.

At that time, they entered the cave house of the **** of heaven.

There, Lin Chen and Luo Yang both gained something.

But Chu Yunfei, he almost scoffed.

It should be said that it was taken away.

It was a remnant that the **** Tianyang had fallen.

"If it wasn't for the residual knowledge that triggered the power of heaven and earth, I would be robbed of it, and I wouldn't be lucky enough to merge it to get that Rongyang Tiangong."

Chu Yunfei sighed.

That God Jun Cave is a trap.

There is the remnant knowledge of the **** Tianyang, and he wants to take the opportunity to be born again.

The power of restraint is still as it is today. When Chu Yunfei rebelled, the power of the rules of heaven and earth fell and wounded the remnant knowledge of this **** of heaven.

But Tianyang Shenjun is also very strong. Even though he is disabled, he also uses Rongyang Tiangong to resolve a lot of heaven and earth.

But in the end, he was unable to make a shot, and let Chu Yunfei integrate it instead.

The same is true, so Chu Yunfei can rise quickly.

After leaving, Chu Yunfei did not leave, waiting for three others.

Those three are distinguished, and at this time, he must give face.

"Before you become a god, you must bear it!"

Chu Yunfei's heart was dark, but his eyes were very calm.

No one knows how much ambition is hidden under his calm and soft eyes.

While waiting, Chu Yunfei seemed to be meditating. In his mind, there were pictures one after another ~ ~ Ling Xi! "In his mind, the first thing that emerged was Ling Xi.

"It is said that she has also been cultivated in Jiuqing Holy Palace. Now she is a disciple. Unfortunately, I have posted several times, but she turned a blind eye to me. Thinking of this, his eyes could not help but have a lunar calendar. Blinking, if it is not forbidden that Jiuqing Holy Palace has a deep foundation, he would be afraid to have gone to Jiuqing Holy Palace in person.

"Anyway, I want you to be my woman. You can only be my woman, as for others!"

Chu Yunfei's eyes flashed, and another person appeared in his mind.

That man is Xiao Yun.

"I will cut you personally!"

When thinking of Xiao Yun, Chu Yunfei's eyes appeared killing.

"Even if you have the Xiao family, you have the refuge of the ice and snow palace, and you control the king of the soldiers ... I want to cut you too!"

Chu Yunfei also heard about Xiao Yun's incident in Tianwu City.

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