Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1597: Shenxu Road Mountain

"How is this possible? Cheng Tian and Hao should be able to kill this Xiao Yun!" Yu Wen's eyes murmured, muttering, "What the **** happened?"

"It really shouldn't be!" Yu Wenshi's demigods were puzzled.

However, Yuwen's children have already stepped out of the market.

"What the **** is going on?" Yuwen Zhaoran asked a child of Yuwen.

"At the time, Cheng Tiangong shot, and Xiao Yun was already killed!" This disciple was also full of mischief.

Because he saw Yu Wenhao's attack successfully.

Yuwen Chengtian then shot and crushed Xiao Yunyuan infant.

At that time, the **** of the sky locked the void, and he should not be able to leave.

Furthermore, if it is departed, the people at Xingkongxutai should also know it!

"The body was broken, Yuan Ying was destroyed, and he fell into the abyss ... but why hasn't he died yet?"

Yuwen's deities frowned one by one.

They were shocked by the incident.

Unfortunately, they could not contact the people in the Shenxu to ask for an understanding.

Similarly, they could not tell that Yu Wen Chengtian Xiao Yun was still alive.

Within the boundaries of Shenxu.

In the abyss, Xiao Yun waved his big hand, and the dazzling dzi was whistling out.

On the beads, Tian Tian swayed, blooming bright green.

The blue light flows like a cyclone that can swallow the world.

"With so much drowning water, can't you open this Dzi Bead?" Xiao Yun sighed as the beads floated in front of him.

At this moment, he still could not penetrate into the Sky Devourer.

But this bite sky orchid is many times stronger than before.

When it swayed, the mist emitted contained the smell of drowning water.

"Finally improved!" Feeling the mist that filled Tian Yan, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile of satisfaction.

Then his heart moved, and Tian Lan's breath was restrained, and he fell into his knowledge of the sea.

"It's time to leave now!"

After collecting the Dzi Beads, Xiao Yun's body changed into Changhong, and he swept out of the abyss.

By this time, no one was on Shan Yuan.

Xiao Yun glanced at the stone pillar in front of him, and then stepped into it.

Only then set foot on the stone pillar, a burst of light patterns bloomed, Xiao Yun was drawn into a world.

This is the test of the stone pillar of Tao.

In this regard, Xiao Yun was very indifferent, and his eyes moved, looking around.


I can only see the light and shadow flickering in front, and the favorable blade crossed the void and fell directly towards Xiao Yun.

This blade was cut, and each one was extremely powerful, enough to kill the demigods.

But Xiao Yun was indifferent, and took steps to go straight.


He left them to be cut.

It was just that these sharp blades fell down and collapsed automatically when they touched Xiao Yun.

Then, Xiao Yun's pace fell on a pillar of Tao.

With this move, the light pattern in front flickers, and the force of space spreads out. If Xiao Yun stepped out of space.

Mountains and rivers appeared in front of him.

"Is this sanctuary?" When the mountains and rivers emerged, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and he hurried forward.

There, there is a huge palace with a house number.

Jiuqing Holy Palace appeared in Xiao Yun's eyes.

"Xiao Yun!" When the Jiuqing Holy Palace appeared, a familiar voice sounded.

"Ling Xi!" Xiao Yun's eyes moved and couldn't help looking at the sound.

But in the towering cloud palace in front, there was a peerless woman in white walking.

This woman is beautiful and refined, and she is all over the country. When her hair is flying, she is surrounded by gods.

When she appeared, the world was overshadowed by it.

"Xiao Yun ... Tianyu!" Ling Xi strolled, her eyelashes blinked, and her eyes turned towards Xiao Yun with affection.

Especially the word “Yu” that day made Xiao Yun's heart tremble, and the memory of Haotianjie could not help but emerge.

In Haotianjie, he is called Haotianyu!

Those pictures emerged, and he could not help but look towards Ling Xi.

At this time, Ling Xi also opened his arms and rushed into his arms.

Xiao Yun's hands were open, and he would embrace them.

Ling Xi walked in, lovingly, making people pity.

Especially remembering the experience of Haotianjie.

Thinking of the love of this life, Xiao Yun couldn't help but take this woman in her arms and take care of her life.


Just when Ling Xi was going to approach Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun's eyes suddenly flashed.

He flicked his hand and hit the air.


With a single blow, the void in front of him shattered, and Ling Xi was annihilated by terror.

"Love is true, but love is in your heart and you are in your heart, and my way of heart must not be chaotic!" Xiao Yun's eyes were firm.

He knew exactly what he was doing now.

He is in the realm of Shenxu.

Will there be a Jiuqing Holy Palace in the boundary of Shenxu?

So this is unreal.

The void in the front side shattered, and a ripple rippled, Xiao Yun set foot on another channel.

Such tests have continued.

If it is not careful, it will fail.

If Xiao Yun had really embraced Ling Xi just now, it might be a blow to the world.

He will lose the opportunity to enter Shenxu Daoshan.


Inside the Shenxu Road, here is like a world.

First of all, there is a very wide area to enter.

And looking at it, the void in front of it was dazzling, like a long river flowing in the void.

In this long river, there are suspensions of the gods.

These light beams of the gods squirmed and evolved into various visions. The breath of magical avenues filled them.

Each Shentai represents a kind of magical avenue.

As long as you are logged into this sacred platform, you can enlighten the magical mystery.

For people of all races, this is an opportunity.

At this time, this wide area has gathered practitioners of various races.

Somewhere in the open space, the eyes of Yuwen Chengtian and Yuwen's youth rose, and they all looked up at the floating Godhead in front of them.

When the people of Yu Wenshi sensed the goddess, not far away, a group of practitioners strolled.

These practitioners are all tall and tall, who are the giant spirits.

The man headed was named Zheng Tianci!

When these people walked in, the people of Yu Wenshi immediately felt it, and immediately looked back.

Yuwen Chengtian also went too far.

"Brother Yuwen, don't come here!" Zheng Tian smiled aloud, holding his fist towards Yuwen Chengtian.

"It turned out to be God-given brother!" Yu Wen Chengtian evoked a faint smile and responded.

Behind them, the respective clans nodded to each other.

"Oh, Brother Yuwen, I heard you solved Xiao Yun, but is it true?" Zheng Tianci asked with a slight smile on his eyes.

"Yes," Yu Wencheng said with a brow lightly.

"Really?" Wen Yan asked, Zheng Tianci blinked his eyes.

This time when he came to Shenxu Realm, his tribe let him solve Xiao Yun.

So I also want to confirm this at this time.

"Take it seriously," Yu Wenchengtian laughed.

"Oh!" Zheng Tianci first fixed his eyes, then laughed, "Oh, I thank you again first."

"You're welcome." Yuwen Chengtian said, "You and I are good friends. Why do you have to do this? Furthermore, how can Xiao Yun betray my people?"

"That's, that's it!" Zheng Tianci nodded.

After entering Shenxu Daoshan, he heard the news of Xiao Yun's beheading, and only then would he find it.

"It's a pity!" Just then, another voice came out.

Everyone's eyes moved and they looked inquiringly.

Only to the opposite of Zheng's place, a group of imposing men were marching forward.

"Qin Xinghe!" Zheng Tianci and Yu Wenchengtian both had bright eyes after seeing the head of the person alone.

"Oh, Brother Cheng, Tianci, don't come here!" Qin Xinghe stepped forward. He was very arrogant, and he had the power of a king. After he came, he smiled at them, and then at Yu Wenhao. Brother Hao is also here ... "As the geniuses of the Qingtian clan, nature and the geniuses of these two clans have long known.

These geniuses will also communicate from an early age.

"Hehe, brother Xinghe is getting deeper and deeper!" Yu Wencheng Tian raised a brow and said, "Listening to you, it seems that you have the confidence to win Xiao Yun?"

"That's natural!" Qin Xinghe said, "I prepared for this, but it's a pity that you succeeded first, but it's also a good thing to be ridiculed."

"Hehe, that is, if you don't kill it in the gods' ruins, it won't be so good outside, after all, he has a king of soldiers, and there are people to protect him!"

Zheng Tianci laughed.

"Oh, the enemy is gone, this time we have a rare meeting, should we compare them?" Qin Xinghe laughed after a few greetings.

"How do you compare?" Wen Yan said that Yu Wenchengtian and Zheng Tianci were browsing.

"Look who will climb to the top of Daoshan first!" Qin Xinghe laughed.

"That's good!" After hearing the words, Zheng Tianci laughed. "However, at this time, you should first enter the stage and feel one or two."

"Shentai's feelings can be traced, and then there is a sound sound, and it can also be judged." Qin Xinghe said.

"Then look at the sentiment of Shentai first, and see who touched Dao Yin the most!" Yu Wenchengtian said.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, everyone nodded and began to look for the gods in various ways.

Look at this, Xiao Yun's affairs have long been forgotten.

It's not difficult to feel the power of God's platform.

Soon, Yuwen Chengtian found it.

He strolled away and stepped onto the stage.

Qin Xinghe and others also left and set foot on Shentai.


On the other side.

"What, Xiao Yun stunned!" Xiao Tianxiang's eyes sank after hearing the news.

Beside him, all Xiao's children.

Among them are two Xiao's contemporary talents ~ ~ One of them is named Xiao Tianye and is Xiao Tianxiang's cousin.

His eyebrows were thick, his hair was flying high, and there was a wild trend.

"Who moved his hand?" After hearing this, Xiao Tianye's eyes were cold, and there were fierce lights flashing in the eyes like bronze bells.

"It's Yuwen's!" Said one of Xiao's children. "Yuwen Hao and Yuwen Chengtian shot together ..." He simply said it.

After entering Shenxu Daoshan, the Xiao people sent people to inquire about Xiao Yun, and they soon learned about it from the people who had watched the war.

"Yu Wenchengtian!" Beside Xiao Tianye, a young man with a frowning eye blinked coldly, "Did they kill Xiao Yun?"

This person is named Xiao Hong!

A rash of killings pervaded him.

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