Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1603: 1 battle, life and death

It can be said that Xiao Yun suddenly abstained, and Chu Yunfei was not happy.

All he had in his mind was regret.

Now when I saw Xiao Yun, his cold heart burst into blood, and his intention to kill was stunned.

It feels like finding a battle target.

And it's all because of his obsession.

Because Chu Yunfei was defeated by Xiao Yun, he must cut Xiao Yun first to break this magic barrier.

Otherwise, it is difficult for him to fulfill his purpose.

"Is he the Xiao Yun?" When Xiao Yun appeared, it was a lot of attention, and practitioners of all races stared at him closely.

Even the three Tianjiao of the Yang Family couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yun more.

"He isn't dead?" On the other side, Zuo Xuanbing's brow frowned slightly, with a hint of imperceptible loss appearing in it.

Although he has no grudges and vengeance against Xiao Yun, he knows that the latter has a close relationship with Zuo Shaoqin and Zuo Linger.

In this way, Xiao Yun is the same person as Zuo Shaoqin.

This Xiao Yun is a genius with huge potential.

In addition, he still has the King of the King Soldiers. When he grows up in the future, he will surely become a hero of the sanctuary.

With him, the power of Zuo Shaoqin will undoubtedly be improved.

In this way, it is not good for them.

So when I saw Xiao Yun approaching, Xuan Bing's eyes were very cold.

"This Xiao Yun ..." Yao Wu stared at Xiao Yun with complex eyes.

"He is the Xiao Yun who entered the valley of life?" Yao Jingtian asked with a frown.

"Yeah!" Yao Yuan nodded and said, "It's strange, doesn't it mean that he fell into the hands of Yuwen Chengtian? How did he live well? Did he realize the true meaning of life, can he be born again? Mystery is strong, and it can indeed make people reborn, but how many people can understand in this world? "

He quickly shook his head.

The life martial arts can live and die, flesh and bones.

But one's soul is broken and destroyed, how can it be so easy to resurrect?

That mystery is by no means ordinary people can understand.

Even the gods cannot control this mystery.

"It's strange!" Yao Jingtian and others were surprised.


"Are you dead?" In the distance, Ji Ziyuan's mouth evoked a smile, "It's the best!"

He smiled slightly.

Although Ji Ziyuan and Xiao Yun did not have a deep friendship, he did not want this youth to be so scornful.

He wanted to see where this young man who had defeated himself could go.

"Is he Xiao Yun?" Beside Ji Ziyuan, a young man with a handsome face and deep eyes frowned softly.

This person is the contemporary Tianjiao of the Void Wu soul Ji Family, Ji Zixu, and the elder brother of Ji Ziyuan.

"Exactly!" Ji Ziyuan laughed. "Oh, I thought he was really ridiculous. Now he looks stronger than we think!"

Just before, people of almost all ethnic groups knew that Xiao Yun had been blocked by the Yuwen Family with the Lock of Heaven God Leaf, breaking his body with the Lock of Heaven God Tree.

Based on this, Xiao Yunyuan infant was crushed and almost completely scolded.

To this end, Xiao Tianye fought with Yu Wenshi.

It can be said that people of all ethnic groups think that this Xiao Yun is downcast.

Who would have thought that when this war was about to erupt, Xiao Yun appeared.

Can anyone not be shocked?

"Interesting person!" In the distance, the geniuses of the ancient top ten martial arts souls.

Geniuses of all races in June.

The geniuses in the fourth house all narrowed their eyes and stared at Xiao Yun who was walking.

It can be said that many geniuses here are paying attention to Xiao Yun.

They all want to see what the young man can do, but he can't die!

Countless eyes were gathered on the body.

There was coldness and fieryness in those eyes.

But Xiao Yun didn't bother. He stared at the light, glanced at the geniuses of Yuwen, Qingtian and Juling.

After turning his eyes, his eyes fell on the people of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

When the eyes turned, Xiao Yun found Chu Yunfei who was also staring at himself.

"Chu Yunfei!" Xiao Yun could not help but exclaim.

What happened in Tiandu Yu also came to mind.

At that time, the Tiangong crusade made him embarrassed with Xue Tianmen.

That time they were almost in despair.

Even after entering the sanctuary, Chu Yunfei also issued a lore order to hunt down people he knew.

Meeting enemies today is naturally extremely jealous.

However, at this moment his goal is to report the revenge of Yuwen's ambush, so he soon fell on Yuwen Chengtian and others.

As for the grudges with Chu Yunfei, I have my own chance.

Xiao Yun strolled away, but Xiao Tianxiang and others ushered in.

"Oh, Xiao Yun!" Xiao Tianxiang strolled away, he patted Xiao Yun's shoulder and laughed loudly.

At this moment, he kept looking at Xiao Yun and seemed extremely excited.

After hearing Xiao Yun's ridicule at the beginning, he didn't mention much sadness.

Although he and Xiao Yun have only recently met.

However, he met Xiao Yun several times in Tianwu City, and he was full of respect for this young man.

"You're not dead, it's great!" Xiao Tianxiang was very happy, and then said, "Come, let me introduce you. This is Xiao Tianye of my Xiao family, this is Xiao Hong."

Later, he introduced Xiao Yun to Xiao Yun's genius.

"You righteousness, Xiao Yun thanked you!" Xiao Yun folded his fists at Xiao Tianye and others.

Although he had just arrived, he was psychic and already knew something.

Xiao Tianye and others did not hesitate to fight with the three clan for him, it was considered to be justified.

"You are Xiao Yun?" At this time, the Ice and Snow Temple and others also came, Zuo Qing looked up and down Xiao Yundao, "Hehe, I am Linger's sister's cousin, Zuo Qing!"

"This is my brother, Zuohe!" He also introduced some Zuo children to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun gestured with everyone.

In any case, these people are willing to come forward, that is to support him Xiao Yun, he should pay his respects.

"Oh, you're not dead, just fine!" Everyone was very happy about it.

They haven't seen Xiao Yun's worldly attitude yet!

It would be a shame if this young man was so ridiculed.

"It was almost going to be ridiculed at the beginning." Xiao Yun's eyes were slightly stunned, not too surprised that everyone thought he was stunned.

Because that time he really was about to fall.

How could he survive without Nirvana's control of life's uprightness?

Change to others, I'm afraid to really scoff.

Although Xiao Tianxiang and others were curious about the matter, they didn't ask much.

Because at this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes were condensed, and those eyes had locked Yuwen's people.

In his eyes, the light was like a blade, tearing up the void in front, and the cold killing intention made people cold.


Many youths of Yuwen's could not help but retreat.

It was just a ray of light, but it made many geniuses feel cold and unconsciously receding, which shows Xiao Yun's situation at this time.

Na Yuwen Chengtian and others frowned.

"I have clearly defeated his Yuanying, how could he not die?" Yu Wencheng felt suspiciously: "Not only that, his breath seems to be stronger."

"Even if he wasn't dead, what could happen?" Yu Wenhao next to him looked cold.

In his hands, there was still two chances to spur the Tenjin.

"Yeah!" Yu Wenchengtian nodded slightly, not too worried.

He already has a strong background and naturally will not fear people.

In addition, he still has people in the Jiuyang Holy Palace. Is Xiao Yun's two forces comparable?

"Yu Wen Cheng Tian!" But Xiao Yun was so murderous at this moment, he stared at Yu Wen Cheng Tian's voice.

"What do you want?" Yuwen Chengtian looked cold.

"You are deliberately trying to kill me here, and today, this grudge, it should be settled!" Xiao Yun said word by word.

"Oh? How?" Yu Wencheng said with a brow lightly.

"Naturally it was the birth and death of World War I!" Xiao Yun said coldly.

"Divided life and death in the First World War?" After hearing the words, Yu Wencheng looked intently and said lightly, "Since you want to fight, that's free!"

At this moment he was fearless.

First of all, he has locked the space **** Ye Ye can block the space to deal with Xiao Yun.

If Xiao Yun is ridiculed, it is a real ridicule.

Secondly, Xiao Yun didn't lock the heavenly **** leaves, even if he defeated Yuwen Chengtian, nothing would happen.

Because he can urge Shenxu Ming card and leave the place directly.

So why should he be afraid of this battle?

"How do you want to fight?" At this moment, Yu Wenhao frowned and asked.

At this time, the various ethnic groups were present, and they were not good at Xiao Yun in the group. That was the question.

"In the beginning, you had nearly a thousand people of Yuwen's ambush, and now I want to fight you a thousand people with one person's strength, and settle this grudge!" Xiao Yun said with a frosty arc on the corner of his brow.

"What!" Wen Yan said, Yu Wenhao's face sank. "You want to fight thousands of people alone?"

"Joke, are you insulting me Yuwen's?" Yu Wenchengtian also hummed.

Fighting thousands of them with one person's strength is an insult to Yu Wenshi.

"Battle you, I am alone!" Yu Wenchengtian sneered coldly.

Then he stepped forward, and there was a mighty divine shock on his body.

"Is Xiao Yun crazy?" Qin Xinghe and others next to him were weird expressions.

"This Xiao Yun is so arrogant!" Yang Linghai and others at Jiuyang Holy Palace also sneered.

As for Xiao Tianye and others, they were all stuck in place.

"What exactly does Xiao Yun want to do?" Xiao Tianxiang frowned.

They were originally intended to challenge Yu Wenshi and wanted to vent their anger.

After getting out of the realm of Shenxu, settle accounts.

"Xiao Yun?" Xiao Tianye stared at the light, and said to Xiao Yun, "Why are you polite with us?"

He was also a little worried.

After all, it's not that simple!

Even with wheel battles, with a thousand people, you can consume a genius.

If the other person's thousand shots together, who can resist?

Even if Xiao Tianye thought that he could fall into the sky, he had to face thousands of strong men at the same level.

"No matter ~ ~ I have my own size!" Xiao Yun said lightly.

Seeing Xiao Yun insisted on this, Xiao Tianye and others had to frown.

"Since Xiao Yun had never been ridiculed at the beginning, there must be any means." Zuo Qing felt secretly in his heart.

"Do you really want to fight thousands of people in my tribe?" Wen Yan said, but Yu Wenchengtian frowned.

"Yes, the battle of life and death!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, his tone cold, and he said word by word, "loser, die!"

This is the result he wants.

If it were not for the battle of life and death, it would be meaningless.

Because the card is broken, you can also be safe outside.

"Lost, dead?" Wen Yan said, Yuwen Chengtian frowned. "What do you want?"

"You can lock the gods and block the battle platform. I will wait for a fight in it and die!" Xiao Yun said word by word.

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