Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1604: Each with a ghost

"You can lock up the gods and block the battle platform, I will wait for a fight inside, and I will die!" Xiao Yun's low, cold voice sounded in all directions.

Suddenly, the Daoshan practitioners of all races clearly heard the challenge.

"This Xiao Yun actually let Yu Wenshi blockade the battlefield with the God of Heaven's leaves, and die?"

The practitioners of all races were shocked by what Xiao Yun said.

"Is Xiao Yun dead?" Many people's eyes were wrong.

"Interesting!" Those children of the big clan are the eyes that show their expectations.

At this time, among the top ten martial arts souls of the ancient times, Ji, Jue, Yao, and other clan have arrived.

Even somewhere, there are a few particularly powerful geniuses watching.

Among a group of people, they stood on a high platform, and the power of the nearby heavens and earth was squirming, and a reincarnation breath permeated from them.

These people are truly the pride of the six reincarnation Wuhun.

The young man, headed by him, wore a green robe and fluttered, his whole body was like the Son of God, and his temperament was transcendent.

Behind him, there seemed to be ups and downs, and the breath of reincarnation permeated, making people dare.

People of ordinary clan did not dare to approach them.

The six reincarnations, the Jiang family, are a transcendent clan in the sanctuary.

They have a strong heritage and are stronger than the Jiuyang Holy Palace.

It's just that this group of people are very low-key and rarely show up.

They don't bother to win over all ethnic groups.

In their eyes, they are like kings.

However, at this time, Jiang's genius, Jiang Youdao, at this moment the eyes could not help but look at Xiao Yun.

It seems that he is also slightly interested in Xiao Yun.

"It is said that he went to the Gu Ming clan!" Said Jiang Youdao, a young man flashing his eyes.

"Gu Mingshi!" Jiang Youdao's eyes froze slightly, and there seemed to be a little sigh in his eyes.

"In Gu Mingshi, there is Hengzu's inheritance!" Said the young man next to him. "Just two years ago, the inheritance land left by Hengzu opened, and he also entered."

"Speaking of which, he has something to do with my tribe." Jiang Youdao's eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be ups and downs in the world.

Although he was paying attention to Xiao Yun, he did not take any action and did not show any sign.

He is really like the Son of God, aloof.

At this time, Xiao Yun was just staring at Yu Wen's people.

The war in his eyes was stunned, and he wanted to fight the thousand people of Yuwen alone, so that people could not understand what he was thinking.

Even Yuwen's people were surprised.

Because they had ambushed Xiao Yun at the beginning.

That time, Xiao Yun didn't want to hold Yu Wentu away?

In this way, it can be shown that this Xiao Yun should also have a bit of fear.

But in a blink of an eye, how long before, he dared to arrogantly fight against Yuwen's thousand people.

Yu Wen Chengtian and Yu Wenhao were suspicious.

"Actually, he wants to fight, so he will fight. Just this time, we will kill it completely. I want to see, how could he not die last time?" Yu Wenhao said.

"That's fine." Yu Wen Chengtian nodded.

In his opinion, life and death matter.

Otherwise, let Xiao Yun collapse his life card to leave, it is also stunned.

Only by relying on the God of Heaven to block the void and completely obliterate this Xiao Yun is the king.

In this way, it is considered to have killed an enemy for Yu Wenshi.

Originally, they were still worried that they would be criticized for procuring Suo Tian Shen Ye.

But at this point Xiao Yun spoke, and they were too lazy to fake the high.

"Are you sure you want to fight alone with my Yuwen Family?" Yu Wencheng Tian Muguang condensed and asked again.

"Natural!" Xiao Yun frowned, with a bit of provocation, and said, "Dare you?"

"Oh, since you're looking for death, this boy will do it for you!" Yu Wencheng laughed loudly, and then glanced at the Quartet, "You all saw it today, this time this is Xiao Yun's death, but not me Man, huh, Xiao Tianye, presumably this Xiao Yun will be ridiculed, and you won't be asking me for Yuwen's trouble, right? "

"Hum!" Xiao Tianye snorted coldly.

"Perhaps you are dead?" Xiao Yun frowned at this moment.

"Oh, now that you've decided, what nonsense? Then fight!" A few young Zhengs eagerly said beside them.

Originally, Xiao Yun was not dead, and there were people from Xiao's side next to them. They felt extremely difficult.

Because at this time it is obviously not so easy to completely wipe out this young man.

They did not want Xiao Yun to take the initiative to fight for life and death. They were naturally happy.

How can I miss such a good opportunity?

So, people of all races soon gave up a clearing.

Although Xiao Tianye and others were a little worried, they retreated.

As for Yang Lingtian and others from Jiuyang Holy Palace, although they vaguely felt inappropriate, they still stepped aside.

They also wanted to see what would happen if Xiao Yun fought against Yuwen's thousands.

In this way, only Xiao Yun and Yuwen's 700 geniuses remained on the high platform.

Originally, the Yuwen family entered the boundary of Shenxu with more than a thousand people, but after various tests, only seven hundred people reached the mountain.

Seven hundred geniuses came together.

Headed by Yu Wenshi and Yu Wenhao, the blood of them was so powerful that a golden world evolved.

The **** mightyness was immense, the void in front of the oppression was trembling.

Xiao Yun was facing these 700 people independently at this time.

"Seven hundred people, the momentum is very strong, even if I am against the sky, after all, they are not demigods, and it is difficult to sweep them!" Looking at the seven hundred people in front of him, Xiao Yun blinked, "But if you do n’t do this, you will be killed. One or two people are also useless. Since Yu Wenshi is deliberately trying to chop me, then Xiao Yun will give them some color to see. "

"Xiao Yun, no matter what means you have, today, since you are delivered to the door, don't want to leave the Shenxu alive!" Yu Wencheng Tian's eyes lightened, and the palm of his hand turned, and a golden leaf appeared on this leaf. Flowing golden road pattern, a lock of sky power permeated from above the leaves.

"Brother Qin, Brother Zheng, I'm bothering you to scan the battlefield, but people must destroy this battle!" After the lock **** leaves were taken out, Yu Wencheng raised a brow and said to the next Qin Xinghe and Zheng Tianci, although He is very confident in this God of Heaven leaf, but it is difficult to guarantee that other people have not obtained the artifacts in the boundary of God's Ruins.

Although these artifacts cannot be taken out, they should still be able to destroy the mystery of the gods who locked the heavens.

So Yuwen Chengtian had to defend.

"Okay, rest assured!" Qin Xinghe said lightly.

Zheng Tianci next to him also nodded.

Naturally, they will not allow others to destroy this opportunity to kill Xiao Yun.

"So, very good!" After hearing the words, Yu Wencheng nodded, and a sneer was evoked in the corner of his mouth, only to move his palm.


At that moment, when the golden leaf flashed, it was suspended in the air, and a golden road pattern filled with it, accompanied by the mystery of locking the sky.

Here is void and completely blocked.

The people of Xiao Yun and Yu Wenshi were immediately shrouded in golden light and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Outside, people of all races can only see the golden leaf floating in front of it, and the golden road pattern that this leaf hangs down.

"I don't know what will happen!"

"I think most of Xiao Yun will scorn!"

"It won't be that simple. Isn't this Xiao Yun already beheaded? But isn't he alive?"

When Suo Tian Shen Ye was urged, the argument also came from the people of all ethnic groups.

By this time, Xiao Yun had been trapped by Yefeng, the **** of locks.

Opposite him, everyone of Yuwen's smiled sternly.

"Oh, Xiao Yun, I don't know how you didn't get ridiculed, but since you're here again, we're welcome!"

Yu Wenhao grinned.

This time, he said nothing would be merciful.

"I'm here to fight him, and you're on the sidelines!" Yu Wen Chengtian stepped forward and said.

"Hmm!" After hearing the words, everyone nodded.

Yu Wenhao also nodded slightly. He naturally understood that the so-called predatory array was to find an opportunity to obliterate Xiao Yun.

As for they let the remaining geniuses in, just in case.

If this Xiao Yun really has the power to cover the sky, they will go straight for 700 shots together.

With so many people shooting, Yu Wenhao is confident that even demigods can be obliterated.

Besides, this is Xiao Yun who has been ridiculed in their hands.

"I have to make a quick decision. The more people who cut Yuwen's, the better!" At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes blinked as he blinked.

"Battle!" Seeing only the front, Yu Wen Chengtian strode forward towards Xiao Yun.

Jinyang Shenmu!

When the steps were taken, he immediately urged Jin Yang's eyes.

All I saw was that Yuwen Chengtian's eyebrows were squirming, and the golden eyes condensed and formed.

call out!

The next moment, the god's eyes opened, and a ray of Shenmang burst out towards Xiao Yun.

The golden hole of the god's eyes penetrated the void, and the god's tremble shook, leaving a long tail flame in the void.

A prestige of the world permeated.

"Broken!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he strode forward, leaving his fists empty.

This punch blasted out, and the void in front collapsed, smashing the eyes directly.

An immense amount of combat power swept up with the might of heaven and earth.

Today Xiao Yun is more powerful than before.

When he shot, there was a trace of inexplicable divine power.

This mighty power comes from the soul.

This is the momentum brought about by the gradual condensing of his life pattern after his Nirvana.


The majesty of the vast world broke out, crushing the power of Yuwen Chengtian's eye.

"This kid, actually has this fighting power?" Seeing this, Yu Wenhao next to him looked slightly surprised.

"It seems to be stronger than before?" Yu Wen Chengtian also stunned.

But he didn't think too much.

Jinyang Town!

Then, his eyes were condensed ~ ~ The eyebrows of the eyebrows kept squirming.

Only one round of Jin Yang was seen bursting out of his eyes.

When this Jinyang evolved, a vast Jinyang divine power suppressed the front.

With this power, the aftermath of Xiao Yun's fist gradually collapsed.

"Lock the sky!" Then, Yu Wen Chengtian pulled with both hands, and immediately evolved the lock-up mystery.

The golden sunburst flickered, the road pattern dangled, and the heavens and earth began to freeze.

A force that locked the sky capsized towards Xiao Yun.

This power can not only block the heavens and the earth, but also block the true blood in the human body.

Even Xiao Yun felt like his blood was going to be blocked.

"Locking up the upright righteousness?" Xiao Yun frowned, but the step was sharply forward.

"Swallow the sky!"

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