Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1590: Lines of life

The story of Xiao Yun in Tianwu City has spread throughout the sanctuary.

Chu Yunfei also learned the first time after leaving the customs.

At first he was shocked, and then arrogant.

If this young man did not have the opportunity to turn against heaven, how could he resist the Heavenly Palace in Tianduyu then?

But Chu Yunfei, who blends a little knowledge of Tianyang God, is not the youth of the past.

He was also confident at this time.

"Is the **** king soldier?" Chu Yunfei's mouth evoked a slight smile.

God of Heaven ...

That was an early ancient character who ruled in God.

Chu Yunfei, who blended his trace of knowledge, was like acquiring a treasure.

So he was not in a hurry and was not afraid.

Moreover, now he is also extraordinary in Jiuyang Holy Palace and has no fear of others.

Waiting for two days, three geniuses in Yanggu stepped out that day.

These are three great men, and they are the family of the Jiuyang Holy Palace, surnamed Yang!

"Let's go!" The flash of light for the first young man was to lead everyone out of this place.

Chu Yunfei followed them.


Outside the valley of life.

Yao Yuan waited for the genius to cross his knees outside and realized the meaning of life.


Suddenly, the light pattern flickered in front, and two young people strolled out from it.

These are two men wearing blue-weave brocades.

The two wore jade crowns on their heads, and when they stepped forward, there was a strong breath of life behind them.

These are the two geniuses of Yao's contemporary, headed by Yao Jingtian, followed by Yao Jingyuan.

"Jingtian and Jingyuan are out!" Yao Yuan and others were all eyes bright.

The crowd looked in awe at them.

These two people are definitely Yao's pride.

The breath diffused by these two people is now more and more dusty.

The light of their bodies was dazzling, and the breath of life made them feel refreshed.

"It seems that these two boys have gained something." Yao Yuan Mulu enviously.

The others were envious.

"Go!" Yao Jingtian was very handsome. If his face was sharpened, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at the clan present.

However, Yao Yuan and others were hesitant.

"How?" Seeing this, Yao Jingtian looked surprised.

"King of Heaven, have you ever seen someone enter the vicinity of the tree of life?" A young man asked.

"A person?" After hearing the words, Yao Jingtian looked suspiciously.

Yao Jingyuan next to him was also surprised.

"That's it. Half a month ago, Xiao Yun of Xiao's broke into the valley of life." Yao Yuan simply said this to Yao Jingtian.

"Is that Xiao Yun who stirred up a storm in Tianwu City?" Yao Jingtian's eyes were surprised.

"How can he get inside?" Yao Jingyuan looked suspiciously. "Did he still have the mystery of life?"

"We don't know this," Yao Yuan said. "Don't King Jing see him?"

"Under the tree of life, like a state, everyone entering it is like a piece of space alone. I didn't find him." Yao Jingyuan said.

Yao Jingtian was also surprised.

"That's a pity." Yao Yuan sighed. He wanted to know what happened to Xiao Yun.

"Entering the valley of life, you may not be able to approach the tree of life. Maybe he has fallen!" Said Yao Jingtian, "Let's go!"

Then everyone left the valley of life together.

After all, they still want to go to that mountain.

There will be gathered the heavenly pride of all races, it is a grand event, they do not want to delay.

On the fifth day after Yao's children left.

"Mystery of life, life with death, how to live without experiencing death? This is the same as Nirvana and uprightness, but the way of life, but first must control the power of life, like this tree of life, only life There is a constant flow of power that never ceases to provide that endless vitality. "

Under the tree of life, Xiao Yun's confined eyes suddenly controlled.

At this point, he looked up.

In his eyes, all the pictures of the tree of life and leaves evolved into his mind.

There, life withered and was born again.

This is death and life.

This is just the outward appearance, not the essence.

The essence is the power of life.

How can you regenerate without vigor?

Xiao Yunming Wu.

At this time his perception of the meaning of life suddenly reached a very high level.

He can be said to have grasped the meaning of life.


This is the preliminary manifestation of the avenue.

At this time, Xiao Yun also understood why the person who has the soul of life martial arts is a tree within the sea.

Because this tree of life is the root.

After realizing, in front of Xiao Yun, the tree of life rippled, the leaves and leaves shone, and the world evolved inside disappeared.

In turn, there are lines of life condensing.

These lines of life flicker, and they are indifferent towards Xiao Yun.

In the end, these lines of life were imprinted in Xiao Yun's Yuanying.

This is the pattern of life, which contains the mystery of the road!

The pattern of life blends into Yuan Ying.

This is the fusion of Tao, realized by Xiao Yun.

In the realm of Shenxu, you dug out a piece of Shenxu **** gold, which you may not take away.

But the word you realize will become your own.

"Now I'm truly in control of the mystery of life!"

When the lines of life merge, Xiao Yun's eyes reveal a firm light.

The mystery of life is extremely mysterious. If you completely control the way of life, you may really be able to control your own life and death in the future.

For a practitioner, this is definitely a rare mystery.

So after taking control of life's uprightness, Xiao Yun had a little more confidence in the future.

"Now it's time to go to Shenxu Daoshan." With a few minutes, Xiao Yun got up and left the valley of life.


The vastness of the Shenxu Mountains is like a world, and the geniuses of various ethnic groups have stepped out of some ancient lands.

Then, they headed towards the center of the Shenxu Mountains together.

There is a towering cloud, such as a giant mountain that connects heaven and earth.

This is Shenxu Daoshan.

If the Valley of Life and the Valley of Tianyang are the source of the avenues of Shenxu, Shenxu Daoshan is the place of inheritance of the avenues.

Such as the Valley of Life, it is difficult to enter. Yao has only entered two people after a thousand people.

Tianyang Valley, Jiuyang Holy Palace so many people, only four people entered.

I can imagine how difficult these places are.

But Shenxu Daoshan is much better.

There are various ancestral lineages there.

Of course, if you want to inherit the avenue, you have to look at talents ...

"I've been in the valley of life for too long, presumably they have entered the Shenxu Road Mountain."

Not far from Shenxu Daoshan, Xiao Yun marched alone.

Today, he has rarely seen anyone who had entered the realm of Shenxu together.

First, he wasted a lot of time traveling to the valley of life.

Secondly, he realized the meaning of life in the valley of life.

Where did he feel the meaning of life.

After Xiao Yun traversed the mountains and ridges, and killed a powerful Shenxu, he finally came to the area where the Shenxu Daoshan was located.

At this point, he stood on top of a mountain, and he could vaguely see the towering Daoshan in the distance.

Above the Daoshan in front, the majesty of the avenue swayed, and the divine glow bloomed, making it full of sacred taste.

"Frontly convenient is the Shenxu Daoshan!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was also looking up.

"Today is the second anniversary of the undead Wu Zun's book. Thank you for your support all the way, especially in qq reading and starting point, and so on to support genuine brothers and sisters.

"Without your support, it would be difficult for me to write to this day, and Xiao Yun would not be able to get to this point."

"Perhaps, many people think that writing a book is very simple. It should be more than seven or eight chapters a day. However, you have not written a book and you don't know the boringness.

At the beginning, in order to write the fantasy world in their minds, each author will be full of passion.

However, over time, day after day, it is written continuously, even if it is sick and cold, and so on.

Over time, people will be tired and tired.

Because the nerve has been taut and has not relaxed.

Many people say that the update is not fast, but who does not have something?

For two consecutive years, the old demon has been trying his best to ensure the update, even if the New Year.

Who is at work?

Who can guarantee two years, whether it is Chinese New Year or Chinese New Year, without asking for leave?

But the old demon did it!

Because I know that behind this, there are brothers and sisters who support the undead Wu Zun.

Because I know every brother and sister is waiting for updates.

So my request to myself is not to take leave as much as possible, even if I have a cold, even if it is a holiday.

Over time, people will be tired, so the update is not as fierce as before, and there are many things.

For example, in January, I will go to Shanghai to attend the author's annual meeting. I will not be able to code for four days. During this period, I must desperately write out the four-day manuscript.

For example, in February ~ ~ will be the New Year, and my sister will also get married, and there will be more than ten days to be unable to code.

To this end, I have to desperately work hard to write the manuscript, and also try not to update in those days.

And the author writes every day that there is no time to pick up girls, which leads to bachelors and so on.

The weather is cold! I want to move!

But today is the second anniversary of the undead Wu Zun, it is the brothers and sisters who accompanied the old demon, accompanied the Undead Wu Zun, and accompanied Xiao Yun out of a barren land, stepping into the heavenly realm step by step, sweeping the heavenly realm, to Sanctuary, to celebrate the anniversary of eternal life.

I love this book, this story, and I love you!

Because of your support all the way, I can write it down unremittingly, so that I can make two years of continuous improvement, so that the undead Wu Zun can occasionally appear in the monthly ticket list.

Therefore, there is an update today, just to thank all the book fans for their support all along the way, hope that by the end of this story, you are still there.

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