Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1608: First appearance

Where the Yuwen's market platform is located, those demigods are angry and angry.

It's abnormal to ridicule so many people at once.

Unfortunately, they had to stare.

Because it is impossible to communicate with the Shenxu boundary at this time.

Of course, they also sent messages in an attempt to get information from other clans.

Maybe someone just happened to know the news and then broke up and left?

But this happened in Daoshan.


Within the mountain.

On the high platform, all the children of Yuwen's descended.

But the people outside knew nothing.

After the energy of the Suo Tianshen leaves was exhausted, the light pattern was restrained, and the Suo Tianshen leaves turned into a golden pattern and merged into the void of the Shenxu.

As the **** of locks disappeared, Xiao Yun's body also appeared in the sight of everyone.

For a while, countless eyes were staring at the area where Xiao Yun was.

"Xiao Yun wasn't dead?" First of all, the practitioners of all ethnic groups were shocked.

Then, when everyone's eyes moved, they saw Xiao Yun's side, and there was no one left.

"Brother Chengtian!" Qin Xinghe was shocked inside.

"Brother Yuwen Hao!" Zheng Tianci's eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Yu Wenshi's people are all gone!" The monks of all races showed shocked faces.

"How is this possible!" Zheng Tiancheng's heart was shaking.

Yuwen's more than 700 people all disappeared.

This is seven hundred geniuses!

Among them, Yu Wenchengtian and Yu Wenhao are Tianjiao with the blood of God King.

But now they are all gone.

Suddenly, practitioners of all races set their sights on Xiao Yun.

The audience suddenly became silent.

Everyone seemed to want to hear Xiao Yun announce the results.

Xiao Yun's eyes glanced in all directions, his eyes glanced at the people of Qingtian and Giant Spirit.

He was not emotionally disturbed by the shock in these people's eyes.

Some are just cold.

"Without the lock of the gods in the sky, even if they cut off one person, they can collapse their cards and leave the Shenxu boundary. Moreover, there are many people of these two races. It is not easy to destroy them all." Eyes regret, not to mention there is the proud horse of the Jiuyang Holy Palace nearby.

He wanted to succeed in the eyes, but it was not so easy.

This is also the case, Xiao Yun will only ask Yuwen's people to urge Tiansuo Ye to die.

In order not to let others stop it.

However, when Xiao Yun didn't speak, the people of Qingtian and Giant Spirits were anxious.

"People of Yuwen's?" Zheng Tiancheng's eyes narrowed and he cried.

People of all races are the colors of Mu Lu's inquiry.

At this point, even the Tianjiao of the top ten Wuhun clans were curious.

They also want to know the results.

"The battle was decided in life and death. Now that I am born, they are naturally ridiculed!" Xiao Yun's eyes turned, as if the blade stared at Zheng Tiancheng.

The voice was cold, and fell in the ears of the two great protoss, just like a sharp blade, making them chilling.

"What! It's ridiculous!"

"How is this possible!" Both the monks of the Optimus and the Giant Spirit cried out inexorably, showing shocked faces.

They are hostile to Xiao Yun, and the reaction is naturally the biggest.

"How could this guy be so strong?" Chu Yunfei's eyes were also shocked.

At this point, his contempt for Xiao Yun finally began to put away a little bit.

Earlier, he was confident because he had inherited the God of Heaven, and he thought that few people could compete with him in the sanctuary.

When you grow up in the future, you will become the honor of God.

So even if he knew Xiao Yun's prestige in Tianwu City, he didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

But now after he saw Xiao Yun's demise of Yuwen's 700 geniuses alone, he had to look at this young man.

"He should also have the opportunity to be against the sky!" Chu Yunfei's heart murmured, and when he turned towards Xiao Yun, he appeared with vigilance.

"What! This Xiao Yun alone killed all the children of Yuwen's family ?!" When Xiao Yun's words fell, those who watched in the distance were also shocked.

"What kind of means does this guy have?" Ji Ziyuan murmured, his eyes fixed.

"This Xiao Yun is unfathomable and unproblematic!" Said many geniuses from the ancestral land around Yuan Tianmao.

When they turned to Xiao Yun, they looked jealous.

Now, they are really unwilling to provoke this young man.

If it is said that they defeated Ji Ziyuan and Zhou Qiwen, let everyone know Xiao Yun, but it is not enough to cause people to fear.

But Li Wenyu Chengtian and Yu Wenhao are not the same.

This is really Tianjiao!

How many people can cut Yuwen Chengtian in the field?

"He is so strong?" Even Zuo Qing was stunned, staring at Xiao Yun with an unbelievable face.

Although he learned the name of Xiao Yun, he did not expect that the latter would be so powerful.

"Oh! Happy!" Xiao Tianye laughed loudly.

Xiao Hong next to him also smiled.

As for the others, most of them were still shocked.

At this point, it is difficult for them to believe that someone can alone defeat the hundreds of geniuses of Yuwen's.

"This Xiao Yun is stronger than I imagined!" Zhou Qiwen whispered in the area where the young man who swallowed the soul of the sky stood.

At this time, they were also paying close attention to Xiao Yun.

"It's strong!" Said a young man frowning beside him.

This is Zhou's contemporary arrogance, stronger than Zhou Qiwen, named Zhou Qitian!

"If we want to start ..." Zhou Qiwen whispered.

"There is no need to do anything in this Shenxu." Zhou Qitian said lightly.

Everyone beside them nodded.

It is meaningless to start in this realm of Shenxu, unless it can be completely wiped out.

Moreover, their Zhou family is not as simple as trying to erase Xiao Yun.

Subsequently, Zhou Qiwen and others held their chests with both hands, staring at Xiao Yun in front.

At this time, the Qingtian and Giant Spirit people set off a stormy sea in their hearts.

The shock in everyone's hearts was long overwhelming.

"You ... did you cut off all of Yuwen's people?" In this shocking mood, a genius of a giant spirit clan asked with a questioning tone.

The geniuses beside him were also cold.

But Zheng Tianci was surprisingly silent at this time.

Because at this time he was full of fear when he rushed to Xiao Yun.

Lian Yuwen Cheng scorned, what would happen if he confronted this young man?

Thinking of this, he couldn't calm down, so he didn't speak easily.

"What! Do you want to take revenge on them?" Seeing the giant spirit people opening, Xiao Yun stared at the light, staring coldly at the giant spirit man.

A strong momentum oppressed.

"I ..." After hearing that, the young man retreated back and forth, his eyes horrified.

At this time, he remembered that Xiao Yunlian beheaded Yuwen's genius, and he was not qualified to compete with it.

So he hurried back and dared not speak much.

Even Zheng Tianci frowned.

"Haha, haven't you been deliberately thinking about killing me in the realm of Shenxu?" Everyone who saw the giant spirits remained silent, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a slight arc, and his eyes were glanced, glanced ahead Humanity of the two races, "Now that I am Xiao Yun, who dares to fight me life and death?"

The words were crazy, accompanied by a powerful momentum, Xiao Yun's bursts of hair were flying, he was like a king, carrying giant spirits and people of Qingtian clan.

The sound wave spread, making the face of the giant spirit people look ugly.

"Oh, the Tianjiao of the giant spirit clan? Don't you dare?" Xiao Yun's eyes lighted and he turned to the Tianjiao of the Qingtian clan, "Then you?"

Xiao Yun's eyes turned, his eyes fell on Qin Xinghe and Qin Zhong, and so on Tianjiao, the provocative meaning is self-evident.

In fact, Xiao Yun really wanted to take advantage of these days of pride.

Because if it is outside, opportunities are even more rare.

That's why he deliberately did so, in order to stimulate the Tianjiao battle between the two groups.

Scanned by Xiao Yun's provocative eyes, Qin Xinghe's brows were tightly locked.

Even with the clenched palm of his hand, he already intended to take a shot.

"Prince Xinghe, we have already obtained the stone of the god's ruins. Based on this, we should be able to trap this Xiao Yun and wound it. Why not fight with it?"

The genius of an Optimus clan beside him couldn't help it. He moved his eyes and sent a voice to Qin Xinghe, trying to take this Xiao Yun down with one shot.

"Stone of the gods?" Wen Yan said, then Qin Xinghe frowned.

They did prepare the stone of the Shenxu before, and planned to deploy the array to win Xiao Yun in one fell swoop.

But now Qin Xinghe is hesitant.

First of all, the stone cloth of the Shenxu array requires a lot of manpower.

Here, there are children of Xiao Family and people from the Ice and Snow Palace. They don't want to join forces to arrange the array.

Moreover, even if the formation method is deployed, who can guarantee that they will all be killed directly like Yuwen's people?

If so, you really dug a pit and buried yourself!

So Qin Xinghe also showed hesitation.

Now, in his eyes, Xiao Yun is unpredictable, and if he is not sure, he cannot act rashly.

"This Xiao Yun should have something to rely on. At this time, he hasn't figured out what he knows, or it's better not to do anything!" With a slight hesitation, Qin Xinghe sent a message to the people next to him.

Seeing Qin Xinghe opening, the people next to him had to give up this plan.

Indeed, Xiao Yun's ability to destroy Yuwen's more than seven geniuses is enough to illustrate his heritage.

At this time, he rushed and easily pitted himself.

In this way, no one in the Optimus tribe spoke.

Now Xiao Yun's sharp edge has made all ethnic groups afraid.

"Aren't you going?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun sighed slightly and retracted the light from the Qingtian people.

He knew that it was difficult to win these people this time.

If there is a strong shot, there are many people on the other side, which is useless.

When the light of the eye was retracted, Xiao Yun's gaze turned around and he couldn't help looking at the disciples of Jiuyang Holy Palace.

There, Chu Yunfei was staring at him.

The two eyes collided and there was an invisible wave.

"I did n’t lock the heavenly tree. Even if I could defeat this Chu Yunfei ~ ~, I would not be able to completely kill it. Moreover, the people in Jiuyang Holy Palace would not let me kill it "Xiao Yun sighed in his heart, Jiuyang Holy Palace has a lot of geniuses, not to mention the three arrogances of the Yang Family, and there are many extraordinary characters beside it.

Such as Luoyang, Lin Chen's generation no fewer than dozens of people.

In addition, the people next to Qingtian will definitely take the shot.

There, but no fewer than ten clans gathered.

The strength of the Jiuyang Holy Palace is not something ordinary people can shake.

"You have to find another opportunity." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Then he retracted his eyes.

"Killing Xiao Yun, it is best to take it alone, otherwise it will expose my true strength, so unwise." Similarly, Chu Yunfei also retracted his eyes.

He didn't want to reveal his true strength too soon.

"Ask for next month's ticket, don't forget the recommended ticket."

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