Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1609: Daoshan Battle Platform

Xiao Yun's annihilation of Yuwen's genius was also a revenge for his ambush.

After seeing the people of Qingtian and Giant Spirits dare not take action, he had to give up the thoughts in his heart.

The atmosphere here is a little weird at the moment.

"This kid must have any means!" Yang Linghai's eyes flickered, Shen said.

"The sanctuary is vast and talented, but how many people can compete with me at Jiuyang Temple? Even if he has some means?" Yang Lingtian smiled slightly. "It is a pity that the two brothers of Yuwen Chengtian were beheaded. Then, in the future, they can become a big arm of our Jiuyang Holy Palace. "

He sighed slightly.

However, just after the first battle, Yu Wenshi accepted Xiao Yun's life-and-death battle, and their Jiuyang Holy Palace was not good enough to force their fortune.

"These two are too newsless." Yang Linghai frowned slightly.

"Things will be gone in the past. There are only two geniuses. In the sanctuary, there are still many such geniuses. I have no shortage of them in the Jiuyang Holy Palace. At this time, the divine path will open, and we should obtain The ladder of God is the most important thing. If this thing is obtained, when the Divine Road opens, my Jiuyang Holy Palace will occupy the general trend. "Yang Lingtian said lightly.

"That's it!" Wen Yan said that Yang Linghai and others beside him nodded slightly.

This is also one of the reasons they came to this area of ​​Shenxu.

At this point, the small storm is also over.

Behind Xiao Yun, Xiao's youth strolled.

"Oh, Xiao Yun, you are really great!" Many Xiao's geniuses could not help shouting and said without taboo.

"Good job!" Xiao Tianye walked, patted Xiao Yun's shoulder.

He looked excited.

"It is worthy of being Xiao's child!" Xiao Hong also laughed loudly, and he seemed very satisfied with the result.

If they do, they can't completely destroy this Yuwen family!

Only then did they understand why Xiao Yun insisted on revenge.

That's because he had long planned.

"Xiao Xiong's strength is beyond Zuo's imagination!" Zuo Qing also laughed loudly.

The children of Zuo Family around him were full of respect to Xiao Yun.

"Oh, just a little trick, just a coincidence." Xiao Yun smiled at everyone.

The success of this shot was also unexpected.

First of all, the Yuwen brothers did not know that Xiao Yun was pregnant with dzi.

This caused Yu Wenhao's blow to the Heavenly Locked Tree to be resisted.

Secondly, the Yuwen brothers did not know that Xiao Yun was also so powerful in the magic road, and the reincarnation uprising.

These are all Xiao Yun's cards.

If they knew that Xiao Yun had this information, things would not be so simple.

"Anyway, it's a blessing for you to be alive this time!" Xiao Hong didn't care why Xiao Yun could destroy Yuwen's 700 children.

"Yes, if you ridicule this, it is the misfortune of my Xiao family!" Xiao Tianye laughed.

After this battle, they also have a new understanding of Xiao's strength.

This is an absolutely unfathomable genius, and its potential is inestimable.

When everyone was trembling, the distant practitioners came.

"Oh, congratulations to Brother Xiao for coming to Daoshan successfully!" Murong Jingyun strolled, and there were several talented representatives of Qingyun Holy Palace beside him.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Yun fisted towards Murong Jingyun.

"This is my elder brother, Murong Jingyu!" Murong Jingyun introduced to Xiao Yun.

Beside him, there was a young man in a blue robe.

The man's eyes were stern, and he had an extraordinary trend.

"Brother Murong!" Xiao Yun fisted at this person.

"Oh, I have long missed the name of Gong Xiao. Seeing it today is a great blessing in life!" Murong Jingyu hugged his fist and laughed.

"Brother Murong joked!" Xiao Yun laughed.

At this time, someone came.

"I've seen Xiao Xiaozi!" This is Yuan Tianzhang, with Tianjiao behind him.

At the moment, everyone started to introduce.

In addition, Jue ’s Tianjiao also came.

The first one is the true arrogance of the ancestral land.

In addition, Ji Ziyuan and his brother Ji Zixu also came.

For a time, these superpowers Tianjiao of Sanctuary came to greet each other and intended to make Xiao Yun.

Originally, even though Xiao Yun was famous in Tianwu City, he couldn't let these real Tianjiao set off and take the initiative to make friends.

However, after Xiao Yun fought for 700 geniuses of Yuwen's alone, and cut off all of them, they already looked at Xiao Yun and placed them in a very high position.

Today, Xiao Yun seems to have the qualification to sit on top with Sanjiao Tianjiao.

Of course, Jiang Youdao, who is the one of the six reincarnations, is still noble like a son of God, and has no meaning to leave.

The Yao man was surprised, but he didn't leave.

After all, they hadn't had any friendship with Xiao Yun before. At this point, they obviously lost their identities.

But after this battle, they also gave Xiao Yun a high look.

"But I don't know where Xiao Yun can go in the next battle of the sacred martial arts." The heavens of all races are full of expectations.

Now they are full of interest in Xiao Yun's strength.

"Next, it will be to enter the Saint Wutai of Daoshan!" After a few moments of coldness, Xiao Hong's eyes condensed and he looked towards the area ahead.

The area where they are at this time is the periphery of Daoshan.

There is a long river ahead.

There is a bridge over the river leading to the central area of ​​Daoshan.

There is the Saint Wutai of Daoshan.

Enter the mountain and compete for the rank of the Holy Martial Arts.

The higher the ranking, the closer the Taotai practice will be to the eyes of Ding Shenxu.

In this way, the chance of obtaining the artifacts in the eyes of the gods will also increase.

In the same way, the platform is also where the people gather the gods and the road pattern, temper the Yuan infant, and cast the foundation of the Yuan Shen.

This is related to one's own interests, for this reason, the practitioners of all races will do their best to fight.

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his eyes couldn't help looking forward.

That was his goal.

Zuo Qing and others also turned in that direction.

"Then, let's go!" Xiao Yun glazed and murmured softly.

"Go!" Xiao Tianye waved his hand.

Suddenly, Xiao and Zuo's youth moved.

At this time, people of all races are already in the area in front of the platform in front.


When Xiao Yun came, what appeared in front was an area covered by the pattern.

Connected by a long bridge.

"After crossing the long bridge, you can enter the Daotai area!" Xiao Tianye said.

In this regard, Xiao Yun and others have already known.

Changqiao is just a transition place, and anyone who comes to Daoshan can enter it smoothly.

So Xiao Yun and others entered the central area of ​​Daoshan very smoothly.

Immediately after entering the central area of ​​Daoshan, a mighty avenue of power enveloped them.

Under this prestige, everyone stood in reverence.

Even Xiao Tianye, who had been wild, converged his breath.

That prestige makes people dare not profane ~ ~ The place where everyone set foot is a wide place.

But looking up, they are battle platforms composed of pyramids.

There is a huge levitation suspension in the void on this platform.

The pattern of wriggles, like a cyclone, seems to connect the source of Tao.

"That is the battlefield of the Tao!" After entering, the practitioners of all races couldn't help but gather the eyes on the battlefield of the Tao.

Similarly, there are the traces that flow like a cyclone.

That is the eye of the gods!

"Eye of Shenxu!" Xiao Yun glanced, his heart inexplicably inspiring.

According to the data, in the eyes of the Shenxu, there is a **** ladder with a god's path!

If this thing is obtained, the license may be broken into the secret of God.

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