Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1610: 2 Domain Genius Collection

Central area of ​​Daoshan.

<> When you set foot here, you can see a huge battlefield of Tao.

Above the battlefield, there is a road pattern.

This pattern covers the entire battlefield.

The breath of the boulevard is shaken from within this pattern.

This pattern is also called the Eye of the God's Ruins by those in the sanctuary.

At this time, the practitioners of all races set their eyes on the Taotai and Shenxu ahead.

Xiao Yun quickly recovered his eyes from the eyes of the gods.

Near the battle platform of Tao, there is a pillar surrounding the battle platform.

If you look at it at once, it will be as dense as a tianzhu.

"Ordinary practitioners can only comprehend the mysteries of Shinto on this pillar." The light on the left side of Qing Zuo flashed and murmured.

There are stone steps in front, directly connected to the battle platform of the Tao.

But before the stone steps, there was a monument.

Everyone must strike with their magical powers, and the stele will decide whether to let you enter the battlefield of Tao based on your accomplishments.

This is the initial phase-out.

Such a stele has eight sides.

Corresponds to eight steps.

"This battle of the sacred martial arts list will bring together the top geniuses in the sacred realm, Tian Yao realm, and it will be a grand event, let's go!" Xiao Tianye's eyes were fiery, and that step had already taken.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun and others followed.

Many people have gathered in front of the monument.

When the crowd appeared in front of the monument, a flash of light struck each person into the space of a monument.

Then, just shoot inside.

This way, you don't have to wait in line to get here.

"Evolve your strongest blow!" When Xiao Yun came to this monument, he felt his body flutter, like entering a mysterious space.

Then the low voice sounded.

"This monument is magical." Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and he smiled as he looked forward.

At this time, there was no one around him, but there was a monument in front of him that bloomed in the avenue.

"Did the strongest blow evolve?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he began to gather momentum.

First of all, behind him, the magical world evolved, and a general trend of heaven and earth began to condense on him.

"Fist of Heaven and Earth!" As Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, his fist blasted away towards the ancient monument in front.


A punch blasted out, containing the potential of heaven and earth, and the vast war will be shaken, and the void will collapse.

It was just that the ancient monument was unharmed and bears Xiao Yun's fist firmly.


The fist blasted on the ancient monument with shocking waves.

It's just that this ancient monument has a wavy pattern, and that kind of fluctuation has been resolved.

Then, the light streaks flickered, and all the fluctuations disappeared.

There are no waves in this space, and nothing seems to have happened.

"Supernatural mysticism, talent, high!"

"Combat power, extremely high!"

"You can enter the platform of the Tao and make the final battle!"

After a punch, there was a low voice in this ancient monument space immediately.

Subsequently, a gleam flashed into a purple mark on Xiao Yun's eyebrow.

This is the representative of the level.

Only talented generations can condense purple patterns.

After this purple market pattern was imprinted on the brows, Xiao Yun rippled in front of him, and then he dissipated directly from the place.

When he appeared, he had already appeared on the battlefield where the battlefield of Tao was.

This is the top waiting table.

The waiting platform is located at the edge of Dao's platform, like a round platform surrounding Dao's platform.

When Xiao Yun settled, there was a purple throne behind him that condensed automatically.

He was just settled, and a shadow appeared around him.

This is Xiao Tianye.

Subsequently, Xiao Hong also appeared.

There is a purple mark on their brows.

On this platform, Xiao Yun also saw many geniuses.

Such as Zuo Qing, Ji Ziyuan, Ji Zixu.

However, people such as Jingchenfeng have not been able to enter the table.

They were on a stand below the steps.

More people were eliminated directly and had to fall on the rear pillar.

Only those real geniuses can enter the battlefield.

"At the moment the Fangdaotai is open, it is the time for the decisive battle." Xiao Hong whispered beside Xiao Yun.

If the road opens, the rest of the people will be disqualified from participating in the decisive battle before they come to the mountain.

Xiao Yun nodded and closed his eyes after glancing at the people around him.

Here, the grading geniuses of all races will be brought together.

These include the top ten martial arts souls of ancient times, as well as the geniuses of the Four Palaces and the Pure Land in June.

Even the Holy Martial Arts Temple and Tianjian Valley have sent people here.

In addition, there are people in the Tian Yao domain.

However, Xiao Yun did not see anyone in the Tian Yao domain.

Those people will gather on the opposite stage.

In this realm of Shenxu, there is also a ancestral heritage of the Yao tribe.

It's just that they are in a different area than the Terrans.

The place of entry is different.

Time passed quietly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

There are more and more people on this mountain.

Finally, the buzz of a avenue suddenly sounded in this world.

This sound oscillated and resounded through the entire boundary of Shenxu.

It can be heard by people from almost every corner.

"The Tao sounds, and after seven days, the battle of Dao will begin!" When the sound sounded, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly.

Tianjiao, the big family with closed eyes, couldn't help but open his eyes.

However, they quickly closed their eyes.

The crowd continued to calm down.

In fact, at this time sitting on the platform, Xiao Yun could also feel the richness of Shinto.

With this nourishment of breath, he feels that his mind and state of affairs are gradually consummating.

It seems that the state of demigod is just around the corner.

On the other side of the mountain, there are many geniuses.

That is the genius of Tian Yao Domain.

The Tianjiao of the Demon Clan is one of the most imposing people, as if the ancient beasts came down.

Among these people, there are some familiar figures.

Such as Kong Qigongzi is here.

"On the continent, only a few people set foot on this mountain." Kong Qigongzi glanced at Tianjiao around him, his eyes revealing his sigh.

There are many demon Tianjiao around Kong Qigongzi, but few come out from the **** continent.

Many people set foot on the ancient road.

There are Kirin Prince, Princess Kirin, Seven Killer Son, Peacock Son, God Phoenix Son, Princess Tianlian, and other Genius Geniuses.

However, the battle in the land of Hunyuan made the Seven Killers disappear.

"I wonder if they are still alive today?" Kong Qigong sighed.

His eyes flickered, and there was a man with a dragon crown beside him.

This is the dragon son, also from the **** continent.

In addition, Princess Tianlian is also here.

She also entered the Phoenix vein safely.

As for the **** phoenix, it is in the battlefield below.

Coming to the sanctuary, they have their own fate.

"Tianming has inherited the heritage of swallowing the sky tits, and now retreat, Tianshuang is also retreating." Kong Qigongzi blinked.

In the end ~ ~ it set its sight on the opposite side.

Opposite is the battle platform of Dao, which is completely covered by Dao Wen, which makes it unable to see the human genius opposite the battle platform.

"But I don't know if there are acquaintances there?" Kong Qigongzi looked up, but also could not help but take a deep breath.

At that time, the Yuanyuan Land changed so suddenly that it could live, and it was already luck.

Can others be alive?

Thinking of it, a young man appeared in his mind.

It was this young man who shot and rescued them under Zheng Jing.

"If he is still alive, he must rise in the sanctuary, right?" Kong Qigongzi secretly thought, but his eyes were a bit lonely.

In a foreign land, although I met new friends, I inevitably remembered those old people.

Think of those brothers who were born and died together.

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