Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1598: Seeking

"To lock the heavenly leaves, to block the void, and the two shot together and attacked my Xiao clan, can I really deceive Xiao?" Xiao Tianye snorted coldly.

"These people are too despicable!" Xiao Tianxiang also looked coldly.

Dignified genius actually shot together and attacked his Xiao clan.

"Yu Wenshi is simply bullying too much!" Nearly thousands of Xiao Xiao's children were angry.

If the battle was bright and honest, and Xiao Yun was killed, they might not be so angry.

This is not as good as people.

For the Xiao Clan, they can lose!

But now Xiao Yun was shot down by Yu Wenhao and Yu Wen Chengtian, but it was shameless.

"Don't fight with one another!" Many Xiao's children exclaimed.

"Good!" Xiao Tianye stared at the light, Shen said, "Where is Yuwen's person now?"

"The people of Yuwen's family have already entered Shentai. They are about to enter Daoshan!" Said the clan responsible for inquiring about the news.

"Have you entered Shentai?" Xiao Tianye frowned. "Then we will enter Shentai first!"

"That's fine!" Xiao Tianxiang nodded.

Later, Xiao's children also began to enter the Tao of God.

"So Xiao Yun has been ridiculed?"

At this time, many people got the news.

"It's a shame!" Many people shook their heads.

"Why would he be ridiculed?" Shi Feng showed an unbelievable look.

"How can I ..." Ju Shenhua Huarong looked sad. After hearing the news, her eyes were empty, "How could this be?"

"This is real!"

Finally, the person who sniffed the news said with certainty.

"It's a pity!" Jeremy Wind and others felt sorry.

"I thought he could dominate the road, but I didn't want to scorn here. Life is really unpredictable!"

Yuan Tianxuan shook his head again and again.

Countless days have gathered and headed for the Tao of the Tao to realize the mystery of the avenue.

The geniuses of the Four Palaces also entered early.

Many have not heard the news.

After people of all races entered the Tao of the Tao in succession, a young man was walking slowly over a long bridge that connected the wide area of ​​the Tao of the Tao.

This young man is Xiao Yun who has been tested by the road of stone.

The long bridge was surrounded by fog, and at the end was a wide field. Xiao Yun looked up and could see the gods' platforms floating in the void.

"Front convenience is the mountain of God's way!" Looking at the flowing God in front of Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun's eyes showed a few colors of promise.

Perfecting their magical powers and uprights is the goal of every practitioner.

This Tao of God will obviously bring the practitioners closer to this goal.

After crossing the long bridge and coming to this wide ground, Xiao Yun could clearly feel the prestige flowing out of the Shentai in front.

Even the prestige blooming on the stage made him feel endlessly close.

The front is like the source of a Tao.

"Sure enough, as the predecessors said!" After feeling the breath of the avenue emanating from the front, Xiao Yun stepped forward and came under the god's stage.

He began to sense the breath from those gods.

"Everyone has only three chances to touch the Tao of God." Xiao Yun murmured as his eyes condensed.

These three opportunities refer to the approval of the Tao of God.

If you fail to perceive once, you have two more chances.

However, everyone had to log in to only one Tao of God.

In other words, Xiao Yun can only choose one Tao of God.

At the time of groaning, Xiao Yun's mind had been released, and he felt the circulating God's Tao.

"Within this platform, there is a avenue of wind!"

"There is a avenue of fire in this god's way!"


The Word of God passes by.

Xiao Yun was only slightly inductive, and he was able to judge the meaning of the road in the Tao of God.

"Here is the meaning of life!" Soon, Xiao Yun's eyes brightened and he felt the meaning of life.

However, he did not touch the Tao of God.

Because he has realized the meaning of life.

If you log in to this channel, it will mean that you will lose the chance to realize another magical avenue.

"This is the mystery of war!" Soon, Xiao Yun sensed the Tao of God of the mystery of war.

But he didn't go.

In this way, Xiao Yun missed many of the Taos of God.

"What on earth do I need?" Xiao Yun groaned inside after giving up touching these gods.

The road must be clear.

If you do n’t even know your way, how can you go on smoothly?

"Supernatural power, I have a lot of control!" Xiao Yun groaned.

He really controls a lot of magical mysteries.

Such as war martial spirit uprising, ice fire uprising, life uprising, **** eye uprising, swallow up heaven uprising!

In addition, there are bloodline magical powers!

Now that such supernatural powers come together, when faced with a choice, he has to think about which supernatural powers he majors in.

"What is the Tao that I should pursue?" Xiao Yun groaned.

Under this groan, Xiao Yun's heart became more and more calm.

He fell into a state of perception.

"Supernatural mystery? Life mystery? But the gods will still fall, can life eternalism reach eternity?"

Obviously, Tiandi Avenue is not so simple.

Yao is the heir to the mystery of life.

Among them was the King of God.

Will the life mystery controlled by the **** king be worse?

Definitely stronger than Xiao Yun now.

But the gods are still ridiculed, is it useful to repair the meaning of life?

Xiao Yun was suspicious of these supernatural powers for the first time.

This is suspicious of monasticism.

In the past, he wanted to be a strong man, the strongest supernatural power, and he never questioned the avenue.

But this time he got suspicious.

It can be said that this is an improvement, because Xiao Yun's vision is even higher.

"What should we pursue?" Xiao Yun groaned.

Time goes by.

Xiao Yun had forgotten everything and felt it in himself.

"The gods also fall, why is this? Under the power of the rules of heaven and earth, the gods dare not be born ... just because of the power of the rules that are bound."

"Yes, the world is bound!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yun realized something.

"If a person is born, sick, or dead, isn't the rule of heaven and earth bound?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun seemed to feel that he had touched the root of the matter.

"The same is true for the gods ~ ~ You can't get rid of old age, sickness and death!"

"Because the gods can't dominate their lives, there are rules of heaven and earth above them!" Xiao Yun muttered to himself.

At this moment he felt himself suddenly open, and many things that he didn't understand before appeared.

His vision was even higher than before.

"People live in this heaven and earth, and are bound by the power of the inexplicable rules of heaven and earth. In this way, everything is false!" Xiao Yun felt secretly in his heart.

After coming to the sanctuary, he gradually learned a lot of things.

For example, in the ancient times, the nine days of chaos, the gods fell to earth, and finally, under the force of the rules of heaven and earth, they had to hide in the sacred world of the sanctuary.

To this end, the gods spread a large array, blinding the heavens.

In addition, they still had to protect themselves to avoid the hegemony.

It shows how weak the gods are under the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

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